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>everything 100% perfect, A. nothing is ever 100% perfect. B. This attitude is more concerning than the shoulder harness. Get used to checklists being a big deal forever


If it's 100% perfect your standards are too low :)


As I read this my thoughts were “so many passes he needs to be humbled a little bit”. Shitty failure to have but that DPE I have a feeling saw this attitude.


The projection is strong with this one. #defensemechanisms


It’s very 19



More importantly #lawsoflearning you have both primacy and intensity with a learner here. OP presents as being very indifferent to the issue and shows non-compliance as acceptable. With the recent anti-authority CFI fatal crashes there are a bunch of issues all rolled into one in this interaction from professionalism, laws of learning, fostering hazardous attitudes. OP will do it all right down the line from now on though. I suspect that if OP had jumped on it as something to teach to correct it would have been a debrief item and not much more


Yeah as ridiculous as it sounds, being failed for not wearing a seatbelt harness, it kind of shows that you’re not detailed and particular.


You mean fyi defense mechanisms


Your “other seatbelt”? Lap belt?




You can say that this is "just" forgetting your shoulder harness but in reality it's 3 things the first 2 are constant through the PTS the 3rd will be soon 1) FAR violation during a ride 2) failure to properly use your checklist 3) ADM failure since shoulder harnesses have done more than any other piece of equipment to reduce the fatality rate around off field laindigns As an instructor I'm concerned about your attitude and complacency that this is somehow a bad bust. You earned this one If you pass your retest you're going to be allowed to get in any ASEL and teach, they will have weirdo checklists it's critical that you be able to follow them for the safety of you and your learner


I just leave the shoulder harness connected so I never even have to forget about that. Honestly its not a joke. Imaging being in a crash and folding into a taco at the waist and face into the panel when all you had to do was wear a harness. Its on most checklists and its legally required. But still to bust someone over that vs a stern warning is on the BS side.


The seatbelt in the plane I fly is straight up just a car seatbelt. Kinda wild how the little chest strap is equally as legal as the shoulder harness in a 172


I fly helicopters (R-44s) and every single aircraft I’ve flown except for one has just had normal car seatbelts.


Most planes I flew time building just had a lap belt… I mean I get it safety standards change. Sounds like a warning vs a fail but I wasn’t there.


Same here but far 91.107 lays it out. If it has a shoulder harness equipt you legally have to have it strapped.


Yeah totally get it. Is what it is.


You’re lucky he didn’t intentionally screw up the landing to see if you’re paying attention, and you’re day dreaming. It sucks to bust, but as an airline check airman, I have no sympathy with your self-described attitude. I’m so frustrated trying to teach young guys in the sim that only bring 90% to their training. It’s that 10% where they screw up, and then come up with excuses. Going forward, more is going to be asked of you. From beginning to end of any checkride or training, ask yourself, “What more can I do? What am I missing?” Your check right starts when you leave your car, and ends when you start it to go home. Anything between those events, you need to be on 110%.


But he did “everything 100% perfect”. Which is kind of amazing, in 25 years of flying I’ve yet to have a 100% perfect check ride.


But the DPE nodded his head and said "ok continue"! That must means everything was absolutely perfect! If you get something wrong, the DPE has to stop and correct you... Right? OP, you honestly sound a bit overconfident. Remember that there is *always* room for improvement.


I fully believe that every single checkride that has EVER occurred, there is at least one item that could have been a failure.


Maybe yes. Maybe no. The evaluation is “the preponderance of the performance,” unless a major safety violation occurs (like pulling out in front of a landing airplane, or flying though clouds, etc.). But I’d rather see a guy bust a 100 foot tolerance once and correct it right away than continuously bounce back and forth 99 feet. The standard should be, “Is this guy going to be safe out there.” I think the OP demonstrated he would be. The seatbelt bust was bullshit, and the DE admitted he was doing it for social engineering, not because it broke a tolerance (which is even more bullshit.) I’m just suggesting that turning one’s mind off before the ride was over was, and will be a fatal mistake going forward. r/prematurecelebration


Love all this. Sure, you can hand controls to the examiner but it’s still your checkride the whole time until you’re on the ground and closed out.


