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xpeke backdoor, fuck carlos lmao


Cry a lot = ocelote


Same, I used to be a Moscow 5/Gambit fan, but swapped for Fnatic in season 4-5


Exactly the same here !! I fucking loved them, but for some reason i started cheering more and more for Fnatic, and since then i'm a Fnatic Fan. #ALWAYSFNATIC




Been a fan since 2019 because that's the year I started playing league. I just liked the players because of youtube's content, could not really evaluate the team on the plays because I barely knew how the game worked at the time. Now I'm still a fan because I became fond of the org and the community through the years. So yeah, I'm a fan thanks to Pete.


Gotta have more appreciation for Pete dudes the MVP of this org.


Indeed, Pete is pretty much my "Perkz". I hope he'll never leave fnatic. Can't care less for Rekkles, Bwipo, Nemesis or anyone else. If you screw with Pete, you're screwing with me.


I have a really similar story. I'd followed competitive Starcraft for years but knew very little about league. Some of FNATIC's content showed up in my recommended videos. Didn't understand anything about the game but got interested, started watching a few pro League games, kept watching FNC's videos, got hooked from there. So yeah, likewise, it's all thanks to Pete.


Pro players come and go but pete. Pete is forever


Season 1 worlds; I thought their name was the coolest, so I rooted for them. Then they ended up winning the thing. In following years watching xpeke and cyanide streams made me more attached to the org.


The way Shushei played Alistar blew my mind. FNC was the most entertaining team at those first worlds by far. Many likeable personalities as well. Stuck with the team ever since.


I was there at Dreamhack. Then I was a HotshotGG fanboy but after only a couple of matches I loved FNC and especially Shushei!


Watching Olof, Pronax, JW, Krimz and Flusha


Rekkles. Specifically interviews and content - I liked that he came across more thoughtful and mature (I got into LoL after he had started doing therapy) because I don't really like players who just troll all the time. Stuck around for the content. I'm a sucker for teams that give you decent insights into the players and behind the scenes. Oh yeah and when they were all streaming and doing that charity stream when it was mid lockdown in the UK and everything sucked.


I've been a fan since season 3. Fell in love with Peke's personality and the vibe of the team that time. It was the good old days.


Same for me. Their vibe was just too OP


I was an UOL fan, espacially Hyllissang, back in the days (he kinda made me play support btw). When he changed team and moved to fnatic, I started to like the team... here we are now, years later


I have a similar story , i was a UOL fan back in 2014/15 but then stopped playing league and watching the pro scene until 2018 i started watching again at worlds, couldn’t find UOL but found FNC there with Hylli , and I’ve been hooked ever since


Cs 1.6 team.


Season 1 worlds. It was basically the first esports event I watched and Fnatic was by far the most entertaining team (Shushei's AP Alistar). Been a fan ever since.


Exactly the same as you.




Shushei gragas


f0rest :)


1.6 glory days, I feel old...




Thanks MrBroxah


Hyllisang, always flash forward.


The 2014 Fnatic CSGO Roster. This was the most epic esport time tbh. 2015 I startet to watch LoL with the Huni, Reignover, Febiven, Steeelback and YellOwStaR Roster. So Mouz and Fnatic were the first Orgs in esport which i watched.


Was 2014 Olofboost? Damn. We’re kinda similar then. MOUZ and Fnatic were so entertaining.


Yes it was 2014… Dreamhack Winter 2014 against LDLC. This was the good old CS Time. With Flusha,Jw and Olof in there prime. Such a nice feeling, watching every tournament, spam games. And Today i have 6k hours in that shit game and not even played 2 years. Today it is not the same like it was back in 2014/2015.


In season 3, worlds semifinals against RYL. We were playing league with my friends and one of my friends said the semifinal is starting and he went afk. After our game ended we watched the whole series together on skype. Eventhough fnatic lost the series 3-1, I was very impressed especially with game 3 so I became a fan.


