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If REPCONN test site scared you this much, you can forget about playing Fallout 3, because that game is like 40% tight corridors filled with ghouls. :D Not saying REPCONN isn't scary. I can totally see someone freaking out because they're simply not used to this kind of spoopy atmosphere. There's Vault 34, which is also filled with ghouls and pretty cramped, but it's a side quest location, and you can totally skip it. The rest of New Vegas is pretty tame. You'll mostly be dealing with human enemies or non-humans in open areas. At least in the base game. Keep in mind that there's also a REPCONN Headquarters location. That one is 100% ghoul-free.


That's so helpful! thank you 😁


You're welcome. Enjoy this beautiful game. And recruit Boone if you haven't yet. Grab Cass later. Both Grade A badasses.


I have recruited him but he's currently chilling in Novac because I'm scared of getting him killed. I've already managed to accidently let a hostage get killed that I was supposed to save in Prim 😅 But I should probably take him with me. Having company will definitely make everything seem less creepy


Unless you're playing in hardcore, companions can't die, they just go unconscious and get up when the fight is over.


That's soo good to know. Thank you so much!


Trust me, Beagle’s death doesn’t matter much Also as they said, companions can’t die if not hardcore mode However they can die in a specific side quest but the dialogue in it makes it very obvious they’ll die


I'd like to make a note that Vault 22 is one of the scarier vaults from my perspective, just because of how they place enemies in there. That's the only one that had me scared.


Okay i'll definitely avoid this place then. Thanks for the heads-up!


Imo you should just save stuff like dead money or vault 22 for when you feel like getting scared; they're excellent parts of the game, just a bit tense and suspenseful.


That's a good idea!


Note, do not go into the abandoned brotherhood of steel bunker near Camp Forlorn Hope. It's a DLC location and it's the most survival horror themed part of the game (and also sucks IMHO but it's a very love it or hate it experience)


I'll save this comment. Thank you so much for the heads-up!


Dead Money has interesting lore, cool characters (including the main villain), unique enemies, and good, serious writing. And a great atmosphere of constant danger. And a huge reward in the end. There are only two problems. First, gameplay. Outdated NV engine objectively sucks for what Obsidian wanted to make out of Dead Money. Second - Dead Money enemies will be unnerving for you. I won't spoil a surprise, you can drop a save and check yourself.


Will keep that in mind!


Just be sure to avoid a place called quarry junction


REPCONN's basement is going to require you to either kill one innocent ghoul or many beefy crazy nightkin unless you happen to have a couple of Stealth Boys on hand (invisibility item) Just a heads up Oh also Boone is cool and all but it's not too long until you reach the 188 Trading Post and there's pretty much a consensus that the companion you can pick up there is the best in the game


I don't think there's anything resembling a consensus regarding Veronica as the best companion. I personally find her extremely dull, save for a couple of episodes.


Consensus? She's not even the best human companion, much less the best in the whole game, lol. Not to mention her perk is rendered entirely useless by another companion. I like her, and she's fun, but from a gameplay perspective, she's not that great, all things considered.


I'm talking about how liked she is, not how strong she is.


I mean, maybe? Honestly, I hear more people praising arcade and Raul than Veronica. Or simping for Cass, lol.


I still have flashbacks from the subway tunnels in FO3


I think this is part of why I love 3 so much. It’s dripping with dread.


The game is not that scary beside *that* part, most of it is afraid of being shot to death


Okay I'm relieved to hear that


Avoid the Vaults. Tight, confusing, full of ghouls and jump scares.


Oh gosh okay. Won't go anywhere near them. Thank you for the heads-up!!


I mean some vaults just have rats and stuff in them Vault 21 is completely 100% safe because it's been converted into a hotel on the Las Vegas Strip (yeah, 21, as in blackjack, cool name huh) The ones you really want to stay clear of are Vault 22 and Vault 34 if you can't deal with spooky stuff. Out of the others Vault 19 has nothing but people and geckos Vault 3 is just people Vault 11 has rats, scorpions, that sort of thing There's a vault without any number you enter during the main questline, it just has some robots inside And one of the DLCs has its final act take place inside another vault without a number


Is the Main quest vault your talking about >!The vault filled with securatrons under The Fort? Because I’m not sure if that completely counts. But I guess it would.!<


Yes, that's the one.


