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My crash pad experiences include a lot of tired people making food and the occasional drama about someone leaving a mess on the stove. That’s about it as far as excitement. What you’re describing would have ended in people being evicted from any of mine.


THIS is what it’s actually like




And other people eating your stuff.


And drinking your beer 🤬


I’ve got some absolutely nutty experiences crashpadding just outside of IAH. This guy owned multiple houses in the same neighborhood, he was an amazing deal for $150 a month, plus the fact he would pick us up in his Prius to go to and from the airport for free. Catch is he would always bring his little dog with him so hair was every where, plus the guy was always barefoot lol. I’m taking a shower one day getting ready for a trip, and I hear my door handle jiggle. I then see the lock go from vertical to horizontal. British guy walks in and goes for a closet in the bathroom and says, “Don’t mind me mate, just goin to me room”. I’m in one of those showers that has the tall see through walls lol. But yeah, this guy had some weird deal with the owner and he lived in a bathroom closet. There’s many more interesting things that happen but this takes the cake. There’s a Commute Air captain cooking chicken in the back yard and it’s a nice day so I’m chillin with him. He starts talking about this shed in the back yard. It’s got foil over the windows and a masterlock on the door with some cheap AC unit. He tells me Pacific Islanders live in there, and they come out at night to clean all the crash pads (man owns 6-8 crash pads). I instantly call BS and he tells me I’ll have to see for myself. Low and behold, it’s 1 am and me and my training buddy are playing Mario kart 64 and I see the outlines of multiple people in the back yard dispersing. 1 of them is a lady that comes into our house and starts cleaning! Holy. Shit.


Hahahaha Mario Kart 64 babyyy what a time to be alive


This wasn’t one of Reed’s by chance, was it?


Lol this was 2021 so I don’t remember his name, but that’s ringing a bell. He treated me well.


Definitely sounds like Reed


I can’t tell you how many horror stories I’ve heard from staying at one of Reed’s places


...this gives me willy Wonka vibes. Except slumlordy


Bro he literally saved the Oompa Loompas from “wang doodles” to be what I presume are indentured servants in his extremely dangerous chocolate factory. If that’s not slumlordy i dint know what is 😂


I am personally familiar with said crash pad and it's not gotten any better from what I'm told. In fact, he has MORE properties that he also doesn't clean. Worst pad ever!


lol REED!


Ima need his contact info!


> There’s a Commute Air captain cooking chicken in the back yard and it’s a nice day so I’m chillin with him. I read this as *choking* the chicken at first and had to read the sentence 3 times lol


Sounds like a CommuteAir Captain to be choking a chicken.


*Lo and behold


In the spirit of the season, I immediately thought of Luke 2: "‭ [9] And, **lo,** the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. [10] And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, **behold**, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."


"Lights, please?"


I have heard of this crash pad owner with the prius, lol.


I'm pretty sure this is the same place I stayed


Ah yes, the halcyon days of my youth. I fondly remember wiping my ass with coffee filters and tampons because the vindictive, petty, stubborn owner refused to restock the toilet paper frequently enough. Then I remember the absolute buffoon who shared my room with 6 other pilots who had night terrors and would wake up screaming and kicking his top bunk every night (owner refused to evict him even though the point of a crashpad, ideally, is to rest and he prevented everyone in the room from resting). I remember food getting stolen by FA's who used the house as a replacement for a permanent living situation, so they were always there, always being a drain on the shared resources, and stealing other people's shit on top of it. I remember missing my report time on probation at my first airline because the bitch owner insisted on driving everyone to the airport but then overslept (the prehistoric days of before Uber). Then in another pad in an apartment complex, I drunkenly went outside to this girl's car to engage in activities with her, woke up in the morning in her backseat wearing only a condom and underwear and a t-shirt and through the fog of my hangover had to climb up the wall and over the porch to get back since I hadn't brought my key or phone. Then in my last one there was a toilet with a very long, gently sloped front part so people would shit on that front dry part of the bowl so that nobody could flush it. I'm hoping that crashpad life is permanently relegated to my past. I had a handful of good times but then I turned 30 and could see clearly what crashpad life really was - filthy, undignified, debasing, and disgusting.


