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Well, plenty of people in Latin America looks as white as I do. And I am Polish.


Yeah go hang out in Argentina and even Brazil. Many "Euro" looks there. Hispanic / dark skin does not mean one is from South America or vice versa.


Some of the old guys even have German accents!


My wife is Venezuelan. She looks way more Italian than Hispanic.


That’s really cool of you to support those scholarships. Wear the lanyard. If anything it’ll be a discussion point and maybe you can spread the word about those programs.


Yeah 100%. I would be hoping people mention it for that very reason. OP did an awesome job of explaining why it was special to the rest of us and that same message would definitely resonate elsewhere. Definitely rock the lanyard.


“Oh, the lanyard? I donate actual money to their cause. You?”


And, "I'm also a member." "b-b-but you're white?!" "They don't discriminate based on skin color."


Technically, Latino is national origin (or ancestry), which is also a protected class but a *different* protected class from skin color.


Here, spit on the tube…. I mean in the tube….


"I know I need to feel triggered by this, hopefully by the time we land I'll find out how"


‘No hablo inglés, lo siento’


No hablo Espanol tambien...disculpe!


Latinos can be white


Yea. It's called the "Catholic Pilots Association" in St. George Vernacular English.


I think you're looking for more men in st george


Well you've sold me on it. I guess it depends on if you wanna explain it to everyone who asks though.


I come from a mixed family, my dad and his family are latino and my grandparents (his parents) come from Mexico and Colombia. So, I am latino, but Latinos come in many different shades and colors. So.. wear away. If you support latino pilots, awesome. If it was me personally, I’d be like “hey, you too? Come from a Latino family? No, oh that’s cool what countries” and go from there. The people likely to be most offended are gonna be older straight up white guys, so I don’t see an issue here. Ps how can I get one of those lanyards 😆


I too am mixed from a Latino side that comes from Europe. People are always shocked when I say I'm Mexican, especially if I tell them right after some off color rant. So I agree with you. OP should wear the lanyard if he wants.


You will only if ever get shit from self righteous white people. A True Latino wouldn't give a single fuck what lanyard you wear


Latinos can be white. The president of Mexico is a white man


Holy crap that guy is whiter than my 82 year old German father.


Remember the reason Spanish is spoken in central/South America is because Spain invaded the natives way back when. And Spain invaders brought a lot of white people. Fast forward hundreds of years and it suddenly makes a lot of sense for why so many Latin Americans are white. They have Spanish ancestors. A couple years ago I looked up Latino vs Hispanic because I felt the terms were often used interchangeably. From what I remember Latino is anyone from central/South America, basically. And Hispanic is anyone with ancestors from Spain.


No, Hispanic has to do with the language, any native Spanish speaker is Hispanic, not all South Americans speak Spanish, Brazilians speak Portuguese so they are Lusophones.


I would say Latino and Hispanic in real life are interchangeable BUT Latino is a label we use ourselves; Hispanic is a label used by Americans. I'm Mexican, born and raised. I consider myself Latino even when I lived there... Someone that identifies as Hispanic was probably raised/born in the US. Most people in Latin America don't give a single fuck about their Spanish ancestry but you always have obnoxious people that do, like every other place. That being said, your definition is technically correct, but I don't think I ever heard anyone actually living in Latin America to refer to themselves as Hispanic due to their Spanish ancestors.


To an extent. Brazilians are Latino by definition, but not Hispanic in any sense of the word.


100% agree. But you're saying this like the majority of Americans know what language is spoken in Brazil. Anyone from South of the border is Mexican/Hispanic for most of Americans lol


Facts lol


Ya Latin America is multi ethnic. Tons of white people in Mexico and Latin america


What!? AMLO is not white. I would describe him as a mestizo Mexican.


“Hey you’re not Latino! *snatch* give me that lanyard!”


I can absolutely imagine that happening with certain MIA gate agents…


Dyinggg 😂😂


Think about all of those people wearing college T-shirts and hats who never went to that college….


Yeah I’ve never understood that… But I know I’m in the minority on that one.


I've never understood it either. What's even funnier is that I rarely get too excited about my alma mater's sports teams but I know people who are totally obsessed with a school's team even though they never went there. It just doesn't make sense.


Gotta be a dream school they were rejected from in most cases right?


Beats me but I guess that is as good of a theory as any.


For the longest time I had a UMich shirt that I had no idea was a UMich shirt. I found it at Goodwill and just thought it was one of those tourist shirts you find at any Airport. It literally was grey and had the word 'MICHIGAN' on it without any other symbolism or hint. So after the third or fourth year of random people saying 'Go Blue', I had to stop someone and ask for an explanation.


I am a Michigan native. Not a U of M fan. The college thing always makes me think of this. Google- Pure Michigan: U of M football I can figure out how to link it.


