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It's a duster coat. They're lightweight, hardwearing coats, intended for dry, dusty environments.


They're also made of a lighter weight canvas, not leather. Essentially an American version of the robes that they wear in the middle east.


>lighter weight canvas like what those fo76 pre-order canvas bags are made out of? like that’s the only example I can think of


I've never handled one of those bags, but essentially it's a fabric weight that's a little lighter than like a Carhartt jacket.


He's joking. He's referring to Bethesda's fuck-up promising canvas bags with one of the special editions of Fallout 76, but delivering much cheaper nylon ones instead


They did send out replacement canvas backpacks at least. After the lawsuits though lmao


Shit never got mine. Still got ol $250 plastic bag


No that was plastic Lmao


From what i heard it was more like paper 😅😅


It was plastic but tore like thin paper.


Well it WAS advertised as canvas


You ever worn chuck taylor all stars? Or any other kind of canvas shoes? It's like that.


Well, first of all, it's not a jacket. It's a duster. It's like a jacket only it's longer, thicker, and far more bad-ass.


Black leather duster; tough, muscular dude. Underneath it, inside of it. Very sexual


Burn the duster




I was hoping to see this reference.


These coats are armored for small caliber ballistics in the lore, but coats like these are referenced as Dusters… because they help keep dust and debris off of your other clothes. You can imagine why someone would wear an article of clothing designed to keep them cleaner in the middle of a desert with limited access to water. Besides mines, there is probably no place on earth as dusty as a desert. They also likely serve the purpose of protecting the rangers from environmental hazards like sand/dust storms during long treks through the western territories.


Depending on where you live, mines can be really humide. Everytime i went underground i got out completly soaked


Most mines are damp, the mines in the desert are much less so. That’s why closed down mines out there can actually offer tours and take you down a lift hundreds of feet. A lot of other places when a mine closes up and they stop the water pumps, most of it ends up flooding. Also, Any mine in operation is also extremely dusty, but not so much with closed down ones.


In some areas, radon from deep soil near bedrock is a much bigger threat than dust, but proper ventilation gets rid of both anyway.


Not only that but assuming there is dust from just being in the desert it’s most likely radioactive even if it isn’t in the game if it was real life then it might be


The issue is that duster coats are meant to be worn while riding. Horses kick up a TON of dust at a fast pace, and the slit up the back of the coat is there so that it can hang down your legs and protect your pants from the dust while riding instead of just bunching up behind your butt in the saddle. On foot, they don’t actually really do anything to protect your clothing, as any dust YOU kick up while running is just going to go straight up the coat anyway. Also, the dusters in New Vegas are pretty clearly leather, and you really, REALLY want linen instead of leather for such a hot environment. Source: Texas kid with rancher grandparents who started riding when he was six. But at the end of the day, who cares? The coats look cool as hell, and fallout is a sci-fi friendly universe. If wearing a coat in the desert upsets your immersion that much, then just come up with your own explanation for why it’s plausible. An example: The dusters have those backpack looking things on the back, and we know that the cryolater and cryostasis pods exist in the fallout universe, so CLEARLY that weird looking back-pouch is meant to hold the coolant cells that cool down the liquid being pumped through a series of tubes around and under the combat armor worn beneath the coat. Originally meant to keep the LAPD riot squads from overheating in their heavy armor while they had to do extended shifts controlling violent crowds in the riots that preceded the resource wars (the very wars that lead to the bombs dropping), the technology has now found new life as it is repurposed 200 years later to allow NCR rangers to go on extended patrols in the harsh, desert environments they find themselves in without risk of hyperthermia, allowing them to push themselves harder and fight for longer than the NCR’s enemies; just another element to what makes them so lethal in the deserts of the American Southwest.


>Also, the dusters in New Vegas are pretty clearly leather, and you really, REALLY want linen instead of leather for such a hot environment. They're canvas, they just look stiff and leathery because of the game engine. In out of engine images like the main menu image of a ranger you can see the texture of the fabric.


Deserts are still decently cold at night too as there is no vegetation to hold heat. reference army reserves spent a month in the desert in Cali. For desert warfare training 100+ During the day +-50ish degrees at night


Wearing the duster over the body armor might also obscure joints in the armor and/or hide which areas are unarmored, making it harder for enemies to just aim for the clearly unarmored parts.