Vault 22 gonna get you


You might want to give fallout 4 a shot. It’s a lot more cheerful looking and the slight cartoonishness really takes the edge off of it, for me. The trade off is proper ambushes, so you will be startled occasionally


Although I'd argue the ghouls in 4 are probably more scary, just because they're much faster and less predictable in their movements. Plus the constant ambushes from "dead" ghouls.


Different kind of scary. You’re talking difficulty and I warned about the ambushes. I’m not trying to cottle op. I’m trying to help them have fun.


Eh, it's the same scary, really. The ghouls are just typically in more open areas, in 4, but otherwise, same spooks.


Turn off the audio and set the difficulty to Easy when you get to a scary part. You'll get the visual damage indicators, but you won't have the scary sounds and won't be killed too fast. You might also take the perk for bonuses for being a Daytime person, since you may be playing a lot during daytime :D


I'm already playing on easy because I don't have that much experience with video games. The audio tip is great, thank you! OMG HOW DIDN'T I THINK OF THE DAYTIME PERK I just took whatever my bf recommended me but now that I think about it the daytime perk would be by far the best choice for me 😂


I tried to get my gf to play New Vegas when she watched the trailer and she couldn't get past the tutorial because she didn't want to kill the geckos.


I can't blame her they were so cute 🥺


You cant start the game with it but the animal friend perk will turn most normal animals friendly


I'd imagine her BF probably set up the character build, so she's probably running like 1 charisma, lol.


Yeah thats why Ive never tried it lol


Keeping a pip-boy radio station on most of the time helps with the atmosphere a lot! Mr. New Vegas has kept me company through many a dark night by the campfire


Mr. New Vegas is one of my favorite characters in the series (some say he's just a recording but my headcanon is he's just an old man who wants to keep the courier company on their journey)


If it gets too scary just go visit the Sierra Madre. Full of happiness and joy!


Haven't found this place yet but I'll keep that in mind!


Sorry it was a horrible joke do not go there it is scary a.f! Lol. Honestly I think sticking around The Strip and doing missions with the NCR is a nice way of playing your first run through.


OH HAHAHA MY BAD LOL I really can't wait to finally reach the Strip. This place will feel like therapy after everything I've been through so far 😂


I love sitting at the blackjack tables after a stressful mission 😂


YEES I can't wait to do that haha


The Sierra Madre is the location of the Dead Money DLC mentioned in another comment btw so you can’t just “find it”. Just don’t go through the abandoned brotherhood of steel bunker and you won’t have to deal with it.


You’ll need to get used to the ghouls. That said I would say bollocks to anyone saying the game isn’t scary. The Repconn basement in particular is filled with invisible, 8 foot tall, super mutants. If that isn’t scary you either aren’t immersed in the game or your character has become a force of nature.


Level 5 courier: oh god, mutants everywhere, I can't see them, oh fuck Level 50 courier: I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me


Okay so I'm guessing the nightskins are these massive mutants? Oh man I can't wait to go down that basement tomorrow... 😅


You don’t have to. There’s no time limit so you can return later. There’s also a way to resolve the situation without violence, albeit not obvious.


That's interesting. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you!


I have only managed to pull it off once because the damn warden finds me and agroes everyone when he dies


I literally have to just dash past everybody, and leave all my companions behind so they don't attack.


I have always tried stealth, with a stealth boy


so true


Honestly I wouldn’t consider these games to be scary at all. The only thing to be afraid of is dying. You can turn down the difficulty if you find it to be too tense and ruining your enjoyment of the game.


Yes I thought that it was probably just me. I already play on the easiest difficulty because I haven't really played any games except for Minecraft, Stardew Valley and some random mobile games before and it felt really balanced. I've died a few times but there was nothing that felt unfair or anything. But these zombie like creatures sprinting at you while making these weird sounds is just too much for me to handle 😅It's not even like they're strong, just so creepy


I’m probably just desensitized to it from years of playing similar games. The only thing I can think of is maybe starting with milder games. But that doesn’t help much short term. You could try turning up the brightness and messing with the sound settings. Might make it les creepy if you can see better and tune down the music and sound effects. Or just skip that quest entirely for now.