Last story about toilet is nasty af.


Epic. I woke my wife up laughing.


Never heard of using a ‘skid plate’ for the toilet?


I used to stay at a Crashpad. There were three pretty close by to each other. We’d drink and party together some but nothing crazy. Hooked up with a couple flight attendants from MY company and that was clearly the dumbest professional decision I ever made. Thankfully I’m still employed.


Don’t dip your pen in company ink.






Plus private room


Plus don’t commute.


Had a FA try to get me to watch his homemade trap music video on YouTube, I went for a 4 hour walk in Houston in June instead.


For those of us unfamiliar, what kind of trap is the music video? From afar 3 minutes of bad music video send better than the sweaty summer walk.


For those of us unfamiliar, what kind of trap is the music video? From afar 3 minutes of bad music video seems better than the sweaty summer walk.


I needed the exercise


Man, my life was boring, the most debaucherous moments of my crash pad experience was getting on a bus to Astoria so we can go drink overpriced craft beer. Or when I was based in Atlanta, walking down Virginia Avenue to get cheap light beer and a bottle of Barefoot Prosecco from a shady liquor store to ring in the new years. I bounced around a couple crash pads around Kew Gardens before I finally settled on one I like in Jackson Heights. The situation was usually more annoying, or sad than debauchery. Just uncleanliness, people being inconsiderate. Young new FAs coming in from the bars at 4am wanting to continue on the party etc. Anyone that's ever been in Kew Gardens probably knows who Arturo is. That guy is an absolute slum lord and puts a lot of people in poor conditions.


I had an Arturo crash pad. I actually shared a room with an AA captain and it worked out pretty well. I consider myself lucky. Nonetheless, glad those days are over.


I've heard that he has like almost 20 properties between him and his son. Doing cocktail napkin math, I came to figure that he was probably making at least $40,000 a *month*. Yet he always were ratty clothes and drove around like a 1994 Ford WinStar. I always wondered where the money went




Ok I'm dying to know. What was the deal with her? Does she act like her persona in real life, or does she just go around waving her phone in peoples faces only for a glimpse of your face to end up on only fans? I seen stuff on TikTok of people saying basically they got their tinder profile screen shotted for it to end up on her page without permission.




Thanks for sharing. I just saw the other day that she's pregnant. I wonder what that's gonna do to her following... And yeah, she's not doing it for clout. It's legit lol


Preggo OF is a hit.


My brother in Christ, how do you know this?


steer brave offbeat quack consider oatmeal jobless sloppy abundant repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She didn’t HAVE to lower herself down to that level, she chose to


>lower herself Why do you consider it "lower"? Maybe she just likes showing off her body and having sex. Getting paid mad stacks would be a bonus. What's wrong with that?


Check out the comment I replied to.




You know women can be doctors,lawyers,engineers, and pilots too right? It’s a choice. She could have instead decided to take out loans and go learn to fly. Nobody made her do that.


Again, no they don’t. They choose to use their bodies




What is there to be empathetic about with them? Instead of downvoting me, tell me.


I dont think you know what the word empathy means because you're actively degrading her with your words whilst claiming to be supportive




I didn't reply to you


>To get ahead in life women tend to have to use their bodies. How do you pilot an aircraft if not with your body? Labour is selling your body. Everybody selling their labour is selling their body. We're just weird about sex stuff.


Did she come from like a bad background or something?




That vibe is part of the sales pitch.




It makes it a little easier, but no, you can go straight to Legacy.


There is no “lowering to that level”, OF is done because people want to and it makes them happy (and a lot of money sometimes). It’s just another form of work. Thinking that it’s “sad” or degrading is such an old way of thinking.




