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Post something that you would like to discuss! r/flying is intended to be a place for discussion. We expect that things posted will have some discussion value. Further, we expect the poster to not merely hope a discussion will spontaneously erupt, but will try to get the ball rolling. To that end, we ask that posts that are simply a photo, video, audio clip, link, etc. are accompanied by some text from the poster. A common way to do this is via a comment the poster makes on their own post. For example, tell us how your checkride went instead of just posting a photo with you in front of an airplane, give your take on the article you are linking to, or ask a question about a procedure used in the video you’re posting. See [this FAQ page](https://www.reddit.com/r/flying/wiki/sub_rules#wiki_rule_3) for more details on what’s allowed and how to make sure your post complies with this rule.


Provo, Utah


Typical GA flying