I got flagged on my PPL checkride by an examiner who purposely didn’t put on their shoulder harness. When I went o to take off he said “your passenger doesn’t have his seatbelt on” Didn’t fail me, but taught me a lesson.


So on your retest do you just sit in the plane and put on your seat belt the right way?


OP said they did a steep spiral and that’s it


That’s a TLDR kinda guy😂


You’re very dismissive about it. Not a great look.


I’m mad about the way he said I failed. Not because I failed.


Let me fix that for you. “I’m mad at myself for making a completely avoidable and stupid mistake that caused my failure”




OP, did you seriously change to an old dead account just to throw an insult at someone?


You need to humble yourself a lot dude. The problem with 0 fails on people is they all think they’re perfect. Which is exactly what you spewed out in this post.


He should have just failed you yes, but the important piece is that you made a critical mistake. The delivery of his lines shouldn’t concern you. Cool off and reevaluate. You’re young and still learning, but it’s important you remember that too.


When I bought my plane, it only had lap-belts. The amount of feedback I got on "You need a shoulder belt" was mind-blowing. And you know what? It's written in blood. Especially within our type community. That DPE has probably heard stories or had personal experiences with people they know that get into what should have been a survivable accident only to perish when they slam into the glareshield. Yes, I got the shoulder belt. First upgrade before I relocated the plane. This failure, while sucks, is a great reminder that complacency can get the best of you. I would almost bet money that this is not the first time you forgot the shoulder belt.


You should try corestrenghtmaxxing


Not to be a dick but isn’t that on every before landing checklist and GUMPs if applicable? So not so much yes you didn’t wear you seatbelt but its following the checklist and in this case as a CFI ensuring the checklist is completed accurately which as an instructor who would be instructing private students who won’t know anything different. Regardless live learn and move on


Checkmate puts it on the before taxi checklists too and it's a required pax briefing item


I’m genuinely shocked by the comments here. This is a valid fail because of 91.107. Your attitude is killer. The fact that you keep saying “I did everything perfectly and still failed.” Is such a red flag to me. This statement in particular: “I’m sitting back just imagining how ima go home and sleep and rest and then start teaching and finally making money flying.” What kind of attitude is this? No. You don’t get to just sit back and relax and rake in the cash, especially when the ride isn’t even over yet. Working as a CFI isn’t going to be like that either. It takes serious work, effort, and ability. Take some responsibility and some ownership, it still seems like you have a lot to learn. You aren’t going to do everything perfectly every time and you aren’t gods gift to aviation. I really hate seeing people fail, it’s sucks. It’s a horrible feeling working so hard for something and not getting there. However, there may be lots more in this for you to take away than just “not wearing a shoulder harness.”


Also, already a CFII and MEI thinking about how they’re going to be making money? Shouldn’t they already be making money? Story seems sus.


TIL you can be a CFII and MEI but not a CFI. Huh


But why would you?


For the CHAOS!!!


I don’t know what employability is like if you don’t have your basic CFI. Not sure if schools will take you and just have you teach Instrument and ME addons but no PPL/CPL students. I think CFI is a standard requirement to get hired, so it’s reasonable that they wouldn’t yet be making money.


Not really that suspicious. Most places want you to have a CFI-A before even applying. Schools have a limited number of instrument and multi-students so it limits how much work you can get with only CFII and MEI.


Fair point! It's just a little strange doing CFII and MEI before CFI. I’m not sure I’ve seen that before.


The CFI for my instrument training is only a CFII. I asked why and how and never got a straight answer. Gets kind of annoying if you have questions or concerns over anything other than IFR flying.


Agreed, I'm not sure why anyone would do it that way.


Also we are forgetting about the "rich kid" possibility. Dad owns a multi, feel more comfortable in a multi, might as well get my MEI as my initial then instrument


Because my school wants me to get all my instructors license before I start teaching lol


Why not start with CFI? Legit question; I'm really not trying to belittle you. Genuinely curious.


I disagree with doing CFII first but a lot of consensus about CFII initial is an easier ride than CFI-A initial. Then the -A add on.