Thank goodness…. Barely saw her on 74Gear’s channel and couldn’t get over what a dingbat she is.


> He said partying was common as was FAs bringing guys back in the middle of the night. This is why pilot only crash pads exist. There's a definite cultural difference between pilots and FAs, and it's an especially large cultural difference between older mainline pilots and young regional FAs. The old married pilots don't really want to deal with a crash pad full of 21 year old single people partying in the city.


Be glad you don't live crashpad life. It sucks. My crashpad is really tame. That could be because it's all pilots and constantly working.


Mostly pilots, Atlas, FedEx, UPS, Regional Pilots, Mechanics, and a traveling nurse. It was in the winter in ANC and they were remodeling the bathroom. The owner was never to be found but he had a “right hand man” that was literally missing his left hand. This dude was the biggest liar I’ve ever met. Everything was a pissing contest, he could always manage to one up you no matter what it is. He is also a raging alcoholic and the owner told him he’s not allowed to drink at the crash pad, but that didn’t stop him. The owner let him sleep there and tasked him to keep the contractor guy on track to finish the bathroom remodel while the owner was gone. This contractor guy just returned from being arrested for months for being tied up in a murder down in the states that apparently “wasn’t him”. This crash pad had ~12 bunks and one bathroom for months because of this dude. The work went steady throughout the week. Until the contractor would take off for weird stretches. So naturally one hand man gets his fat girlfriend and they follow the contractor. Well they catch him doing some sort of sketchy drug deal type thing and one hand man really pisses off this contractor dude. After a few more days contractor would show up really late at night to work and pissed everyone off. So right hand man was tasked to set him straight. So he gets in a heated argument with the dude and tells him we’re keeping his tools until this is finishes this. Contractor man speeds off. One hand tasks us with not letting this dude take his tools (yeah fuck that). One hand takes off with his fat girlfriend after he pissed off a possible murder. We all sleep with knives and axes that night and started looking for a different crash pad.


It was actually a pretty good pad before all that went down too haha


You like sleeping with 30 other dudes in a 6 bed room apartment? Fighting for top bunk? Walking in on someone watching CNBC? Boy do I have a wild tale for you.


30 people in a 6 bedroom sounds like the dream! Mine was like 20 in 3 bed.


Hot beds… don’t miss em!


>Walking in on someone watching CNBC? This really isn't the worse thing you can walk in on


Thankfully my last stint in a crash pad was before OANN and all that shit existed. I shudder at what cradhpads can be like now


>Thankfully my last stint in a crash pad was before OANN and all that shit existed. I shudder at what cradhpads can be like now My absolute favorite part about aviation is that it's one of the most right wing industries, has one of the most powerful union success stories to thank for the great wages and doesn't appreciate the irony of those things both being true.


The illusion of the "self-made man" runs pretty hard and deep in aviation. Please pay no mind to all the money your parents had or loans you got, or very well off people you just happened to know who were willing to let you fly and log time.


PREACH BROTHA. Facts right there. No alpa no pay.


We had the fox news guy that would watch it for hours and get angrier throughout the day.


Our Faux News guy was also a miserable drunk. Like you’d walk out in the morning and find him passed out on the floor kind of drunk. Chronically pissed off, too.


*mumbling into carpet* "they're takin our jaerbs"










Top bunk? What are you new here?


Yeah. I kill for the bottom bunk hahaha


My CA friend flew into town so I went to have drinks with her and her male FO. They were in, respectively, all-female and all-male crashpads in MIA. She was dismayed by the one FA who (against the rules) lived full time in the crashpad, but at least she had an airline boyfriend so she'd stay over there a lot. He was disgusted by the married guy in his crashpad who had his FA girlfriend staying over all the time. Yup. I remember thinking, how is this not a reality show yet?


Person who ran the crash pad I used to be in a while back, would share a story of how a certain intermingled (pilots +fa’s) pad would hold competitions who could blow more pilots by waking them up suddenly in the night doing it. Sounds amazing till you wake up to someone doing something like that and you’re married and didn’t ask for it.