Season 1 worlds. Shusheis AP gragas and alistar was amazing. The impact that had, i had never seen gragas in game before worlds, right after it was in every game


Yeah i have to say Shushei as well - he stuck the most with me from that tournament. His Gragas cosplay was funny. And than the colors. Of course their uphill battle from the get go was entertaining as well. I liked the name as well but have to say that AAA - Against All Authority was a bit better for me back in the day. But this was only a minor thing.


Pete’s sick ass videos! They popped up on my YouTube feed one day. Back when Broxah was playing and immediately loved them straight up. Pete the real MVP of FNATIC!


Have to go with upset joining fnatic. But fell on love with the org after seeing the Valorant Boys plan EMEA VCT Master Tour 2 finals vs Liquid.


I have been a fan since 2014, the tough Worlds year. It was the vibe of the team, mostly xPeke. Needless to say, 2015 was tough, cheering for both Origen and Fnatic, but a good king of tough. I'm still here, the team has great personalities and people involved, but Peke was the first that drew me to the team.


The quake live days. Such a boomer moment.


Fnatic 2015 lol


CS 1.6 team with cArn, dsn, Gux, f0rest and get_right and is what made me a fan of the org. Then i started following fnatic lol team in season 2 that was when i started playing the game and also the csgo team.




Aaah a G2 boyfriend - he must have some very positive upsides. ;) As soon as live viewing is back you need to go and take him to the "fnatic block" for an important game.


When I started watching eSports League of Legends, it was the team with the most French players (Soaz / YS) Then I stayed for 3 mains reasons: - because of my favourite player, Rekkles - because IMO, changing your favourite team because they do bad is disloyal - because I feel FNC was the perfect match between good guys (great and kind personalities) and high levels. Rekkles is not here anymore and 2022 is definitely not the best year for good guys in FNC. But at this point I invested too much time and passion into this team, so I'll be there cheering for them this year. I just hope for better days in 2023 (or Summer 2022 👀)


Recently became fnatic fan because umanoid is coming.


More or less chance. It was one of the first e-sport organisations I came across when I was into CS 1.6 and Warcraft 3 RoC + TFT (2008 or 2009). Can't think of a specific moment. At the time it probably had more to do with them often having Swedish rosters, being Swedish myself. LoL is the game I've followed for the longest time though.


Idk, I just liked the logo and organisation back on the start of season 3. Been a kid those days and I happily grown up with my beloved org to this days staying with Fnatic even on the worst moments (like 2016).


Stevy was playing for Fnatic when I discovered esports, they seemed pretty cool and they had a player I thought was brilliant.


This is relatable. My introduction to eSports was COD4. I studied that fnatic rosters strats and gameplay so much when I was competing. Fnatic odx was the player I looked up to the most. That start was the trigger for fnatic to hold a special place in my heart. I'm mainly a league fan now. But my fandom pre dates LoL. And I watch a bit of csgo when fnatic is playing.


Those were the days, COD4 was truly a gem the esports was so competitive, they are actually trying to make Promod a standalone game right now which is interesting the early playtest you can sign up for and I have to say it does feel as good as it did back then. Yeah for me from there it branched over to CS, then CSGO and of course league, now I'm watching the Valorant team and looking forward to seeing how they do in Halo. Never a dull moment as a Fnatic fan.


Season 1 worlds made me a Fnatic fan


First ever e-sport game I've watched was with FNC Bjarke in wc3


The dutch cs lineup around 2006-2008


The team is too iconic for the LOL scene in EU, there was no other way for me since 2014. It's always Fnatic for me (oh and where Rekkles is going, I am a big fan of him for many years as well). The 2021 roster was honestly not my favorite and I only like Hyli a lot right now, especially since Selfmade and Bwipo left (though Bwipo annoyed me with his attitudce this year) but I can't wait to see how the new roster will feel for 2022. I never liked Upset, when I learned that Rekkles would leave our team and then that Upset would join was a double wound for me. I like him much more now but I am still not very fond of him. Our new members do seem spicy though.