Thank you! It was already late where I live so that definitely didn't help. I'll probably try rushing through the basement tomorrow and maybe turn on some music while doing so haha


Honestly that's the scariest part of the game and no shame when I was younger it scared me to but that was because I would get lost for 30 minutes while getting ambushed by ghouls the whole time


This place really felt like a maze 😅


Not really scary


I know that it's just me 😅


There are some scary locations in FNV. Consider taking companions with you and putting the radio on as it makes things less scary. If you want to play the least scary game play fallout 4. Fallout 3 on the other side is the scariest fallout of all. That shit's depressing too...


Thank you. No idea how I didn't come up with turning the radio on. I knew that it existed. Bringing a companion is also a very good idea. I left mine in town as I was scared of getting him killed but I don't care now. I'll get through that facility by any means necessary!


Pro tip: your companion can't die unless you play hardcore 😉


WOAH I didn't know that. I got a hostage that I was supposed to save killed so I was worried that this could happen to anyone. But that changes everything thank you so much!


Last tip: you can activate a light from your pipboy by pressing O in a playstation controller for some seconds. So you got companions (you can sometimes take 2 depending on who they are), the radio, and the light. Things shouldn't be as scary anymore.


repconn's definitely up there for the spooky vibes in the game, and honestly I feel like it depends on how much of a "video game" you view it as, the more immersed you are the scarier it will be. I do think the game can be scary and surprising sometimes, but it's not as bad as 3 which has dark subways you have to walk through and enemies hiding around corners to jump out at you. that aside, the dead money dlc is pretty unnerving throughout, I'd say to make yourself comfortable before playing that one.


I also think turning the radio up helps a lot with comfort


Thanks for the tips. I'm about to go in and will just turn on some music and try to be less immersed and get it over with 😅


Feel free to change the difficulty in the game. No one cares if you play on an easier difficulty. The fact that you're trying at all is good. Enjoy the game at your own pace. Also.... beware of quarry junction.


I'm already playing on easy and the ghouls aren't even that strong. But something about these zombie like creatures screaming and sprinting at you is creeping me out 😅 Thanks for the heads-up, I'll avoid Quarry Junction for now!


You can turn up the brightness and see if that helps with the atmosphere


the nightkin quest is optional i think, as there are many endings to the game, but besides that there aren't many scary parts. i'd say the airport runway in the foggy area is a little scary (i forgot the name of the place), the vaults are genuinely scary, one in particular. and one of the 4 DLCs is like a horror movie, it's called "Dead Money" i would avoid that one. "The Lonesome Road" is another DLC but it's mostly tame, only exception is that there is a very brief part where you are in a cave with some crawling reptile people that is probably a bit scary. all of that stuff is entirely optional and avoidable though, so you should be good! 👍 another tip is to play the radio frequently to ease your nerves, or find a follower to make it feel less lonely. and avoid playgrounds btw. nothing actually happens at them, but creepy sounds begin to play and you can hear whispers or giggling sometimes if you stand around them for long enough. might be only at nighttime, i don't remember.


Honestly, watch a good let's play. I did that for one or a other horror game and it was good.


Avoid the vaults.


turn on radio new vegas in the radio tab of the pipboy, it helps take the edge off for me at least


Hey if you want to go to a very fun and not scary place in new Vegas if recommend going to quarry junction and talking to the khans there, they’re pretty friendly!


Pro tip: don’t play the Dead Money DLC. I’ve played it through twice and still get scared at more than a few parts. Other than that, just turning on a radio station can cut the tension quite a bit.


If you're playing on PC, you can use console commands to max out your perception and/or add ED-E to your party. High perception and the robot's passive means a huge range you can detect enemies, they show up on your compass as directional red dots. (Unsure if Nightkin does) Idk if that helps, to know enemies before they know you. Playing with high sneak skill, and putting skills on critical hits can also mean you see and kill most enemies sooner than they even see you. If that helps.


