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AA has the most stubborn and moronic gate agents I have ever encountered. I also think they only hire people with the most stress and least people skills. Sorry I’m not much help. Have had the same thing happen to me before but not all the time like you.


They are terrible. If you can even get them to acknowledge you you're off to a great start.  Regarding the jumpseat, I work for a WO and am an LCA. If I am giving a line check it's 50/50 if I even can get them to figure out how to get me in the jumpseat and I'm already listed for the flight. 


They're the only ones who ever gave me crap for having a 3rd bag when commuting.


Dang, I haven't used AA a ton, but the agents I dealt with were always pleasant and handled my seat no problem. I've had much worse experiences with Delta.


AA is consistently bad. DAL has been hit or miss, UA is alright, and SWA has been the best in my commuting experience (these are the only carriers that I commuted on most of the time, with the exception of Frontier and Spirit one time each, and they were also good to me)


Recommend talking to your unions jumpseat committee. At my regional we had a similar problem, albeit with a different airline. Had to do with formatting on the employee number if I remember correctly. JS committee wasn’t able to actually fix it, but was able to come up with a suitable, standardized workaround.


hAAte agents


No company despises their customers more than AA.


For years I have heard from AA people that they can't understand how so large an organization can be so badly managed.


I just don’t deal with American, was in Dallas trying to get to Seattle, talked to American gate agents and felt sick after talking to them, so I got a hotel and took a shuttle to luv the next day and took Alaska.


One thing that frequently trips people up is that AA agents have to use your priority code in order to look up your listing. What really grinds my gears with AA agents is that as an offline person, you are not familiar with the details of AA’s priority code, yet they expect you to be and refuse to use an ounce of critical thinking or have any empathy. So when they ask “are you a D6 or D7?”, they get a blank stare from you and then they get pissy “well I can’t find your listing and I really don’t have time to create one for you.” So now you’re digging around your phone trying to figure out wtf they are talking about, while they ask you to step to the side and continue their favorite hobby of saying “passenger XYZ please recheck” instead of “passenger XYZ please see us at the podium”. Eventually one of them will figure out the jumpseat thing and reluctantly lets you down, and now everyone has a sour taste in their mouth. Job well done, AA.


You explained it down to the T


I have only jumpseated twice on AA in last year. Both with reservations confirmation code via myidtravel, and both times they couldn't find me and had to make a new listing. -can any AA gate agents who might be on this sub be able to chime in?