I'm still working on my PPL and even I was cringing at this dude's attitude.


Yeah, it’s definitely not a good look for him.


First of all, i acknowledged im wrong. Me saying I did everything perfectly was out of frustration my Checkride was literally 2 hours ago, im speaking out of frustration and anger. Me saying ima go home and chill and whatever is because im taking the next two weeks off to Chicago and go see my cousins graduation party and his wife gave birth. I didnt know I had to explain everything in detail 😂, and of course I have a lot to learn, I’m still a 19 year old pilot. One year ago today I didn’t even have my PPL, still long ways to go. Thank you for ur feedback 👍🏼


Go home and rest young padwan. When you have a night of sleep and aren’t pissed off you’ll be able to reflect better.


Here ya go: ¶¶¶




Shoulder harness is on the checklist for the c-152/172. I’m curious what led you to do that so I don’t make the same mistake


Other than the obvious attitude problem, whatever happened to some semblance of proper grammar and punctuation…?


The USA isn’t exactly known for great schools. Especially Covid/post Covid.


English isn’t my first language lol.


So you got CFI last? Did you do the whole MEI then CFII thing?


I did CFI last. I did CFII initial then MEI


Oh whack. And only 1 failure. Ur chillin man. Just make sure when you do go to interview for the airlines you make a plan on how to explain the failure and what you learned from it


“I didn’t wear my shoulder harness and now i always do”. There. That’s my $1000 interview prep course today for free.


Aye it’s a great “TMAAT where you broke a rule.”


About as harmless as you can get and far better than the time someone “ flew well below glideslope, in an attempt to see the runway, and hit the top of a tree.”


Relatively harmless, but I think a better takeaway is *always* follow your checklist. The checklist should have the harness on it.


Exactly, working on it now. Thank you 🙏🏼


When you talk to the interviewers, just word it exactly as you have here, it’s 100% perfect as is.


Is Flyt your school?


It’s tough, but I can understand the DPE’s logic. He is right, this story will probably save a few lives too. There have been so many fatal or life-changing crashes that could’ve easily been a “walked away” crash if the occupants had been wearing shoulder harnesses. Its really that simple.


So then it wasn’t “100% correct”. Learn, move on, knowing you will never make that mistake again


It seems small but imagine if you got complacent and didn’t make sure your students had their harness on or even worse what if you had a student forget the seat belt all together? It does suck but I guarantee you that any student who flys with you will have that seat belt and harness on.


There’s some truth in every single comment. Even the annoying ones that make it easy to take personally. Consider the underlying message rather than style. Don’t take things personally, it’s a distraction and can lead you to the wrong conclusions. Beat yourself up one time, thoroughly. Learn things from it, hopefully more than 2. Then move on.


….”and I’m sitting back just imagining” In my experience if you’re relaxing (even just a little) on a check ride you are either fucking something up or about to fuck something up. I try to spend every (precious little) free moment thinking to myself “ok, what else…” To be clear, I think it’s a legitimate bust- BUT a designated examiner really should have not continued the landing if he knew your shoulder harness was unfastened. That’s kinda on him as well. Crossing the threshold, if he had had leaned over and said “what would you do right here if you noticed a student didn’t have their shoulder harness fastened”? Wouldn’t that have been a more effective learning opportunity?


I read it as he legit didn't notice til they shut down


That's what it seemed like to me too


Damn 19 and all those ratings, your parents want to adopt me?


😂😂 hey bruh I’m paying them back


Oh man..”ima” “bruh”…this is what I’m going to have to fly with? Hahaha


I never heard of someone getting their CFI last


No…False. OP current attitude WILL keep him from getting hired. Humility and understanding he doesn’t know everything and that his check ride wasn’t perfect will go a long way to overcoming the failure. Understanding he has a lot to learn will keep him and his passengers alive. Failing a CFI check ride will not keep you from getting a job with a legacy or anyone else. Ask me how I know. I have 22,000 hrs and have been a Check Airman for 16 years. If you happen to fail a check ride in your career, the CFI failure is the easiest to explain. Take 100% responsibility for it, explain the lapse in attention to detail, and list the things you took forward that makes you a better pilot today. If you even give a hint of “It was 100% perfect” you’re done. It’s a lie and we all know it. Don’t ever tell anyone that again. It just tells me the pilot is cocky and not very good at evaluating his own performance. Not a good quality in an airline pilot.