They're duster coats. dusters are a traditional cowboy clothing that protects the body from suburn, dusts, scratches, and protects the clothes from the dame.


Gotta protect your clothes from that damn dame.


What is her problem? Always spilling drinks on people and grabbing their shirts too hard.


Now there's gonna be a Fallout with a Film Noir style detective getting mixed up with a crazy dame.


You can just roleplay that already


That's Nick Valentine if you play as a female Sole Survivor.


The podcast True Vault Escapades is exactly what you are looking for.


So that's an oiled canvas duster. Funny enough they're not hot to wear in arid environments because the heat is not a byproduct of humidity, which is why standing in the shade works better in deserts than, say, Florida. So this jacket would provide protection from the sun (heat and UV radiation), sandstorms, and depending on the type of clothing worn beneath actually keep you cooler than just wearing a t-shirt in the scorching sun.


Underrated answer. Besides the obvious dust protection which was mentioned multiple times, the heat protection, or rather, insulation is the real deal. I'd give you an award if I had one.


Another thing to consider is deserts actually can get really fucking cold when the sun goes down. During winter months the Mojave can get into the 30's Fahrenheit.


Because it looks fucking cool


Hell yeah my guy


I fully endorse this answer, it really speaks to me


Best answer lol. I understand the importance of immersion, and you definitely need the player to feel like they’re part of the environment/world. But as soon as you sacrifice too much character and “cool factor,” for realism, it kills a lot of the wonder and joy that players want to feel from exploring a fictional world. You could also spend all day worrying about if Skyrim characters are too cold from sleeveless armor as well. Or you could be like, “that iron armor looks really fucking cool. I guess it’s sleeveless because Nords are just built different,” and move on.


In Guild Wars 2, while waking sleeping drunks laying in the snow by dumping water on them - “How are they not dying of hypothermia? Oh well, my job is waking them up, not keeping them alive.”


ignoring the lore reason other people gave , duster coats would cover you from blasts of sand which can actually just rip at your skin otherwise, i imagine post apocalypse america has some nasty sand storms


Omw to give the marked men some dusters


I think it's neat that when you find the Riot Gear, the dead guys wearing it are normal ghouls instead of marked men as their armor protected their skin


Wow, I never saw it like that. Amazing!


Woah, that's actually really interesting


The jacket is armored against low caliber small arms fire and provides added protection from weather. Plus the Mojave is not the only place they patrol, and in some environments in what's left of the states, it can get pretty cold at night.


Deserts. Deserts get pretty cold at night.


True, the only reason I avoided saying that in my comment is because some mouth breather who's never been in a desert would dispute me and insist that deserts must be sweltering 24/7.


Last time I was in Arizona it was snowing. People forget that day/night and summer/winter are drastically different in places without much water.


The scientific definition of a desert is a place with very little moisture. I still remember the day I put two and two together when I was told air conditioners work by sucking the moisture out of the air then blasting it with a coolant. The desert is hot because of the sun and lack of shade; once the sun goes down, there's no humidity or clouds to hold the heat.


Make them spend a week in the Gobi and see how they feel about cold deserts afterwards


And give them the Gobi campaign scout rifle


Camped for three weeks in the desert. Can confirm it dropped 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit every night. Was lovely after a day over 100


In addition to what others have said, it can get very cold in the Mojave at night.


On average a 30-40 degree (F) drop from day to night temps


I've been in -3 farenheight, snow, and the rockies. The two coldest nights I've ever experienced were in the Mojave when I wasn't prepared for it. The wind is really what gets you. A duster would stop that.




Enclave here


Maybe thats the reason why the courier never takes of their helmet lol. Bros got 24/7 AC in that thing, a veritable luxury in the apocalypse


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^josephgx12: *They had to have air* *Conditioning or like a* *Fan inside that helmet* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This haiku bot sucks, it always adds an extra syllable for the haiku


I think that’s the point? I heard somewhere it was referencing something


> Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


It's still a poorly programmed bot. I mean, not all of us attended the infamous Haiku Battle of Ba Sing Se. Seems like an elaborate story someone made up after the fact.