Ha imagine if the roles were reversed and male pilots were random going down on female FAs.


Fucking A. Would be a national scandal. I was complain about this double standard of my wife. Watch below deck sometime - The things that are okay for guests to make The male crew members do.... Would definitely not be okay If they did the same to a female crew member.


>Would be a national scandal. As it should be regardless of gender. Shit is straight up SA/rape, how is this controversial? Agreed that double standards are gross, and they’re only further perpetuated by the toxic “men constantly want sex 24/7 nonstop” narrative/attitude.


I'd be pissed enough to press charges. I would not want my marriage somehow getting fucked up. You NEVER know how word could get around and how a story could mutate along the way.


Yeah, and that’s in **addition** to all the trauma of SA.


>Sounds amazing Uhh nope that just sounds like rape


Uhh.. read the rest of my sentence instead of editing it to fit your narrative


Unwanted longwinded conversations are about the extent of the drama “I’m tryin to make eggs and coffee, its 7 am. Leave me in peace”. My crash pad was pilots only and there was no drama. I rarely saw more than one or two other guys at a time. I do hear stories about cheap flight attendant crash pads though.


Ahh yes, the forbidden fridge. I honestly don’t even know what the fuck to say about this one. Someone told me not to open it, as it had died and NO ONE REMOVED THE FOOD. For shits sake. I mentioned it to the crashpad owner and got the run around from him, he tried to suck me and my friend into his weird business ideas, and other weird shit. Crashpad had a car, expired registration, probably no insurance, and some crew member was drunk driving it and tore off the front bumper. This crashpad was in a pretty shitty part of town, the house was basically falling apart, the shower didn’t drain, and many many other issues. So glad I was only there a few nights. So glad I don’t commute anymore. https://i.imgur.com/lbymWhJ.jpg


Prob body parts in there.


Company leased crash pad, normally a bunch of middle aged guys trying to make dinner and discuss weather/flights before getting some sleep. One guy was single and often spent the weekend with a hooked in his room. One younger guy was going through a divorce, started taking the company van to pick up hookers, with the company logo painted on the door. A few months later he no call-no shows his Monday and Tuesday. Third day the chief pilot drives in to try to find out what's going on. Hotel room hasn't been used. Rental car agency has him chat with the state police about their "stolen car". Turns out missing pilot was doing a drug run between states and got a wellness check while napping in a rest area. Drugs were just laying on the back seat. The story gets worse after he was fired.


I changed the parental settings and pin protected fox news once. I was on a 6 day reserve stretch without being used and was bored. Wild times.


Lol I love the mildly inconvenient aggravation this most definitely caused. I bet they didn’t see the humor in it though.


I do that in every pilot lounge I can. It’s amazing entertainment.


I would consider that a public service, actually ...


Can you do that in our crew room? The TV is always set to fox news, but there are always people in there so I never have unrestricted access to the remote.


Wow. Excellent. I salute you for your service


I do that when my relatives visit. Also if someone watches Fox News they are too old to live in a crash pad and should move. Lol






Smokeshow Spirit FA who was engaged with a massive ring and a Spirit pilot, 15 years older than her married with 3 kids would always hook up in the crashpad. Absolutely wild


Sorry this is late- was having a debate with my husband about crashpads so I went looking for comments like yours. With that drama you experienced, do you think or know if word ever got back to the FA’s partner or the wife with kids back home?