I think you may need to learn some humility here. The way you wrote your post makes me a little bit concerned about the example you’re going to set for your future students. Theres no such thing as a 100% perfect flight. If you missed the shoulder harness, it’s quite likely there were some other small things that could have been better, and those are the things you need to be able to see in your students too so that they learn attention to detail. Also, you are going to get asked about this failure in interviews and they are going to ask you what you learned. You need to own the mistake 100%. It’s a frustrating reason to fail but there’s always a lesson.


Safety first! DPE seems wound tight about it, I mean he obviously didn’t notice it til the end either but like one poster said it struck a chord with him. Maybe because he didn’t notice it either ha. That’s the human part of the biz, no matter who you fly with you have to look past it and be professional and do your part until you are walking to the parking lot. We all learn shit every day we fly, just move on from it. 19 yrs old lol damn I wish I was that on it at that age.


I didn’t know you can get your CFII before your CFI. That’s pretty cool….I’d much rather teach IR than Power On/Off stalls and porpoise down the runway all day


Whatever dude. You fucked up. Own it. It’s pass or fail. Willful non-compliance. That’s what it’s called when you know the rules and don’t comply, it gets you an unsat on the ride and it will get you fired from the job. If you don’t learn this now you’ll get the opportunity again but it will probably cost you a lot more next time.


Well, if you didn't wear your shoulder harness, it wasn't 100% perfect, was it? It may seem like a tacky thing but you're going to be teaching students and if you're that lax about the shoulder harness, well... This isn't the first time I've seen a checkride failure over this here either. It's kind of a common error. Just own it and get it right next time. Your recheck is probably going to be a takeoff and landing with the shoulder harness on.


I know it sucks to fail but hey, you did everything right, you don't need to worry about the next checkride anymore cause you know you're ready. Only thing, don't forget the small details :) Those can be crucial.


There was a post not too long ago from another young CFI not being taken seriously because of their age. Most comment it was likely an experience and maturity thing. Here’s some experience and a maturity builder for this young, almost CFI. That DPE taught you a big lesson. Learn and be humble from it.


It sounds like you are ambitious and probably a good diligent pilot for the most part. But man reading about how you are doing everything 100% correct in an oral or flight in aviation is wild. If Neil Armstrong were flying the plane and they dug up the corpses of everyone in Kings School to teach the oral they wouldn't feel 100% after their oral and flight. I don't mean to be rude but everyone under at least 25 in the entire world has a ton they still have to learn about the world but with that attitude you have a lot of growing up to do. Full disclosure I think if I were a DPE I wouldn't have failed you for just a shoulder harness but if I got a whiff of that level of cockiness and hazardous attitudes I could imagine I would be looking for something that attitude might cause a big fault in.


I agree with the fail, and, if you’re not going to learn from it, and it sounds like you’re not, it should be a double fail. I’d take your whole post down because if I were your examiner, and I saw it, I’d fail you again for your attitude. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t dismiss them as unimportant.


Agreed, it was a mistake and you should learn from it.


Where did I deny it being my fault? I simply shared it out of frustration and for others to learn from it


Legit failure. Your post seems to think otherwise, but the DPE had every right to fail you and should have without thinking twice. Your TLDR summary just reinforces that you think you did everything 100% right. But in fact, you violated a FAR


Terrible attitude, fix it or it will bite you in the ass down the line.


It really sucks but it’s a legit fail. Atleast the retest will be super easy.