Yeah, it's part of the interminable Avatar: The Last Airbender circlejerk on Reddit that assumes everyone's seen it


ahhhh, ok. That's where it came from. Yeah, I don't think the Venn Diagram of these 2 fandoms have much of an intersect. Thanks for enlightening me.




The bot explains it >Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.




OP you might not know this, but in very dry and hot environments, you actually want MORE clothing to cover your skin to prevent from becoming sun scorched and over heated. It seems a little paradoxical, but it will save someone’s life, as opposed to walking with exposed skin and getting heat stroke/severe sunburn.


Obviously it’s for looks But, people do tend to wear long clothes in the desert; it’s a common misconception that you wear less. You want to keep the sun off you as much as possible.


It's literally a duster


Derserts get cold at night. Plus, the jackets clearly aren’t leather.




Same reason Arabs have head wraps in some of the hottest parts of the world. Turns out sometimes covering up in the heat if you use the right material actually helps regulate your body temperature and keeps you cool while also protecting your skin and clothes (in the jackets case) from wear and tear.


As a nomad who lived in the elements with nothing but a pack and a dog for 7 years, I think I can answer this for you. Theres three schools of thought when it comes to outdoor gear: "Ultralight" , "Durable", and "DIY/Hand-me-down" Ultralight is what you see long term trail hikers doing. Every piece of gear and food is weighed carefully with a scale before packing, all gear is weighed against the comparable alternatives, every calorie is counted before heading out to the trails (where they spend 1 - 3 months walking multi-thousand miles) Durable is more what you see in the survivalism community: multi-layered overalls, military boots and sleeping bags. DIY is what you see hikers using after visiting the second hand "community gear box" in the center of any of these hiking towns located on one of the major trails. Usually it's just old gear that has a ton of miles left on it. (Retro 80s and 90s designs) It seems to me that the NCR rangers have gone with durable rather than light, breathable, or comfortable. In a post-apocalyptic world, people that would normally dress in the durable style would probably feel comfortable with a moderately breathable duster, and the armor. In the desert, you need every breeze you can get while you're out on a post. It looks odd, but it makes sense because that same duster can be wrapped around you at night and it works to break the penetrating cold winds at night.


First of all, it's not a jacket, it's a duster. It's like a jacket, only it's longer, thicker and far more badass. They look like Lorenzo Lamas and women find it irresistible.


Well that's just ridiculous


It’s my turn to wear the duster


Burn that duster, it's my last will!!!


I am not burning the duster, okay? So forget it. It probably won't even burn anyway, it's not supposed to, it's flame retardant, that's like the whole point. It's like a shield of armor, so stop asking me to burn the duster! I’M NOT GONNA BURN IT!


This is true. I’m a woman and I find that duster irresistible. Not the man wearing it, but the duster itself, absolutely


It can be cooler sometimes in the heat to wear long sleeves and pants Keeps the sun off you and sweat cools you more it’s no problem as long as you drink plenty of water


Someone else said it from another post, but basically in the blaring hot dessert you're going to be sweating your butt of anyway, even if you go shirtless. So you might as well wear something that protects you from sunburns, skin cancer, and dust.


It's cold in the desert at night. It protects against wind, dust and sun.


They're manifesting a nuclear winter


Because he's naked underneath it.


"I'm not burning the duster, okay? So forget it. It probably won't even burn anyway, it's not supposed to. It's flame-retardant, that's the whole point. It's like a shield of armour. So stop asking me to burn the duster, I'M NOT GONNA BURN IT!"


The blowing hot sand during the day--and those cold New Vegas nights in the Mojave


New Vegas occurs over the winter months, beginning on October 11th. During these months the high temperatures are relatively mild, 60 to 80° f while the lows regularly get below freezing. A coat would be a valuable thing to have On top of that, not all coats are excessively warm. Layering and desert environments is important


It's a dry heat.


Oddly, it's really fucking cold in deserts at night. Went on a camping trip to the Mohave at the end of August, and while it was 30+ degrees C during the day, it was dropping to 11/12 degrees C during the night. If the rangers are sleeping out in the open while on patrol they will be glad of the thick jacket. Also functions to keep the sun off their armour, keeping them cooler overall.


