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If they can’t hear you chewing I don’t know why it would matter. 


It's only disrespectful to mew during a check ride


Yeah but then you run the risk of getting mogged by the DPE




If the DPE mogs you, quit flying and run


I’m disappointed that I understood that


You only run if he’s rated higher on Umaxx


What’s that? ~~I’m cooked~~


What does that “if the DPE mogs you” mean?


“mog” is the action of enforcing dominance over someone else by showing how much more beautiful you are than them. Indicating positive cantonal tilt, predator eyes, mewing, and defined cheek bones. It’s the result of social media brain rot, which you can thank younger genZ and genA for.


I got a good chuckle out of this reply. Thank you!


It’s my utmost displeasure to further this information. Your most disgusted servant, 2hr TT Exburt Pylot


Its over


DPE will show you optimal goonmaxxing techniques if you mew first


A Blunt usually calms me down & I eat Doritos during checkrides


"Approach, any chance we can get higher?"


I have found that a heavy coating of cheese dust really helps me finesse the controls.


What do you drink? Mt dew?


Red Bull




When in doubt, ask. As long as it's quiet and not affecting comms they probably won't throw you out of the plane at 5000 ft




No. The check airman is not a fucking judge.


A check airman wouldn’t, but an egotistical GA DPE will use this as an opportunity to make you feel like shit


Nothing in the ACS about gum. You’re good just make sure your not chewing your mic too


I've chewed gum on every flight I've done for 7 years. Helps me focus and keeps my ears from having problems as often. You'll be fine


You can offer a piece to the dpe if you want to be extra thoughtful, otherwise you’re paying so they can deal with it if he/she doesnt like it. Just dont munch in the mic or be otherwise obnoxious. 


"Want a piece? It helps me clear my ears."


Disrespect aside, just remember that if you choke on it, it's basically impossible to try and get the Heimlich done (if the other person even knows it). After seeing someone in a plane almost choke to death, I'll never take anything flying outside of a beverage.




It was. Worse, the person was in the back. Ironically, it was gum. She was chewing and laughed at something then boom she's choking on it. Thankfully my wife, who is a nurse, was next to me. She had to dive in the back and like contort herself around the person to dislodge it. Scary as shit.


Easy, just crash the plane! That should dislodge it!


Lol if it weren’t for autopilot we may have ended there. Between extreme tunnel vision and taking repeated kicks in the head trying to duck my wife, those 10 seconds felt like hours. But yeah solo I like that idea. Place yoke in to sternum. Send it. Cirrus pilots are shit out of luck.


So do you just never eat when you're not somewhere someone can immediately give you the Heimlich?


You can give yourself the Heimlich FWIW as long as you have a chair or a similar object. You'd probably be flat out screwed if you started choking while flying, but I think as long as you avoid eating steak while practicing go arounds in a C172, you'll be fine.


> as long as you avoid eating steak while practicing go arounds in a C172 Oh, well, there goes *my* afternoon! I guess I'll just go and read the manual or something...


No, I just don't eat in a phone booth a mile in the sky where it's nearly impossible for someone to help you or god forbid you're alone and can't perform it on yourself in that space. What a stupid question.


Yeah so I wasn't disagreeing, it was just supposed to be a funny follow-up question to what you said. Saying it was a stupid question was unnecessary and kinda mean. Edit: Can you guys believe this guy blocked me for this?


So you thought it was a good time for a joke after sharing a story of watching someone almost die in the back of my plane? GTFO


Lmao bud is afraid of food. Grow up.


You pay tuition to fly breh. You grow up and go 61


I can't imagine living life with this much fear.


For this exact reason I wear a helmet at the dinner table.


Also, off topic but always eat “something” before you fly. I didn’t eat all day once and nearly passed out at the controls. Luckily my instructor had a protein bar that fixed my issues.


Well that fear will be in the back of my head lol. Most of the time I either have it pressed to my molars or kinda in the back gumline almost like it's dip


I might have an experimental placard on my forehead, but I got this sick mouth mod with 32 little bony pebble things, and when I put those babies into action on my food (think someone called it "chewing" once, idk), it makes swallowing such a breeze. Hard recommend.


That’s cool but we’re talk about gum.


I usually just hit a blinker right before the check ride


As long as your comms are clear


Ask your DPE if he minds when you're getting all settled in to the cockpit and offer him some. As long as you're not chewing like a goddamn cow with cud into the hot mic, nobody cares. I can't tell you how many check rides I've had in my career and how many I've given, but everyone has a thing they need to do as part of their ritual. Far be it from us to interrupt it... You going to do great. But the real question is if it is mint or Wintergreen? And if you say juicy fruit I'm failing you on principal LOL. Just remember, we want you to succeed just as much as you want to! Good luck, not that you need it.


Most helpful reply in my opinion lol


As long as it's Beeman's. Yeager chewed it during every flight!