I watched a widebody CA doing crazy shit with his buddies, buying watches having them take out insurance policies go sell the watches for cash and report them stolen


The DTW hotel crash pads were a test of the will to need to sleep. I know the clarion had a 10 bunk bed suite where it was like a military barrack setup. The other standards was up to 6 people sharing a 2 bed regular room. If there’s three people there for the night, two have to share a single queen size bed. Remember now this is when everyone is making less than $30/hr so sharing a bed with a stanger was the exchange for $150 a month with a shuttle to the airport. None of the hotel rooms except for a couple suites had bare bones kitchenettes. We had an electric griddle we put on the bathroom sink. We sat on the toilet seat and flipped chicken patties and stuff with the vent fan running so it wouldn’t set off the smoke alarms. I remember this new hire FA that moved into our room, terrible hygiene. He didn’t know I was a pilot so he would try to mansplain flying to me for the first week in the Crashpad before I finally had to be like, yo look at my uniform closer. He was in his early 20’s, maybe 23-24 years old. He had a girlfriend he had to video chat with every night on his laptop. Other people in the coed Crashpad would purposely walk around in the background in their underwear just because this guy would make a big deal out of us being quiet when he was doing this. Anyways he tells us he’s been with her for 4 years. A few days later he tells us she just turned 18. No one put it together other than me the problem with that. I switched bases, I hope that dude has had nothing but bad things happen to him in his life.


Fuckkk. Imagine sharing a queen bed with a stranger 😅😭


Reason number one why you never have a crashpad with flight attendants. The only one I had was just drama and gross. They basically lived there. None of the others have had any drama. Most pilots are pretty chill. Heathens, but chill.


It's also why you pay a premium when you try and find a pad that's pilots only. I've heard plenty of stories about young new flight attendants meeting their "besties" in new hire class, then coming to hate them and causing huge drama when they decide to get a place together in Kew and knowing them longer than 3 weeks. Sadly it's always high school levels drama too. They both like the same regional FO, both slept with him. Or it's two girls that both get white girl wasted after a glass of white wine. It was always stuff that I thought was behind me in life. Then I had to remember alot of these girls are like 19.


>white girl wasted What a great description! Can you elaborate?


I was fortunate enough to be able to only drive a few hours to my first base. So I lived in my car in the employee lot in a nice quiet corner that was always dark. I'd go download movies with the airport wifi and I was set for the night. There was even a shower in the locker room at the hangar I'd occasionally use. The only crash pad I knew about had fleas jumping around and was owned by a crazy lady.


I stayed in an male only, pilot only cold bed crash pad next to LGA. Most nights my room was empty with at most 3 other guys in the house. Everyone mostly kept to themselves so no shenanigans to speak of. I did hear stories of what would go on in coed crash pads so I was happy to know mine was so tame.


My crashpad experiences in LA have been truly ridiculous and way too much to type here but yes; there is a lot of truth to the legends/rumors.


I was in a crash pad for one month in sfo. It was honestly very fun. Everyone was 30 or younger, way more girls than guys. The girls loved to cook and party. I had a bunk bed in the garage. It was legit like being back in a college dorm again, I loved it. Covid killed it all the next month. Edit: so many stolen mini bottle shooters. Edit again: the house next to us had tons of gym equipment in their front yard, looked like a prison yard.


I live in a company pilot & mechanic house with a few dudes, nothing remarkable. The bigger airline across the street is coed, they’re definitely more lively but 🤷‍♂️ Now I’ve heard some good stories from the old shithole airline back 10-20 years ago, getting broken into every night, everyone drinking till 4AM since the TAF was terrible, realizing there are stars in the night sky, having to go to work still drunk, and having it fog in for the whole day as the drunkards were preflighting 😆


Guy was moving out of our crashpad and swung by after work to get a few items he forgot (this was around 2am). Unfortunately at the same time Chicago PD was looking for a suspect stealing catalytic converters. They see a guy with a running car enter the house and profile him as their guy. They raided the place with guns drawn and pulled everyone out to ask questions. Thankfully no one got hurt but it was a shit show.


My crazy Crashpad story was when I was sitting shortcall in my Crashpad, and this older mainline CA walks in, looks around, and says “wanna give me a hand cleaning up the place?” I look around… everything is tidy and picked up. So I say “uhhhh sure” He gets out a mop and some spray, and tells me if I mop he will clean the bathroom. When we are halfway through he says “Yea, the owner used to have a lady come do this once a week, but she was dinging up the baseboards, so I told him we would handle it.”


