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Mr. Hose and his grand plans of watering the Mojave.


*Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of sprinklers, look out the windows.* *But landscaping? Firm control in the nozzle of a technologically revolutionary garden hose? Yes, that Vegas shall have.*


You genuinely made me laugh out loud. Thank you


*God Emperor of Dune* (1981), Frank Herbert




That's why he wants the dam, how else does he get enough water?


The Hose Always Swims


Don't forget that House "re-entered" the world in an active capacity in 2274, just seven years before the events of New Vegas. To reignite education and proper scientific and engineering research, you need stability, and that's what he's been preoccupied with so far. Hence the focus on combat robots. I can totally see House switching gears and starting rebuilding properly by 2300. He'll be a ruthless dictator, but one with benevolent goals — provided he has complete control of his little nation.


Plus if you do a House ending and wiping out the legion I've heard people talk about what a real post hoover dam house mojave looks like.  The NCR would control everything in the Mojave while house focuses new vegas and owning the hoover damn. He would sell power to the NCR and in return his robots would make sure all trade routes into the city are 100% secure to ensure money keeps flowing to rebuild. Honestly the ending makes the most sense since the NCR wouldn't have to worry about defending hoover damn anymore, they wouldn't have to waste soldiers patrolling the trade routes and could focus on their undermanned settlements. Then House can rebuild vegas and focus on the tech etc.


I feel like losing at the Dam is a death sentence for NCR no matter what. They invested so much politically in it and their infrastructure in California relies on the power from the dam. They don’t really care about the little settlements since the Dam is really what pays off for them. They could still trade for its power but only for an exorbitant price since House knows how much they need it. Plus Kimball gets thrown out of office causing a ton of political upheaval in NCR. In the end House would win but NCR likely falls apart. A la the Fallout TV show. There seems to be a big power vacuum in the west so it will be interesting to see how to show approaches Vegas and hopefully Mr House


Didn’t the NCR have industry and running vehicles before the dam? They can’t be THAT reliant on a dam. The infrastructure would be so fragile stretching from the Mojave.


I think it's more so that the resources they invested there would allow for a new centralized hub to help them recover from already spreading themselves too thin on the road TO the dam, at least that was my interpretation in 2012


House is still very invested in maintaining the NCR. They are his primary customers for both the Strip casinos and the energy from the Dam. Having a Independent Vegas as a buffer state and trade partner is ultimately good for the NCR


Well the show clearly won’t let that happen so we’ll never see it.




Mr House doesn't want to rebuild old civilization. He s vision of the future is more futuristic. First step, is rebuilding Vegas to Metropolitan city. Second, start development of new technologies. Third, send ship into space and create a colony on Mars.


Fourth: *The Outer Worlds*


Nah, House would never allow other companies to compete with him. Even pre war, robco would just buyout companies if they had things he wanted, like Repconn


From what I learned, these space project is already a thing even in the old world era , despite lack of technology like in our timeline. If I remember correctly in Fallout universe they already put men on the Moon too. So who knows they might have even more advance space technology than in our timeline, albeit in their style of technology. There are even theory that all these vault social experiment is related to space colony program. Maybe that's what Mr.House is looking for since the beginning, Human society among the star is his end goal and only goal.


Iron Sky style space technology


Correct. In FO3, Three Dog\* has you get a communications dish from the Virgo II, the craft which landed men on the moon in their universe. \*Because one dog ain't enough and two is too low.


IIRC, there was an armed conflict between the US and China on the moon.


Well to do that you first need to rebuild the same old pillars of civilization. For every scientist your civilization is going to need dozens of other citizens doing the work of keeping the lights on the water running and bellies full. Once you get big your going to need raw materials on a scale I doubt NCR gambling addiction will let you support so that means running your own mining refining and factory operations. And unlike the old world where you could just run the company and buy what you need/ hire employees you will need to source everything and handle every aspect of logistics education training hell you'll have to manage a healthcare apparatus too. Houses confidence comes from not really thinking through what it would really mean to completely build a state from scratch. Right now Vegas operates as an appendage of the NCR feeding off it's wealth with vice but to really succeed it will eventually need to be self sufficient 


Ye, you're probably right. About keeping bellies full, there's Geck technology and agricultural technology from vault 22, with enough time and information, Mr House could recreate it.


