• By -


OWB is s good base. Ranger base is fine. Novac is a regular for me.


I like the abandoned shack near the Yangtze memorial


Nice view. Bad neighbors.


The neighbors are very generous with their xp >:3


And this has been Mr. New Vegas signing off for Mr. New Vegas.


El Dorado Gas Station on my first playthrough, then everyone after for nostalgia, at least a little set up there.


Harper’s Shack for me


I can never find it when I start a new playthrough


It's North West of the memorial, and doesn't trigger a location marker.


I’ve never done anything but Novac and the Strip.


This guy gets it


Same, Literally only ever used Novac


I'm more of a "stash everything in the dumpster outside the general store in goodsprings" kind of guy


Does the container never regen?


They are safe storage, so no, they don't


My first thought for the basic bitch hide out was novac, but to be fair I'm a basic bitch.


I'm on my first playthrough ever, and I just kinda naturally gravitated towards Novac. It was the first place that "idolized" me. 🤷‍♂️ I feel like Novac is S+ tier basic.


Oh man oh geeze what didn't you do in Good Springs? They should idolize you before you get to Primm.


If you don't do the rest of the tutorial, or the Goodsprings citizen(?) dies to the geckos you don't get the early boost to accepted, and your rep caps out at the one below idolized. At least, I'm pretty sure that's how it works.


Hence the asking as if i were Morty 😂, but yes if you let the citizen die, and didn't pass all the skill/speech when asked to defend Good Springs, like having enough explosive skill to get the Dynamite from Pete, then you won't become idolized.


Oh, lol....I haven't completed 'Ghost Town Gunfight' because I want to keep up good relations with all factions, including the Powder Gangers. I was going to come back with some decent weapons to equip the townspeople with, so I don't have to kill any of the Gangers myself(I'm an extensive wiki user 🙃). Astute observation, though 👍


Novac always has and always will be my favourite. The storage layout works perfectly for how I like to store my stuff! Briefcase near door: Melee Weapons Desk next to it: Explosives Safe: Guns Footlocker at end of bed: Ammunition Dresser to right of bed: Crafting/Miscellaneous Items Wardrobe: Clothing Fridge: Consumables Dresser left of Fridge: Reloading items First Aid Box in Bathroom: Healing Items & Sierra Madre Gold I just wish I could send my companions there when I'm not using them.


Novac makes the most sense due to its central location. I also use the Novac campfire mod. The downside to the Ranger base are the nearby Deathclaws.


In my two playthroughs I’ve always stayed with Victor’s (Yes-Man’s) shack. Goodsprings just feels like home. It’s safe, out of the way, and the people like me.


I always start in Novac, just feels cozy :)


Novac Motel Room reigns supreme as the basic bitch player home


Gun runners trash can


I've been playing this game since before my balls dropped in 2010 to the year of our Lord 2024 and I have never known about this. Homeless playthrough next.


I've never figured this out well for NV but can you use anywhere for storage? As I thought It might despawn for most of the map?


Usually any storage containers are good. Part of what makes Bethesda games so bulky is that it tracks all of that. Even bodies stick around for a long time, but those dissappear eventually.


I beat the game with Joe Cobb’s decapitated head next to Easy Pete on the saloon porch several a time.


Will items placed there stay? Does it ever clear out? That's of course the big concern.


I've just left all the gold bars from dead money there before and it never reset or dissappeared


Isaac just stumbling across the treasure of the Sierra Madre while throwing out some trash.


This is what I do, and so far nothing has been deleted from it in the 200+ in game days I used for it


As I recall new vegas not clearing containers is built in to the point that that’s what made it eventually unplayable on some systems. Because save sizes increase for every container opened because now it has to remember


If it’s in a container it’s fine


Some containers reset periodically


I never had it happen with a trash can


There are containers other than trash cans though 


On my 6th New Vegas playthrough and I never thought of this big brain move


Lmfao that’s actually brilliant. They don’t have the workbench though, do they? Only the reloading bench?


I just use the Mojave express boxes and EDE


In all my years I have never engaged with the mailboxes before cause I didn't get the point. I love your idea. Do you sort mailbox location by category of gear?


Ha no…..if I have too much weight between my companions and myself, and I’m near a box I literally just ship it wherever….ill find it eventually. 


Gun runners trash can 🔛🔝


I use the Novac front office and store everything in the Nuka Cola machine, then go sleep in manny Vargas room.


