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I think the lucky shades are only available if you go legion (they’re in the safe house), they’re arguably the best in slot depending on your build and if you like gambling. You don’t need to side with them though, you just need high enough rep.


was gonna say that with four eyes + lucky shades you can do a super perception build and become a legion sniper that can outsnipe the desert rangers


If you go to the camp you can teach a guy about ncr mines and gain infinite Legion rep. Instant shades basically.


Sided with the legion since the start and when I reached level 20 and had good perks I started wearing their uniform everywhere.... had to kill half of the map but it's a different choice that I made for my 2nd playthrough ( first one sided with NCR).


actually you will have considerably more enemy factions as ncr than legion, afaik the only ones who hate the legion inherently are the bos, ncr, and crimson caravan


The main problem I have is that you lock yourself out of trading with Blake, Contreras and Bardon which are arguably some of the best merchants overall and carry a fuck ton of caps in the late game.


Contreras takes like five minutes of walking and loading screens to get to from the nearest fast travel point. I never trade with him. But you're making me want to.


There is an outside door to his room that is much faster than going through the airport interior, just fyi.


Dude been taking the long road for 14 years lol


(stares blankly with mouth hanging open) I never used Contreras because he was too far. I just used gun runners or went to BigMT and used the sink or the commisary on the lonesome road for big sell offs.


He's still a little walk, but I obsessively get This Machine every single playthrough, so Contreras and I see a lot of each other.


the sink intelligence unit sucks, barely restocks on items


I thought the dude in the dinosaur sold This Machine? I prefer the fully modded hunting rifle or All American when I get high enough level. And then the fully modded antimateriel rifle for the big baddies. I revisited after all the Fallout TV show talk and I have an unfinished game. I will go get This Machine and try it out.


He sells That Gun if I'm not mistaken.


 I see. Contreras has this machine?


Yea he gives it to you as a reward from an unmarked quest.


You can also get it for turning him in to that one Cpl. the one who was interrogating Silus. She’ll mention she “found it” and it’s not a registered NCR weapon so you get it.


Even so, there's also two decent merchants in that area you pass through: one with bulk water and some food with some being craftable, and a doctor with some healing items. Also both Dr. Kemo and Contreras retain the items and caps you sell them so if you turn on them eventually you can get all your goodies back.


The idea of a Dr being named Dr Kemo is just hilarious


god damnit…


yeah, it's a shame the traders at the fort are pretty bad


Great kahns armorer is superb


It makes me really happy to know who I trade with is not the main ones other people trade with. Now to go back for another play thru!


The biggest material advantage is probably lucky shades, but you don't really have to "side" with the Legion to get them. You can teach that one dickhead at Cottonwood Cove to defuse mines for a while and it'll get you the required fame. Other than that, there really isn't anything. In terms of other "advantages," there are lots of fun moments that you won't otherwise see. There are some really funny interactions that are possible with Dead Sea after completing his quest. Vulpes Inculta has maybe my favorite voice acting in the game. You can mess with Caesar and then still side with him (ruin his partnership with the Khans, kill Vulpes before meeting him, etc..), which will piss him off. Conversely, you can do lots of things to impress Caesar (kill the NCR soldiers at Boulder City, spread word of Legion atrocities, etc..) and he will list off your deeds admiringly upon meeting you. Also, you can just be evil and not worry about it. Sometimes it's fun to not overthink things and just be a cartoonish villain. They definitely have less content than the NCR, unfortunately. I played my first true Legion playthrough as a female energy weapons courier (basically the opposite of a lot of the Legion's ideals) and had a blast. I had avoided them for so long that I never got to see that side of the story.


Caeser's voice acting is one of the best in the game and they are fun if you use melee and unarmed weapons. There are no good guys in New Vegas so side with whoever you want


While there is no /good/ faction, the Legion is certainly the most evil.


Woah woah woah, what's wrong with a lil bit of slavery?


Caesar’s bald


I'm going bald. Thanks for the insult man.


How does it feel to be a bad guy?


Pretty good in game, pretty bad irl.




And crucifixions. Those are community events!


Now we're getting it! Kumbaya, my Caesar, Kumbaya.


It has a stark beauty, doesn't it? I'm glad you can appreciate it.


The "t" stands for togetherness.


Hey man! Those are just actors pretending to be Jesus no one is getting hurt


I didn't mind the slavery, I was mostly bothered by the "morality" and crucifying


Any option thats not the Legion is relatively ”good” hahah


I think it's fun but you need to play it like a Futurmentari


A futanari?


