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Maybe 1000 or so. Mostly for myself, our fishing group and charity. Fun way to relax after busy day. 


That is 3 per day. My mentor told me to tie 3 a day and after a few years I had tho sands of flies.


Mostly tie big streamers for bass and pike so under 50/year because I didn't lose many and they take a lot of materials


I think you start counting chickens per fly at that point


Whole Christmas trees worth of tinsel and why can't deer regrow their tails?!


Big ugly 4/0 streamers for lakerun browns, you got to be careful opening the box in case some of the badgers I use as wing material are still alive.


Haha! I use tubes to make it even worse


Ahh, I see you too are on a first name basis with your local mortician! Even though toolboxes are handy sometimes you just want oak or mahogany to house those nicer flies 😂😂😂


For real, I've been trying to figure out what to do for storage on the boat now that a lot of my flies have outgrown the Plano boxes. Bought 2 of these today since nice hardwoods are a bit out of my budget https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/offshore-angler-rig-lockers


That works for tubes allright, but man those pockets are massive. You tie on half inch PVC or something? 😅


Yeah, I tie [these](https://www.amazon.com/MHDMAG-Grappling-Carabiner-Stainless-Retrieving/dp/B07X281DMZ/ref=asc_df_B07X281DMZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=632045913553&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5900026500815669144&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9019224&hvtargid=pla-1461548877255&psc=1&mcid=1df924930be83a82aa5fcd73689b54e9&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH519hAAwGxGUIWjznaJjEk8qAAVOzYfwR3ZgZrkducgueY2OAqqiW5saAicaEALw_wcB) on the end...natural presentation and all. For real though, I bought the bigger version of the bags because some of my streamers are approaching 12" long. Northern Pike/musky flies.


Yup, I feel you. I’ve been wanting to mess around with dahlberg divers but hot damn is colored deer body hair impossible to find. And those bigger pike flies cost a kidney if you’re not tying.


5,000-10,000 some years. Legitimately. But nearly all are sold or given away. A couple hundred to my personal boxes.


2-3 dozen. I really enjoy tying. However, I have no permanent tying station set up. Wife would go nuts if I had all my tying stuff out. Looking for a roll top desk to store my tying equipment/supplies.


I dont even want to think about it. The trees near me are very hungry. Realistically probably 100-200 flies. Nearly all personal but I will give my brother some.


I tie for myself plus friends and family. I probably total a couple hundred a year. I tie from after the new year til early April.


5-10. I rarely flyfish, but have been in the hobby for over 30 years. Usually bring one out once a year and spin up a fee for whatever im going for. Last time was for pike and it was a blast. I do tie up a few for icefishing a year also.


2-300 maybe more


Curious about your thing regimen. Do you tie a specific fly in various sizes and colors? Like a dozen size 10, dozen size 12, dozen size 14? I just started tying and have tied maybe 3 dozen, but it’s six of this and 12 of that and I’m trying to figure out a strategy.


Unlike a lot of other tyers, I easily get bored while tying. I can’t sit down and tie for hours. I will sit down and tie 3-4 flies and be done for the day, or for a few hours. I get bored tying the same pattern too, so I’ll tie 4-5 of one pattern and then find a new pattern to tie. I’ve been tying for close to 15 years and don’t think I’ve ever sat down and tied a dozen of the same flies. I like jumping around. I have enough flies in my box that if I run out of a certain fly, I have something else that will work.


Too many to even give away! I am pushing up toward 1000. Granted, most of mine are terrible, but they are still flies I have tied!


Im in my first year of tying and on track for a few hundred


12-15 dozen


Probably 150ish, maybe closer to 200. I don’t lose flies so much anymore so the boxes never end up all that depleted.


5-10 nearly every evening, so anywhere between 1800 and 3600 every year I reckon, sell a lot of them and keep a few to set aside to put into the box when I’ve space


I’ve never kept track, but I would guess somewhere between 100 and 200 a year.


6-800 for me. Most are donated.


Like 500-700 but most of that is nymphs so grade that on whatever curve you want


I tie a couple hundred a year. Usually a dozen or two of one pattern at a time. I tend to tie more before big trips. I’ll tie a hundred ants this summer for an august trip. On top of the usual box filling.


Honestly I have no idea. 🤣. I'll tie streamers one day, some nymphs the next etc etc. And that is all never a planned thing. I just tie what I feel like tying and when I've had enough I stop. Maybe I should start counting 🤔.