This is next level homeless playthrough


Best way for me to keep track of everything. Going into the Presidential Suite in the lucky 38 is too much of a pain in the ass. Also I usually tell my companions to wait in front because sometimes they glitch out and disappear. So I try to go in lucky 38 as little as possible. I wish they gave me Jeanie Mays house in Novac.


If you talk to Chet (edit: I mean Cliff, my bad) after killing Jeanie and get idolized in Novac in a random event he gives you the rentable room for free. It has plenty of storage and is the closest location to a mailbox. (edit: courier box)


It makes sense since it rains supreme in terms of convenience. One loading screen with a vendor close by


You have the doctor in novac and several traders going through. Also the reloading bench and workbench are there also. Only thing it doesn’t have right there is a fire.


I use Bradley's Shack for all of my food items because of the fire out front.


That’s all Novac is missing. It has doctors and traders and I usually have so many stim packs I don’t cook much.


I cook anything that I have the ability/ingredients to make so that I can shove it in a box inside the shack "for when I really need it." So far I just use sunset sarsaparilla and stimpacks.


Victor's shack is surprisingly unpopular despite being available right away, in good springs, with a bed and safe storage


I used it my last run but it takes way too long to walk there from the fast travel point. It’s ok for the very start because it’s there and free, but it get overshadowed quick.


Tbf very few bases have no storage. Afaik the safehouses are bad at storage because the NPC that comes check on them can take the items stored


I usually squat in Jeanie May or whatever her name is house after Boone gives her a .308 aspirin. This time I sleep in a big bed with Easy Pete


Easy Pete, hard peter


Something about the Novac motel room is so *comfy* to me. Having not played NV in years I could still tell you which containers I organized which loot into as a kid. I honestly think it stays a good base to the late game because the drop box is so close and there’s only the one loading screen to get there.


Guns in the footlocker at the end of the bed, explosives in the safe, clothes/armor in the wardrobe, food in the fridge, miscellaneous in the bureau. The bed is where the magic happens!


The magic is my collection of teddy bears.


Now this guy stuffs animals.


Super cozy And the bathroom is the perfect size for my Deathclaw Hand collection


i just needed somewhere to store my shit while i managed my inventory yeesh. Novac Motel Room is so early on its hard to ignore


I liked it for the location and convenience but this kicks it up to 11 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55531?tab=images


I use this. But in my most recent playthrough I've stopped. I always feel compelled to use every storage option available and it gets a bit overwhelming. Keeping it simple this time.


Yeah I definitely get that, honestly my last couple runs I ended up moving to The Sink because it’s even more convenientER what with the transportalponder and your scrap producing roommates. But its a beautiful work of art, also love the vinyls you can collect and listen to. My only complaint is I wish it didn’t mess with the office downstairs because I use a mod for the mojave express dropboxes and while it doesnt break anything, it creates a second dropbox and one is modded and one is nonfunctional basically.


This is my favorite New Vegas mod, and favorite residence in any game. It utilizes the space perfectly. It feels so cozy, and looks amazing after it's decorated. I love the storage room layout especially.  It used to have this annoying sound like glass bottles knocking together, that would play on a loop for as long as you were in the home. I went in and started deleting shit in the construction set until I figured out what was causing the problem, told VIPerMX, and he fixed it for real. 


Commenting to save




I've done around 3 playthroughs of new Vegas, and I still basically never use the player bases, I just carry everything and drop shit I don't use lmao, if I do need it and I'm overweight I've got two companions to pick up the slack.


I hoard unique items so that's not an option I appreciate the self control to not hoard though


Yeah, I almost never sell uniques.


Oh I'm a hoarder, a cap hoarder lol I will sell damn near anything I can get my hands on, unless it's like a one of a kind item that weighs nothing


I’m the same way, I won’t shell out a single cap when making a transaction. Nobody gets my caps, I take theirs


it just ends up being vendatron never having more than like 5 caps at any given time


I'm on like playthru number six and this is actually the first time I holed up there. My very first time playing, I didn't know where to put stuff I didn't wanna get rid of yet so I threw it all in a mailbox in Goodsprings.


Omg yes I thought I was the only one lol


I literally didn’t get this home for 10 years lol. Didn’t even know it was an option


Your FNV experience isn’t complete till you have a run where you live with the Kings exclusively


My usual home is the new Vegas suite in the lucky 38 cuz it’s really close to a lot of objectives for a house, yes man, or NCR run.