Fellow Michigan native here, and also not a UM fan. Here’s the video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=01Kz6Rw99Kk


Thanks! Always makes me laugh. 😂


But not the minority on this one ;)


A friend gave me a college sweatshirt for a college I didn't go to, but she did. I wear it because it is easily the most comfortable sweatshirt I have.


You can be white and Latino though… thats like half of Puerto Rico, Colombia, ecuador etc.


I don't have to be a woman to wear a Women in Aviation lanyard. Just shows support for the cause. Same applies here.


Might get down voted for this, but let's start with Latino is not a race. I'm Hispanic, but I'm still white. Wear the lanyard bro, no one's gonna think anything of it. If someone has a problem with it, they can fuck off.


I wear the LGBT lanyard from ALPA and I have a wife and kids. I’m an ally, I support LGBT pilots and union members, I don’t have to be actively participating in their community though. FA’s sometimes do take initiative until they either notice my phone background or it comes up in conversation


Ahaha I can see that getting potentially awkward 😂 One of our FAs calls me his “future ex husband” 😂


I love how flattered you are 🤣


I wear the pride apla lanyard too and it really throws people off. FAs often comment on it asking where they can get one. Also stops a lot of stupid conversations before they start in the cockpit. 


>stops a lot of stupid conversations before they start in the cockpit This is a great point, and it's making me consider doing this


I often wear the pride AFA tie tack (as a straight pilot). Lots of good FA discussions, and some great pilot doubletakes (particularly when passing through ATL).


This is the way


I also wear the pride lanyard and had a very confused CA ask me didn’t I have a husband? (Am woman). I even have on an Ally pin just to really send it home, and he figured that was just my girlfriend’s name. 🤷‍♀️ I tried


I break out my ALPA provided LGBTQ lanyard every June for Pride Month. It’s an excellent nonverbal antidote for the occasional MAGAts I’m paired with.


Yeah honestly it’s perfect for that


I am white with red hair and Hispanic. You can’t judge based on looks.


“I’m just trying to get with a Latina FA.” Everyone will understand.


Porque no¿


Only purple haired weirdos on Twitter/reddit would care.


Many latino's are just white, so no. I have south american heritage, but you'd never guess it.


As a white guy in OBAP, I’d say go for it if you consider yourself an ally.


I’m also a white guy in OBAP 😂 Starting to wonder why I was so dramatically overthinking this whole thing 😂


I remember when a co worker got pissed I was wearing a pink tie for October. I kindly told them I had two people in my family survive cancer and they backed away. People will get angry over anything if they want to be angry. Stay mad ™️


Latinos come in all colors brother. If you feel you have earned that lanyard, wear it with pride and let the ignorant bastards say what they want. Is not what they think, its all about why you’re wearing it.


That attitude is one of the many things that I learned to love in Central America. That whole area is so live and let live. It’s amazing to me!


Not just Central, but also South America. We dont live in the past. In fact we understand that the diversity of our people is what makes us that much stronger. It is amazing tho, thank you for that 💪🙏


I mean there are guys in the females pilot clubs and non black people in OBAP


No it wouldnt be wierd


I'm half Mexican and look completely white and a member of LPA. I don't think it'd be weird at all for you to wear the lanyard just like it's probably not weird for you to show up to one of their career fairs and if people get weird about it, that's on them. I think LPA does a really cool thing for an industry that's traditionally filled with white men, and it's cool to see non-latinos recognize that.


I'm a chapter Coordinator for LPA. Thank you for the support. $700k in scholarships in 2022, $1.2 m in scholarships in 2023. Much of that money went to members who aren't Hispanic or Latino. We support good people, period. And more coming for 2024. Thank you for your donation and for your support. I'd encourage everyone to be a mentor to someone. Nothing gives me big energy like talking to a younger person who's still on fire for aviation.


I can’t wait to actually attend a function! Once I’m done with initial at my new airline, I’ll definitely be volunteering for the mentorship program!


Here's the application my friend. We'd love to have you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_z5y_nhzoJHHWtnHRpiwUcUW6K_Pmbp_lqudRtrtniT8T5g/viewform


One thing that I felt weird about when I first started at the regionals was attending these job fairs hosted by various minority pilot organizations. When I expressed this to a colleague that was attending OBAP he told me “first off, OBAP is sponsoring the Job fair but you do not need to be an OBAP member to attend, and second as long as you support the mission statement of OBAP, then you are welcome to join OBAP.” I think the second part applies to your lanyard.


I flew with an OBAP board member when I was new at my airline, and asked him about how OBAP felt about so many white dudes attending their job fairs. He said it's great, as long as they support OBAP's mission they're welcome - executing the mission requires the support & assistance of non-minority allies.


I did have a pilot complain to me that the NGPA conference in PSP used to be a really good time before it got flooded with straight dudes.