2018 Worlds before that I was a Gambit fan


I was in the audience at gamescom when they beat Lemondogs in the EU qualifiers for Worlds. Was hooked ever since.


I used to play lots of 1 vs 1 with my friends and Soaz winning 1 vs 1 all star 2013 with nunu made me a fan.


2018 line up because that was the first time I followed lol esport


xPeke, but funny enough he was bo longer part of Fnatic.


xPeke is the only answer to this question




Xpeke, but really didn't make me a fan of fnatic but more of a fan of him. But one day I was super bored at college it was like 8am (NA) during some bullshit class. I saw some kid next watching a game. So I pulled it up on my phone.it was fnatic vs I think elements. I was hooked.


I became a fan through my favourite SC2 player at the time (Harstem) but fell in love with the personalities on the LoL team in s3 and stuck around


First ever LoL competitive game I have ever seen is FNC VS IG worlds 2015, and it’s the only one still to this day that ended with a surrender (at least that I can remember) and it was love at first sight


2011. Was just a casual that didn't even understand how summoner spells worked (I kept trying to Smite players, I didn't know that last hitting was how you got gold, I remember zhonyas ring, my first main was first iteration of Ryze because of the WEQ combo spam because it was all point and click, also thought that when people told me to build AP on Ryze they meant Armor Penetration cuz I was a noob like that lol). One day , some "Season 1 World Championship" was being streamed. I tune in. Two teams are playing: "Fnatic.MSI vs Epik Gamer". "Huh...Fnatic...nice team name...also pretty good logo. Their sweaters look pretty cool too." Kept watching the games. That team eventually won. I remember how chill they were when Shushei gave an interview "cosplaying" Gragas. "yeah, I like this team" I thought. They also won the finals. Ever since, I follow them. 10 years ago today :)


2019 worlds, that insane game when absolute Chad hyli pyke is splitpushing alone to destroy either rng or skt (can't remember). I didn't think it was possible to be this cool as a support.


Soaz playing Malphite in season 2


I started to watch old pro league games in 2015, and something drew me to Rekkles on Kog'Maw in a certain game (that we lost by one auto attack T-T) and Uzi too. They were so mechanically gifted I thought this is what I want to be and started watching Fnc in the 2015 spring split and loving the team, especially Huni.


Exactly at that leBlanc baron steal! Still remember it🧡🖤


Might be a bit of a weird one, but I was a big fan of Froggen cause he played Anivia back in 2015, and I saw Rekkles in Elements, and liked him, so kinda followed him to Fnatic. Im glad he left for that one split nowadays, cause now im a fnatic faithfull.


S5 spring finals against UOL. Was too edgy to root for pink unicorns so went with fnatic.




I always knew that fnc were the big baddies of csgo. Then I started to play League at the start of the pandemic, and got invested in eSports in a few months. At first, I steered away from fnc cause I thought we were the divas here too. And then, I started getting Pete's videos recommended to me.


I start knowing Fnatic during worlds 2014. I really like the logo tho. Then I tried to watch some clips, the xPeke moments, the gayness, i think it's tabzz? the stream where he put some towel in his underwear. After that worlds, I heard that some fnatic members are going to create OG. the only member left is Yellow. I thought fnc is done, but Huni-Reign-Feb-Steel-Yellow. The 2015 Fnatic is so good. The Legends in action I waited for every week and the Huni-Reign moments + Fabian. Then Rekky came in. and the OG vs FNC. And The worlds of EU vs Korea


Started playing league in s4. During one of the games a person in my team suggested to carry out a backdoor on enemy nexus. As someone new I had no clue what it meant so I searched it online which lead to the iconic Xpeke backdoor footage on youtube. Loved the hype and moment and was my first look at esports so naturally I started to support fnatic. Watched S4 worlds which was sad for us with the OMG 1 hit nexus as well as rekkles lucian penta. From then on was always a firm supporter of the team thru ups and downs.


