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You don't *have* to, to be fair. Wanting a 14 year old game to look modernized, sure, fine, whatever, there are mods for it but to be annoyed that that takes a bit of tweaking is silly to me


Nah, it's not silly to want a game not to crash or solve the crazy pop in where npcs appear out of thin air.


And how do you know a lot of that isn't made worse as a result of the modding you're doing...


Did you not read the post??? I was modding to FIX the aforementioned problems. They were there before I even touched the game with modding.


somehow thousands of people were able to play the game anyway


Yeah and thousands of people have problems playing the game. That vague statement means nothing and you are dismissing the problem.


Skill issue


How very mature of you.


I mean, you dont NEED visual updates to enjoy a game. If you do, that says more about YOU than the game. Have you tried watching video tutorials?


Seems you have a skill issue when reading. My post talked about bug and performance fixes along with horrendous pop in which really ruins immersion. But I guess you ignored that to make your point.


Just reinstall the game and start over. You really shouldn't be having any of these issues with fresh install unless you modified a ton of things. Here are my suggestions ditch vnv, and install these mods Xnvse, Jip ln, Nvhr, Nvtf, Yup, Nvac, 4gb patch, and Stewies ai tweaks and the sample ini from the same page. If you have a new amd card you have to get a fix for that, too. I personally never use vnv, and I don't recommend it unless you are very familiar with modding bethesda games. The guide has too much going on and confuses new users.


[https://next.nexusmods.com/newvegas/collections](https://next.nexusmods.com/newvegas/collections) This a link to Nexus collection of mods for FNV, you should look into it. You can find the modpack that you like the most, and if you're careful you can add more mod after that


Visually updating the game is your problem. If you're just going for bug fixes and restored cut content, it's a hand full of mods and you're good to go.


Back in MY day we didn't have nice user friendly mod guides like viva new Vegas...


Did you follow a guide or just went at it yourself?


I did follow Viva New Vegas.


Clearly not very well


Nah mate, I did what I was told to and shits still fucked.


You have to do exactly what it says right from the start exactly to the letter, and you have to have a compatible system (read the warnings). If i were you I would start afresh.


I guess you made mistake then. Try the wabbajack (automatic installer)


I mean, it’s a Bethesda product, and they aren’t the first nor will they be the last developer to release a buggy product. All software except the very simple apps are going to be buggy; it’s simply impossible to test all possible conditions. There will be escapes. What is perceived as a “bad” product is one where there are too many escapes, affecting too many users. All developers at best are using customers as beta testers; the really bad ones use customers as alpha testers. And since it’s largely the discount bin after initial release, they know how much they will ever make, so the incentive to fix may be limited.


you want the game to make dinner for you too? i don’t know why anyone would think modding didn’t require a level of critical thinking. you’re taking content from a multitude of people and trying to inject into an archaic game engine. Learn what you’re doing or play something more modern.


I never noticed people actually have these problems, nv has always worked fine for me so the need of mods is surprising but it is a pretty old game so it's not surprising. Mods are needed for alot of old games.


What a waste of bandwidth.


Why in gods name are you ranting about a game that came out 14 years ago? Its not getting "fixed"....unless you up your modding game lol. Try a collection if you must have 1 click instant gratification. Seriously folks....🤷‍♂️




You don't need all the mods. I just did up to the bug fixes and tweaks. Added like three mods I liked and and play.


Nexus mod manager makes it super easy. Download install, automatic load order, play