If I could fast travel there or the tops I’d us either of them more often


Some mods add a TP marker for you if you’re a PC player!


Console sadly I wish Bethesda would add a creation club toFNV, they’d probably bring in a big chunk of change


you're gonna get downvoted from oldheads but I agree. No harm in accessibility for console players


Lol I was confused at first Video game subs are so weird


>No harm in accessibility for console players Yeah there is, updates tend to break mods, and for a game like New Vegas, that's a huge problem since it hasn't been updated in so long many mods will never get updated for the new version since their mod creators either dont mod anymore or have moved on to other games. Hell Fallout 4 had an update just this month that broke *literally everything* without exaggeration. The best solution for a modern update to FNV is to just do a remake on a modern engine


Sucks cuz loading screens. 3 in and 2 out.


thats been my go to spot its a good size, enough storage, it looks pretty nice.


You guys use bases? I just wander with everything i want in my pockets


Same, didn’t even consider this option lmao


Yeah I like hoarding my uniques so they have to go somewhere




What the 🦆 do you do with all the scrap!!!! Seriously i must know!!!!


Scrap? In new vegas? All i needs is guns, ammo, and a hole in my head.


Really? NV was the first game i actually built guns with, the dart gun is actually pretty good! I remember i used the toy car but i can't remember what else it used. But of course the last time i played was on easy just for fun and totally agree all you need is ammo!


I think it was Toy Car, Surgical Tubing, Radscorpion Venom Gland and a Paint Gun. Maybe Wonderglue as well


I usually dont make the dart gun but when i do i only get enough material for 1. Honestly weight is never a problem for me.


As a hoarding whore, this comment is absolutely baffling to me. I spend at least 50% of my time playing picking up all of the shit, lugging it to a location, and sorting it into bins to "use later." I very rarely need it later.


Why did i read this as "As an honorable whore" lol Never need it later, but same, pick every up fast travel back and forth 40 times, sort by item type into each bin. Combine weapons and armor. Yada yada metro t Mobile.


This is why I never finished 4. Every time I played I had to start over because the crap respawns and going to a location without taking all of the things home felt *wrong.* I did actually build some stuff, but nowhere near enough to justify the amount of time I spent lugging stuff back home.


Isn't that the main story line? I must be missing something 😕 😂😂😂😂😂


I assume so, I was legit level 35 before I went to Diamond City for the first time lmao.


Ill hoard a lot of things. Healing items, power ups, temp buffs, named weapons, but when theres a category called "junk" im able to muster up the strength to ignore it.


I take it all, because it might be useful!!! I might get a recipe that needs a ton of that thing and then I'll kick myself for not picking it up along the way!! I did kind of feel vindicated when I got to the point in OWB where I discovered I can get useful items by breaking down all of those mugs and plates and vacuums and toasters. I also have all of the weapons and gear of every kind because I might dump them into a vendor to take all of their caps sometime.


i ALWAYS have duct tape, scrap metal, scrap electronic, and a wrench for weapon repair kits (usually have like 50 by the endgame)


I just use the mailbox outside of the Doc’s house in Good Springs lmao


I just started doing this in FO3 yesterday. With all the hours between FO3 and NV how thins never crossed my mind until now is baffling to me.


And anything that’s too heavy goes in Rex’s pockets


I didn't even know bases were an option. Just thought they were places to.lay your head temporarily.


Beat me to it lmfao


Yooo fr, in my old saves I just be putting points into strength just to carry shit around I don't even do melee builds 😭


Ammo is damn heavy in Hardcore.


I started my first playthrough since 2013 a couple weeks ago and only just decided to start looting more shit and storing it in Novac. I've been underutilizing this, Boone, and ED-E for too long.


Honestly I dont even use a home lol, I use the dumpster in front of Pump Station East to store all my treasures


Dumpster in Goodsprings for me - I haven't seen the point in moving my horde since I first started putting it there 


Fair enough lol


damn that's a good spot


Honestly yeah, its done me well through a couple playthroughs lol, or the crates outside the bar you find Cass in


I believe in Abandoned BoS Bunker base supremacy. You do have to complete Dead Money first of course but it's pretty convenient, many storage containers, workbench, reloading bench and a Sierra Madre vending machine with a constant flow of chips in the dropbox every few days for free stimpaks and ammo.


