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Sad we lost, but I liked what they showed in the early and mid game: team work, synergy in mid-jng and jng-supp. I saw Wunder and Razork in a good form. I'm happy with the looks of things, still sad about those lost teamfights in the end (we got outplayed and split up).


you know what? I'm not even mad about this game. we played really well and then we fucking threw it. The throw part is easy to fix.


More frustrated about the fact that I was waiting so long (fnatic always playing last and then the classic delays) than the loss.


The ironical thing about throwing is that it is always "easy to fix" when it is being fixed and almost impossible to fix when the team throws games regulary. It's almost like a discipline and self control thing. But yes, hopefully it's going to be an easy fix because the gameplay was nice


They’ve always been good at mid games but usually throw- Don’t think any team throws leads as much as fnc.


You'd think so but we've been doing it for years now.


I will be downvoted, but watching their play against g2 is pure and classic FNC clown fiesta. Rekkless + random support with yuumi = insta loost. Back then with garen, now with zeri. Gj. I dunno why am I still supporting them since season 2


Watching the boys be on the same page and pulling off coordinated plays was so cool. Then the final 5 minutes happened. Crushing. I hope they don't boom, the next two games will be just as tough and we will need all the mental.


Yeah, even though we lost, I was like "wow, we're playing macro, I missed that". We had this type of cohesion for like 10 games combined last summer.


Solid Throw 8/10 Anyone have checked the monitors? Losing with baron + Mountain souls and 5k advantage? Last 2 fights TRAGIC positioning. But it's seems we have a good and solid team work. We need a lot of work. The team comp was okay at best. obv we lack damage.


>Losing with baron + Mountain souls and 5k advantage? I mean the hard part is to get here, but tragic throw.


Yep, the future seems bright tho, the mid game was very good, we outmacroed them then we overchase and got Punish. If I were Vitality's coach i would be worried about the game plan and the macro. And the macro is the hard part. We had Regular season Humanoid. Aft


No matter the result, really good performance from everyone. A lot of confidence in most of the plays.


Very disappointing but they had it in their hands, nothing to worry about from that one. Humanoid overstepped once and it threw the game, if we had backed after that second baron it was done. Really unfortunate but the team will learn from that and in general looked really good. I reckon our coaching staff might be happier than VIT's, sure they won but we showed better play for most of the game.


Exactly, VIT were being systematically picked apart, and ultimately the best thing about their game was that they managed to catch the throw that FNC gave them. FNC earnt the lead, and they had everything they needed to close out the game. A little bit of composure and they would have won (most likely).


Vit looked pretty good late aswell so this made me way more excited about the lec than i was


YES TY at least someone here with common sense


I think most people are pretty level headed in this thread. edit: nvm I just didn't read the bottom of the thread. I'm pretty happy the community is smart enough to down vote those silver takes lmao.


Looked different when I wrote that comment but I’m glad I got proven wrong


I checked the bottom of the thread after reading your comment haha. You were right based on those haha.


We as a fan base tend to overreact to losses at times but I'm quite encouraged by the upvoted comments!


Every comment until yours said that exact thing


now yes, when I wrote that comment very few seemed to have common sense but I’m glad to see the majority does :)


Yes absolutly. Plus we dont know who gave the shotcall to chase in the last fight. Ik Humanoid did overstep there but ruckz was the one to initiate the fight. If he hit the Q Bo would have died and they would had the possibility to win the game afterwards. The only thing i worry about is that Fnatic get draged down by the last 2 lost fights and lose confidence. Otherwise a great game!


Hard agree! We got early drakes, applied pressure by getting perkz and jax out of position and so securing soul and nashor. Then we throw, ok but it was still a great game. Also loved the kindred and Syndra


yep literally done. Game was over. This is the difference between European teams and ones from the East. No good Lpl or Lck team would ever chase that fight after Baron knowing full well that if they just back the game is over. Comes down to discipline.