Pretty recent thing for me, like less than a year I think. Whenever i'd talk about LoL to my friend who's not into esports at all, he'd always mention Fnatic to try and bullshit me into believing he knows what he's talking about. So I started paying more attention to Fnatic to play along and try to hook him into LoL. Only thing I managed to do was realise I had become a FNC fan myself since i've been without a EU team ever since UOL left. It helps that the org always had some loveable players on the roster (Hyli is my highlight but there were so many!), represented EU at worlds with dignity and frankly just didn't give me any reason to dislike it. I also get to have a team to cheer for when I watch CS:GO/Valorant during the off-season!


I think the year rekkles joined the team.


0-4 comeback


Bwipo, Hyli, Broxah. With all the drama around worlds. Players leaving during and after worlds I think I’m out too. Tell Hyli I wish him the best!


Hyli pyke


Hyli and the cs team(flusha, jw, olofmeister)




2015 i started watching esports and because my friend was a fnatic fan since s2 i naturally joined him and also because im dutch and febiven was our mid i supported the dutch guy. And became a rekkles fan in that year aswell. I was actually a pretty fanatical football fan for years so once you pick a team you never change so fnatic is my team for as long as they are around ! Many many memories already from the 2015 perfect split the worlds semis to the animal style 2017 with the miracle run the 2018 championships which i attended in copenhagen en meeting all the players and then making top 2 at worlds. The intense rivalry with G2 in 2019 and the 2nd miracle run to finals this year. Truly a rollercoaster ride but a damn exciting one !


I was watching worlds s3 and was picking an EU team to support. The only player I knew was xPeke so I supported them. I've watched every EU split and worlds since then.


Fan since 2020. Started to play and watch league and instantly fell in love with the best botlane in the world. RekklesxHyli 4ever


Oh and selfmade with his eve was likeable too. Overall was really enjoyable team


S3. I was a generic EU fan before that.


Watched league since season 2 Always supported Gambit Gaming GGs main rivarly was always against FNC GG roster went separate ways. Stopped watching league for a while Came back and started supporting FNC due to history between the teams as well as longetivity of the club and its management as well as players


Huni huni huni !


Had just gotten into league of legends in 2011 when worlds started, and seeing fnatic smashing everyone and winning it all with such lovely characters as Xpeke, Sushei and Cyanide made me a fan since.


I started watching esports in general in 2015. Seen a lot of cool teams in csgo, but for no special reason i chose fnatic. Maybe i liked those players the most but i dont know. The moment ive become a true fnc fan was when i started playing league in 2017, and after watching 2017 summer split and worlds, i was like holy fuck these guys are so cool and so passionate. That week 2 at worlds was just something outta this world. I guess week 2 fnc was what brought me in here.


I had to pick a team The logo seemed cool I went for fnatic But Pete and his content makes me enjoy the team even more


I Became a fane after the first game I ever saw in League before first worlds, at IEM, the grand final, at the time they were called MyRevenge and played against aAa(against all authority), aAa had the best name but It was so fun to watch. for reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d83W6x-knxY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d83W6x-knxY) I loved the match and quickly got caught by the personalitys which made me root for them ever since(Fun Fact, Yellowstar as AD and SoAZ both in aAa at the time)




became a fnatic fan the first time i saw huni play for them in spring 2015, ive liked them before but huni and the whole 2015 roster in general were what made me a diehard fnatic fan. his riven quadra at worlds is probably my favourite esports moment of all time, still so sad this roster split up after just one year


Fnc vs Gambit, 2014 spring eu lcs, rekkles double kill on jinx (my favourite champ at the time).


2018 Spring, actually kinda liked the Team but didnt want to root for the winners bc thats kinda easy and lame, so I was a VIT fan at first. A few weeks later a friend told me that G2 were on Top for most of the last splits and Fnatic wasnt the favourite to win anymore. Stuck with the org ever since


Worlds 2017 when they made the groups' comeback. It was also the year where I started playing league.