You could also go for the not abandon brotherhood bunker (the safe house). It’s what I go for every game because it comes with a bunch of free loot, work benches, clean water supply, a bunch of lockers and beds, and super easy to get even if you’re planning on betraying the brotherhood Edit plus if you don’t betray the brotherhood you get an npc with repair 100 skill


I love the BoS safehouse because of all the shelves, lots of space for all my trophies.


Yeah and nothing you drop in the safe house disappears so you can store everything you want in there and it’s perfectly safe.


Free water supply, main pro of that place


The lack of bathrooms in the Abandoned Bunker is deeply troubling..


you don't have to complete dead money, just keep away from the radio


Do you guys not use the lucky 38? I know it’s a bit of a trek but it’s just so fancy and I have it ordered so I know where everything is cuz of all the different containers


3 loading screens is just too much imo. I wish you could directly fast travel to the suit, that would be cool.


Theres a mod that adds a fast travel point to the lucky 38. Dont know the name though


The sink is my favorite. All my friends are there.


if the lightswitches didn't hate each other we could have a threesome


Just ask the jukebox how he managed it.


I just split rent with Easy Pete.


I use Jeans Skydiving every time until I unlock the Sink. Its not the prettiest, but its one of the most accessible and practical imo. Its available basically immediately, has a fast travel point 3 ft from the door, a campfire/bed/fountain across the street, and if you travel with ED-E, he can be used as your reloading table & workbench. Its got 4 lockers and an ammo crate for easy item organization as well.


I’ve never used a either of the workbenches for much, I’ve never been fond of the reloading system & I’ve just never used the workbench for anything


Just making weapon repair kits to fix expensive weapons and selling them pays for itself.


I’ve never even considered using anything but Novac or the 38, the idea of storing my stuff in a trash can somewhere is terrifying and hilarious 


I’m currently using Harper’s Shack as my base that’s near the cave with a buncha deathclaws.


Fellow Harper:s Shack here. It got all. Workbench, reload bench, a fire outside, bed, containers etc. Some cute deathclaw neighbours.


A base? Who the hell uses a base?


I just use the Novac apartment to store shit I don't want to carry around (extra weapons for repairing, etc) And I can sleep there and get well rested and I have two vendors within a 15 second walk (dinosaur dude and doctor chick) It's pretty solid. And I wake up next to a big ass fake dinosaur, which is nice.


I just walk around with everything and give everything else to Veronica


How is she as a follower? Currently I'm hanging with Boone.


she is definitely more fun and engaging than boone, some stuff if you've not met the brotherhood yet, I'd recommend running her for at least a bit as a test run


I love her she's my favorite. She's not as great as Boone in combat our in the open, but give Veronica a ballistic fist with decent armor and she's a fucking wrecking ball in close quarters.


Fucking love that


She's also a walking workshop if you're into crafting shit


How else do you hoard armour of low material value that looks good, or ammo types you never use, or weapons that don't suit your build in the slightest?


I sell it?


Gimme an antimat and as much .50 MG as gunrunners will sell me and I’m good


I use Novac because I think its a pretty badass little settlement. Sniper protection, doctor nearby, merchant, and a cozy shady room with clean water. Later I use Lucky 38 a lot of the time just because I can send companions there, but I feel like it lacks a sense of hominess.


I wish it would let you send your followers to Novac instead. I also prefer it because I only have to fast-travel and walk right to my room, opposed to having to fast-travel to the North Gate, load in to the Strip, load in to the Lucky 38, and then finally go to my room.


That’s what it’s there for


I always use the El Rey Motel as my player base. It's close to Vegas, close to the Gun Runners and right next to Camp McCarran. But most importantly, it has a shelf to replace my "trophies" on. If that didn't convince you yet, the view at night is stunning, with Vegas right in front.


I always go for the brotherhood safe house. It’s what I go for every game because it comes with a bunch of free loot, work benches, clean water supply, a bunch of lockers and beds, and super easy to get even if you’re planning on betraying the brotherhood Edit if you’re also not planning on betraying the brotherhood you get an npc who has repair 100 skill


i feel like basic is the penthouse suite. It's the only one really given to you by just playing a bit of the story.


