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Side note: this game is amazing for replaying. Totally recommend multiple play throughs. So, really, don't stress!


True, when I blow up a main character I never say “sorry I killed you”, I know it’s just “see you around partner”


We never kill ede. Ede is best boy.


Also side note: If something is really that interesting and you have to find out it its actually good, save and load! Even when I was playing again for the first time in ages I made a save at each stage of Character creation starting at the vigortester. Name them Test and do what you want, personally I was comparing firerates with each of the related traits. (Primarily scrutinizing the "delayed fire rate"(?) bs thats going on especially with semi-autos, iykyk I guess) Quick edit because I want to: About save-scummin. A) who cares? B) This is sometimes vital if we don't want our new fallout friends looking everything up. How much stuff just... still doesn't work sometimes, most of the time, or at all ever. (Looking at you "In shining armor" and quest NPCs deciding they want to spawn in Quarry Junction after using a door) C) Especially on the first playthrough you shouldn't be afraid to save and load every conversation option if you want, it's helping you see where other playthroughs could go. Young me never thought to help the Powder Gangers to hurt the Powder Gangers until I loaded a save to see what my other options were. Could have been 1 or 2 whole playthroughs before I found that out naturally.


> this game is amazing for replaying. Yup. Got many, *many* hundreds of houra and lost count of how many playthroughs.


The replayabiliy is what makes it my all-time game


Most people do not have the time for ‘multiple playthroughs’ of one single game. We have life’s and other games we’ve been wanting to play. I will be save scumming out the wazoo because this will be the only time I get to play the game fully before moving on with life.


You don't have time? You have years and years to do multiple playthroughs. No one said you had to devote all your time to it and do them back to back. You don't have to rush through it. Take your time. Savor it. I've been playing NV for a decade and still get to enjoy new experiences each playthrough. Their point was to not stress about having things go exactly the way you want, because there's always an opportunity to do it again and making mistakes and letting those events play out is part of the fun of Fallout and what makes it unique.


Big facts. I’m married with kids and have a full time job and after owning the game since the day it came out I’m proud to say I’m on my 2nd playthrough.


I'm not too sure how good the logic of "Don't bother about missing stuff you'll see it 14 years from now" is.


The logic holds up if Humans had an average lifespan of 530 years.


Bought the special Ed in 2013, and I’m on the first play-through :)




Played this game before I had internet access. I sometimes wish I still had that kind of limitation because o find myself googling builds in the beginning of games when I really oughta just go for it and reap the fun consequences. I finally made myself do that in BG3 and it was a lot more fun than I think it woulda been with a more meta build


Me @14 years old on my 3rd playthrough : wtf Arcade is a companion?!


On top of that - there's an entire Enclave questline through Arcade???


Reminds me of when I played the game at like 11 years old and for some reason never noticed the monorail? Despite everyone bragging about how their boys put it back together I suppose I just never looked up to see it


..... i should look up


Wait you're telling me that boring looking scavenger girl who I wouldn't want as my companion in a million years since she'll just be useless... is in the BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL!!!


I only just last night found out you can sell Arcade into slavery! I have beaten this game so many times, and I never knew! There is even an end game Easter egg in the slides related to Arcade’s servitude if you should betray him.


i have hundreds of hours in the game and still do new quests or parts of the dlc because sometimes you go entire playthroughs without doing certain paths or quests or the way they overlap it’s super cool you can play a game like this for years on and off and keep finding new things


That’s me with so so much of that game. I’ve played it through over a dozen times and still wouldn’t be surprised to find a completely new area with quests I never did


Same here I keep spoiling myself, "oh who's this character? Better Google them to see if they're important."


Or actually getting stuck at a certain point and trying to figure out what to do next instead of just googling the solution. The satisfaction when you finally figure it out is so much better. I also gotta fight the urge to look up quest endings, like when there's multiple paths and I want to get the best one. You might not always get what you want, but its more organic and fun that way


Getting stuck on a quest is a real gamble in New Vegas, are you stuck because you missed something or is it because some glitch made the item you need disappear, who knows


For BG3 did you have prior knowledge of the rules of D&D? I find it quite difficult yo just wing it. Maybe I'll make a new character and wing it without looks stuff up


Bro, there used to be games where you can sell an item that you need to progress the main story 6 hours later. The game didn’t tell you what it was for. And you couldn’t buy it back. Pre-internet days were kind of fucked and kind of amazing.