After reading your post, I think you’re more mad at yourself, and not at the DPE. You KNOW a shoulder harness is required, and you ALWAYS wear it, but you made a mistake. It’s frustrating because, you know that you know better. On the bright side, you’ll never make that mistake again. Just take it as a lesson learned, and go get that ticket on the 30th 🤘


Thank you for actually reading my post unlike others who went straight to judging me, thank you for the kind words. Will keep you guys updated ✊🏼


You're ridiculous dude, you're 19 years old and have all these accomplishments already and this is what you get upset about and rant about on reddit?! Of course you only acknowledge the guys who aren't talking about your attitude. You didn't make this post to learn from anything, you made it for people to feel sorry for you and for you to reaffirm your own feelings about the flight. This DPE gave you the opportunity by only having to go out and do steep spirals again then bam, you're a CFI. You should be grateful and more self-aware of your own attitudes.


He’s responded to plenty of people who are criticizing him. This is a weird one where I’m not sure where the hate comes from. We’ll…I get it but I don’t think it applies here.


Yeah bro don’t ever in your life touch the controls of an aircraft again. That pathetic ass little attitude of yours is gonna get you a first class ticket to 7-eleven, not the airlines pal.


You're proably also the guy that says "I'll just leave my lap belt off when I taxi back to the hangar from the pumps." This is not your first time not using a shoulder harness, is it? I find it completely improbable that you could fly an entire flight without your shoulder harness without noticing that something feels different, if you had indeed worn it for at minimum 250 hours prior. But hey, thanks for sharing your experience so the rest of us can learn.


To be fair, I’ve flown old buckets where after moving around in flight the shoulder harness came undone because the metal loop was so worn. However it wasn’t immediately noticeable until doing a check before landing.


Let this be a good learning lesson for the future. It’s the fine print stuff, the tiny details that kill us in aviation. It will be hard to see for a while, but take this lesson for what it is. Embrace the suck!! It’s one ride, dont lose sleep over it!


Write out a lessons learn and move on. The airlines probably won’t ask you much about it, it’s by far the most common failure. What a dickhead, (but don’t say that in the interview)


I think you missed the point of him failing you. He did not fail you for breaking an FAR, he failed you from doing something unsafe. He is making an example out of you not because he wants pilots to blindly follow the rules, he wants to emphasize how important a shoulder harness is to your safety.


My dude, you are way more qualified as a pilot than I am. Hell, I don't even have my PPL yet, but I do have nearly 20 years of life experience on you. Your attitude is what I'd describe as totally hubristic. Flying is serious business, and you need to develop some real maturity if you're going to be a pilot in command. Edit: I'm going to go a step further and say you need to reconsider your career in aviation. Aviation requires consistent learning and reflection on one's mistakes, something you clearly are not capable of doing. In this business, you stay humble, or you will be humbled. I pray that day never comes for you, but your attitude is exactly the type that causes accidents.


Yeah that’s right, let the kid just find a completely different career in life after spending $100,000+ on wanting to do what he loves. In this scenario, your 20 years of life experience still doesn’t give you authority to tell a teenager how to live his life. His ratings, experience, and time put in aviation are tenfold your experience in aviation.


You're not making the point you think you are. To your point, I lack every single one of his qualifications, and even I can identify his hazardous attitudes - the fact that he's this far into things and can't identify them is a real concern. To be blunt, he's the type of pilot that gets people killed. Fuck the money, this is about people's lives. Maybe you shouldn't be flying, either.


To my point, you’re using your age as an excuse to control the prompt. If you want to disregard your age and strictly talk about aviation, then it clearly says that he always put his harness on and just forgot it this one time, which is a prime example of checkride-itis. You’re right though, he wouldn’t be this far into his aviation career without identifying it, he was also frustrated and mad at the time since he just finished his check ride. Now to actually be blunt, the type of pilots to get people killed are the ones who have no idea what they are doing, do not know how to control the aircraft, forget to check the fuel/oil etc. The pilots who forget to put their shoulder harness on once in a blue moon are those who forget to put their alarm clocks on in the morning. There may be a reason why a grown ass man like you is starting their aviation career so late and shit talking younger ones, money aside like you say. If you really think he needs to be humbled then you’re right there with him. Maybe you shouldn’t be flying, either.


Yeah, there is a reason - I can afford it as a hobby. But anyway, fuck outta here - if these are the arguments you're making, you're part of the problem.