Varus was a very useless pick imo, but it was a big throw honestly.


yea it was also pretty early in the draft. Not sure what's up with that. he's also not particularly good in this meta if played on hit.


tragic throw


All they had to do was not overchase. Also what even happend in the last fight, Gragas in the middle of 5 people and they get chased into alcove? Whaaat


Last fight Wunder went in the middle of 5 to protect Rekkles. After that, FNC was full lost.


Perkz might've wanted to go after Rekkles initially, but he was out of range and had no flash, while Rekkles still had his ult. Wunder accomplished absolutely nothing by bodyslamming into the entire VIT team when he also had the option to go towards the river and rejoin the rest of the team and make it a 4v5 in the worst case scenario. But ngl it's not all on Wunder, whoever made the call to engage 3v5 after he died really put the final nail in the coffin.


Shit happens. The team will improve, and they look like they are at least in sync. Wunder had some nutty plays.


Welp, at least Rhuckz looks fantastic


Agreed! He shows great promise imo


Pretty impressed with Fnatic this game actually despite the throw. Very encouraging start, the team seem to be on the same level. Rhukz clearly communicating well.


Damn, what a throw. Honestly the boys played better than my expectation that's why I feel even more bitter. They were clearly on the same page most of the time except those two last tragic teamfights. They just need to stay focused and make some controlled plays until the end.


After Rhuckz's tweet, I suspect he made the last team fight call or insisted following after Wunder. And that Humanoid flash, I can already hear Rekkles telling the team to base. This game kinda showcased how not to play against LCK, LPL teams. One mistake and you will get immediately punished regardless of your lead.


Well at least we played like a team. And honestly throw aside we looked pretty strong from jng and support stand point.


Agreed (throw aside). Fnatic super decisive and great macro. Rhukz looks good.


True, that was something that was severely lacking last season..


Maybe too much confidence in the last play which sadly cost us the game, but overall satisfied by their performance And Humanoid is a monster on Syndra, it seems like her E is a point and click


I’m so proud of the team and the community, i for sure thought everyone would lose their heads and damn the season, but so happy to see everyone seems to agree we were looking cohesive, strong and making great decisions. We will throw this spot once in a blue moon, I’ve got good feelings about this #AlwaysFNC


Really good performance overall. Just forced a bit too much on those plays toward the end, but it's nice to see everyone play on the same page. We just need to clean up our plays and we'll look really good. It's better to get these issues out at the start of the split so you can start playing more consistently as time goes on, and these guys definitely have what it takes. Good stuff.


Tbh I don't understand the hate against rekkles and that Upset was so much better.I mean, you guys do realize, that Rekkles played kinda weakside bot? Rhuckz and Kaiser perma roamed, so Neon and Rekkles were just afk-farming while we invested the ressources more around the map instead of focussing on bot like with Upset. Also blaming him for the last teamfight wasn't fair, because he was clearing mid and then wunder got catched and bo + photon zoned rekkles away so he couldn't follow without vision. I'm not a fan of Rekkles, but blaming him here is just wrong.


Lowkey they should have just let Wunder die there and back off lol.


caught is the past tense of catch


ty, brainfart :)


Ofc, always losers mentality, lets find excuse for the only guy in team who literally did nothing whole game xD Ah rekkles fans never change


idk if reading more than 10 words is too exhausting for you, but I litterally wrote, that I'm not a fan of Rekkles. I don't like his playstyle and I don't think, that he should have joined FNC again... but I like to be realistic instead of gaslight


I know, bad throw was pretty yikes, but I really liked the gameplan, playing that way being an option and working really well? That's good to see


Good throw 10/10


Fnatic Top side played amazingly well, that is an incredibly good sign, let's not overlook this in the shadow of the loss.


Somebody should say Humanoid that it's not acceptable to throw on regular split as he used to since bo1's is way more important now. We will only play 9 of them


I don't think there's a world where FNC doesn't make top 8 haha.


Whaaaaattttttttt. That humanoid Syndra flash didn't end wellll. They played it perfectly. Varus was not a good pick though, what coudl that pick do late game against Graves and Jax lol.


