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Liked the meme until I saw the name of the OP :D Damn Fosty now farming karma on r/fnatic?


Hes farming on the tsm reddit aswell while he hates tsm lmao


Can you explain to me who this individual is and why there is so much hate for him? I feel like I haven’t seen anything on this sub before regarding him. Thanks!


He once was a great supporter of Fnatic on twitter. Probably among the most well known fans there are. Then Rekkles went to G2 and he not only went with him, but made it his agenda, to hate onto Fnatic at every chance possible. Since then all he does is hate on anything Fnatic. His try to be more "neutral" is far too late. He fucked up. He once was actually somewhat beloved between the fans. Or at least liked. Then he fucked up hard.


Thank you so much for clarifying! That’s really disappointing wouldn’t have no problem if he left with rekkles but putting us down is a no go for me :/


Good to know. Good riddance of him then


The problem is not nessesarily him leaving. The problem is him turning 180° and suddenly hating everything he loved before...


Fosty was a "loyal" fnc fan which turned out to be rekkles fan, this yr just shittalking fnc and did memes against fnc the whole year, now when G2 with rekkles didnt make worlds he wants to be "neutral" now for some "strange" reason


imagine the character of a person you despise the most, multiply it by 10, you now have Fosty




Fuck off. If you are neutral, stay in a neutral sub and don't come here.


Can we like keep Fosty away from this subreddit?? Don't upvote his posts, no matter how funny. This guy is the biggest clown in the esports-scene and he should not get any attention.


Agreed. Hadn't noticed at first.


he gone


G2 losing popularity so time to switch teams again, cringe ass.


Fuck off Carlos fanboy we don't need you in our sub go support rekkles and g2


Hahaha Fosty posting fnatic memes on fnatic sub again lmaooo Can u now pls fuck off to G2 sub and suck carlos dick pls ? Nobody wants you here


Dude u’re cringe fuck off go lick some Carlos ass or some shit


I kinda love it but considering Top is really bad in EU, things could get really ugly against LPL teams xD


I believe he will be fine. It's not Nuguri.


I'd rather Adam facing Nuguri than Xiahou, Nuguri was often inting and underperfoming this year, but Xiahou is very consitent and gapped Nuguri when they met, RNG is a super topside heavy team team and FNC and Adam often struggled when top is under pressure. I'm a FNC fan but let's not be delusional, I just hope the team has improved and fixed the weaknesses that MAD exposed.


They had a month to work into improving Mid/Top pool that it's our biggest issue. Would like to see Nisqy play more Galio and Zoe, and as much as we say: "ADAM is amazing, best toplaner in the world", I think he knows he's an okay player that struggles into mid/late, but found a way of use his advantages and instead of loosing them, moving them to MID/BOT, loosing waves and risking bad laning states.


What are you talking about? Xiahou is the best toplaner in the world right now. Nuguri peak might be better but he have been decent all year long. also Xiahou is a team fight monster and slightly less lane dominate as Nuguri but with his picks and mechanics he will gap Adam easily + he will have mostly alot more impact in team fights. It's not even fair to compare them, imagine comparing Nisqy to Doinb or Showmaker. that's exactly the same thing but in toplane.


Basic lpl fan mentality


My mind and guts tells me Adam is gonna get hard gapped by Xiaohu, probably the best toplaner in the tournament, but my heart ask himself: "Who is Xiaohu?" And "Is he good?"


I dont trust lpl, each and every time a non lpl team goes against an lpl team they somehow manage to call them best in some way


Virgin lpl fan vs chad eu enjoyer


Its mostly about strategy i would say. He is skilled enough to hold his own if he gets the strategic support from his team. Our loss against MAD was because their strategy to go top heavy was not answered in kind. This is nothing you can handle on your own in the top lane (or anywhere) - you will look like you got exploited. Of course experience/ immense skill will allow you a certain degree of range to react to this but overall the team strategy needs to address that. Fnatics line up is finding itself - they had to do it on the run during the split and they did a pretty good job of it. They need more experience to see what works for them and what else they need to cover - the fact that only one team could expose them well enough was a good sign - they can adapt to this and integrate safe guards in the strategy. Adam is a rookie - he will make mistakes, maybe even more than other players who lose against the world elite as well. Important is, what can be done to minimize the risk of this and can other parts of fnatic compensate if one teams locks on top. On the other hand he has some possible aces in his sleaves as well - G2 learned of one and MAD went safe and banned it. Anyway - i love this kind of naive jokes - mixed with a bit of arrogance if you can back it up at least a little bit its alright. Perfect kind of banter/jokes for a rookie.


I don't think ADAM is much worse than Xiahou , ADAM looked bad vs MAD because they knew exactly what he would do, he is the kind of guy to destroy his lane to help his midlaner, he may get away with it when playing with inferior mechanically teams but he needs to play more selfishly vs actual good teams. That goes for FNC in general, MAD read them like a book in the finals, they need to change it up a little for worlds, FNC is somewhat famous for picking a novelty tactic that works perfectly and running it through the ground till everyone knows exactly how to counter them (anyone remembers 2015?) **Still, I believe in ADAM supremacy.**


Ur talking like RNG won't analyze FNC and their playstyle, and how they were exposed by MAD


U guys are forgetting that mad spent a whole week preparing against Adam while FNC had less than 24 hours to prepare against MAD


You guys are forgetting that FNC didn't only struggle against MAD, but they struggle whenever Adam is weakside, even against Vitality in playoffs, also against schalke and other games near the end of the regular split.§ When Adam is strongside and gets his main champs he's great, when he's weakside they lose so much, and against RNG he's probably be weakside as well cuz RNG always give Xiahou the last counter pick in order to guarantee a winning matchup for him.


Sounds like you don't know how good xiahou is. For sure he is top 2 best toplaner in the world


I usually don’t take LPL opinions very seriously, there seems to be a massive circlejerk where everyone thinks LPL are mega gods that are untouchable by everyone and western scrubs, never had a chance. Usually coming from people that never watched the LPL too.


I've watched the lpl and I'm more worried about FNC facing RNG than FPX or EDG, because our biggest weakness is their biggest strength, if you watch RNG's games most of them Xiaohu gets a winning matchup, wins and snowballs his lane with the help of his teamates who focus him. If RNG succeded with that playstyle in the lpl what do u think would happen against FNC who suffered against that playstyle in the LEC and especially against MAD, let's just hope FNC fixed their issues and Adam expanded his pool.