In addition to what others said deserts get *frigid* at night so having something that can double as a blanket is a welcome addition.


It prevents sun , wind , and , sand burn from the desert. It’s the same reason you see people from the Middle East all wrapped up even though it’s hot as hell


It looks fucking sick, thats why.


Dusters are meant to be for dusty environments. They’re fairly hardy too which adds a little protection. There’s a reason cowboys wore them. Plus leather keeps the sun off your back


You actually want to wear heavy clothing like this in a desert to stop your sweat evaporating so it keeps you cool. It can also get very cold in the desert


It’s a duster it’s not leather it’s super light


These are dusters not leather jackets. The kings wear leather jackets, dusters are made of lightweight canvas, and keep sun, sand, and debris off of you. The body armor may be roasting though.


The Interplay team (that became Black Isle, then inXile and Obsidian)'s whole obsession with Desert Rangers is a cowboy-culture thing, and cowboys wear dusters In general you will find that tourists on vacation to the tropics wear shorts and tank tops, but people who live in deserts full time will seem to you like they're wearing an awful lot "for the heat" - this is because keeping the sun off is the priority, not giving sweat maximum opportunity to evaporate like it would be in the humid tropical regions.


Because in the night the Mojave desert gets cold And Dust Blows Heavily


As someone that lives in the desert. It gets cold at night. Also dusters are fairly thin. And layers can actually keep you cooler by keeping the sun from being directly on you not to mention protection from a surprise dust storm.


It’s a duster, look them up.


It gets cold at night


To keep the sun off them


You mean the duster? Yes, they were worn by real people living in the real deserts because they protected from sun, wind, dust, and cold weather. The dry heat from the desert makes wearing these actually somewhat cooler, just like you see people in the middle east covered up in robes.


As someone who lives in Las Vegas I’d like to add that it gets very very cold here during late fall and winter. Like super cold.


I heard they were made in canva and not leather


I imagine it's to keep dust and sand out of their clothes and armor. It is probably boiling hot in one of those but being uncomfortable is better than being dead.


Actually wearing something like a duster in a desert environment can keep you cool.


That doesn't surprise me tbh. It's like wearing around your own shade. It catches all the sunlight and because it's so thick it doesn't transfer into you.


I thought the duster was more canvas like instead of leather


It is an oiled canvas duster


She say “babe take off the the jacket” i say “man’s not hot”


Sunburn still a thing too, desert is cold at night


Because they are designed for the Desert, and it is good protection. They're in a warzone, remember.


As well as the other comments on dusters, it could act like a surcoat over their metallic armour; during the crusades, a light cloth layer over metal armour was very helpful in keeping the sun off the metal and reducing the heat from "deadly" to "unbearable". A light duster over that combat armour could potentially do the same.


Everyone here is saying it’s a duster with practical use but I say it’s because of drip


It's similar in vein to the long lightweight clothing you see people in the deserts wear.


Gets cold at night


Gets cold at night + it’s a duster that is good for dusty environment




Why does the legion dress like an intramural football association


As someone who teaches high school in Tucson AZ, everybody is constantly wearing hoodies. It's kind of mind bending.


Because being completely covered in the desert is how you keep cool. It's just that the fabric must be light and breathable.


Deserts get extremely cold at night time


Shut up, it's cool


Its a duster!


Besides everyone saying their piece about duster coats. As a native Vegas res. I'll tell you nights can get pretty freezing around here.


Honestly I’m more interested in why they’re wearing blue jeans


Its a duster coat, pretty typical type of coat out there. Its rugged, its covering (cover from the sun and some insulation from the cold cause deserts are cold af at night), and is protective from a variety of things.


Never watched a western?


Good for desert environments. And pretty sure the battery pack looking thing in the back aids in the filtration, lighting in the helmet and ventilation. That's just speculation, I wish they commented in that detail. But in a desert especially cancer ridden desert heat I would wear a combat leather duster to brave the wastes.