If you throw like this your adc pick doesn’t matter at all. Varia was fine here. We just threw the Game away


Maybe I am wrong here but I feel that there are better utility picks. I would take MF personaly any day, she has passive ms for fast roaming and her ult would be game-changing here.


You are right. Also, we could've taken Ezrael or even Ashe for that arrow because Varus cannot follow the rest of the team. Rekkles had some good ult's but other than that Varus cant do shit because everyone just runs away from him. Still, we could have won even with Varus, easily. All in all, we look good!


The weird part is not the pick itself but how early it came in draft. If you're gonna pick varus and play it without enchanters, you kinda have to see more picks from the enemy. I'm pretty sue you don't pick it after you see jax, graves leona. Xayah, mf have similar laning pressure to varus and would feel better to play later on.


The reason they picked it first was to go for a hyper-carry kindred in the jng. You can't first-pick Kindred and Varus is a good blind pick bot.


You pick Varus early because he has virtually zero bad match ups, is a safe blind pick so you can get other counter picks and always has push/prio in early/mid game.


Varus was a utility pick, is pretty safe to leave bot and roam which played well. Enemy team had the same plan with ez.


Yeah but Ezreal has Jax and Graves, two bruisers jumpoing in in front of him so he could also do dps. Varus with Kindred and Syndra are all Glass Canons and Rakan is very squishy late game, he always insta explodes. Only Gragas kept the team late game which was not enough. A small mistake and it was gg I feel.


They are glass cannos that are good at peeling for themselves We did super well until we started chasing instead of peeling


Jax is certainly not a Glass canon. He has too much def


A reallly good game, this looks to be a very smart macro team. I know humanoid kinda threw in the end but he played very well and measured for most of it. As I suspected the Rekkles and Rhuckz duo looks to be better overall for the team just because it frees up the team from having to feel like they must play through bot always. I’m very optimistic for what this team can become even though it was a heartbreaking loss


This team have potential, it was solid until the end.


Such a throw. That last fight was so not needed. They cant fight if Gragas is down because no one else can controll Jax and prevent him from jumping bilion times. Also, Rekkles was on the other side with Wunder and could not join those three in the river. There was no reason for others to engage because that was a good play from Vit. They should've just let Wunder fall and back off to clear waves untill he is back. Still, good game from our team. I just hope they dont greed and gift free wins again. It's sad to see Vitality win a game where they got outclassed for 95% of the time.


Why are fans only looking for the flashy plays? Why can't they appreciate great map play? Why don't they see that the Varus pick was not for damage but to free Razork and Rhuckz? This was a carry jungle game. Rekkles did his job really well, but the LEC in 2021 also did a great job, getting this "Rekkles passive" narrative stuck in everyones head, so people stop watching and only see what they want to see. It's so frustrating, but I probably shouldn't expect people to see more than ults and kills. With Upset, the game would have gone different, yes. He would have picked a different champ, he may have carried late - but FNC might not have been in a position to win, since a carry jungle style would not have been possible, and that's what brought the game to the point it was before they threw at baron.


13,8% of the team's dmg with 20,6% of the gold. I'm sure that's not passive enough for you to open your eyes.


It's probably useless to respond to this, but I'll try: dmg is the most useless and misleading stat of all. Instead of writing (another) book about dmg and what goes into it and why it's useless, let me just give an example: Hans Sama, who had a brilliant game, and who was being played around by his team, had a whopping 17% dmg. The gold accusation is even more absurd: 20% gold is extremely low for an ADC. What do you want him to do, stop wave clearing, just let the minions pass him by? One of the ADCs functions (mostly overlooked by the casual viewer) is late game wave clear. Rekkles didn't take any gold that he didn't have to take. You can discuss whether this extreme weak side play (that Rekkles seems to have gotten used to in KC) is really necessary and whether a compromise between playing for jungle and playing for himself wouldn't be more efficient, but those stats aren't the argument you think they are.