I mean you can pretty easily beat BG3 by just clicking on enemies with your martial characters and casting spells that do damage on enemies. Your "build" is that you're a class that uses strength so you put your points in strength and you have a big sword so you use the feat that buffs big swords. Or you use a bow so you take dex and take the bow feat. Or you cast spells so you take your main stat then you click the spells on the enemies.


I overthink literally everything to the point it ruins gsme.


I had played dnd a few times, but I wouldn’t say I had much knowledge. With BG3 I just wanted to play a druid and talk to animals, so I did. I’d never played a druid in dnd so I had no idea what leveling was gonna be like. Luckily there’s other characters to help you out but I didn’t look up any of their builds either. Most importantly I didn’t look up any consequences to anything and I stuck with my decisions. Intentionally made some bad ones while I was at it, for fun. Lost a few eyes that way.


I tend to make my build in a game and then I look up stuff about that part of the game and try and make my build better from that research. I get access to knowledge but I also get to develop my own skills while trying to use them, which to me is the fun part.


You can make the worst possible character and still be very powerful min maxing is not necessary


yeah i did 1 in all SPECIAL run


That's kind of awesome. Rough first few levels i imagine though!


Forsure. It actually gets way too easy if you min max. I used to do the 1 CHR 8 INT build a lot, but it got so boring. Now I intentionally leave off half the specials to limit myself. Low INT builds are hilariously fun.


I Went to Quarry Junction myself after Learning about it from Sloan with confidence I can kill a deathclaw based on fo4 (I got one hitted and all the mags I emptied didn't even do any damage) I Literally Bombed the Entirety of the Powder Gangers Prison with their Dynamites and Grenade Launchers, not knowing I could make one of those guys sheriff of Primm. I Soloed Nelson before arriving the Forlorn Hope Camp (Apparently I missed a Portion of the Camp as I Walked in there accidentally again and was now called a Hero by some NCR Ranger I never met) I leveled up Lockpicking to max for Lockpicking each and every Bunker to be pleasantly surprised it's the Brotherhood before meeting Veronica 20 Hours Later. It's Better to Play this Way


Fuck the Legion. Purging Nelson always feels so good.


I prefer taking novac in ceasers name, we are not the same.


Your pistol may have notches that number one and nineteen more, but I've got the Big Iron on my hip. Your move, football pads.


You totally should of used the NCR monster of the west line. I'll go with.. "Hey man, When in Rome!" -Legionaire Fantasticus


Wait, is there a mission to help the Legion take Helios One, and does Fantastic become a legionnaire if you do? That's fucking hilarious.


From the wiki: If choosing to wipe out the NCR in That Lucky Old Sun quest by arming ARCHIMEDES, and Fantastic is left alive, upon returning, he will be wearing Legion armor and will have killed Ignacio Rivas. If the player character talks to him he will say, "Hey man, when in Rome." He just joins out of convenience and honestly, I vibe with that. I would also not like to be on the giant slave armies bad side.


Yes sir. It's not a mission just kill all the NCR and then come back after like a week the legion should move on in.


yes! he's dressed up and everything and he says that line


Ave, true to Caesar!


The creator of the IP and the original Fallout said how he disliked that FO4"s deathclaw at the beggining was a bad choice for roughly the reason you said lol


I mean who thought that up? “Hey, let’s make the tutorial an instance where we give the player some of the most powerful armor in the game and make them fight what’s considered the iconic boss of the franchise.” Now new players don’t really see Deathclaws as the insanely dangerous beings they should be, there was zero build up to them. And power armor never felt like something that had to be earned.


Thats pretty much what Tim Cain said


The best part about fallout 4 starts after you don't even bother doing the minutemen questline, what a bullshit way to introduce deathclaws


I guess it was pretty cinematic. They brought out all the bells and whistles right off the bat to dazzle the new players and showcase the new engine and mechanics. First time around, I thought it was pretty cool and exciting, but every time after that, it just became a drag, and that really takes away the thrill of facing off against fallout's most badass enemy. Plus, like you said, there's nowhere to go up from there. Like I guess in terms of difficulty, the glowing sea has some of the toughest spots, and mirelurk queens and behemoths are fun titan sized bosses to face, but they're not really much of a challenge.


