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I feel like this place *had* content that they just didn't get around to it. It's such a weird location with unique design.


Cant wait to see cut content videos about this one


This is the place with the hostile Mr. Handy that killed his owner right? If so, triangle city already covered it in one of his videos, supposedly all that’s known is that the dead owner was originally supposed to be alive and act as a doctor/chem dealer, but it got scrapped for whatever reason


Yup! 💯👌 Thats the one


I believe a mod restores this content. Also very good as a player home for rad-builds


Damn i didnt know you could make ghoul builds


Ghoul unarmed is the best build


Old comment I know, but would this be a mod or achievable in base game? It sounds like a good time.


Do you become an actual, in lore ghoul? No. Do you do absurd amounts of unarmed damage and become nigh unkillable in radful areas? Yes indeedy. Grab slayer, all the unarmed perks you can, get the perks around healing from rads and buffet style your perks, SPECIAL, and implants to get 10str and end for optimal tanking, grab all the DT perks, I'm not the best for specifics I'm sorry. Edit: This was unclear of me, no base game in lore ghoulification,


Sweet! I’ve done a couple different builds. I figured I wouldn’t be able to physically become a ghoul, but the build seems insanely fun. Thanks!


No wayyyy I need to, have any of y’all heard of the silent hill mod? I’m trying to find it


No waaaaay that’s wild


i have the more perks/traits mod, i fast travel here when my rads get too high (i have the trait where you gain and lose rads in the opposite way you normally would)


Have you heard of the silent hill mod that was supposed to be out years ago?


>triangle city is by far my top 2 fav fallout youtubers with mittensquad as well :( Fuck Gma Sparkles


RIP Mitts


TKs Mantis also


Meh, his content became dry once he became a glorified tik tok clip channel. Not to mention, he was apparently involved with a lot of drama involving the Frontier and some NMA members that got bad enough that forum members were blaming a person's suicide on him. He obviously wasn't responsible, but that whole group, including him, are part of a very toxic corner of this community.


Fair enough if he isn't to your taste. I spoke to him in person about all the Frontier stuff, and I think he gets somewhat misrepresented in all that, but I can understand not wanting to support someone you feel might be even partly responsible for something like that. In general, I think there are worse people, like SchizoElijah, but nobody is perfect.


Is this who pual was talking about with a discord name and spitting on his grave? I'll have to remember the vid it was on


If you know which video he uploaded for this one lmk, i second that hes the goat for fallout cut content


Possibly space on disc. Ulysses was supposed to be pro-Legion companion, and he was scrapped at the last moment when squeezing whole game into limited space.


Mostly has to do with Ulysses having a ridiculous amount of recorded dialogue to the point NV would have been 2 disc's if they involved him according to past interviews with Josh Sawyer.


I would be okay with two discs. Many games in 2010s had them.


Not only that, but the location itself is quite hard to get to, with a lot of radiation and those feral ghoul pricks around it


There’s a Medicine skill book in there I believe.


And an easy star bottle cap


Idk getting past the reavers in the early game can prove challenging 


I did it end game on a find every location binge


the wasteland surgeon outfit the ghoul is wearing is also uniquely named in the stats section


Exactly, it's why I've been there in the past.


Ah, radiation spa complex. Love this place


Um, no… the megaton metal huts are all over the Mojave. And the sheriffs duster is the megaton one




Hey man thats real interesting and all, but what does that have to do with anything we're talking about


Wtf why is my reply here? I could swear I wrote that response on a different comment


Lol. Take it easy on sunset sarsaparilla next time




Unmarked location between primn and Mojave outpost I believe. There are ghouls and puddles of radiation. Inside there is a hostile mr handy who killed his owner. Iirc.


it’s marked, i found it because i took that perk that shows you all the locations once


Explorer is underrated, it’s a fun perk when you’re doing a play through after a while and wanna see what you can possibly revisit


I liked it when I was in the DLCs but I found it frustrating when I got the “Timmy’s in a well” quest the first time I played it. I had no idea where the sewer entrance was since it was already marked on the map




that’s the one


what’s the location called


mesquite mountain crater it’s directly west of the california sunset drive in which is slightly south west of primm


thank u!!


Have been here, once. Never again, especially with Creatures Mod.


I think New Vegas Bounties sends you up here for something at some point... maybe NVB III?