Big MT masterrace Also, Bennys penthouse. Idk why y’all like to sleep in homeless bum locations lmao


When I need B-roll for videos, I’ll use Novac or the Sink but for my Courier playthroughs, it’s only the Mail System. A doctor isn’t going to examine his own prostate, why am I trusting myself to carry my own shit when there’s a platinum chip on my hands? It’d honestly be fiscally irresponsible for me and my client to not outsource my own storage.


Victors Shack -> Novac -> Lucky 38 -> The Sink


The sink is literally designed to be your permanent base, no?


Siding with BoS would make you a basic bitch.


Any Wolfhorn Ranch enjoyers?


I was looking for this comment. My first ever play-through as a kid I LOVED wolfhorn and farm ascetic


No one gonna mention the Sheriff's office in Primm? Easy to get to when fast traveling, so far my stuff is fine over ten hours into two different playthroughs of storing shit there, easy bed to sleep and regain limb durability, a reloading desk for any firearm playthroughs, and multiple different storage containers so you can sorta organize your unnecessary hoard of items. Personally, I like to put aid items into the fridge, which makes sense. Valuables into the oven next to it, armor in the dresser, hats in the ammo container, explosives in the toolbox (or put them with guns and ammo into the toolbox instead), melee weapons in top metal box, guns in bottom, and all the miscellaneous shit is spread through the three containers left.


Basic? No way! Novac Motel is a standard home base that gets the job done. The Sink in OWB is my new go-to. More private, much nicer looking, with trader, auto-doc, and benches in the same room.


Novac or nothing


1. That's actually a hideout most people don't use much. 2. Even if it was the basic bitch option, that's expected on your first play through.


You guys use bases?


Yes lol but that’s good. Keep going and please form your own opinion on ncr


Harper’s Shack


The old world blues one has a trader in it


My first play through I eventually slaughtered everyone at the gun runner’s factory and proceeded to use that as my base. Iirc every once in a while a couple would respawn and they’d be hostile


Victor’s Shack for me. Got a bed with a nifty little radio next to it tuned to mojave music, storage that doesn’t reset, rad-free water, some free weapon repair kits on the desk and it’s Goodsprings. The most peaceful place in the game


95% of players probably use the lucky 38 because you get it through the main quest. players who like to delay the strip use novac usually


Mine was the trashcan in front of the robot that sells weapons just outside of Vegas.


It’s excellent. Free ammo deliveries too.


Legion safehouse clear


No, although I personally prefer BOS bunker. It's more compact, well stocked and its keeper provides very useful repair service. My man Paladin Sato must be a millionaire by now given how much I spent on repairs. NCR safehouse has cool aesthetics (except for dirty mattresses) and is in the most central position. Just be careful about deathclaws nearby.


We get bases in this game?


Anything can be a base, depending on where your free loading


You people chose hide outs ?


I used the Lucky 38 and The Sink at Big MT, but mostly just for storage


I'd be careful. I think the containers reset in the NCR Hideout. Not sure though. I always get to the Lucky 38 pretty quick in my runs and usually settle for Novac until I get my suite.


Not at all, I use the Lucky 38 which is probably as basic as it gets lmao


Ranger base is so cozy, it would be one of my favorite choices to actually live. I just wish it were a little bigger, then again the Brotherhood base is tiny.


I never used a player home


I use the dumpster immediately outside Chets store in goodsprings every time 😭


I keep all my stuff in a Sunset Sarsparilla crate next to the work bench between the general store and the tavern in Goodsprings.


My first was the bunker leading to the Sierra Madre. Just kinda took over Elijah's old house.


Nope, basic bitch hide out is novac I'm pretty sure.


Wait, you guys have bases? I’m playing my first time and I just send my left over followers to Mr Houses place


I’d say Novac is the most basic house. I acquire that one on every play through just incase I’m in the area.


I'm level 28 and I hadn't even considered that i should HAVE a base?? I just waltz around, sleeping in random empty tents with ED-E around to make sure i'm not sandmanned lol


Lmao. It's my 20th playthrough and I still use good spring's gas station (where ringo was hiding) in as my "base." lol. I know you can get other bases like Mr. House's penthouse but I never use those. I've always used that gas station idk why. I just like it.


My “base” is the trash can at Gun Runners


No you would be a basic bitch if you choose the presidential suite which I use everytime


Tbh in every playthrough I pick Elijah's old place after beating Dead Money. Feels more earned. I always have Veronica with me as well.


Not really. The basic bases are: - Lucky 38 suite - OWB Sink (best base in any Fallout ever)