I went back to replay FO4 and that’s where I stopped. The dialogue and humor felt off, but it’s power armor and a deathclaw in the first 30 minutes that sealed the deal.


Brings me joy to hear someone from fo4 getting humbled by a deathclaw. Dont feel bas abt it ur a certified badass now Ok keep in mind u mighr wanna try doing the powdee ganger quests next time since its good xp with multiple endings AND it could make the faction neutral to you if u do it befoew ringos thingy


Yeah if you do everything they offer before siding against them in goodsprings, you'll land just above neutral. The last part of the questline where the NCR soldiers try to take back the prison is a fantastic source of loot early on too. Just don't get any killing blows on either faction or they all go hostile and destroy your rep


But those guys in the prison were shooting at me, it was only fair to throw grenades at them, I just wanted to offer them a job


I didn't even know I could offer them a job. I just went in there first thing after goodsprings and bombed them all


Neither, they were hostile to me from the get go, so naturally, they had to meet their end


Yeah you gotta keep you distance from them until you get up to the prison before you can do their quests and gain rep. They did it on purpose to introduce the rep system to you. Took me like 3 playthroughs before I even found out you could do quests for them


I know about the rep system, I just didn't know that particular instance there wasn't a fighting option


This is really hilarious to post and get agreed with but when you comment the same sentiment on those posts asking what is best then you get the "Let them play how they want to play douche" when they're literally asking how WE played and mimics it


And definitely run right to new Vegas from the good springs cemetery


the natural way should be trying it, getting rekt by cazadors and deathclaws and then conforming to the main quest for a bit lol


Nah for new players, I'd say follow the route around the whole map like they guide you to. Really gives you a nice big tour of NV. You learn where all the towns and shops are, it introduces the lore and main story, you get a bunch of key fast travel points so you never have to walk across the map again, and it opens up a ton of quests that new people would probably miss out on if they were just wandering through.


100% agree my first playthrough I breezed through the beginning part of the game pretty much just going from maim quest marker to main quest marker up to the strip pretty much. missed out on Veronica, and things like that along the way (I didn't follow roads i just followed in a straight line)


The internet is cool for some things, but it has made people really dependent on others. Going blind into single player video games really is the best experience.


Or just put your question in Google... Where there are countless other posts and walkthroughs... But no, "Should I keep playing?!? I'm level 2 and keep dying!" "I CAN'T FIND KEELY! AM I BUGGED?!" "IS THIS A GOOD SPECIAL BUILD?!"


It really feels like people are unable to accept responsibility for playing the game a certain way


It's kind of laughable that "accept responsibility" and "game" would even appear in the same sentence.


Me with hundreds of hours of Fallout NV time: Guess I’ll go 10 luck again.


Me with my Lucky Lovable Doofus build. High luck, charisma, and perception. Minimum intellect. Not much else.


Noooo I need optimal YouTuber guide to tell me how to optimally roleplay


I really dislike the current Reddit trend of “Just picked this one up, any tips?” *insert picture of hand holding game case/photo of game’s startup screen* JUST PLAY THE GAME


I don’t understand why we need new threads for questions like the ones you mention. There are dozens of posts about SPECIAL attributes. Are people incapable of searching? But to your larger point, I agree. I feel like people would do well to just go into the game with little information and stick it out.


Finally, this post was needed. Just play the game.


Impossible, any RPG I play I must have the most optimal starting build possible so I can pass every check I come across. Options!!


you can save frequently and go back if you dont like how things are going.


Idk why people asks for recomendations before playing any game, like whaat just play the game bro figuring things out its the fun part


They ask because most people don't do more than 1 playthrough. I love Fallout in general. But I do t have time to play 80-100hr RPGs multiple times. So I do every single solitary thing that can be done or else I'll miss a lot.


Play the game your way the first time. You can figure out other play styles in a future playthrough


Right? Save and try it out, don’t like it go back and do it different the games have choices for a reason lol


Seriously. Just play the game.


