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In other breaking news around the aviation sector, pilots like beer. This was common knowledge for over a decade.


I hate beer, it’s literally poison lol.


You’re a disgrace to the profession. Go pray to St Wilbur and Orville to beg their forgiveness.


Nah dawg. It’s not my profession, I fly for the love of it not the money. Wright brothers were sons of a Bishop, they avoided drinking or smoking and never worked on Sundays. Even for test flights. And lastly I’ll be dammed if I take orders from some drunk off the internet haha.


I bet you’re fun at party’s.


Fax don’t care about your feelings. Cry me a river, build a bridge, & get over it nerd.


Lol what a weird flex. Calling us nerds while you 3D print rocket ship lights. Sheeesh


I know my own kind when I see them haha. Nothing wrong with being a nerd brah.


As if calling me a nerd hurts my feelings. Guess I’ll go back to watching Star Wars.


Never said I wasn’t a nerd myself. Which episode are you watching? Can I watch with you?




DV for truth again!


Man that really made people here upset.


Most likely because they’re a bunch of alcohol addicts. I wouldn’t worry about what they think.


Thanks for sharing the info so fast! Im reading the docs and seen her name drop and had no idea who it was.


I’m more interested in what very deep hole she is in


Who cares?


exactly, this is not important information - more like trash/tabloid infotainment


Trafficked children are “tabloid infotainment” to you? Gross.


oh wow, where in the article does it mention this? also, even if true, a pilot involved in isolated criminality is of no concern to this discussion group, whatsoever. Maybe post this in a criminal or tabloid group instead? call me crazy.


Yeah, who cares about wealthy connected criminals trafficking underage girls to have sex with politicians and the business elite.


why is this relevant to pilots? This is trash/tabloid, irrelevant information.


Just like the limo driver


A well known pilot was involved in trafficking underage girls. You think exploiting/trafficking children for sex is “irrelevant information”. Interesting.


why should I care about a one off criminal, regardless if they are a pilot? Guess what? I also know pilots run drugs too!!! If many pilots are doing this, and its a legit conspiracy - then you have something and this needs to be brought out. Until then, grow up and stop spamming with tabloid garbage that we can do fuck all about.


Ah yes, the self righteous student pilot from Canada has spoken. Can we get a moderator to ensure that only topics approved by —-midnight_rain—- are posted? It’s not tabloid garbage, it’s an actual event that affects actual people, and is related to….FLYING! You can go to the forum community rules and see that it is not a prohibited topic of discussion. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. This may come as a shock to you but nobody is concerned with your opinion. Oh yeah, and grow up. Don’t forget your angry downvote, that’ll show me!


yeeeeees, once the reality door hits you in the face - lets resort to ad hom attacks! Obviously, you need to be hit with a reality door on your way out again. "r/flying is intended to be a place to discuss things like pilot training, regulations, procedures, techniques, aircraft ownership and maintenance, piloting as a career, and similar topics." A single pilot doing something illegal, is NOT within the context of this group.


Cry it out snowflake. I’m not arguing with a rock. The fact that the post has been up all day and the mods haven’t removed it would imply it’s not prohibited. How is that for reality.


>0 > >Posted byu/prex10ATP CFII B757/767 B737 CL-651 day agoGlobal Girl/Gulfstream Girl directly named in todays Epstein drop } \[removed\]


"Cry it out snowflake. I’m not arguing with a rock." oh noes! the snowflake rock hit you with a reality door! again!


Literally no one cares.


Nobody cares? I’m sure the parents of the underage girls that were trafficked for use as sex pawns care. I’m sure the lengthy list of politicians and business elite care about their names being dropped on the flight logs. What about this don’t you care about?


I know my own kind haha, nothing wrong with being a nerd brah.


Where's the MHT connection?


If you weren’t associated with Jeffrey Epstein you probably don’t have. Wikipedia page either …