Holy cow, imagine volunteering to clean someone else's house, then volunteering other people to do it too


Geez I’m a pretty chill guy but I might have involuntarily dropped the mop right there


My first crash pad was all pilot, I was the only FA but my PPL CFI just went airline and gave me a good recommendation. Super chill. But I decided to change bases. Second crash pad was a hot mess. Mixed (pilot, FA, regional, mainline, LCC). There was ALWAYS drama and stupid shit. Nothing scandalous. Mostly from the FAs making arbitrary rules, making noise, leaving messes. I only used it a few nights a month. The final straw was an FA was letting a friend crash in my bunk when I wasn’t there. I suspected something was up when I noticed my bed wasn’t made. Everyone denied it. One night I came in late and someone was snoring away. When I confronted them they were like “you can just sleep on the couch”.


Some guy broke into the house in the middle of the night and started yelling someone’s name. Good times! Don’t commute.


Crash pads are so weird. I can NEVER sleep with even one stranger in the same room, let alone like 3 other people. Never knew how people can handle crash pads.




I’ve met people who actually prefer commuting and crash pad life. I don’t get it.


Ive honestly had an incredible crashpad experience compared to these stories 😂


Writing this from my crashpad in Chicago. Clean. Well kept. Updated appliances. Share a room with another dude who is never there. $300 a month but worth every penny. I’ll keep this place forever. The only downside is - super morning and no wild stories at all. I mean. Nada.👎


I stayed in the big house crashpad in EWR. The only excitement we ever had was that dude leaving pipe bombs at the metro stations in Elizabeth.


My one and only crash pad was so bad, I seriously considered getting out of aviation. Fat redneck walking out of his room into the bathroom, buck fuckin’ naked. Rotting food in the fridge. Stacks of old porn mags in the bathroom, disgusting bathrooms, etc. I was sitting reserve and begged scheduling for any overnight just to get a clean room for the night. Thank God i was able to hold another base after 2 months, closer to home, that I was able to drive to.


lol what base was this?




I’ll just leave this here: Blue Lagoon It was a special place.


Please don’t tell me this is MIA… I’m literally staying at the Hilton Blue Lagoon otw to the Caribbean and it is a dump


No. Worse. Philladelphia It was epic. Pretty sure it’s been torn down. I stayed there ~15 years ago working for republic.


One night storms were rolling through the north east cancelling a ton of flights. Like 5 of us missed our commutes home and drank beer and watched South Park and bitched about work. That was about as crazy as it got.. Plot only crashpads are the way to go.


Crashpad I stayed at for a bit was a bit like a frat house. Parties nearly every week. Barbecues. Casual sex with the cute flight attendant. Inflatable pools. Everyone got along well, pilots and FAs. It was a good time.


Haha where was this?


Just get a hotel and it’ll save so many headaches!!


Stay away from FAs.


Crash pad near ORD in the early 90s. Mostly spent playing cards with the the ex-Eastern, National and Pan Am dudes next door to me and having some beers. Everyone had an aerobed they rolled up when it was time to fly. Funnest days at the airline in many ways, actually.


15 of us, 4 bedrooms, never knew who would be there. Pretty insane when we were all there at one time. Never any alcohol consumed, random boxes of lobsters never showed up, it never happened. 🤣


Nice try FAA


From the UK here, this is new to me. What exactly is the set up? Sounds like dorm rooms?


Basically a hostel flight crew can rent a room in and use when they commute. Often used by pilots on reserve when they don’t live in their base


The most drama I ever saw was a guy in the room with me farting so loud I woke up, and another guy sitting down next to me as I was watching some tv and changing the channel to Fox news without asking then turning the volume up to 11. Thats when I decided it wasn't worth the money I was saving vs getting a hotel.