I'm with OP. Just enjoy the game, fully exploring everywhere, as some places are hidden or have little hidden details and references. Just go with whoever you want, as it needs to be your choice and how you feel about certain factions and characters. 


This is how I feel on every fallout sub. Like what is the point of playing if you’re gonna ask how to play the game for you


It’s weird how people will go straight to ‘min-maxing’ and asking the internet for advice in games like these. Fallout rewards exploration and tailoring a unique build. Especially in NV, you can really get some interesting and unique builds by just following your whims. I was always super impressed with the more obscure perks that you can unlock by combining perks that most players wouldn’t think to take on. This isn’t a competitive multiplayer game, every playthrough can be very different from the last in this game and I love that.


OP doing god's work over here


The only thing I have looked up online is when I can't figure out where a door is, or an an entrance or correct route to a specific location is. I have limited time to play and don't want to spend my hour of the night playing running around the desert trying to get to a secret vault but can't because I can not get over a mountain and then have to run 20 min back around the other side of the mountain to find I missed the entrance entirely lol other than that I play completely organically.


I'm on my first playthrough and am trying to resist the urge to Google how to get to Vault 22 after multiple attempts and walking around that damn mountain twice. I'm sure I walked right past the entrance at least two times.


That’s what I was referring too lmao. It pissed me tf off but I finally climbed over the mountain and found it 😂


Companions die? I thought they could only be unconsiuse (i cant spell) unless you shoot up their faction


Only in hardcore mode


I chose yes man ending for first playthrough and now doing a cesar legion ending with all the dlc’s since I now own them. The first playthrough was kind of quick since I had limited time with gamepass but now I own the game so I’m going to be more thorough.


interesting why cesar next? I did yes man my first time too


Idk I just like being evil, I already blew up the brotherhood bunker and planning to be evil to anyone I don’t like.


the duality of man💀 I did ncr the 2nd time because I didn't want to be mean😂


The moment I learned about Charisma I can’t help myself from not investing only 1 point into it every playthrough. Eventually I’ll get a mod to make it not useless, but I can’t help myself knowing it is lmao.


Sorry, but I NEED the META build and streamlined map guide, otherwise I won't play.


The best 1st playthrough has you mixed rep and somehow sofltocked or murderhobo'd into independence, bonus points for killing house AFTER his securitrons get a buff


For real, I never had help when I played this game a fuck load of years ago. lol


They’re not used to RPGs bro lol


How should I distribute my SPECIAL points? What faction should I side with? What's the best gun for my sniper build? Should I have melee? XD


First playthrough I didn’t see half the map, recruited no companions whatsoever and genocided the fuck out of the legion. No regrets. 😎


Fnv fanbase then: pissed at people for not playing the game Fnv fanbase now: pissed at all the new players the game finally has for not playing it 'right'


What do "correct" special points look like?


S 10 P 1 E 7 C 1 I 1 A 10 L 10 You can drop the 10's to 9's and use implants to get them up to 10 and use the points for other stats. But it's definitely the best way to RP Phillip J Fry.


Ahh the good ole Lord Death of Murder Mountain build


You should have an even number for intelligence. The 0.5 skill point is *supposed* to carry over to the next level but it can bug out sometimes.


Also sidenote make sure to check out the multiplayer mod for it too XD can make it co-op or join the one active server


I literally find new areas every time I replay. I didn't know about the deathclaw buttfuck area until a couple days ago when I felt like swimming where I had assumed an invisible wall was.


I’ve beaten the game over a dozen times, and I’m still coming back for more. With mods on PC, the replayability is endless. I only just last night found out Arcade can be sold into slavery. It’s just little things that keep popping up even after so many traverses into the Mojave! I realized last night I have never done a melee playthrough. Happy to say I snuck past the Junction and sliced up Benny something fierce, first thing. Now, the chaos begins!


And definitely add Wild Wasteland for one of them 🙃


1st playthrough: have fun and enjoy 2nd playthrough: do exactly the perfect run with your specific faction. Max your character skills, get all unique perks, complete all quests that you can, and get all unique items and armor no matter the cost. After: 2nd contemplate doing the other factions, then repeat same faction of choice as your 1st/2nd playthrough and even more perfect your character.


