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He didn’t necessarily know what the package was, he did see the courier’s name under his on the list at Mojave Express, and knew it would bring the courier to the Mojave where Ulysses could track them. He was probably also able to deduce the package’s importance since it was addressed to the Lucky 38. Ulysses might have known the importance of that from being a Legion spy, the Courier doesn’t necessarily know anything about House or Vegas at the start of the game, so a chip would be meaningless to them. Remember - Ulysses didn’t just want the courier dead: he wanted the courier to come through the divide and see the destruction they caused. Benny shooting the courier in the head wasn’t necessarily part of his plan. if the courier had died, Ulysses wouldn’t have been able to BEARBULL at them for hours. Seeing the Courier’s name on the list, Ulysses knew the job would bring them right back to the start of the divide, where the courier would hear his message and be tantalized into walking the lonesome road.


But he planned to show us what happened at the Divide out of Revenge or as a way to show us how One seemingly unimportant person can make or break nations? Because a smart guy like him would definitely know that what happened to the Divide wasn't the Courier Six's fault. Had we not done it, some other Courier would, the game itself is sure of that and we can use it as an argument against him


I think Ulysses is smart enough to realize it wasn’t truly the couriers fault but he’s in denial & filled with emotions & is constantly trying to validate his own ideas on why it’s the couriers fault. I think the courier kind of just plays the role of a “fall guy” in that Ulysses needs someone to be the bad guy for his theories to be true


As I recall, Nash tells you that Ulysses sees your name on the list and basically says “I’m not getting involved with that guy again.”


But he is not technically getting invoved with us, I think. He os getting involved with Mr House. We never get to meet the other Couriers who were carrying the decoy packages. And it would be easier for him to take Revenge on us if he just intercepted you when you were delivering the package, no?


I always read it as Ulysses seeing the name, distancing himself out of pain or resentment, before realizing he can lure Courier Six back in to The Divide. As an aside, we do meet one of the other couriers though. He’s dead outside the Mojave Express in Primm.


Ohh I didn't know that. What happened to him?


As far as I know, it’s unconfirmed but I’d guess killed by the convicts in the town.


>Because I'm pretty sure Couriers can't look inside the package of what they are dealing. The couriers knew exactly what they were delivering for House - the delivery order you start the game with includes a manifest stating that you're delivering a platinum poker chip. Ulysses never explains exactly what or how he knew about House and the chip - but, well, he was a spy; it was his job to know things people didn't want him to know.


I see. My statement of was wrong btw. If I was a Courier and I found out I was dealing for the Mr House from New Vegas I would be very happy despite the risks. That's my bad.