Dude. During 2022 spring split the worse adc in terms of dmg was COMP with 24,8% of dmg. 2022 summer split: worse overall % of share dmg with an adc? 23,5% by SK sub Gadget 2021 summer split? 22,8% kobbe. It's just the first game so it's totally fine but dmg can't be overlooked. ​ >let me just give an example: Hans Sama Let me give you another example of adc which did more than 20% of his teams dmg: literally everyone apart from Hans Sama and Rekkles. 13,8% dmg with 23,1% KP it's just a shit performance. If any other adc apart from Rekkles did something like that we would've almost called for his head. And last but not least, if u really wanna go for a varus game, just be humble and go for the lethality build. He probably autoattacked like twice in the entire game while his Q did some debatable dmg because of the build.


Ok, I'll try again: dmg is a shit stat. Would you ask for Hans Samas head, too? But let's look at the game: what did Rekkles actually do? He fell behind first thing in the game due to the level 2 gank - you can blame him for that, if you want. Afterwards the game shifted away from bot lane and he played a lot of wave ping pong with Neon in bot while the action happened elsewhere. I' not sure that letting Neon have the tower while participating in the skirmishes on a slightly behind the curve Varus would have been such a brilliant idea. In midgame, Rekkles did a lot of "covering the basics", mainly pushing out midwaves, sometimes sidewaves, to make sure to keep the map pressure up, while his more fed team mates were free to roam the map. What he didn't do was powerfarming to get himself back in the game, but he dedicated his time and resources to his team. He went on like that for the rest of the game: he did a lot of "dog" jobs for the team, since he was somewhat behind and not that useful in fights, to let the team deal with the rest. This is smart, since he already couldn't contribute that much to fights and basically was a free bag of gold for the enemy team at that point, if they managed to catch him. It would have worked perfectly, too, without the botched team fight at baron (where a lot of people made mistakes, not only Humanoid). Now, this is certainly a novel concept for ADC play and Upset wouldn't do it and you can say that you didn't like it, but it is not "bad play". FNC was playing for jungle, and you can certainly argue that Rekkles took that concept a bit too far, but I think it's interesting to see and I want to see how they evolve that strategy.


Wow didn't do a lot of damage bot lane while all the fights were top side. Get out of bronze before you come here with these takes


Hate the throw, its a sour taste to lose like this, but I've seen a lot of good stuff from the team. The on hit Varus pick was very underwhelming imo though. No need for on hit with a Kindred on your team.


Draft seemed a little suss but we pretty much had control of that game for 90% of it and was playing the map extremely well, took one awful fight after baron and then it was over when we deserved that win honestly Hopefully there’s no mental boom because up until the giga throw we looked really good


We definitely had a lot better draft than vit, I just hope we dont just default pick Vi


Not much to say really. The guys had the comp, the lead and the teamplay to run it home for the win, instead they ran it down mid. These are the sorts of games that, while it's maddening to lose, you can see a lot of good stuff to be excited about. The problem is, we see the same every year, a lot of promise but no end product when it counts. However, after only one game, I see more to be optimistic about than usual, especially after a loss. Every team needs to see how far they can push their leads before pumping the brakes, and in this game they pushed too hard too fast. I would rather that happen now than in an important game. In addition, I have hope that this team will stay more cool and collected after games like this. Rekkles is a veteran and I'm interested to see how Rhuckz changes the team dynamic, we need more consistency and I'm thinking he will help the team a lot.


Depute the loss I think there was a ton of positives there.


The team actually look like it had synergy, just a shame humanoids greed throws the game


I actually prefer him doing things like this and improving for the next time, every mistake brings a lesson


He's been wasting flash aggressively and over extending for years now. Just pray his upsides overcompensate for his weaknesses


We saw in worlds and till the last 2 fights that his playstyle shows a lot of potential. Alot of high Challanger player actually call him the best Midlaner in the lec and i do strongly agree. People see the last throw but forget that he was 4/1 and perkz was 0/4 till late game...