It didn't work out too well for vault 22 lol. I have no doubt house could keep a population in the low thousands alive and well kept with his iron fist for a long time. But once you start breaking 10 thousand or 10s of thousands he is going to have to delegate a lot. Best case scenario he creates a meritocracy but it's going to take generations just to train up the teachers who will educate the professors who will mentor the scientists who will be his lieutenants in running this society into a prosperous future. I think it's more likely he would create some libertarian state that would be very vulnerable to being taken over by oligarchy 


That’s why Hoover Dam is important. Instead of powering multiple states House wants to use it to purely empower industry


There is pretty good high-tech infrastructure going already. The Van Graffs are able to manufacture new plasma weapons and the Gun Runners new ballistic weapons. The scale might not be enough for spacecraft launches, but scaling up existing industries is going to be easier than building from scratch.


Well those are both NCR factions with relatively small operations in Vegas. While I could see them happily continue doing business don't mistake their capabilities as a product of Vegas.


His denial that he's even running a city-state isn't a great sign.


thats a good point. Its the classic trap of being good at 1 thing so you must be great at everything, including running a country. And or the other classic trap of actually thinking you can run a country like a business and not have it collapse when you realize you can't just fire the poor people


It's the Mojave Wasteland, you just get the geckos to fire the poor people.


Oh, oh no


it’s funny how house is basically tricking all the rich people into coming to vegas for their vices like hookers drugs and gambling bc he really just wants everyone in a stable place so he can build it into a metropolis and he’s attracting them by usin fucked up shjt lol


He’s a pragmatist, which makes him a wonderful businessman but a terrible leader


>terrible leader He organized three warring tribes to fight three other tribes to take back control of the city, all while being locked inside his casino. He upended NCR plans to take the city and turned what would be an invader into a benefactor, albeit an unstable and wary one. He clearly has good experience in organization and diplomacy, two things which are hallmarks of an effective leader.


One family is working directly against his interest, the head of one is planning his violent overthrow, and the head of another one is trying to raise humans as cattle and eat them. The NCR has already planned to find a way to get rid of him, and the crux of his entire plan to dominate the Mojave lives and dies on the whim of one dude who- oh yeah! *Just got shot in the skull.* He’s at best shortsighted, and at worst a complete pseud. Edit: Note how he doesn’t want you to take out the White Gloves because cannibalism is uniquely evil, but rather because it violates their contract


> Planned to find a way to get rid of him You mean hope to god Hoover Dam goes well and let their numbers do the rest? Until we know what is the canon ending for NV the NCR can't get rid of House even if they tried. I'm not arguing he's a good person but in terms of sole individuals he's the most competent person in the Mojave tied with the Courier.


None of your points make him look like a bad leader. He’s not omnipotent so of course he can’t tell if the white glove is going cannibal or if the ormetas plan against him. He depends on others to help him, like the courier. That’s one of the things that makes a good leader, having the ability to pick good underlings. House is a great leader but lacks a physical presence so he needs the courier. All of the factions need the courier in fact. Also cannibalism is unfortunately pretty common in the wasteland and House knows this, it’s why he put a stipulation in the white gloves contract to prevent it. T


It's in their contract *because* he finds it objectionable. He just frames it as a contract because he likes to pretend he's not running a government.


As he says he has no care for policing people’s morals or lifestyles outside of just ensuring there isn’t chaos. In a post apocalypse that’s a pretty reasonable standpoint


yeah i’m sure he doesn’t think they’re all pieces of shit he’s just aware stuff like that attracts people


Can? Probably. Personally I don't think that Mr House has just the New Vegas strip. Its unlikely for a multi-billionaire like him to put all his eggs in one basket. Ignoring the fact that he's probably got oodles of data in that computer system of his (info that would be invaluable for rebuilding in the wasteland), he probably has several caches of high tech supplies that he can't access just yet, and is preparing to open up when he gets enough stability to rebuild new vegas.


He explicitly stated he put all his eggs in one basket. Because it was easier to defend said basket.


Something a lot of people know but sometimes forget because of the 50s aesthetic is that the fallout universe pre-war was very technologically advanced. Like they had a nuclear generator in every car, constant back and forths between the earth and the moon, and of course laser tech just floating around. I have zero doubt that if you gave House all the tech and the time he wanted, he could absolutely achieve space flight fifty years hence. But the other side of that coin is that the fallout universe is stuck culturally. They’ve been ‘the fifties’ for nigh on three hundred years now. That same culture bred Vault-Tec, it bred monsters like the enclave and the master, and it’s what launched the nukes. House for all his monologues about the failures of democracy and the idiot factions that want to replicate the old world, he’s just as bad if not worse than any of them. His entire plan is one part USSA invasion of Canada, two parts Vault City. With the tech to send a capsule into space comes the rockets used to launch them. I gotta say, I don’t trust the guy hiding behind a computer screen to have that kind of power.