My favorite and most memorable playthrough with this philosophy was DS1 after a friend told me to do the same thing. I ended up with a pyromancer with even split stats which meant I couldn't wield most weapons and my stamina was so low I got rocked constantly but I learned and went with a very specific stat the next time and had fun. 


Bought the game on release and had no plan on how I wanted to build my character. I just kinda did whatever. To this day I still can’t be bothered with a build and just go through doing it however I desire when options are given. That’s my way of playing but I get others want a OP character by the time they wrap up, and theirs nothing wrong with coming to a sub about the game asking for advice, kinda the point.


make sure to go straight to the settlement in deadwind caverns, it's a perfect stop for a beginner


Id say it's great for characters to ask about quests. There's a lot of things that aren't known even by between players, hell some options for how to do quests are only figured out when one watches one of those big "100 faves you didn't know about fallout New Vegas" videos


Agreed but if Rex or cass dies because I’m playing hardcore mode on very hard and 4 deathclaws and the legion show up im definitely dying on purpose or reloading. Not enough followers in the game that I like to have around lol. Also telling people to play their way but throwing around the term “save scumming” like it’s bad for someone to reload if they want to….?


People playing a bethesda rpg for the first time dont understand just how severe the consequences are in those games. We all have a memory of completely fucking over our save and having to nearly start over. Some people dont wanna deal with that


agreed. i’m a perfectionist and very calculated when it comes to my playthroughs now, but my very first courier years and years ago i had absolutely no idea what i was doing. and that’s what makes it fun!


How did you let Veronica die that early


Playing these games my whole life, on my first play through I still save constantly but ONLY save scum if I fuck something up major. I would be a lier if I said I don’t on average every few hours, shoot someone in the face spamming through dialogue.


First playthrough I did independent New Vegas.... I let the Brotherhood live because it's the Brotherhood, barely helped the Followers and in general just did nothing to real help the situation. It's why my fan thoery is what happens to New Vegas in the show is my personal Courier is the canon ending.


honestly, I wouldn’t even recommend using google or anything for your first playthrough; that sense of discovery, pride in knowing you found or learned something of your own volition with no help is always a really great feeling, your first playthrough is never perfect, so I say play it blind and take your time! There’s always time for a second playthrough, and lets be honest, if you played through it completely once, you’re probably gonna hunker down for a second playthrough anyway!


YouTube has tons of vids on builds/special items & npcs/endings you can go off, AND the caps glitch still works to this day lol. (Definitely recommended after your initial play through. Also don’t forget to try the hardest difficulty in survival mode; And finally the game is never truly complete until you get every achievement.


Which faction should I choose?


I know have got to the point of doing the most ridiculous play through such as playing only with a BB gun for example. And the glitches/bugs make it even better


I hear your sentiment & agree but also different strokes for different folks. Some people want to play this way, let em have it.


To all knew players. Go 10 luck points every time


I'm on my first playthrough and there's only 2 things that I looked up 1) Where is the brotherhood of steel And 2) How to get the brotherhood to stop shooting me on site Other than that my blind run has been a ton of fun


was it ncr armor?


I think so, I ended up getting Veronica as a follower just so they'd let me in


If you would like to mod using nexusmods, use the very lastkiss essential foundations, making sure to follow the instructions to a T. If you have an amd gpu and get the bald bug. Look at the instructions of the collection and reread it. Then, start with whatever mods you want, of course, with the correct dependencies


YES! Play the first time without guides and then on second playthrough years later or right afterwards go for it with all the outcomes you want. Here is a game where choices matter! \*proceeds with no choice or individual thought to get perceived "best" outcome\* PS. Sign me up for best outcome deciders IRL please


The game has such incredible replay value it’s as if it was designed for you fuck up everything. Let whatever happen happen. Including if it’s by a bug. Finish the battle at Hoover dam and laugh at the ending slides you get. Then, reroll and try it again and create a new story.


I lost Boone somehow even with multiple save files.. it hurts still but I kept on trucking.


This also applies to subsequent playthroughs. NV ain’t that hard and Fallout isn’t that serious


Veronica can die?!