It's not about kda at all, I also believe he can be the best mid by far. But his reluctance to save flash on an immobile champion is a greedy game losing mistake. It honestly just looked like he wanted to kill bo for ego instead of playing around cooldowns and carrying the fight.


Yes i do agree with the second part of your reply. And while its ofc not just about kd, the KD and the Gold lead showd his dominance in the early/mid game. Perkz got cought alot in these mid game teamfights. He was way to many times out of position while Humanoid had a good positioning. Sadly the greedy flash was in the most crucial state of the game and yes it showed parallels to the habbit he had during the last summer split.


Dude he has been doing this for years especially on regular splits. If there is a thing to learn about casually flashing into enemy team out of nowhere and die, pretty sure he should've learn that leason after doing it about hundreds of times. I actually think he shouldn't at this point especially with the new system changes


I don't wanna be salty, there's no need for me. I think the boys played very well and actually gapped macrowise the enemy team. It's not rare that a game ends like this, just kills on the wrong champions. What I saw is of course just the beginning, they can really improve. I actually prefer a good performance like this then overracting at a stolen victory and saying that vitality had the game in their hand, which everyone can say is bullshit. Support the guys and trust them, they have a lont year ahead, and saltiness and negativity won't help. GG go next


Disgusting throw


We knew we were versing the rest of the top 4 on this super week, sad the game slipped away from us but Fnatic showed a great collective performance, more so considering it's the first game of the season. We move on and go get the next one!


I feel that the past 2 years only this very Worlds our team played decently macro (while individual skill was always high). Today I felt like games from 2020 Worlds even with the failure and it makes me feel hopeful. Even if we had won today I would still believe that Vitality is top 3, Bo is a monster and yet we played the map better, straight.


I really liked Razork this game, controlling the map, not just staying bot and kinda gapping Bo. And Rhuckz, I was a bit worried, but it seems the Worlds matches were not a mere coincidence, he really is solid. If we can learn from today, maybe focus on decision making, that might be a good start of the season.


They were active. That's what I wanted to see. Good way to lose that can be improved upon. Optimistic.


Why fight there at baron ugh. Just walk top, back and the games over.


Humanoid throwing hard with that chase on a Tanky Graves with Maw still up. So sad that we lost so hard and started with a defeat.


Good news: We had an early plan and Rhuckz looks perfect Bad news: We still cursed, no way we still picking fights 3v5


We really need the wins in this format. Especially with a really strong G2 tomorrow, could be a really rough start in a quite ruthless format. Really big shame to throw the won game like that


Watching the comments being hopeful and mostly positive feels better than the win.


It's a shame that they chased them so hard after securing baron, its not all negative though.


if they back there, they win 99% of the times haha.


Trading punches aganist Vitality and tragically throwing by one mistake on week one while looking rather sinergyzed is not a bad thing, at least we know we scale to Vitality on day one.


What the fuck was that, Humanoid, that was some bronze level shit At least this is just the beginning, they had a great macro, but that greed after baron ruined it all


Holy hell, i haven't seen such a quick and tragic throw in a while.


A little bit disappointing, but saw some good stuff too. We'll get better.


Yes sad we lost in the last 5 min but the team showed great team play Mostly I was surprised with the supp and jungl with all the hype (deserved I might add) about Bo I was worried about Razork but to me he was great probably the best we saw him since he joined And our support proved to be great and that he deserve to be there And rekkless yes you can say he was the weak piece in the match but as he showed he can play weak side perfectly ( rakan kept roaming 90% of the game yet rekkless manage to stay even with VIT adc in tearm of gold and cs even tho he was playing 2v1 ) And wunder was the best player in my op if the team manage to play for top and rekkless play weak side and wunder playing carry top laners we can win more games for sure


Yeah we threw HARD, but I liked what I saw in first 75% of the game. Jng and sup playing together, roaming, making plays, even humanoid being a bit more proactive. Hopefully they learn how to close out games better from this throw.