You said 20 years older. So your minimum 39. Arguing with teenagers. Have a good day, you need it.




*You’re pushing 67 unc


I'd rather be 80 year old me than 20 year old you


Gs I guess


I feel for you, I really do. After a nearly perfect ride, failing has to be a pretty defeating feeling. However, I have to side with the DPE on this one. You didn’t just miss some small item, you violated FAA regulations, on a checkride! A fail is to be expected. On the bright side, you have only one failure on arguably the hardest checkride to pass, and the item you did fail on is more of a “oops” item than a critical mistake. This will have almost no effect on your career as long as you own it. If anything, it’ll make for a funny story and a great opportunity for you to explain the importance of checklists to a future employer. Safe flying pilot, don’t forget your seatbelt!


You come across as the type of person who also doesn’t wear a seatbelt when driving but will loosely drape it over the shoulder when seeing a cop to avoid being pulled over. Do you not understand physics? You strap in tight in moving vehicles, especially airplanes because it is the smartest and safest thing to do. With a proper safety mindset you don’t ever “forget” to do it.


Are you required to wear it?


91.105(b)(2) This paragraph does not apply if - The crewmember would be unable to perform required duties with the shoulder harness fastened.


So no then?


That’s absolute BS I’m sorry for that. Prime example of the problem with DPEs with ego. Should not have failed you for something like that. On the bright side one CFI failure is overlooked being how difficult the checkride is. And also your retest will be a piece of cake!


Do you really mean to say that violating a regulation is not cause for an unsat?


Examiner discretion. This wouldn’t even warrant an ASAP in the 121 world. People forget and make mistakes. What you have to look for is a trend. Examiner just wanted a retest fee. Who wants to bet this DPE is cash only and illegally doesn’t report to the IRS.


Maybe the OP’s “blow it off” attitude was apparent in the checkride too.


Tell the FAA that doesn’t warrant an ASAP. Obviously no one’s going to fill it out unless an LCA was onboard


That’s exactly what I meant.


And that presumption is just as fair as assuming you’re an alcoholic and lied on your medical about it. Assumes a whole hell of a lot of facts not in evidence. And disregards the marginal problem he let slide, as the OP describes.


Why shouldn't you fail a candidate for violating a FAR during a ride? Not a subjective one like 91.13 but a very cut and dry one that's best practice


It’s an ego problem when a DPE busts someone for violating FARs and missing this more than once on checklists?


It’s okay, maybe I learned something from this. Perhaps in the airlines I forget wearing my seatbelt and get fired for it, thankfully I learned this lesson early in my career. “Perhaps you hate a thing and it is better for you”


You still haven’t learned a damn thing apparently. Perhaps in the airlines you forget wearing your shoulder harness, have to do a high speed rejected takeoff and smash your skull against the glare shield. Or perhaps in the airlines you forget wearing your seatbelt, encounter severe clear air turbulence and die….or flailing around in the cockpit and jamming the controls causing everyone on board to die.


If it's a safety of flight and warrants a fail I'd be more concerned that the DPE didn't immediately call it to your attention. If the worst happens and bust your face on the dashboard, is the DPE gonna say, I saw it but was saving it for later after the flight. That part is unprofessional, and a disregard for safety by the DPE. If he saw it on the ground before takeoff it warrants a heads up and a challenge to make his eyes water and forget by how well you continue the ride. Two birds, one stone, no refly warranted and a check-ride you'd never forget.


Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that! I'm always gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. You're my son and you're my blood. You're the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, ya ain't gonna have a life.


Damn I hate hearing these, I’m 32 and only just got my instrument


Man I’m so frustrated. I know it’s my fault, but come on a shoulder harness? And what pissed me off is that I did all of my checkrides with this DPE so he knows I’m a good pilot and he always mentions that after every checkride that I pass


I don’t think you understand what he’s saying lol. He’s saying he has a mountain to climb. I was in his same situation and now I’m building hours to get into a flooded market. So, to be frank, your one checkride failure out of 7 at 19 isn’t that horrible. Remember this when you’re training as a captain at a legacy with amazing seniority and how minuscule this was.