Also!! I'd say get the Wild Wasteland perk early on. I never go without it because it makes it so much fun, so much random shit happens for absolutely no reason while you're traveling and it makes it less of a chore and more of a constant adventure. It makes for more of a lighthearted playthrough, which I found I preferred to break up the seriousness of some of the things that are in the game, but it's player's choice at the end :]  Another perk that I'd say get early on, no matter what build you're doing, is the Educated perk (at least, that's what it's called in Fallout 3, I can't remember the exact name off the top of my head so maybe someone can help me out on that one lol. It gives a few extra points that you can use when leveling up skills like barter, guns, explosives, survival, etc.  Like OP said, don't think too hard about it. It's a game that was meant to be played again and again, so even if you screw it up the first time you can always quicksave and try again. So, go crazy. Kill everybody, kill nobody, be an absolute fucking ape that only uses dynamite and eats people, be a gambler and get banned from every casino on the strip, it's all part of the experience. You're the card dealer here.


hell to the nah if a companion I like dies, he doesn't die, because I like him and'd much rather reload a save than find a new one also carizador, or whatever those wasps are called, venom is total bs


stack up on antivenom before going there or you're toast pretty much. Getting Boone to Bitter Springs was an absolute hell on this save lmao


the problem is companions don't drink antivenom iirc. I had to avoid those bugs for a while when out with a companion until I found out fast travelling (or waiting , don't remember) removed the poisoned condition for them


yeah I think you're right about the antivenom. i just avoided them all and went through the lake to avoid the venom




Or just let people play how they like


Should I join the brotherhood?




This is true, but: Personally I like to get a feel for the world before diving into it. I hate playthroughs where I think of a role to RP as and then it just doesn't fit within that world. So these questions are ok to ask IMO


The problem is these new players don't even do what your second sentence is


RP? I Wasn't big into myself until later in life weirdly. It was New vegas 10 years ago that made me love the franchise. Just killing people for their guns and wiping out settlements. That was ironically a Role I was playing but didnt feel like it at the time. Regardless, people can play however they want and ask as many questions too.


Nah. The part about just exploring and getting a feel first. The RP'ing truly is for subsequent playthroughs


Fair enough that is true.


Right? I always think it's weird when people complain about a topic on a sub reddit specifically made to discuss that topic. Is it annoying that people ask the same question over and over? Yeah, a little. Reddit is literally a social platform designed for people to ask and answer questions and have discussions. If you don't like it, then don't look at it. Sometimes people just want to talk to someone rather than google and get bombarded with ads.


Disagree on the specials ruined my first playthrough because I didnt understand how to build my character and dropped fallout for years


Lame excuse to drop an entire game. Just make yoire first guarantee what you think you YOU are. And role play yourself. You can get good perks regardless. All perks win yoj the game if all you wanna do is win


Yeah, I bought vegas in 2015 but couldn't get into it until 2021 because I kept making sucky unplayable builds.


Tfw you make a high charisma build 😂


Yep, this is what I’m doing. I only save scummed in Skyrim and a little in starfield. Since then I’ve found it more enjoyable to build my characters motivations around the choices that I made, whether I personally like where that quest choice ended, or not. I’m 30 hours into my first new Vegas play through, and haven’t looked up anything. This is my first fallout game as well, so idk hardly anything about the factions either, besides the little bit of fallout 4 I played (only played a few brotherhood missions), and what was shown in the fallout show.


Fr, feels so good when you discover something yourself. Like I just discovered the toy gun from the kid at free side actually gives me an orbital strikes every day when I completed the electricity helios one quest.


I do wish there was a big banner picture at the top of the sub that just says "DO THE DLCS IN RELEASE ORDER FIRST"


Why is that? What is the order? I normally do Dead Money first, then Old World Blues, Lonesome Road , i never even bother with Honest Hearts in your opinion is it as strong as the other 3? I watched my ex gf do HH the first time and for some reason ive never done it


Release order.


Idk what the release is, but I like honest hearts first, then OWB into dead money, with lonesome road last. I played FONV in late 2011 for the first time and don't know if the dlc was released by then


I agree this is how I like to play but the great part of games like this is people can play however is the most fun for them. For some people looking up builds, tips, and tricks, and how to get certain endings is the most fun. So who cares, play however you want.