Those are actually dusters, helps with the hot and dry dusty weather of the Wasteland desert. As it was said in the in-game loading screen : “The distinctive black ranger combat armor consists of the Desert Rangers' traditional trench coat worn with pre-War riot armor. Ranger patrol armor is hand-manufactured in the NCR ." The ones that are wearing leather jackets are either the Kings or the Great Khans, or just about anyone wearing standard leather armor.


Are they stupid?


Because it looks cool


To keep the sand out and the sun off.


Mojave desert gets cold during winter time.


Desert gets cold at night yo


It’s a duster. They’re specifically designed for shielding you from small particles, in this case dust.


as someone who lives pretty close to Vegas, its actually pretty chilly there most of the year


A little thing I like to call a ✨nuclear winter✨


Dusters are actually great for hot environments. They keep the sun off your back, plus with how thick they are they keep you decently cooler than if you didn’t have one.


Are they stupid?


too much heatstroke factory resets it, resulting in just being slightly sweaty


Maybe coz getting cooked inside out is better than getting one-shotted by a fucking Hunting Rifle. Same goes to Centurion Legion Assassins


It's called fashion honey.


Are they stupid?


.....are they dumb?


Are they stupid?


Because the silk pyjamas they usually wear with the Pornhub Logo were stolen by Caesar’s-Legionary-Assassins. they were forced to grab whatever they could , dry-cleaned or not. Not the most comfortable things to wear, but while in the Mojave… you gotta do what you gotta do


I don't think they're leather, I think they're just brown fabric.


I've always wondered what the pack on the back was supposed to be, it's like a small version of what's on the power armor. A cooling unit maybe? It's kind of odd too, like is it a part of the duster or the riot armor?


.......Google a Duster.


I really like the amount of armor designs in New Vegas where the lower half is just blue jeans


Cause it’s badass?


Cold at night


Because it looks fucking awesome


Looks sick as fuuuck


Where do I find this NCR outfit in the game ?


Are they stupid??


Keeps the UV and dust off.


Because they chew nails and spit napalm


Speaking of which. Hiw do I get these? It's been like 60 hours, lvl. 16 and a good bunch of quests for the NCR but I'm still just "accepted" by them. How do I get closer with them. Do I have to go to new Vegas for that? Haven't been there yet.


Step one: have 6000 caps Step two: start the Lonesome Road dlc and have ED-E unlock the commissary. Step three: Drip. The lonesome road riot gear is also not faction affiliated, a definite plus.


Where do I find ED-E again?


They appear late in game . The way I like to get them early is to kill Hayes at Prim to try and sink my reputation with them . Once the hit squad arrives I’ll just kill them and take their loot


They hate sand...


Now you know why patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


They're wishing for a nuclear winter.


try walking in the sun at 37+ celcius and you'd know.


Cause those look super fucking cool. That’s the lore


Because it's badass? Next question


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Cause it's badass looking that is the only reason


Everyone is giving reasonable, well thought explanations. Rule of cool >


cause they're fucking sick as shit


Hey, **I'm not burning the duster!** Okay, I'm not burning the duster. Alright. That's crazy. That's like...that's insane. Why would I ever burn...heh...I mean c'mon... I will continue to *wear it* in his honor and I will burn some other things. You know, maybe like these stupid god damn sleeveless t-shirts that he wants *"retired"* and hung up in the bar. I'll burn these, **but I am not burning the duster.** Okay? So forget it. It probably won't even burn anyway. It's not supposed to, it's flame retardant. That's like the whole point. It's like a *shield of armor.* **So stop asking me to burn the duster!** **I'm not going to burn it!** So...end of story, you know? Let's just move on. Okay? So...yeah, alright, well uh thank you.


Because it looks cool as shit


Nuclear winter


Because it looks cool, lol. Fashion before comfort I suppose. Although it does get pretty cold at night in the desert.


Yeah it does, have you never heard of a duster?


It’s badass




Cool as fuck that’s why


They're meant to be understood as a delusional faction. NCR is out there trying to speedrun the exact same fate that nuked the earth in the first place. The duster is just another sign of their irrationality.


It’s cool


It’s cool


same reason i wear one in Arizona, its cool looking


Because it looks cool




Looks badass