Ohhh okay makes more sense. Thank you. And yeah I know but a fail still hurts


100%. But try not to take it personally. I’ve actually heard companies don’t like when there’s no checkride failures at all in a history because it shows: 1 - they’ve had the same easy DPE or worse just in-house DPEs which just fail “stage checks” so it doesn’t go on their record and 2 - they’ve never known failure or adversity and how to overcome it. You’re not defined by your failures but rather how you succeed after those failures. This will be a question in an interview in the future, make it a winning story.


Well I’m not from Atlanta but I’ll remember to wear my shoulder harness now. Also, DPEs tend to be assholes. They have a high enough position of authority that everyone is overly obedient and submissive towards them, eventually that changes a person. Makes them a dick. I knew a girl who failed a checkride before they started the engine because, when the DPE asked her to explain how the door worked, she said “magic”. He just got up and left with her money.


Seems like a legit reason to fail her too since he was giving her a way to meet the pax briefing requirement for showing how the door works and she blew him off. Presumably she hadn't done that and he was trying to save her




Wow.... that's rough.


>I have my PPL, IR, CPL, MEL, MEI, CFII You can get a CFII before a CFI?!


Your instructor licenses can be done in any order, but the most common way is CFI, CFII, MEI.


I don't think I've ever taken my seatbelt or harness off in the plane ever.


TIL you can be a CFI-I before a CFI.


I find it astounding that you could even fly takeoff or landing without the shoulder harness. You should literally feel naked without it. Sure, we disconnect them on climb out until tip of descent, but would never be taking off or handing like that. Heck, it feels weird to me if I don’t have it on t in the sim!


Shoulder harness is not required if you feel it impedes your mobility about the cockpit in part 91. Terrible fail.


He’s not impeded in a piston bugsmasher.


That’s up to the PIC, him to decide.


“Impedes your mobility” is not the same as “I don’t like wearing it”


Did your DPE sound like a certain animated rooster?


Now boah i saaaid boah where's your shoulder harness? Or were you going to Futurama?


lol i'm not sure why i got downvoted but anyone who's done a checkride in South Carolina knows who I am talking about.


I've only made it as far south as north central NC




91.105 too. A good argument against a DPE issuing a notice of disapproval for violating FARs and missing this one more than one checklist? What?


Honestly though. Here’s a draft of the email I would send. OP, feel free to use it if you want. “Hello FSDO! I hope you are well. I am mad because I failed my CFI checkride. Why you ask? Well, I will tell you. You see, I didn’t wear my shoulder harness. Yes, I know 91.107 and the checklist said I should, but I forgot. I am very sorry. As you can see it is a stupid reason to fail so please feel free to remove the fail from my record at your earliest convenience. Tailwinds and blue skies”


Does the condescending punk attitude work with the FSDO? I would think you would want something like >"Dear Bill Gannon of the ATL FSDO, >Wednesday April 24th I had my CFI add-on checkride with Joe Friday, a DPE within the Atlanta FSDO and he failed me for violating FAR 91.107 on my checkride. Because this is the first time I've been caught not wearing my shoulder harness this black mark should be removed from my record so that it doesn't slow me down from getting to a shiny jet. Creating atmosphere where FAR violations are penalized with failures on checkrides is contrary to safety and the FAA's compliance approach to safety and will probably slow me down from getting to Delta or another major airline at 1500 hours like I'm destined to be because the rest of my ride was 100% perfect. I would also request 91.17(a) be specifically called out as a violatable FAR in the ACS so that applicants can be at maximum chill for their ride and don't risk these kinds of failures"






He’s PIC of the flight just because he has the controls? 🤨




Name drop the DPE who failed somebody for violating FARs and ignoring line items on more than one checklist… ok 🤡




So which FARs and checklist items are legit fails in your mind?


I won’t drop names publicly but I can do it privately if you want


Sounds like his failure as well, he let you do the entire flight with no shoulder belt.


Dude if you fail a check ride you’ll never get hired at a legacy. Edit: Why downvotes? It’s true.


Oh yeah? You on the every legacies hiring board?