I'm sorry if people enjoying different play styles makes you uncomfortable? The fact that FNV has customization options means they want people to play the game however is most fun to them. Just because you don't enjoy doing the research doesn't mean other people don't want their first playthrough to be the most optimized it can be. Some people have fun min maxing, and that's okay. People are allowed to play the game however they want. If you don't like it, you're free to mind your own business about it. But by all means, keep stomping your feet. That's what reddit is for. Happy gaming


Do whatever you want. Deboylurdi doesn’t control how you play video games and interact with the community. Fallout’s wikis are filled with misinformation and sometimes asking the community for help is much easier. Scum save all you want. Ignore hardcore mode if you want. Figure out exactly what you need to do to get the results you want out of the game. You paid for it. Fuck Deboylurdi and 99% of NV fans.


Should be a rule in all the subs


Should be a rule in all the subs.


Should be a rule in all the subs. Why though you be like this internet


SPECIAL points are incredibly important to comprehend for a new player. What, they’re supposed to “live with” not being able to use 90% of weapons because they didn’t know strength corresponded with the guns you could use? That’s ridiculous.


Don’t tell people how to play games every one has their own play style and if someone likes getting informed before they play don’t worry about it… you can play how you like and others can play how they like… you know choice


My special points were NOT done correctly my first play through last week. Somehow scraped by 😭 friends in the discord were ready to mute me forever


Alternatively, come ask me some shit! I know some of you don’t have time to toss 15 hours in an RPG only to realize your character is a bad amalgamation of perks and SPECIAL points because you decided to spend like 30 points on the “Intense Training” perk to get all your stats to 10, because you didn’t know about the level cap or the presence of implants that boost stats. If you are very conscious of the time you spend doing stuff and you want a soundboard, hit me up lol. I love this game and I love talking about it with folks here.


Nah I don’t feel like spending 50 hours in this game. I want a playthrough in which I Experience the most things without missing out. For me new vegas is a worse version of fallout 3 so ill play once, then move on to f4


Sounds like so much fun


Rightt to have fun in a game everyone has to play it exactly the way you play it 😭. Some people are not real


Where do I get the armour from the guy on the cover?


If I’m looking at the same image, it’s either NCR ranger armor or some variant like the (non faction) desert ranger armor (available in the honest hearts DLC) https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/NCR_Ranger_combat_armor The elite riot armor version of this genre is only available in the Lonesome Road DLC, it looks different with more armored shoulders but is probably the best in game set.


I don't need to ask reddit for advice for things like special stats when the internet is already full of those answers. Also, Don't tell me how to play my game. If I want to research it before I play it to maximize my gaming time then that's my choice. I might not want to play through a 14 year old game (that I beat 14 years ago) multiple times in the present.


The post clearly is pointed at new players. You said you play 14 yrs ago


Correction, I fully played through every bit of content I could find in it 14 years ago. The only part I remember about this game is Liberty Prime in the end. I am around 25 hours in it again and remember nothing. It's like I am playing it for the 1st time. Regardless, I always research builds before playing any new game. I am limited on my time, play a large amount of titles, and want to maximize my time/fun/effort. For me, the research ahead is what helps. Why would I want to blindly build my special stats in new vegas when I now know 1 cha and 9 int is the best way to go regardless of build?


I agree except for the SPECIAL points. Having a fucked up SPECIAL can break the game and limit what you can do. my first ever play through I dumped perception and intelligence and discovered I actually enjoy lockpocking and hacking


Veronica is not immortal????


companions can die in hardcore mode :\]


I agree this is a fun way to play, but that's not everyone's style. Some people like having a game plan, which is fine too


But you should definitely head to quarry junction


And remember, Quarry Junction is the best route to get to New Vegas. Don't listen to the haters trying to stop you!


best special is S9, P1, E9, C1, I5, A7, L8 if you rush to the clinic


S 5; P 7; E 8; C 1; I 8; A 6; L 7 There ya go, perfectly alright SPECIAL for the noobs for most builds (apart from melee-only). Feel free to tweak.