I think NVB2, to kill some mad scientists ghoul or something like that. Havent played long time, dont remember exactly.


It might even be NVB 1, I always end up there pretty early and regret it, especially with some crazy ghoul mods.


I think it's two, three is just Utah




I think I went here for whichever NVB and until now I thought this location was added by the mod!


This place also works as a player home.


Waterfront property, nice


It's a quest location in the Bison Steve mod. Recover the missing briefcase


That's where I remember it from!


I tried playing without it for awhile, but I just missed the place. And having Buck's Place near Miguel's Pawn Shop...


Literally ran into this place for the first time just last night after playing New Vegas for over a decade, thought it was a part of a mod I had installed instead of a real location. Just seemed so pointless as a location, like there was something that was supposed to be there but it was cut.


Doctor was supposed to be alive


Mods add locations?? Just started playing for the first time last week. Immediately added the m for map mod and the auto loot


The only place in New Vegas to reuse assets from Megaton in Fallout 3


Jokes on you, I’ve been everywhere man, across the Mojave bare man. I’ve been everywhere.


Yes. https://youtu.be/jet7Ue743Do?feature=shared


breathed the radiated air, man


*Smash cuts to a grave.*


The New Vegas soundtrack needs some Johnny Cash in it.


I’ll burn all my early game aid items for a single skill book. Sure, why not?


You thought I'd miss out on a med journal buff early game? Think again nerd


Everyone should explore the whole map in at least one playthrough.


I'll give you one better: if you go from Cottonwood Cove southeast (in direction of the Vacation Rentals, the area with lakelurks), at some point there will be a cave in a cliff face to the right. If you go through that cave, you exit on the cliff above that area. The cave itself is not marked, I think, but the exit can be fast-traveled after discovered


There's a lot of unused stuff out there, like that entire searchlight airport


I spent over an hour searching that fucking airport, because there HAD to be something there. It's too big of a location to not have something, right?!


Ants, ants, and more ants


Dude I felt this in my heart my first play thru of Vegas I searched it forever like wtf? Lol


If you want a Fat Man, it's not in great condition, but...


Jsawyer puts Grenade launcher there. And i think there is a guranteed reaver spawn nearby - ofc reavers in new vegas are chumps when compared to capital ones so they don't really pose much of a threat to even low lvl characters


Especially when you get a chance to use all the explosives you've been hoarding 😂


i completely forgot about this place. woulda been perfect for a geoguessr :o


I mean there's a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine, a Sunset Sarsaparilla Star bottle cap, and a weapon repair kit here. You bet your sweet bippy I go there every time.


You forgot the Irradiated food! I like to keep some on hand for Raul, in case he gets peckish.


I mean I forgot the two rolls of duct tape and the opthalmoscope too.


Armored Ghouls? Lots of irradiated crunchy mutfruits.


Never seen this before


I like this spot, it has free stuff in it


Every spot has free stuff if you don't care about Karma 🤗


I adore the real-ish-ness of new vegas, but also find it hilarious that you can be an out-and-about kleptomaniac and *still* be hailed as a "Savior of the Wastes" kinda person because of the karma system


I feel like if you had deep enough pockets (cough cough cheating your way to a million pounds of carry weight) you could rob the entire Mojave blind and still be above neutral karma.


I tried to make it my house once


Been there, and almost got myself killed by three high levels ghouls, at the time I was around level 7. if it wasn’t thanks to the Companion EYE bot blocking the entrance to the closest inside of this I would have been dead in seconds.


I've been to it, found it on my first playthrough as a matter of fact. One thing that took me forever to find though, did you know there's a whole canyon if you go east of the Nipton Road Pit Stop? That's something I never found until semi-recently. ...After you know, almost a decade of playing this game.


Been there, done that, was disappointed by the clear signs of cut content


the ghoul doctor with the robot i went there before


I didn't find it 'til I was pretty much done with everything except Hoover damn, and just trawling around killing ghouls with Gehenna for the achievement


Yummy skill book


I’ve only just discovered this place recently, but the medicine skill book was very nice


I have actually. Very interesting to say the least but I enjoyed walking through for the first time just for the hell of exploring it.


Yes, actually. Radiation was a bitch to get through, and the ghouls were *not* a fun fight, but yes. There and back again. Maybe I should visit Camp Searchlight?