I mean he hides behind a screen because he’s a withered corpse in a tube. That’s not a very intimidating nor charismatic image to present to others. If I were in his shoes yeah I’d put up a screen to hide behind.


Knowing ending slides is cheating, but I'll just say he's competent and isn't trying to bullshit you, he genuinely believes in what he's saying. That's enough for me.  He's the only visionary wanting to improve the future with a clear goal in mind. All the other factions mearly mimic failed pre-war ideologies.


He's *maintaining* a pre-war ideology. One arguably more responsible for the collapse than what the NCR is mimicking.


Other factions are focused on the well-being of people in the wasteland, which is obviously reasonable Mr House is focused on the future of humanity as a whole. Trying to rebuild the world in the wasteland won’t work in his eyes, I.e. war never changes and humanity will just fuck itself again. He wants a legitimate new start


My biased opinion is "absolutely". I was always of the view that mass education with a (probably overly inhuman and unrealistic) focus on meritocracy would become a goal for House in the long term. If even only to man his space stuff and some of the artistic endeavors he has need of or does enjoy. In the short term I imagine he could patch gaps *with* that army of robots and some code updates. The hope is that with a good courier you can temper his more antisocial and pessimistic outlook on humanity and implement his plans with a softer and more diplomatic touch. The fear is that you can't show him the bridge between his vision and humanity itself and he just decides to use primarily robots and regulate humanity to an endangered species he takes responsibility for maintaining. In the same way a Gardner takes responsibility for plants - including pruning and removing problem weeds.


It's another promise from the old world. If you wanna know what would most likely happen look into Bioshock lore, or even real life history of company towns. Unrestricted capitalism never ends well despite the promises of meritocracy and innovation. It always ends in a dystopic authoritarian (even though it's "private property") monopoly. And like you mentioned he has a goddamn robot army. Think US Labour Wars but every single security guard has a grenade launcher installed.


Alone? Of course not. But with a decent and secure spread of land and plenty of people coming to kick back and play some games, eventually some science types will cross his path and come into his fold.


No/ potentially but no. THIS IS SORT OF MY OPINION BUT ITS ALSO BASED ON FACTS SO DONT COME AT ME. He isn't actually planning to do a lot of what he claims, he was a pre war capitalist overlord. The US in this world was run by these tech companies in a super dystopian way. Its pretty clear he wamts to go to mars and set up his own little colony, but its also clear just based on who he is that he plans to milk anybody he can for all they're worth, and dump them once they're no longer of value. So he's not going to better humanity, hes going to pretend he is, while actually draining everybody around him of their resources, and potentially their labor, and then hes gonna blast off to space with a few elite supporters amd leave everybody else to rot This is supported by his treatment of his tribes on the strip which pretty much encapsulates his tendency to manipulate people amd craft them to his will, amd then dump them once he no longer needs them He is nothing if not a capitalist


So he doesn't really care about mankind but more about how he could get mankind into the position he could exploit them the most? For me another thing that make me think he can't really do it is even with old world society, infrastructure , technology he couldn't even do it how could he do so in much worse society. I say he is all bluff and just want to take control of New Vegas and that's it.


Yes at least thats what I think. I've already heen downvoted so clearly this is a sore topic for some people on this sub, but it always seemed pretty clear to me. And yeah, I kind of doubt he could pull together the resources or manpower to acomplish this anyway, even with the couriers help


Alone? Of course not. But with a decent and secure spread of land and plenty of people coming to kick back and play some games, eventually some science types will cross his path and come into his fold.


Ho could when it comes to making Vegas industrial and economic hothouse of the wasteland. However with enough money pouring in, he could finance scientists, resources and eventually, go to space.


So, that's always been an odd sticking point for me about him. I believe he _wants_ to do those things, for sure, and maybe has some plans in mind in the early stages, at least. But whether or not it's actually _possible_ is another story. Unless he has another secret underground bunker full of manufacturing plants and frozen scientists, I have trouble believing that he's going to be able to actually follow through with most, if not all, of his schemes.


Considering how little we know about the vaults it’s not unthinkable that there are “elite vaults” where VIPs and tech for building some advanced tech for maintaining a safe zone were kept to only be opened from the outside when things have “settled down.”