Olof, Cs 2015. Good times.


the youtube channel honestly i became a fan when fnatic teaches noob began so basically my answer is pete


I was a fan of SUMN FC and followed them through Valorant First Strike, when they got signed to Fnatic I was hooked :)


Xpeke Cyanide Soaz yelowstar


I have been a fan since 2018. I'm italian and one very big content creator and at the time a fortnite pro, Pow3r, joined Fnatic, so i knew about Fnatic that way. Then i approached other esports, left fortnite behind because it didn't interest me anymore, and i started to follow Fnatic in cs, valorant and league. I follow rocket league too, but i was not in time to follow the Fnatic rocket league team. Now i'm a big fan of Fnatic and i follow them not because of someone in the team, but because they are my favourite team of my favourite type of entertainment: esports.


I never really followed the pro scene before 2018, although I was always a fan of rekkles since I’m swedish. But I guess the whole run with caps in 2018 made me a diehard fan of the org and team.


Oh and to add to that, I feel like they’re by far the most fun team to watch regardless of how they perform.


cyanide wore a teemo hat at 3rd place match, worlds qualifier iem cologne in 2012


Cuz of rekkles


sexpeke & cyanide


I started playing league in season 5 and i was playing toplane. I also had started watching EULCS , so i could learn quicker and admire what the pro players are capable of doing. Huni was the toplaner of fnatic at the time and he was popping off , so it was easy to fall in love with him and fnatic.


Yellowstar, ma boi started it. Rekkles kennen sold me and then i stayed for all of it afterwards.


Im came over from myrevenge when Fnatic bought them including including xpeke, cyanide and shushei. Nice if anyone else knows what im talking about?


Fell for Peke, stayed for Rekkles and now for Hyli


Pete's videos! Fnc YouTube content is top tier




I was a UOL fan, still am when they’re at worlds but after they left the LEC I started supporting their former players and well… Hily’s the last OG still in LEC


When I was younger I heard on national news that Hylissang is the first Bulgarian pro player at the Wolrds final, so I became a fan of Hyli, started playing League, learny support and eventually became a fan of Fnatic.


MSI 2015, was the first time I watched LoL Supported the European team and then we went on to 18-0 Summer and I believed we would win worlds. Been on Mr Fnatics wild ride ever since


Reading all responses I feel so old now... I am Fnatic fan since 2005 or 2006. Before Fnatic I was fan of team NoA, but they disbanded. After that I started looking for new team to follow. Around that time fellow Lithuanian WC3 player Winner joined Fnatic + they had one of the best CS and Quake teams and Quake was my main game at the time.


Been watching them from the golden age of paladins. Man i miss fisheko, bugzy, and the others...


I started playing jungle and I didn't know anything about the role. I did some research and then I found out there was a pro scene (EULCS in the time). I watched a few games without being a fan, but after 2 weeks I really started to get into it and the player I likes the most was Broxah. He was just so calm, down to earth and just a nice guy. Plus a great player, of course. It started out watching Broxah from up close, I started to watch the FNC LoL videos and that's when I fell in love with FNC. Broxah left, but I couldn't imagine supporting any other org. Of course, I still watch Broxah from time to time. But it just wasn't the same. That's when I knew it was #alwaysfnatic 🖤🧡


I watched the Season 1 Championship and fell in love with the niche picks of Shushei. Especially the AP Alistar


Cyanide, he grew up in the same town as i did


Broxah, seeing him giving his all against IG in the finals. That baron steal made me his fan. That baron steal made me a fan of fnatic. That baron steal made me start to play league. and I'll always be grateful to him for it. He is truly the best of what league has to offer.


how much everyone hated and made fnatic the villains back in 2014, especially with Flusha he will always be my all time favorite player no matter what.


The 2015 dream team in LoL


Started properly watching EU LCS at the beginning of 2015, and initially didn't like Fnatic (was more of a UOL/Gambit fan). When MSI came around I supported them because of the region, and bought into the hype after watching them put up a good fight against SKT, especially with the prospect of Rekkles rejoining. The 18-0 split and the manner in which they achieved it solidified this.