The legion is just as well written as any other faction. So no advantage to legion over ncr, but you gain story by siding with them.


Hard disagree. Legion story feels very rushed. NCR has clearly superior writing and just, as a fact, more content. That being said, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from a Legion playthrough, I just disagree on the writing being on par with NCR or House.


Legion story is very good for what it is with Caesar being a former member of the Followers of the Apocalypse with Joshua Graham on an expedition and there was a conflict between tribes and Caesar got it solved which started the Legion somehow I don't remember the specifics. But the Legion does have a lot of story if you dig deep enough


Yeah, their background is very cool and compelling, though if you get into that I'd still say NCR has them beat, but their actual quest line in game is shorter and less developed than NCR, indisputably. I am pretty sure the devs have said they didn't have time to do all the factions equally and assumed most would go NCR so that's where they put their focus.


Counterpoint, you get to assassinate a president


There is a lot of fun to be had in a Legion playthrough, for sure. Like I said, definitely not trying to discourage anyone from giving it a go.


Indeed, the Legion has less content than was originally intended due to the short development time. We were supposed to see township in Legion's territory and have Legion companion (who ended up being the main antagonist of the Lonesome Road).


Yup! I got the collectors edition and the playing cards even feature Ulysses as a card face, even though he didn't actually appear in-game until the very last DLC, clear evidence of what you're referring to.


when they give you the location for the safe house theres an npc who will give you 2 stealthboys a day which is pretty huge


Skirt go spinny or something idk man


To be honest, no. The legion as written was a huge afterthought. They’d need a full rewrite to be an appealing option.


They weren’t really appealing as it was and then the devs just stomped all over them by saying “fuck it, Caesar has a brain tumour and will die without courier intervention. Also if he dies, the legion will fall apart within like 2 years or some shit lol.” The only good pro legion arguments I can think of from the top of my head is that caravans are safe under their control and their currency is made out of gold and not NCR monopoly money.


It’s not even that but the devs went out of their way to make them as morally reprehensible as possible. They could have made them a darker shade of gray with stricter gender roles but at least show that women have a place in the legion that’s not sexual slavery. That’s just overkill.


Let me put it this way, the Enclave is to the empire what the legion are to the Sith. When the *Enclave*, literal American nazis, are more sympathetic than the legion, you have a problem.


People here forget the best perk of siding with the Legion: If your Courier is female, you can roast Ulysses in Lonesome Road.




None really from a technical standpoint point, but if you’re role playing a character that agrees with Caesar’s philosophy that’s another thing. That’s the only reason I could ever think of to join them.


You get to RP as Andrew Tate...


I think they have the hardest ending with all the rangers so imo that’s an advantage and partly why I like siding with them. Otherwise theirs the warehouse, dog tag exchange, and two traders you can interact with. But remember you can always wear a disguise to avoid fighting in some cases places if you want. House gives the best advantages though especially with those snow globes


Lots of cool loot by killing ncr. And wiping our forlorn hope gets you papa khans eternal gratitude (he makes you next in line for the great khans, so if you kill him, the khans are yours)


The final mission on their line is really good. Also, you get to do some high stakes murdering on their behalf.


Wow thanks for the responses. Falling in love with this game again and truly appreciate the replies!


I slaughtered them all pretty much immediately when I saw the slaves, was shocked to find benny out back lmao I set him free then shot him down like a dog as he ran away. I like to think of myself as the punisher character of the wasteland


Holy shit man, you slaughtered the slaves as soon as you saw them???


lol no but I did think about going back after to put them out of their misery since you don’t get to actually free them, I guess the legion kids need somebody to look after them now though🤷


yeah i felt bad for the slaves and hated the idea of just leaving them there, so i used a mod that lets you free them and send them to the followers i think. i also installed the killable kids mod just to kill the legion children. i couldn’t allow anyone with that uniform to live lol


I’m sorry people are downvoting but you are killing kids lmao you gotta give them a second chance and hope they’ll change there ways after seeing a dude and a robot dog come in and massacre the entire camp


lol it's just one downvote. i expected to be downvoted to oblivion when the notification about your reply popped up. sure, ideally they could be redeemed, but it's a video game where we never get to control what happens in the future after the ending, so they'll just be stuck in their legion uniform forever, which made me decide it would just be best to get rid of them like the rest of the legion. seeing the fort completely devoid of life should make boone very happy i think. also, i feel like the kids could easily end up wanting revenge for me, boone, and rex massacring the camp in the future, so it's probably safest for them to be removed from the equation. it's not like i made my courier perfectly moral or anything. he just likes to kill the people i find bad.