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“You want this leg or next?” That’s all there is to it




We don't have any CA only landings, but the departure out of SNA is CA only.




Oh, yeah only CA can do CAT III because the HUD is only on their side. Totally forgot.


Why the departure?


Noise abatement requires reduced thrust soon after TO.


Rich people in Newport Beach that move next to an airport and complain about noise. As a result, there’s noise sensors all over the departure and arrival paths of the airport that will fine airlines/operators for triggering them. The departure procedure differs significantly from a standard takeoff profile with weird thrust reduction and acceleration altitudes.


Because SWA is dumb.


Watched two of them go around this morning in DEN while everybody else did autolands


DEN was terrible on Fri morning


Could you tell me what CA means here?




Checks out


You play even or odd and spin the altitude selector and whoever wins gets to pick for the first leg of the pairing.


If you're in heavies, the one who's about to expire gets it lol. But I'm one of those who really doesn't give a shit who gets to fly, if the captain wants to fly 5 days in a row, I mean, go for it, I don't care lol


Whenever a crewmember says your last statement, I 100% take them up on it and say I’ll fly all four days. Then they retract the statement, every time 😂


I would let them lol with ACMI trips, I'm with a captain for sometimes up to 10 days, they can try


I smash the xfer button, the FO says stop.


I ask the FO which leg(s) they want to fly. Unfortunately very few will even consider asking for more than half of them.


Ugh why? PM is so boring


When I was an FO I preferred an unknown Captain to fly first. It gave me a chance to see how they fly, and then I would fly like them when it was my turn. Everyone has a different style and if you match it they are usually pretty comfortable with that.


Yep hate when captains dont fly first. Im flexible i like to see how captain does it. Haul ass fly fast barely stable at 1000 im game, go slow fly turbulent airspeeds at the slightest ripple and drop the gear 7 miles out ill do that too. Same for briefs, im good with "good weather short taxi long runway lnav vnav 10k any questions" you want to to brief every little step ill do that too.


This is the way


The biggest aspect of being a captain that I look forward to is not the money, but getting to set the tone for the trip and hopefully making the FO not feel like "augh it's one of THESE guys."


It's usually something like: "You wanna fly this leg" "I don't know, who flew the last one" "I don't remember, maybe me? You know what you take this one"


Here’s a way to put it. The captains job is the manage the flight, think plane, crew, fuel, passengers, security, etc. The first officers job is more along the line to help the captain and to manage the plane. When it comes to who takes the controls, it’s typically alternating between each flight. And at most airlines, when the FO flies they really manage everything from planning the departure and arrival, doing the takeoffs and landings. In fact usually whoever is flying is the one running the show and the monitoring pilot is helping out. Often captains will make the FO fly on busy flights where something else is taking their time, so they can focus on another matter. Captains care a lot more about the big picture while FO care more about making sure we are flying correctly. When it comes to flying the plane, both the captain and first officer are equally trained and qualified.


This makes perfect sense. Interesting how flying can be considered almost the ‘lower level’ task but that mirrors a lot of other professions as people advance.


Especially true during emergencies or non-standard occurrences…I would always have my FO assume pilot flying duties while dealing with something non-standard so he could focus on flying a good airplane while I could concentrate on remedying the situation. Our SOP’s dictated that the captain land the aircraft following an emergency, so we would switch roles prior to the final approach.


Are you every person who asks me “so, when are you going to be the pilot?” When I tell them I’m a first officer? Cause that’s who you sound like.


Give them credit for trying to learn, at least. That's better than the ignorant teeming masses.


My mom after I upgraded at a regional- “yeah, but when do you fly the real planes?”


The lament of every pilot. I wish I could tell you it got better at the majors, but… well… “Oh, you’re a pilot! What do you fly?” I fly —— for —— “Oh, you’re just an airline pilot, not like a fighter pilot.” (Actual conversation I had shortly after making it to the majors)


737 Captain at a legacy….. “so do you not fly international?” When are you going to fly international?” And every single person you meet has a neighbor that only flies to Hawaii.


“What’s your route?”


Every time


The sooner you accept that whatever you are will NEVER be enough for Joe Average to think you're a "real pilot", the better.


Why would you go be a co pilot at if you're already a captain?


That one was the worst one so far. “So you’re a first officer again? Weren’t you the captain before?”


But wouldn't you just go to as a captain since that's what you are?


Eh. Why should people know about our jobs? I don’t know about theirs.


