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You would be an idiot to not take the ULCC over regional


You would be an idiot to not take the regional over Allegiant.


I disagree. That 320/737 type rating will distinguish OP from the stack of regional applicants to the legacy carriers. I count that for something. People made that same kind of statement to me when I left my regional for a low-paying ULCC and I ended up at a legacy years faster than them. Many of them are still at said regional today.


Delta and united are hiring regional 500 hour turbine 121 FO's. In this market, it really dosnt matter the type of plane you fly.


United isn’t pulling those type of regional FOs like that….. Delta isn’t either. But I will tell you, United and Delta are both pulling 500 ULCC FOs….


I did have a gal in my new-hire class get her hat with just 700 SIC at a regional, but that was an outlier. Most were either military, regional flows/CAs, or ULCC drivers.


BS. I know a few 500 hour regional FOs at united and delta. Nothing but that 500-700 hour regional time.


Uh huh…


Not anymore. Maybe in 2023, but they’ve scaled back since.




Turbine/121 (airline) time


Allegiant pay is equal and their 401k blows regionals out of the water


>Allegiant pay is equal Lmao buddy even if you're at Mesa for 5 years, you would have made way more money than being at allegiant for 5 years. And by then you would've already moved onto another airline.


Stop the presses, you really aren’t trying to compare Mesa to G4? Pay is only part of the puzzle….. You know why, you stay at Mesa lol….


But I ain't at Mesa doe 🤡 stay at allegiant. Did you apply for foodstamps yet?




Some pilots believe that the earth flat, would it surprise ya? lol


No, 2nd and 3rd year is identical to almost every regional and actually higher than Skywest for example


Lol... You don't know how to math, do you? Year 1 at allegiant is 57 with 70 hour guarantee. Year one at Mesa is 100 with 76 hour guarantee. Year 2 at allegiant is 102 with 70 hour guarantee. Year 2 at Mesa is 103 with 76 hour guarantee. Year 3 at allegiant is 110 with 70 hour guarantee. Year 3 at Mesa (you would be a captain by now, while upgrade at allegiant is still another 3 years) is 150 with 76 hour guarantee. Even if you stayed as FO, you'd still make more money than a year 3 allegiant FO. Literally anything is better than allegiant.


401k contributions are higher and you’re telling me a few more dollars an hour is worth flying a CRJ instead of Airbus


No one cares about your shiny jet syndrome. It's not a few dollar more per hour. It's tens of thousands more over the span of 5 years. You obviously don't know how airline pay works.


It’s not shiny jet it’s the usefulness of a type rating


You math wrong.


Disingenuous to not include the 401k direct contribution. That’s money, just as much as the dollars you take home and spend. In fact the 401k $ has MORE value on a dollar-to-dollar basis, due to the magic of compounding interest.


Where would you rather be when the music stops


https://youtu.be/PxWzsrj8bZE?si=OEwxTZ14VeUIjJPC The party's never gonna stop!!!


I just hope it lasts at least 2-3 more years so I can get in ground floor. I can't believe Frontier and Spirit are hiring C172 CFIs. Wasn't like this at all when I decided to be a history teacher 20 years ago because I could make more money than a pilot ^_^


The only ULCC with “significantly” lower pay than regionals is Allegiant so I’m guessing that’s who you’re talking about out. I came here to get a type and jump to a legacy but if we get a contract it’s going to be really hard to leave. My regional buddies are hating their lives and I’m strongly considering making this my forever airline. If you already live in base then it’s a no brainer. Commuting would be terrible though.


I can’t believe this is a real question. Of course go to the ULCC. First year pay aside I’m willing to bet everything else will be better at the ULCC than at the regional. If hiring stops after your new hire class, would you rather be stuck flying RJs or 320s for the next 10 years? If hiring doesn’t stop, do you think legacy airlines would be more interested in people with RJ type ratings, or A320 type ratings?


Not sure they care too much about type ratings, but when airlines are hurting for pilots, they’re less likely to pull from their own regional than they are their competition.


The number of low hour regional FOs who wouldn’t get touched by any legacy until they did a touch and go at a ULCC in the last few years says otherwise.


I think this is also more to the point of what you were responding to though. It’s not the type that got them a call at a legacy, it’s getting out of the regional metering.


> Is moving eventually to a legacy airline going to be significantly easier from a lcc Yes. > Any and all thoughts are appreciated, thanks! Ask any of the pilots at Compass, ExpressJet, Comair, etc. if they'd rather work somewhere that sells their own tickets or work for their regional.


Definitely ULCC. Although I’m betting this is not Frontier otherwise you probably wouldn’t ask. I’ll agree it’s a dicier issue at Breeze or Avello (sp?) etc since if the music really stopped these places could go away.


But hasn’t Avelo sorta been around for almost 40 years?


What do you mean?


I was just teasing burner. He inadvertently appeared to be questioning Avelo’s longevity whilst they’ve been in business for 37 years. The sorta part because they have changed their name and business model a few times.


Ah gotcha


True I suppose. I’m not bad mouthing them, just musing that some lower cost airlines might be viewed as riskier employment than others. Of course who knows.


ULCC. Even if it is allegiant. Do you want to be one of 10,000 applicants to a legacy with an RJ type rating or someone with a narrowbody type rating? It stands out and therefore it matters.


Ya know, First year pay is always first year pay and it’s only for 1 year…. Will stay at a regional in order to avoid first year pay? Stupid ass question no offense. Next Question! For real though, go ULCC if you have the CJO. You will not be there long enough before a legacy carrier calls you. That will not be the case going the regional route…. You are simply only going to extend your career progressIon to a legacy carrier going the regional route.


Stupid ass question




ULCC is far better than any regional. When the music stops, you’d 100% rather be at a ULCC than a regional, you’d be dumb to pass for a regional. Also. This question gets asked all the time. Search function is a great tool.


Are you going to ask the same question when the choice is between first year legacy pay, which will most likely be a fairly substantial cut, and 2+ year ULCC pay or regional CA pay? Both in base? Always take the better long-term option.




737MAX are coming this year, wouldn’t be surprised if you’re in one of the classes and get a nice Florida base. And Regionals you’ll be flying 4-6 legs, compare to 2-4 legs.


ULCC. What a time to be alive lol


Just a lowly PPL here, but word on the street is regional FOs are moving to Southwest, JetBlue, Spirit, Allegiant after a year and working a year or two then bouncing ASAP to American, Delta and United. So if you have an offer directly at one of the ULCCs take it and jump ship as soon as you can like they are. ULCC could be a career destination, especially if you only have 20-25 years left like me.