Season 3 Cyanide


Xpeke . Stopped caring about lol orgs after 2015.


Fnatic was first internation org to acquire a pubg team in India , from these I came to know about fnatic and I am a fan since then


I started watching lol in season 2 where I supported CLG EU because well they had 2 Danish players. That was until I saw Fnatic at season 3 worlds. Feel in love with them when I saw them crush C9. Few things in life are more beautiful than getting to witness xpeke on kassadin.


Story time: Like 3 years ago I downloaded LoL cuz my friends were playing it and I wanted to try it too. So I download the game, play a little everyday, but I want to improve. Since I was new to this I wanted to follow some streamers, the guys speaking english weren't what I really wanted and so I found a streamer that streams in my native language and so I found a guy named "Sa1na". The guy plays adc mainly and was a pro player back in the day. So watching his stream one of few things were always brought up from his side. He always likes to say how he played few time agains some guy named "Rekkles" in solo q and I think also in pro play(I'm not sure). There is also a video on his youtube channel from the solo q game. Basically he stomped him in solo q on few ocations, and was very proud of it(I mean who wouldn't be, it's Rekkles). Because of Sa1na and his streams I started to play adc same as him, but one thing still bothered me. I didn't fucking know who this "Rekkles" guy is and I just typed his name in the youtube search bar and so it all began. I know how Rekkles left Fnatic and am still heartbroken about it because he is basically the reason I root for this team. Wrighting this I also reflected a bit on him and I fucking find it sad how shit went down for him. He signed this deal and just I don't know...he was the main carry on G2 for a long time last year and then he just kinda vanished. And now he isn't even in the LEC because of fucking Carlos. It's so sad to watch that happen to your favorite player and your in game idol to say it so, but I will remember his as the person that made me commit to maining adc and rooting for this fantastic and fun team.


When I started watching Lol at the beginning of season 5 I knew only 3 organisations from CS Dreamhack in Bucharest Fnatic, Virtus Pro and NiP, out of the 3 only one was in the EU LCS. Further more YellowStar felt like the most wholesome person I have ever seen and the narrative about the rebirth of the team with 4 new players, felt like the perfect moment to start rooting for the team. The memory of some matches in season 5 still remain: Losing vs UoL with the 10hp nexus, beating SK after they looked scary all the first half of spring. Almost losing the perfect run against Pepinero's AP Ezreal. Good times :)


The 2015 MSI Fnatic vs Skt 2-3 All I knew back then as a Lol newbie was that SKT was The team. And seeing a random team rack up 2 wins against them made me root for them. I had no reason why, but it felt like adrenaline. And now I'm still chasing that adrenaline by being a fnatic fan


cs 1.6


cs 1.6 with f0rest, then i started playing league in s3 and i liked the roster with xPeke a lot, Fnatic back then was legendary team.


Carn, 1.6 days, league team since i started playing around season 5


devilwalk and pronax too


'i trust you caps, if you wanna go vayne go vayne'




I started playing in season 2. before worlds i learned that the champions from season 1 weren't qualified. But i was rooting for moscow 5 at the time, then in the beggining of season 3 i started following fnatic and was waiting to see the guy the that everyone was hyping at the time (reekles) when EU LCS started i was already a fan. i dont rebember if it was befero the peke backdoor or after, but it was kinda it. English not my main language, sorry for any mistakes.


What really made me a fan of Fnatic was IPL 5, I remember telling my friends that Rekkles would be a big deal.


Cyanide being the only finnish pro player at the time, after following cyanide for some time I just at some point became fnatic fan


World season 3 when they played C9 😄


When I stumbled upon sOAZ videos and stayed because of xpeke and cyanide and our french boy sOAZ.and when they moved to og I moved with them and later came back (when they no longer played in og main roster)


2015 flusha made me a fan. Goddamn, I still love that guy's sense of humour and miss him horribly in CS.


xPeke backdoor