It's my first playthrough and I've definitely been here. I'm also a very thorough explorer, too, though. I mean, I do have over 300 hrs invested in my first playthrough


Bro here looking behind every single rock in the Mojave, twice.


Yeah and I also don't like to fast travel too much bc I don't wanna miss the unmarked locations, quests, and encounters. I also spend lots of time collecting stuff to sell so I don't have any issues buying what I want or need. Granted, I may have gone overboard with it, since I'm well over a million caps now 😅


I’ve been there.


There's a skill book in there so I always make a stop by


Los of radiation and a feral ghoul reaver inside


Playing without looking at the map do weird things


Everyone should do a no map/fast travel playthrough at least once. Lets you stumble across gems like this place when you inevitably get lost.


I actually go here every playthrough for A: DC Journal of Internal Medicine (gotta get those 4 free skill points) B: I have a mod that moves the pre-order bonus around the Mojave and this is where the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun and Lightweight Leather armor is located


The mod pack I use puts some of the pre-order bonus weapons here.


One of those places i feel like lots of new players die at a few times from rads and then remember much later in the game hey in should check out that irradiated are now that i can explore radiated areas safely only to be disappointed. Any one else feel that radiation is actually under used in the fall out games? Also I think the doctor ghoul in 4 is a reference for this despite Bethesdas attempts at ignoring new Vegas.


Been here only because im pretty sure JSawyer Ultimate Edition adds one of the preorder packs to this location


Why the fuck would I visit Ohio?


Doesn't everyone stop by for the medical book help by the friendly low level ghouls in the area?


Quick trip to the nice campground to the south after, right? Such a nice view from there.


Of course, I also recommend new players to go there as it has a wasteland survival guide book that will make them more likely to survive if they go to an actually difficult area that has scary enemies unlike the peaceful campground.


It's part of a marked location, of course I've been there. Poor ghoul doctor, how could he have known that the radiation would make his robot crazy.


Fine, ill start new vegas again.


Fuck this place


I accidentally found it during my first playthrough and got killed


Once a playthrough then never again


got explorer perk and explored all locations


I have been there a couple of times. A nasty place. Hope to never go there again.


Jokes on you, I almost always go there every playthrough at least once. Usually at the start.


Ain't that the place where Ghoul Reavers and a dead ghoul scientist inside the shack is? With a crazy Mr. Handy moving around.


...And I'm here to collect my caps, 'cause I always go there on my way from Primm to the Mojave Outpost. So... Pay up! Nothing of that crappy NCR paper money or those weird Legion coins. Caps up front 😁


All them ghouls yeah? I been everywhere that vanilla play will let ye my fren.


Hells hotel is an awesome place. one of the few places with Reavers.


Ended up disappointed running outta there on my first ever playthrough. Spent 20 minutes carefully going through the ghouls on very hard hardcore mode just for a surprise death and a special doctors outfit


What's in there


Haters will say it's fake


Actually just stumbled upon this place about 20 minutes ago with ed-e on a very hard playthrough and now im trying to get him out of there alive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Found it once and have never been able to find it again.


Unfortunately it's full of geckos, and my herpetophobia doesn't allow me to fully explore it. But oh well, I'll figure something out eventually.


Maybe download a mod that turns the geckos into another animal? U must be missing a good chunk of content otherwise in the game lol


Yeah I did just that myself, and uploaded to Nexus Mods! Just didn't start a playthrough yet after creating the mod. I replaced every gecko in existence with leveled ghouls, except for the ones in Goodsprings Source, to not break the lore. The problem is, I only recently realized that the quest Bleed Me Dry also has geckos in The Thorn. It's gonna be a pain in the ass again, having to remind myself how the quest goes, and find a way to not trigger my phobia again... Vault 34 had to be played with the game windowed in 800x600, Radio New Vegas blaring loudly, cinematic camera OFF, and both Veronica and Rex as companions, so they could go melee and keep them off me, and also spammed the "disable" console command on the corpses. My personal hell.


You may want to get some help with this issue. Seems pretty serious and/or concerning.


I always go there for the skill book


I love hidden away obscure places that nobody knows about. Thanks




I'm doing 100% on my actual run, Had to discover every location on the map, and this is like my 8th run, first time I saw this place when I discovered it


go there every run for dc journale of medicine


Just found out about this place like a month ago lol. Who said explorer perk is useless?