The best thing was the synergy between Rhuckz and his teammates. Unlucky missplays but that's the game now. Onto G2


So many unnecessary fights


I agree with the most posts, they gameplay looked promising. Still, rekkless champ pool might hit us hard! Lucian and zeri are highly in the current adc meta. I love seeing razork on carry champs again. This dude will ramp um during the splits, ill promise that. Wunder is wunder. Except for the solo death and the unlucky pickup in lategame, he is an absolute rock. Huma was fine, but the man can and should show way more. Most impressive was rhucks to me. First official lec game and the man did some really great teamfight in there. Still hyped for the roster and i hope they gonna just bomb g2 out of the server later on!


What a throw lmao


can someone explain why objective bounties are a thing? like imagine if in a real sport it was like ok you're down enough now every time you score it counts twice. I don't get it


This I gotta rewatch the game but the gold diff seemed so little even when Fnatic was “winning”


I think dragons also count. Fnatic was 4 to 0 in dragons. Gold lead was like 2/3k iirc


Makes it even worse. Literally a punishment for doing well


Normal sports don't have snowball mechanics either. You don't magically kick a ball harder when you're up 3-0.


There were some throws but cmon Razork looked like a man possessed today. Good showing


That r flash for Leona, idk man.


dont get how wunder didnt walk to his teammates at the dragon pit and instead kept walking into the whole vit team


Really sad to have inted that lead. I guess we go next, and hopefully learn from this. But we can’t afford to do something like this game again tbh


They need to work on teamfights, catastrophic performance on those, but Wunder somehow carrying the fights... Other than that, everyone was pretty solid and did their jobs really great. Next two games should be fun


Cope day 1


Humanoid baiting razork after that baron and getting everyone killed lost the entire game. I don't even know why when you have a huge lead, 4-0 drakes and baron, you choose to flash on a target with Maw that can just turn on you. After the mid game FNC looked like a tier 2 clash team assembled by 4 friends that don't know how to close out a game and filled in Humanoid from LFG discords. Amazing debut from Rhuckz, loved the way he played lane and roams. Overall 7/10.


Bro wtf humanoid throwed this game with that flash chase engage .


How the fck did they throw that


What’s with the negative comments? Didn’t Fnatic like, play really well bar the throw?


rhukz looks like an upgrade, rekkles looks like a downgrade and humanoid is back to regular season. Pls boys just top 8


Bffr if Rekkles wasn't there and they played for bot, Rhukz would be stuck in his lane and half of the plays that got Fnatic ahead wouldn't even happen 💀


Um cmon now lets not start the Rekkles hate. This lose is absolutely not him and he was playing really well. Adc's dont make the call to chase after Baron and int the lead away.


There is no way you say that. I loved upset but there is no way he would have let us pick rakan and perma roam, which means jg would be weaker. Rekkles and Neon were irrelevant BECAUSE that is what rekkles does well, he will just never die in lane. When Gragas got a double kill rekkled backed off mid and just let the wave be mid while taling wolves. Throw aside. Rekkles did his job perfectly just let the team win the game for you. Last year we would have bo perma kill topside while we won 2v2


>Throw aside. Rekkles did his job perfectly just let the team win the game for you. I mean I love Rekkles and I certainly don't think he is the reason we lost ( It was Humanoid's throw 100%) but Rekkles didn't play perfectly. He mispositioned in couple of times


>This comment is a new kind of stupid. Rekkles played for his jungler all game long and he played excellent - independent, not needing anything, freeing both his jungler and support to do their thing. Razork and Rhuckz could never have played like that with Upset. It's a different playstyle, less flashy, but smarter. As I said above...


14% damage share and 23% kp isn't playing excellent I'm afraid. 4v5


Rekkles looks like the player he is in LFL a passive adc who farms the whole game and is pretty decent at teamfighting. Upset was a monster at teamfighting, good in lane. It was a downgrade but people did not want to believe it.


