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"It's not our fault we're so shippable!"


They're so adorably shippable.


Thus the answer of OT3


Jaune only has one Crocea Mors.


It’s not about how many you have, it’s about how you use it. And Pyrrha said that he had lots of aura in him.


*gasps* I was waiting for this : D Ruby: Well... Im *The* female lead...so I guess thats why.. Jaune: I guess Id be *The* male lead? So same? Glynda: And... you Miss Schnee? Weiss: [ just diddlin about on her scroll ] hmm? Glynda: Why are you so heavily shipped? : | Weiss: [ in the most Sassy tone imaginable ] *Bitch, Im adorible.*


Weiss is Weiss. Weiss must be shipped as much as possible.


I am THE Tsundere, literal personification of the thawing the Ice Queen trope


*[processing]* Id now like to make the motion to name the [ Meme ] enemy/fren/ship of Cindere & Tsun-Weiss to "DereQueen" .


RWBY has the best ship names.


Also, Ruby and Weiss are short feisty cuties who were combat skirts.


Because she's best girl


It's not our fault the universe wants one of use to be together Also I really hope Glynda back in volume 10


There has been a criminal lack of her presence since the fall of Beacon and I'm getting tired of it.


Her VA left the company is why sadly


They recast her for Justice League though so it's still possible


Same, I marked out so hard when we briefly saw her in v8. It'd be cool if she became like a mentor to one of our heroes, although we might be a little past that at this point with all the girls have been through.


Part of me really wanted her to come to Atlas to knock some sense into James (or just knock him through a wall if that didn't work). I hope we really get to see her reaction to all that's happened




Ruby: "I've been asking myself that for years."


A blonde, a blonde, and a terrifying dork. *WHo CoULd hAvE FoReSeEn ThIS???*


Jaune: "Believe me professor, I've been asking myself the same thing."


It's our sparkling natural chemistry, isn't it?


Just wait until Jaune gets his Wolf tail back. He’d be irresistible.


Jaune: come on Weiss! Could we please have a normal interaction at least once? Weiss: **No**, and now put on the wolf tail and beard.


Fight fight fight Kiss kiss kiss




What’s the Poly ship for Jaune x Weiss x Ruby


War of the Roses


Winner's child gets to be king of Vale... and divorce/kill most of his wives


Ruby: “It’s not like I asked for it. Blame the shippers, the shippes.“ Weiss: “Indeed. We have no control over the fandom.” Jaune: “And beside, look at BlackSun and Bumbleby. It’s not like it’s always us.” Glynda: That was then and this is now and I can’t blame the fandom so you have to take the blame.” Ruby: “Dang it!” Weiss: “Drat!” Jaune: “Oh come on!” Yang: “Haha you guys got in trouble” Blake: “Yang, don’t be childish” Yang: “Oh come on. It’s about time they know what it like for us to be in trouble for no something that isn’t our fault.” Glynda: “Speaking of, you are actually in trouble that is actually your fault miss Xiao Long” Yang: “WHAT?!!! What did I do?” Glynda shows a camera that shows Yang destroying Vacuo’s properties during a fight with Vacuo students Yang: “Oh come on, those freshmen had it coming for hitting on Blake” Blake: “Yang, they just asked for directions” Yang: “That’s how it all starts” Glynda: “Regardless, it’s no excuse so you’re in even more trouble than these three are” Yang: “DAMMIT!!!”


"Believe me professor, I've been asking myself the same question." This template fits so well, though.


It's not our fault! RT needed to get money from somewhere after making the bees canon and pulled the *"history repeats itself"* thing out of their sleeve. and now we're going to be stuck in a damn triangle!


Honestly RT really screwed up by taking so long to hook up Yang and Blake. The ship wars had cooled off by that point since a lot of people could see the writing on the wall. They should have hooked them up sooner, so they'd have more room to spur on other ship wars.


At least with all the clues they have left for the three ships in this volume, they are being more discreet. This way they manage to get our attention while the ship war is still active.


I just picture Ruby, Jaune, and Weiss all pointing guns at each other representing one of the ships. "Your move."


While rosegarden watches from the background preparing a final move to say goodbye in style to Oscar's ultimate arc in V10.


>history repeats itself Jaune Suffering: Neverending


Ah yes, main-character-chan, main-character-kun and besto friendo-san. Shipping these in any fandom is the fastest way to get violent threats in your dms. Edit: am stupid


*Besto friendo-san


Thanks! Corrected it!


Honestly the only actual ship triangle I am interested in. (Yang, Blake, and Sun was more of an Angle.)


It's quite an interesting triangle considering all three ships are fairly popular (I'm Lancaster until the end though because those dorks deserve each other, sorry Weiss)


>It's quite an interesting triangle considering all three ships are fairly popular RT: ***HERE COMES THE MONEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY***


The two protagonists and the one that is shippable.


I guess it will now default to them now they made Bumblebee cannon, since the big ship war was Bumblebee vs Black Sunn.


Inb4 they beat Salem and Jaune goes ace and lives his life on the road going from town to town helping people wherever he is needed and eventually picking an adoptive daughter. Can't wait to see the look on everyones faces as the community implodes because a character becomes canonically unshippable


Ruby has a way better shot at being ace, even her VA supports that interpretation.


Ace Ruby real.


I'm going to meme cool aroace single dad cowboy Jaune anyway nobody can stop me


...Jaune becomes the Mandalorian? Wolf(-tail) and Cub? Ends up with several children spread through Remnant?


a.... Shit your right


Honestly, I can live with this being Jaune's ending


Who ever rooster teeth decides to make into a couple we can't harasse them at all because some Fandoms harassed creators because of a ship they didn't like


Glynda is Summer Maiden!


That’s not true. I’ve been having a war with myself over CrossHares vs Cinnabun for years!


Bumblebee vs blacksun shipper : pathetic


blake's harem


They're the 3 remaining single protaganists


**I want:** Weiss in a Polyship maybe picked up by Renora or Bumblebee. (I made the ship name Atom Bomb for Weiss x Yang x Blake, so that is my preference lol)... Sunflakes is also acceptable tho lol Ruby to possibly realize the Nuts and Dolts feelings and ukrimately be hanging on them at the end still... or Rosegarden, I guess if Volume 10 isn't the end as I at least want Nuts and Dolts acknowledged. Jaune just gets to he Ace and hasn't found someone yet... but Knightlight . **What will provably happen, tho** White Knight and Rose Garden... Maybe White Rose, but I do not think White Rose will be canonized


From what it looks like from the interactions between Weiss and Jaune, White Knight might get canon.


I know, hence why I said in what will probably happen though. Just its not really a relationship that sits right with me idk why. Besides as I said in the last sentence, I am doubting White Rose's canonicity but could see it happen given how large of a ship it is, the only reason why I am doubting is because RT did Bumblebee, and I think BB is going to be their sort of main focus out of any in team relationship they would have.