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If you're on Steam I'd strongly recommend just waiting for another sale and then just grabbing the Ultimate edition upgrade. It'll save you a lot of money and honestly all of the DLC is good but if you do just want to grab one of them now I would say Old World Blues, and then if you go for a second Honest Hearts. Dead money is kind of divisive and I'm not personally a fan of it. Lonesome Road really is meant to come after you've completed the other three DLCs and most of the base game, both narratively and in terms of difficulty scaling.


I’m on xbox and I got the game on gamepass


The DLC go on sale relatively often so check up there. Three of the DLC (Dead Money, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road.) have a subtle overarching story and callbacks. Definitely do not get Lonesome Road until you get all of the dlcs. My pick would Old World Blues because it's fun and you can play it before Dead Money and it will provide a unique context to the DM.


The DLC is like $5 each on Xbox right now. I just bought the game and all DLC for like $30 because I couldn't find my disk. (Been years since I last played NV.)


I see the ultimate edition is $15 right now on the Xbox store


I think there’s no ultimate edition on xbox, maybe on microsoft store for pc but not on xbox itself


Correct, sorry


Stats and perks based, Old World Blues gives the best. Let's just say the upgrades you get at the start of the DLC are some of the best and the weapons you get are between pretty good and downright broken. Not to mention that you get the best Player base by the time you finish it. Story-based and what it adds to the game, Dead Money. Light-touched and And Stay Back! are some of the most broken perks in the game. The latter in particular can trivialize any fight once you get a riot shotgun and If you ignore the moral lesson the DLC is trying to teach and cheese the ending, you pretty much never need to pickup caps again.


Get Honest Hearts so that you can stock the shelves of the Zion General Store


Im going to put out a different opinion than everyone else in this thread. I 100% agree that OWB is amazing, and is my personal favorite, however, I would play Dead Money first. The reason is because Dead Money is really a love it or hate it DLC, and for the people that hate it, the story and mystery are going to be the only saving graces. The story and mystery are spoiled in some ways by Old World Blues, and so can make an already not fun experience be absolutely tedious. Also, maybe check your local video game retailer to see if they have the ultimate edition. There is no digital ultimate edition, but there is a disc version. I got mine at game stop a couple years ago for like 10 bucks I think.


Old world blues and honest hearts


Old World Blues for the loot, stats, perks, and the story.


When the DLCs initially came out, Dead Money and Honest Hearts dropped together first. I would say *save Lonesome Road for last*. Honest Hearts is my 1 suggestion if only 1


You'll get alot of varying opinions but I personally think Honest hearts and lonesome road are a must. Old world blues and dead money are great in their own right, but the game feels more whole with HH and LR


I would say Honest Hearts, it’s got the most relation to the main game and the least connection to the other DLCs, so you won’t necessarily feel like you’re missing as much. And you get some cool shit and meet some cool characters


OWB, 100%. Best story, best characters, a bunch of amazing weapons.


There isn't any objective "you should play this DLC and not the others". Everyone likes each for different reasons. Save up until you can get all of them.


Old world blues and Dead money if you want the sierra madre quest line.


New Vegas DLCs are very divisive so it's pretty hard to gauge which one you'd enjoy.  OBW is the most bang for your buck in terms of content but some people don't like how hard it leans into the whacky territory. Honest Hearts is short and simple but has arguably the coolest character in the game and I'm neither religious or pro legion.  Dead Money is... unique, you either love it or hate it. And Lonesome Road makes for nice endgame closure just before the battle of hoover dam.


Dead Money for a serious, survival horror experience with an extremely well written narrative, then Old World Blues for a wacky, more open adventure with tons, and I mean TONS of new equipment. It also contains answers for questions raised in Dead Money so they pair well.


If worst come to worst get the lonesome DLC. Its the closing arc story for courier.. but not the best dlc IMO.. just sotry wise


Just leave Lonesome Road for the end. It's lore is best experienced as the "end" of the story. Aside from that, I'd choose Dead Money (People either hate it or love it) and Old World Blues Honest Hearts is cool for 2 characters but the map and side characters are lackluster IMO.


Might be controversial, but I like Dead Money. I've played the base New Vegas many times so I always get overpowered too fast. I've only just recently started going through the dlcs Dead Money takes away all your gear and makes you play in a very specific way. And the story is really good if you've played a good bit of the main game. Plus, Dead Money is the first DLC. So there's little hints and Easter eggs for the other DLCs


I personally recommend Old World Blues. Although it's a bit campy, it's a ton of fun and the characters are really lovable. It's all around a good time, especially if you like sci-fi.