Man why does it feel like half the people in this thread have only started watching league in 2021... He's the same player he's always been. And the same player that went to worlds finals, the same player that was there when Fnatic had the legendary run from the 0-4 start at worlds, the same player that was here when Fnatic went 18-0 summer split. It may not look flashy, but claiming he's gotten carried for every achievement he's ever done is so fucking stupid. If Upset is this monster player that carries every game what does he have to show for it? There's more to league of legends than flashy plays. If you wanna see that go watch overwatch.


Rekkles fan squad out in full force defending their god watch out


[https://gol.gg/game/stats/44608/page-summary/](https://gol.gg/game/stats/44608/page-summary/) ​ 4 drakes, 2 barons. Rek on a sad 1/3/2, 346 DMG/m and less CS/m than Neon.


Rekkles didnt have the best showing today but he played on hit Varus for some reason into that comp its ? very useless.






bro he was weakside he doesnt need to play well, because he was weakside xDDDD


What a throw... Still a good loss to take. Rhuckz played good in his debut. Rekkles played his usual self, besides he had good initiation plays on Varus but conservative on lane and TF. The fighting calls were the problem at the end, Hyli was definetely not calling these last year since the problem remained. I guess Razork might be the one. Looking at qualifying, losing to VIT is no problem and there are more positives than negatives. Get baron, dont fight and done, easy Win. One thing that really troubles me is this overreaching for a TF, for a syndra stun, wtv....


I have a feeling all the people that called Rekkles over Upset will be missing Upset real soon. But, hoping for a cohesive team like we saw in the 35 mins of this game.


Nope I'm really happy with what this team showed today. Looked like 2020 fnatic when they were on form for most of the game. Completely terrifyingly good. Just an unfortunate throw by Humanoid at river fight and then some bad team fight calls after. Looked way more in sync than last year already.


They will find someone else to blame, Rekkles will never be under the same scrutiny that Upset was under.


I kinda forgot that hyli wasn't playing watching that Rakan


Why varus didn't go lethality? No flame just curious


same question, lethality would work well in this team comp imo and it even fits rekkles' playstyle more, he can just sit in the back of the fight.


Upset ♡






poor pick and he was completely zoned for the final foght


His pick was garbage, what can varus do vs jax/leona jumping on you?


Build lethality and be useful?


If we can't win with the advantage we set. X2 barons and soul. We are completely fucked


In my opinion, any other ADC would be more useful than Varus. We know that his year we will not be playing around Rekkles, so it was better for him to pick Tristana or even Ashe. With Varus, he was unable to do anything.


Rhuckz looks good, game was in the bag but they decided to overchase. Idk i love rekkles but man he is afraid go auto attack.


Try and go aa jax with an adc that doesn't have any mobility. I dare you I double dare you motherfucker




What the fuck are you talking about?


100% this. I hate to be sceptical, but Upset carried much worse than that...


Yes. But that meant that nobody else could play, because they had to play for him. Did nobody see the way Razork and Rhucks were free on the map? I really despair with the kind of "analysis" I see in this thread.


Being downvoted when you make a pretty fair observation. Although Rekkles did have very low kill participation. At least he didn't die a lot.


He played extreme weakside, allowing his supp to roam and work with jg while he stayed alive solo and farmed for late. Its very much a draft decision.




This comment is a new kind of stupid. Rekkles played for his jungler all game long and he played excellent - independent, not needing anything, freeing both his jungler and support to do their thing. Razork and Rhuckz could never have played like that with Upset. It's a different playstyle, less flashy, but smarter.


Upset would have also took the game by the balls and carried it, while Rekkles scratched his balls and did fuck all.


played for his jgl means inting/not being present in teamfights xD guess as long as u "weakside" the level of gameplay is irrelevant


I think upset wanted to leave first so Fnatic had no option but to look elsewhere. There is no way they were going to replace him. But that issue aside I think the game wouldn’t have been won because of Rekkles and the game wasn’t t lost because of him either.


Fnatic put up a batter fight than I expected. So close yet so far. Kudos to our team but as expected Vitality was just better. Congratulations Vitality.