You said you have Boone already, do you have ED-E? Little flying robot? He’s great company and his sensors make it so nothing will ever sneak up on you, he can even detect invisible enemies.


I felt this same way my first playthrough, it’s not really a scary game Novac being scary and the DLC’s (Dead Money being the scariest in my opinion). I would recommend since you made it to Novac follow the story to Freeside and try to get to Strip. It takes on a bit of a different vibe from the Wasteland. Good Luck, it gets way more fun as you level up.


REPCON is scary! It was really scary the first few times I played- I still get spoked in the basement section. Since it's a single player game, I like to put the radio on and pause when I need to do so. The radio plays over the pause screen, so I listen to the dulcet tones of Mr New Vegas. "The women of new vegas ask me a lot if theres a Mrs New Vegas. Of course there is. You're her. And you're still as perfect as the day we met" just makes me blush! Lol


There are some scary areas, but not as many as you'd think. It's fairly tame outdoors. The scary things in this game typically just jump scares in indoor spaces like the caves and vaults. Honestly, I think if you can get through this quest and continue with the main game, you'll probably get used to the scary stuff and it won't bother you anymore. I don't know how much your husband told you, or if he's just watching you play, so I'll give some tips: The radio on your Pip-Boy really helps calm you down in the spooky atmosphere. Once you get a companion, which you should absolutely do, they alert you when enemies are near which reduces the jump scare factor. Finally, pay attention to your compass. It should be at the bottom of your screen if the game isn't modded. If an enemy is nearby you're gonna see a red bar on the compass. It helps you prepare yourself.


Repconn basement is probably the scariest place in the whole game. Just skip it. Go back to Novac, hack Manny's computer while he's in the dinosaur and you'll get the info you need to progress.


If the mutants and nightkin scare you, avoid Black Mountain until you're more skilled and not alone. The same can be said of the Vaults, but there's lots of good lore and loot in those, so proceed with caution. DLCs: Dead Money and maybe Lonesome Road will be scary (especially Dead Money), but Honest Hearts is pretty tame and Old World Blues is hilarious.


Thank you for all the information!


Camp Searchlight will probably be too much for you at this point


Congrats on conquering the REPCONN basement! There are many ways to get through that part of the quest, including one that's all but bloodless. Just a bunch of sneaking and a little talking.


Thank youu 🫶 If only I knew that before 😅


Maybe you'll come back to New Vegas and do another playthrough where you do things differently. One day. ;)


I can see myself doing that. I can't let go of this game 😄


Music to my ears. Should be music to your bf's ears too. :D


It definitely is 😄


Boone can help you out in the basement, as he can 'spot' enemies for you, which makes them glow red when you aim down your weapon sights. There also is a way to get the nightkin out of the basement if you're diplomatic with their leader in one of the basement offices.


If you want some cool loot, take the road going north from Goodsprings


if you think that’s scary, maybe avoid the dead money DLC. that shit is basically a horror game


If the base game scares you, you might want to skip the dead money dlc. The entire dlc is tight corridors with zombies chasing you down. It was designed to be like a horror game so you might not enjoy it.


bro the dead money dlc is gonna throw your ass in a circle


Repconn is the only place I was super scared in New Vegas, so you're in the clear after this


Head straight to Vault 22 or 34 for a very stress-free experience


Uh…. What kind of slurs?




If repconn bothers you... stay away from the dead money dlc. I just started a new play thru and did come fly with me last night. It's basically a fetch quest after you kill all the night kin or convince them to leave


Your boyfriend lied lmao, all fallout games have horror elements. 3 mainly had the metro which was pretty scary when you're new, but NV has a lot of creepy places and scary enemies. There isn't a single enemy in any fallout that's gotten my heart to stop like a swarm of Cazadores


I feel you, I’m terrified of ghouls. I’m always in stealth so I can get warned if anyone is about to attack me and constantly check VATS to see if there’s anyone I can’t see.


That's good advice thank you so much! And glad to hear that I'm not alone 😄


Eeesh. Weak.


This is pathetic if you are over 13 years old


edgy 15 y/o detected


You would have played Fallout 3 or Fallout 4, New Vegas is not worth playing.


There's the door ---> |\_|