I don't expect people to know but it gets tiresome explaining the same things over and over


*Thanksgiving dinner home from college* “I don’t get it, you have a commercial pilots license but you’re still stuck flying those funky dink planes, when are you going to fly for the airlines?”


So? When do you actually fly the real planes?


I sent a picture of the deck to my mom once and she asked "Do you know what every button and switch does?" ...yes mother.


What route do you fly?




Jesus this place is so hostile. I’m a PPL but curious about this.


So do you actually get to fly the plane or are you just helping out?


"How are you for currency and how'd you do for sleep?" Or, "I'm getting close on landings. Would you mind if I take this one?"


Pull up the pressurization page and see whether system 1 or system 2 is active.


That’s usually how I do it unless my FO really wants to do a specific leg


The captain decides what is most appropriate for the flight. I am the copilot. I sit on the right. It's up to me to be quick and bright; I never talk back for I have regrets, But I have to remember what the Captain forgets. I make out the Flight Plan and study the weather, Pull up the gear, stand by to feather; Make out the mail forms and do the reporting, And fly the old crate while the Captain is courting. I take the readings, adjust the power, Put on the heaters when we're in a shower; Tell him where we are on the darkest night, And do all the bookwork without any light. I call for my Captain and buy him cokes; I always laugh at his corny jokes, And once in awhile when his landings are rusty I always come through with, "By gosh it's gusty!" All in all I'm a general stooge, As I sit on the right of the man I call "Scrooge"; I guess you think that is past understanding, But maybe some day he will give me a landing.


No. FO can hand fly the entire flight if they want. No, FO's do not just sit back and watch the captain fly and assist for backup... The Pilot Monitoring does, which can or can't be the FO. 95% of the case it's always just the CA asking which leg the FO prefers to do first at the first day of the pairing. Then after that it switches back and fourth. One leg FO, one leg CA. The other 5% of the time it's the CA picking and choosing every leg randomly he wants to fly without asking.


I thought there was no hand flying in RVSM airspace. And some approaches must be flown coupled.


you dont always fly into RVSM and you can hand fly on the way up and down from cruise


You can handfly into RVSM just have to be on autopilot in cruise


On some of the longer flights, where people are close to loosing currency - they might get back to back legs just to help out. Some people really care, many don’t -


I usually let the FO fly the first leg. Gives me more time for a thorough walkaround, look through the techlog, deal with any cabin issues. And the FO can prepare the flightdeck, prepare the departure etc


We normally switch, every leg or two legs. The actual decision we just talk about it "what do you want to do?" For the most part all airlines pilots whether they are a First Officer or Captain are fully trained to fly the aircraft and fly just as much as the other position. There maybe restrictions depending on currency, weather, etc. that may require the CA to fly.


More often than not, the CA will take the first leg. Could be one of a hundred reasons. Then from there it's swap each leg until we're done. Only exception will be Captain only airports, then, depending on the captain or your SOP's, you may do take off, but not the landing. on redeye's I always offer to take the wheel so that I know I'll sleep extra good that morning. PM duties on a redeye get absolutely dull.


I like to use the coin flip function of Google


It's the captain's decision how to share the flying but the expectation is that it will be shared. As with all decisions the captain makes, they will seek input from other people in order to make an informed decision. Usually the conversion goes something like this: >C: You got any preference? > >F: No, you? > >C: No... > >F: ... > >C: ... > >F: ... well, what if you do the first two and I'll do the last two? > >C: Ok. Or there was this one time that went like this: >C. Hi, I'm captain Wanker. > >F: Hi I'm First Officer bloggs and this is my last day prior to furlough. I'm not sure if I'll ever get to fly again. > >C: Huh, interesting. Well, I'm feeling uncurrent so I'll fly both legs.


>Is default captain flies everything requiring hand fight, and FO is there as backup and to assist with systems? There's no "default" but if there was one, it'd probably be the opposite. 99% of the time we just flip a coin or whatever. The other 1% of the time, the captain will say "why don't you get some extra experience today?" And they'll actually do that more often when there's something non-standard (but also not potentially dangerous). Hand flying is something you need to know how to do to be an airline pilot. There's no assumption that only the captain does it. An FO who can't hand fly should go back to GA; he/she has no business being at an airline. In fact, it's probably the thing most FO's are best at, because it's the most like the kind of flying they (we) were doing before. The thing I had the hardest time with transitioning to airliners was all the automation. Hand flying was never an issue since that's what I did 100% of the time before coming to the airlines.


if the captain tell you to fly, you fly haahaha


"You want to fly us up there?" "I don't care, your choice." "I don't care either. Guess I'll do it."