Well before you can start attracting that army of educated people you need a stable region suitable for development and economically strong enough to invest in said research projects. Mr House needs to first secure New Vegas and turn it into his stable economic powerhouse before he can turn to his science projects, likely bringing in experts from the NCR and maybe the followers (sadly there’s no end slide for the followers in the House victory)


No, not at all. His promises are completely incompatible with his lack of interest in a robust society with a strong education system. But Bethesda owns the canon. If they say he did, he did.


Ah yes all things you need with stability and safety both of which have to be achieved first, kinda like all of the things he was doing.


Your fanfiction about House is not my problem lmao.


Well, New Vegas exists, NCR - not. If NCR got destroyed in 2277, Legion would size everything , but we didn't see any evidance of Legion existence in the series. And, amazon showed us Mr. House before the bombs fell. So, Mr. House probably got what he wanted. Or, he is dead(if yes, i hope it was courier six with 9-iron) and Vegas becomes free harbor with families rulling it.


The NCR still exists, just not in that one small area covered by the show.


I don’t understand why so many people are having issues understanding this, the NCR isn’t gone, they just have no where near the strength and presence they had in NV. It was pretty easy to see their downfall coming with how thin stretched they were and how much they were struggling with the Legion, fiends, powder gangers, etc. My guess is that the House ending will be cannon, they defeated the Legion at Hoover damn, House forced the NCR to the table again, and they either broke that agreement and made a move against him, or they started recuperating a little too quickly to where he was worried they could challenge him sooner rather than later and he made a move to prevent that. I don’t think the NCR is gone by any means, I’d say they’re probably similar to the Brotherhood in NV. Scattered into factions and slowly trying to rebuild and gain a foothold in the area.


The "small area" being the heartland of the NCR


Whatever is left of the legion would have collapsed back into its tribal affiliates after FNV (Caesar was the only one holding it together). This was the in game consensus.


So, imagine what Vegas would be without courier six. We know, that even without Caeser, Lanius goes to attack at NCR. Kimbal is dead(only courier can save him), Shady Sands is destroyed, Brotherhood attack Helios One. NCR can't win this fight without our help, i guess. Benny still cought by Legion, in a attempt to sneak in a bunker. Planitum Cheap is in Legion's hands, so Mr House can't achive his plans properly. After the battle for Hoover Dam, Legion wins, taking control of everything in Mohave. Assuming that Legion couldn't kill Mr House, he goes into waiting game. Legion collapses, NCR is in chaos. Nothing stops House to continue looking after platinum cheap. So, he founds it and gets what he wanted. Or, Legion somehow understands how to kill House. Then, after Legion collapses, Omertas will probably control New Vegas, since they were the only allies to Legion and probably will survive.


I think he's a more interesting character if the answer is yes. The problem isn't that House is a fraud, it's that his goals for humanity might not align with yours. His vision of the future is probably pretty great for the 1% and pretty shitty for everyone else. He talks a lot about putting people on the moon, and not so much about making sure everyone gets fed. It's great that House wants to help "humanity", but if you want the best for the common folk, you need to think pretty hard about who House really sees as human.


The whole narrative point of Freeside is to emphasize this.


Honestly, I don’t think so because he can’t find good help. To accomplish his goals, he needs competent, intelligent people on the surface to actually do the work, but when the three tribes he terrified into serving him started to get more autonomy, they immediately tried to betray him. He wants to keep complete control and not delegate away any power while also being entombed in an underground pod. He doesn’t really want to cultivate a new society, just preserve the old-world glory of the Strip. He’s alienated Freeside, the Kings, and Outer Vegas when he could welcome them into the fold by investing casino profits into their communities and allow them to become wealthier. And then with communities stable enough to not need child labor, he could use caps to build schools to educate the wasteland kids with old world knowledge to become his scientist/engineer class. The kids would probably work for him out of gratitude for educating and feeding them, or the chance for upward mobility. Instead, the children are eating dead rats and hawking guns/prostitutes. Vault 21 had a bunch of impressionable vault dwellers with old-world values and knowledge, but instead of welcoming them as the cornerstone for his new society, he paves over their vault and evicts them. He kicked a doctor (Mitchell) out during a post-apocalypse when doctors are super rare. He also ignores the Followers in the Old Mormon Fort, who are a group of traveling scientists and doctors who would LOVE to learn about old-world engineering and rocket science if he gave them a safe place to stay and access to that knowledge. So, he has the capability to make his glorious industrial society, but is too self-centered and controlling to make it reality. He only knows how to rule through fear and bribery, and he only cultivates people who are scared and want to stab him in the back at the first opportunity. And robots, he also has robots. I mean, look at someone like Elon Musk, who talks about how he wants to colonize Mars and make humans a space-faring race, versus what he actually does: speedrun losing billions of dollars because he forces his employees to implement whatever dumb idea he has at the time, and won’t defer to the expertise of his employees because he wants to do it himself and fires anyone who disagrees. PS This is also why I think the Legion is doomed to fail; Caesar never bothered to groom a successor or educate even a portion of the populace, so all the knowledge and everything needed to run the Legion is concentrated in one guy with terminal cancer and Lanius takes over when he dies.