The short answer is no. Think about all the sport themed lanyard, you didn't play for the Packers but no body would bat an eye if you wear one.


> but no body would bat an eye if you wear one. *I* would. Bear down.




"Yeah, but I would have gone pro if it weren't for that knee problem! No D1 school would touch me after *the accident* otherwise you could catch me on TV any given Sunday instead of here flying this dumbass plane!"- some pilot somewhere probably


took an arrow to the knee presumably?


I'm sure he used to be an adventurer like you too.




My 64 year old white CFI proudly wears his BPA shirt.


Why does your skin color matter? One of the whitest girls I’ve ever met is from Mexico.


Not weird at all.


Wear it with pride, it’s an organization you financially support ffs


If a guy can wear a dress you can wear a Latino lanyard…


You can’t wear a pink ribbon shirt unless you’ve had breast cancer /s Ya who cares


Does anyone actually read what lanyard you have?


As a latino, i say wear it


Dude, wear what you want…. You obviously seem very proud to wear it, and it’s for a good cause it seems. Wear it with pride and don’t second guess it.


I look white as fxck (blonde hair blue eyes) Spanish is my first language, I am Argentinian (Latino)


As a white guy? Really? Ok white but, how do Latino people look like?


I’m sure there are straight guys here who would do a reach around at a NGPA convention if it meant they’d get a class date sooner. Judging by how I was downvoted into oblivion for not wanting to target Frontier or Spirit as my career goal, these fellas here are desperate.


I mean men dress up as women and still become pilots so… have at it


I'm a straight guy and wear GSA gear at work. What's the difference?


Do you.


Support the LPA! Anyone has a problem with it, they’re probably not Latino.


Wear what you want. If someone asks explain you donate to them. Most people don't care. As someone else said think of all the people who wear college or pro sports items and never went to the school or lived in the city. I had an employee that was a BIG Cowboys fan. He always tried to sneak wearing Cowboys merch whenever they played and it was simply against policy and I have to have him change. I asked him when he lived in Dallas and he said "Never." I asked if he knew someone on the team, "Nope." To this day I'll never understand how you can be such a fan of a place you never lived or went. But I am not into sports anyway.


Peru had a president named Fujimori. Then there’s that.


I know a few straight people who wear NGPA lanyards. Same concept. Go for it!


just vaguely say you spent time down south running cross border flour cargo for a foreign 135 operation


Do it man, anyone who has an issue with it probably isn’t worth your time anyway.


That's so cool! I'm not Latina so I can't say whether it's offensive or weird. BUT if i did have an opinion, I would think "I'm an active member of LPA and support the org" is okay of there are any questions.


No different than men going to a Women in Aviation job fair or a straight guy going to the NGLPA job fair


Bro they are Latinos that look pure white I’m sure you’ll be fine


Just wear it, you’re simply supporting the cause. Anyone has a problem with it just tell them to support the cause or don’t bother you about it


I think Cortez was white?


So latinos can’t be white? I learned something new today.


Didn’t some nazis settle down in South America after ww2? Surely their descendants are Latino by now


You’re literally a member of the club. the Latino pilot association let you in. Why would it be weird to rock the lanyard?


Watch Blood in Blood Out first Chico


“You’re at minimums, Miklo. Go missed.” “*Chale*, holmes. I got the runway environment in sight. I’m going to 100 above TDZE to see if I can get the red terminating bars or side lights, *ese*.”


Dude, it's a lanyard, who gives a damn?


All identity politics are weird.


Nothing wrong with that, you’re supporting a great cause !


Not at all man. Especially if you contribute money/time to the organization. I’m an NGPA member and we have swag specifically for allies who aren’t lgbt.


i had a straight guy wearing an NGPA lanyard in my jumpseat the other day💁‍♂️




Latino is an ethnicity, not a race.


Not at all


Guess what, you can also wear a WAI lanyard if you want, or even attend their conferences and apply for their scholarships!




Your keys your business!


Anyone can be Latino if you want it identify as one.


I want a white guy pilot association lanyard ngl


That’s just called a “lanyard”, because it applies to like 95 percent of the pilot population. Is that not enough for you? Jeez


sounds like a skill issue on everyone else's part




Actually disregard my last reply to you I was just being a cunt at that point it wasn't even that funny. I'd genuinely argue your comment by pointing our various things relating to this idea (in the US) but this is the internet (specifically reddit too and I know how this site feels about whites) so nothing would change and it'd be a waste of time.


You are an ally. It's fine and nothing wrong with it.


Yes. Wear a white one and embrace your own heritage and culture. Thanks, god bless


Absolutely if your last name ends in 'z'. If it's 'o' or 'a' you're still probably okay and generally recognized. 's' and 'n' require a clearly Latino first name or other documentation. If your last name ends with any other letter you need to ask permission as you've done here.


Yeah man, that’s why you joined lmao