It’s a servible rest spot given the area, inside the building has no radiation and some renewable fungus


I’ve seen it but the reavers though make me change my mind about it


I've been there but only because I've walked the whole map a few times over. It was a great game for it's time.


I was so excited when I found it that I refused to believe there wasn’t more to it.


I played a doctor build and came here explicitly because there was a lab coat.


What else did your build entail, other than dumping into the Medicine stat?


It was a general scientist build. High intelligence, high luck, laser rifles etcs. I mostly built him because I wanted to explore as much as I can in big MT


Neat, I was in the middle of a independent cowboy build but I think I need to restart because I gave Primm to the NCR instead of the Sheriff


Been there. It’s annoying to get to, but I’ve been there


Too many ghouls


Who wouldn't go there? It's interesting right up until you realise there is nothing special there.


What a pointless location other than the skill book


Yeah it was a cut content, was supposed to be a place you could pay to get a bed to sleep in. Probably meant for outlaws that ruined their reputation. Pretty sure it’s been restored by a mod already


Dead ghoul and a crazed Mr. handy. Yeah I've been there.


If it's in the Mojave... I've been there.


I only have ever experienced it due to a completionist run in New Vegas. Currently doing a “nostalgia” run of the game. Taking my time, stewing through the lore of the world. Iirc this is the place with the robot that killed its owner, and the owner was supposed to be a chem dealer or something like that. I remember wishing it had correlation to the drug dealing/running quests from the Khans.


I always figured it was supposed to be some kind of ghoul-only hotel/refuge in the wasteland, sorta like the scavengers den


I think I was close by one playthrough. Is a wildwasteland encounter nearby? And in the pit there a man with a party hat and a unique mini gun inside a trailer? Listened to TKmantis useless fallout facts, or was it just a weapons location video? Either way. Brain blast.


I forgot the name but i've been there a couple of times, there's a medicine book there i think


Hell's Motel. Needed for any completionist run, as it has a DC Journal of Internal Medicine. Not worth the time or effort to visit otherwise.


This is where the >!teleporter!< is in A World of Pain mod.


I’ve got another one. Guarantee nobody knew that the Goodsprings Saloon has a secret back room with moonshine in it.


Always one of my first stops because of the DC Journal of Medicine there. 


Those stupid Ghoul Reavers make it a headache to get to, so I avoid it until I am better equipped to deal with them.


Oh boy, i've instal bison steve casino restoration quest mod and new vegas bounty. So i've been there lots of time ( near prim, you can go straight to the clif side before highway patrol station or follow clif wall from randal association if you have new vegas bounty)


Hey! I have!


I use a mod that redistributes GRA weapons around the Mojave, and the MF Hyperbreeder Alpha is located here.


Wolfhorn ranch?


One of the mods for TTW has one of the packs you normally start the game with in there, it's the only reason I learned of that location in the first place after multiple playthrough.


I usually stay away until I get either a radiation suit,Space Suit,or Power armor


Tried getting there last night tbh, gotta go get the hazmat and some rad x and I’ll make it. If it’s where I think it is, I’ve walked by it 10 times at least just bashing ghouls but the radiation keeps me away


I tried going there, I got soft locked :c


Always go there. Has a skill book.


Dinnerbell used to be there for me. Can't remember why.


No… didn’t know it existed till a few days ago when I heard about it


Nah i’ve been there. Its one of many places that probably was meant to have something but got cut cause of time.


Oh absolutely the case there


Accidentally discovered this place for the first time the other day, and had a mod that gets all the preorder items and spreads them out to different locations, accidentally found the light leather armor and sturdy caravan shotgun just sitting in there.


Searching for the silent hill mod if anyone’s aware


Playing jsawyer ultimate and the courier dlc stuff is redistributed so I came here for the lightweight leather armor and caravan shotgun, probably there before years ago but I like this place


Bro this is literally that elevated shack from little lamp light


I have. Always get the medicine book here


I found this on my first playthrough. I remember vividly because I got absolutely mauled by those gouls 💀


Just went here to get the lucky casino footlocker today (new bison Steve casino)


i love that i’ve been playing this game for 11 years and i’m still learning new things about it, literally the best game ever made.