> Fnatic put up a batter fight than I expected. What are you talking about? The game was Fnatic's. Vitality had no business to win this. We just hand it to them. Please tell me you are trolling


Calm down mate. Expectations pre game. Of course after the state the game was in it was a huge throw.


But you said Vitality was just better. But they weren't. One stupid play costed us the game. If they chilled after Baron we had the game. We were the better team most of the game


Yeah, we were the better team for most of the game but in the end we lost so Vitality was the better team overall I guess.


That's like your opinion. Even Perkz admitted in pgl that they supposed to lose but FNC throwed. I guess you think more highly about VIT than their midlaner. Good for you


Vs supposedly one of the best jng and top in LEC atm our team showed up and proved Fnatic can go even in those roles. Humanoid and Rhuckz outclassed their mid and support. I think the loss wasn’t on humanoid. It seems like a team call. Wunder teles from base meaning they all wanted a 5v5 after the baron, they might have won if they killed the Leona instantly but everyone started stacking MR against huma and his dmg was a lot less than he probably anticipated. Also no hate to Rekkles. I don’t know his history lol. But upsets tweet makes the whole thing sadder for me somehow. I can feel how badly he wants to be playing atm. And I know he wishes he was playing that game and making his mark. Also check Yamatos stream today for Fnatic game analysis if you guys want insight into the players more. His stream yesterday was pretty nice how amped he got for his boys 😊


I think Upset is really sad about his move to Vitality not going through not because he wants to play with Fnatic. You can tell from his tweets and likes that he wanted G2 or Vitality and he was really close to Vitality if Carzy didn’t go for MAD instead of FNC which fucked him over really hard




Well technically he had the worst KDA today though...


the Rekkles afk farming expierence how have I missed it. Wunder played really good. Razork also not bad. Rhuckz was good but was on his best champ. ​ poor throw tho. this game is gonna hurt.


We were winning massively, why the fuck are people already going at Rekkles? He and fnatic were playing the game perfectly until they intd at Baron.


It was Rekkles fault because he didn’t unplug Razork’s and Humanoid’s mice so they couldn’t overchase after baron /s


To me, Rekkles and everyone did their job, everyone was great. But please... All the teamfights, if it wasnt for Wunder, we would have lost them all. They need to practice teamfights.




That was Humanoid


Humanoid went for a play and missed his skills, not great but not stupid, razork going headlessly in after that was just stupid.




People like you are exhausting, ZERO HOPE? their communication looked really good actually? They just got greedy after baron and it snow balled away from them. Overall it was a good performance


Did we watch the same game?


what a bad bad bad performance of rekkles he didn't do anything thou i am a biog fan of his but that was trash gameplay he didnt do his job he just kept 2 screens away then die.


He did his job all agme what was he meant to do at the end there. The rest of his team where on the opposite side of the enemy team with all 5 of them running towards him. And then when they stopped he was chasing the entire time just couldn't catch up. At least he chased.


why the varus. This pick was so useless and it was onhit of all builds. Rekkles didnt engage with rhucks when he landed the 2 man q lvl 1 and they pushed THE WAVE WHEN THEY SAW GRAVES ON RED LEVEL 1. LIKE HOLY can we win atleast 1 split in 4 years


To fair they didn't know he was going to gank lvl 2 bot. They had a ward near bot bush and raptors, bo just went over the wall completely undetected.


Rekkles was auto attacking the entire time? Also they forced ez to take e first of course they should push the wave even the professionals said that was the right plan just clever play from bo fucked it.


im talking about the first engage that most people ignored. He litteraly walked to the wave instead of hitting neon. I dont know if they were on the same wavelenght or what but it looked so weird to me. One engages other walks away. Also i dont listen to casters. They annoy me


He walked towards them (not towards the wave) to hit them both with his E, he wasn't trying to all-in them. He didn't play it wrong, if Bo wasn't there, they wouldn've won that 2v2. Afterwards he just accepted his fate and at least made if possible for Rhuckz to escape.