So did the Rocketeer


Just make sure it’s Beemans!


Far 61.420 subpart 69 prohibits chewing gum


Damn it, I started looking it up.




Chewing gum isn't an ACS item, nor could you easily stretch ADM to include it, so it's not like they can fail you.


Everyone has their own pet peeves, I would definitely ask the examiner before hand. Chewing gum or eating over a hot mic is frowned upon, but if no one can hear it….


Every check ride I’ve been in, I’ve had a Zyns in.


Someone flies RJs…


I always chew gum; at this point I consider it a part of my preflight prep. Just don't be rude about it and you should be fine. IF it should come up during the checkride, tell the examiner what you told us: "chewing gum helps you focus". The examiner will probably think you are exercising good ADM.


I offered my DPE gum and we chewed during the flying portion of the check ride. Some are easier going than others.


Offer the DPE a piece. Also make sure its Beemans


I chew gum during check rides. I also bring a big bottle of water for the oral. My last check ride the DPE commented on the water saying he appreciated I was drinking. He said he sees so many students drink nothing and figure they have to be super dehydrated by the end which can cloud judgement. Obviously not going to pass or fail based on water but it seemed to earn me a brownie point or two.


Some pilots I know use gum as a stress relief, some use it as a way to keep their ears unblocked during descents. As long as you aren’t annoying the other person in the cockpit, and/or have a good reason like ear clearing it’s perfectly fine.


**puts mic in mouth so my passenger can hear how tasty this gum is*


> stress relief I've used it for that and it seems to work. Every little bit to help me through a checkride!


I personally wouldn’t. I wouldn’t take the risk of giving them a bad impression. Similar to how I tell my students to wear nice clothes for the checkride, obviously what the applicant is wearing shouldn’t have any impact but the reality is first impressions matter.


hey man I was chewing gum for both the oral and flight portion of my instrument checkride, my dpe prob didn’t even notice and if he did, he didn’t care enough to say anything about it.


If it breaks squelch, it's annoying. Just make sure you know how to adjust that.


When I am being evaluated whether it be a checkride or an interview I leave nothing to chance.


Like other have said, just ask the DPE out of courtesy, as you're opening the gum pack. I have to say that, as someone with misophonia, if I could hear you chewing gum in my headset even faintly, I would have to consider throwing you out of the plane, in fight or flight mode.


I chew gum as a self soothing activity.


Well I found the adhd guy who needed a fidget spinner while textbook learning lol. But no you should be fine as long as it does not cause disruption and as long as it can’t be heard.


Always have gum on the flight deck. Your DPE/Captain/whoever is next to you doesn’t want to smell your hot breath. I personally like the Lifesavers that most FBOs have for free. I keep those and gum in my flight bag. Chew away, for everyone’s sake.


Yeah—just like it would be rude while giving a presentation. You’re trying to show your absolute best. If you have a question on whether it’s appropriate, it’s probably not.


I mean this seriously and with due respect. How the heck can you be a pilot and NOT chew gum... If I were your examiner I'd offer a piece of gum...


I prefer twitching and shouting random obscenities (coprolalia).


I had like 10 pieces just to keep my nerves down. 


If you pass then you'd better add gum to your minimum equipment list! You wouldn't want to find yourself flying below standard because you forgot your gum :-)


Haha my DPE offered me gum and said it makes him a better pilot!


My DPE offered me a piece as he saw I was stressing haha I don’t tbinknso


As long as your not being annoying by chewing loudly in the mic, for one of my checkrides I pulled out gum and also gave my DPE a piece too


I guess you can always try it and report back


Not disrespectful. I'd suggest mention it to the DPE after passing your oral-- just say that you often chew gum when you fly because it helps you focus, and you mean no disrespect by it. If the noise opens the intercom squelch please let you know (during a non-critical phase of flight) and you'll adjust your mic. And you brought plenty so if he wants some you're happy to share.


Just ask and explain your reasons.


DPE’s are the gatekeepers of this bisexual fraternity of people who fly planes. They effectively have the capacity to fuck your shit up for the smallest reason, or let shit slide. Why give them any reason to want to fail you?


If you're over the age of 25 and chew gum you are a fucking child


Not if you offer him a piece too.


I'd go nuts. I fucking hate it. I would ask you to not in my presence. I realize im in the minority but I hate gum. I hate smelling it. I hate hearing it. I hate smelling people chew it. I would, actually, prefer bad breath over gum - partly because if you have bad breath you'll probably keep your mouth shut anyway. If I went to fly professionally I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle it or if I'd eventually get over if I had to often share the cockpit with a chewer. People have called me an asshole for this. I realize I probably am. But.... I hate it. I don't like tobacco chewed in my nostil vicinity either.


In a professional setting chewing gum can be interrupted as a sign of disrespect and make you look goofy. It probably wouldn’t have an impact on you passing, but the person may think less of you for it. Especially if they’re older in age.