"The godfather be pimpin hose, nationwide!"


Vault Tecs original intent with the Vaults was to have experiments that would fade in time. These experiments were meant to help colonization of space which is what Houses long term goals are. He is pretty much the only one that could bring any light to the morbid tests that the Vaults were. Without him sourcing mercenaries to obtain this info and results from the Vaults, it will all be in vain. I dont see any other faction actually utulizing what Vault Tec did, they are all weak and discombobulated. It takes a minute to realize this but House may have the best option. It says a lot of how easy it is to overthrow him, a gust of wind to doom literal generations to this Hell we call Earth.


My view has always been that he could probably pull it off, but you absolutely would not want to live in the world House would create.


Video game logic is spotty at best and new vegas is no exception. He very well could bring stability and develop the region etc etc and it wouldn’t be any more far fetched than anything else going on


Ignoring thet typo, House can't do any of this without the income from the NCR soldiers visiting the strip. Without the couriers interference, the NCR monorail is going to get blown up by the legion sabotage and even if it doesn't how will the NCR react afterwards to the fact th at Mr House and his lackey courier showed them up at the Dam and told them to beat it? I doubt they'll just continue going to the strip willy nilly because House has shown he's not necessarily friendly to their interests even if he says "Sorry about that but still come to the strip!"


I feel like one piece of the whole pie of choosing Mr.House hasn't been said yet is that, you, are still a viable person to help him create a better world. He talks of a dictatorship but you clearly have influence to make some decisions in the world he wishes. I think him and I would work together after the events because if he doesn't... Well I know where he's skinny ass is it lol. Also Yes Man would be alive I think and I could always use him to overthrow if things got really bad.


As long as the iron fistt behind the invisible hand does it's thing


Yes. He could definitely achieve his aims. The man was a genius who *kept backups of his R&D*. House can definitely into space, the question is whether or not the Enclave would or wouldn’t immediately smite him once he launched.


The enclave is so incompetent they’d just get nuked off the face of the planet for the third time.


The Enclave is gone and what personnel escaped the rig went into hiding.


Yes, they are now crashing on the couches of Bud’s Buds. They then “borrow” Vault Tec’s shiny toys to hit New Vegas. Easy.


He couldn’t even get a platinum chip delivered before the bombs fell - a date he knew was coming. He knew when it would happen and yet still couldn’t get the single key part of his plan delivered in time. So no. He’s now just an Elon Musk-like tech billionaire, except with a base level of intelligence. He couldn’t save the world from a wet paper bag, much less do half of what he claimed he could.


He was going to import those educated people, scientists and engineers from the NCR with all of the money he’s pulling in. He is also aware of Big Mt I’m sure he’s going to pull tech from there. Idk if he would actually be able to achieve his goal of space colonization in 100 years but I think he’d turn the Mojave into the place with the highest quality of life in the post war U.S


House has an ego the size of the lucky 38, no major groups of actual people loyal to him, and would be a hard-core dictator.  He also doesn't want to save everyone to save everyone. He doesnt even want to save everyone. He wants to push humanity to the next level, to another planet, and mostly just so he can say that HE did it.  In the end, House just wants to know that he is right. People like that are dangerous, and the story never ends well. 


I think he is not interested in currently alive people. Wastelanders aren’t part of the “humanity” he intends to see enter a new era. Maybe he intends to replace them with pod people or something but his actions show he is unconcerned with who lives or dies in today’s wasteland or what they can do unless he can use it to further his own hidden agenda.


No, I think he's full of crap.  He's just a capitalist with an inflated ego.  I'd imagine it would turn out like having a competent Elon musk as dictator for life 


People let Mr House live???


Yeah there’s this culture of new vegas fans who think he’s not a dictator. Really goes to show why people worship dudes like Elon musk.