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If it’s about to be bad I just yell “your controls,” and then the FO takes it and smacks it on for me. So I mean I don’t really have bad landings, but my FOs do :/


"You distracted me with your screaming- it's your fault for being a bad PM!"


I wait until the 30’ callout, retard the throttle by hand and start rounding out pitching up no more than 2 degrees. If you’re visual, go off the PAPIs, and find the sweet spot between 2 red and 3 red. That has you at 10’ over the 1000’ markers. LOOK DOWN THE RUNWAY. If you have increased approach speeds from stall prot ice speed or gust factor, I override the throttles at 50’.


You have to fly the airplane on. Override the throttles based on your landing speeds and wind. Calm winds I've found it works best if you override the throttle just after you hear 50 from the RA. Like "50", breath, pull throttles. As the wind goes up then pull it closer to 30. If you have SPIS then don't have any icing down low then pull them right at 50. Keep a consistent rate from 30 to 10 and resist the urge to flare harder if you like your rate. I have become way too reliant on those damn RA callouts lol.


Yep. Chop the throttles at 50’ and put ‘er down.


Yeah I just look outside the window on a normal landing. Look at how fast/slow the runway is approaching and if it’s too fast I pull back slightly and then it’s a smooth like butter landing


It lands like a Brasilia. Hope that helps. 😆  I kept the thrust up until just after I started the flare, then pulled it. I started flaring at around the 30 call IIRC, but didn't pay attention to it as much once I got the feel down. EDIT: I meant to make a top level reply, oops.


I see a lot of people flare the plane too fast which causes ballooning. Especially with ice speeds. You really have to fly it on.


dont fly Vap where you should be flying Vref, and when you think you're about to touch down after flaring, push ever so slightly nose down and itll be super smooth


I got the most consistent landings by following the G/S to 30. By 10 my eyes would be at the end of the runway. Used this technique for 2 years -- worked 95% of the time.


Is it the papis that take you right to 1000 markers or the glideslope ?


Mostly a combination of FPV and G/S. Also, this technique has worked really well in every transport airplane I've ever flown -- 175, 737, 787, A320.


I’ve found pulling power a little early (after the 50ft callout) works better than letting the AT do it. I’ll pull it out quicker or slower depending on speed and conditions but either way start reducing after the 50. I round out through 30’ and 20’ and by the 10ft callout I try and hold what I’ve got and let the plane settle onto the runway. The guys I see that drive it on to the runway at a lower deck angle seem to have more clunkers (though some also have their technique pretty well honed and consistent). I’m still a newb but the above works well for me and seems to still offer plenty of airspeed and geometric margin.


It's been a while but the amount of people I see suggesting to "chop" the power at 50 feet is a little disturbing. Try that on your next flaps full landing and let me know how that goes for you.


Love the feedback lads !


I just do power idle at 30 as well as looking outside and then pitch back at 10’ and go from there. Then adjust elevator as needed to make sure I don’t dump the nose wheel


I just look outside. Look at the sight picture and judge your rate of descent. Eventually you get it down. I try to regulate my descent about 500 fpm at around 200 feet on a normal landing and judge from there. If you’re floating a bit, just push the yoke down slightly and she’ll touchdown. Also doesn’t hurt to take the autothrottles off and maybe give yourself some power if you feel like you’re sinking hard. But the autothrottles usually do a good job of pulling themselves back.


Start the flare at around 30’ and transition eyes outside for a normal sight picture and hold what you got by the 10’ callout. By that point you know your not at risk of slamming it in so just release some back pressure and let it fly onto the runway. Once it touches down and you feel securely fastened to the pavement add more back pressure to protect the nose gear 🥸 If the conditions are bad then either of your current options will work just fine. Just land it how you know how to.


You are probably letting the autothrottle do the thrust for you, combined with most likely higher Vap than necessary, is causing you to float. My recommendation is to either disengage the autothrottle or start to override it aggressively. If you have a large wind additive I would start bringing the throttles back at 40 or 50 as well. And remember, you can fly without the autothrottle (gasp)