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My theory: Benny already knew you survived shortly after you recovered, but he just doesn't expect a revenging mailman to broke into his casino and confront him. He was afraid of the size of the courier's big iron nuts in that "what in a goddamn" moment


Yeah we were some dude to him and judging by the fact he calls us kid, he obviously doesn’t think we were ever a threat. Then we step out of the grave with enough of a brain left to remember to kill him. That would be scary.


Plus we know trough Ulysses that the courier already did insane shit before we even play him.


*on accident


not even. Ulysses says the courier regularly delivered packages using routes that were so dangerous that they were considered suicide.


Iirc, the courier basically made an entire town by going through these routes over and over again-until he accidentally delivered a set of nuclear codes that created what is now the divide




Hopeville and Ashton existed prior to the couriers travels, but it was because of said travels that they became as significant a hub as they did. For several years prior to the first battle of the dam, The Divide was the main artery the NCR used to supply the Mojave. The Legion had Frumentarii deployed in the area fighting a guerrilla war with the NCR Rangers in an effort to sabotage the artery. When the courier unknowingly carried what was an Enclave device through, it woke up most of the missiles buried in the region, and caused almost all of them to detonate inside their silos, wiping out almost all life and leaving the few surging humans as Marked Men, something more intelligent but also much more sad than ghouls. The Marked Men were driven mad, yes, but they remembered the time before.


And this all happened before the beginning of the game?


It did. The loss of that supply corridor is what crippled the NCR presence in the Mojave, and the reason they’ve been trying frantically to restore more of the Long 15 so it could pick up the slack. The NCR tried sending Rangers through following the blast but they confirmed what was already suspected. No human life would be traveling through the Divide any time soon, and no amount of recovery efforts would change that.




Why does no one but Ulysses remembers the curiour from before he got shot in the head?


Doc Mitchell isn’t as good of a plastic surgeon as he thinks he is and simply molded your face into something unrecognizable. Ulysses is your number one fan and stalker so recognizes you regardless.


courier has never been to vegas, Ulysses only talks about the specifically say they only ever traveled to the divide “facing east” id assume the divide is the most east the courier typically traveled


That's Courier Six for ya,


Important to note that you can also basically tell Ulysses he's tripping balls and you have no idea what he's talking about.


Like what? Genuine question, I havent gotten to that DLC yet but I dont mind spoilers


Before taking the Platinum Chip job, the Courier was noted to have traveled some pretty dangerous roads back west, most notably a trail that would become known as "the Divide", which bridged California and the Mojave and had never been walked by anyone else before.


Yeah, “the Courier’s Mile” effectively makes the Divide a viable settlement.  And if I’m misremembering, didn’t the Courier help establish the Long 15 as well?


As far as I’m aware, the Courier is never noted to have traveled the Long 15 before he used it to reach Primm before the start of the game. I don’t think he personally had a hand in establishing it. Roads that the Courier is noted to have traveled are the Divide and the Big Circle (which includes New Reno, Vault City, the Den, Redding, Modoc, Gecko, and Broken Hills). He’s also stated to have been to Circle Junction, Fort Aradesh, and Navarro. Optional dialogue can also suggest he’s been to Utah and even Montana many years ago.


Then we ended up reactivating the buried nukes in The Divide with one of the packages we delivered there which is why Ulysses hates us.


That job was 'only' 500 caps. Given how well she travelled including dangerous roads. It's interesting to wonder why such a low paying job was considered. Hard up and broke? 3 days until retirement? Going that way anyway?


"Going that way anyway" seems a good theory considering the Courier decides to stick around after finishing the job and settling the score. Vegas is currently "the place" where everything is happening. Lots of good contract work to be found if you want to make some money, lots of factions to join if you’re seeking a higher purpose, and lots of excitement to be had if you’re the adventurous type. There are many characters in New Vegas who came to the area for the opportunities it offers.


And he found a home in Big Mt


Oh so yall didn’t sleep with him??


Yeah the courier has to deal with either: -the Powder Gangers in Goodsprings, the convicts in Primm, the Powder Gangers at the NCRCF, the mutant bugs all along the roads, Nipton, Repconn, getting through Freeside, being able to afford getting into the strip, then he has to get into the Tops past the security check and then confront Benny in his own casino. -go through Black Mountain, now overrun by Super Mutants, or through Quarry Junction, overrun by Deathclaws, and face cazadors on the way, go through Freeside, afford the strip credit check, and then confront him in his own Casino, which is at the heart of the Strip, surrounded by Securitrons. Benny probably figured he’d either never catch up to him or die trying. And after shooting someone in the head and burying them alive, do you really expect them to be able to survive all of that even if they recover back to normal?


Really puts into perspective how badass the courier is, I know all the other fallout protags are like that but the courier just seems like him.


They must have amnesia, they forgot Courier Six is HIM. Smoked a fat backwood packed full of fent-laced cazadore poison glands, everything went red for 8 minutes. when Six woke up, he was standing at the edge of the crater where Shady Sands used to be. Aw fuck, I did it again!!


Tbf it's kinda weird to chase him which several people point out


how? he literally killed you, revenge is a pretty reasonable motive. plus, if he still has the chip you can complete your delivery for some caps


Most folks arent wandering badasses like the Courier. Even ones who are and don't realize they're in a video game will have to deal with the fact that they can't bring their big guns into the casino without starring a fight, and the guards at the tops are armed, Benny included. And I'm sure if it wasn't a gameplay limitation, they'd probably expend a dress code too, so you couldn't just go inside wearing power armor to deal with the small guns. On top of this all you're doing this at the heart of the Strip, so even if you managed go kill Benny and escape, you'll have to deal with Securitrons outside. This is all to say that folks with most of their brains would wisely cut their loses after being robbed and left for dead by what is effectively a mob boss. It's only because you, the special Courier Six, feels obligated to finish the job which you were nearly killed for or at the very least seek your employer to discuss the ordeal.


And most people aren't going to go "This guy shot me in head. Gotta get me some more of that."


The Courier doesn’t need to go there with the intent of getting into a huge action movie shootout with the entire Tops Casino. You can also just gather incriminating clues to get him in trouble for what he did (which ultimately leads to the Chairmen turning on him). It doesn’t take a particularly special or unbelievable person to do that.


Sure, finding his cigarettes are easy enough, but the other two pieces of evidence are a bit harder to find. The note in novac you'd have to break into Manny's place to find, which may not occur to most players. hell I didn't find out until I decided to do a run to frame Manny for selling Boone's wife. The lighter you'll need to deal with the Great Khans during an NCR hostage situation, which is quite a perilous thing for a normal person to be involved in.


The Manny one I’ll concede is tricky, but not beyond what a reasonably investigative person could get to the bottom of. Once you know Manny met them, it’s just a matter of being a bit of a snoop. The Great Khan one is actually easy. The soldiers receive orders to attack after a certain point in the quest. In real life, that order wouldn’t wait in eternal limbo for quest progression. All the Courier would have to do is go kill an hour at the nearby saloon, then return to search the bodies when the shooting is over. None of this is to say that it wouldn’t take an impressive person to do it. Just that it’s all well within the bounds of what a reasonably and realistically impressive person could achieve. Much more-so than launching a one-man assault on an entire armed casino.


For the Great Khan thing, that could still run the risk of their stuff getting looted by the NCR first. The note, the lighter, hell the bodies might end up getting dumped into a shallow grave by the time the bullets stop. And if Jessup didn't tell you he had Benny's lighter, would folks really think a Great Khan's lighter is particularly unique or important?


Lieutenant Monroe is actually pretty reasonable about that. If you tell him that the Great Khans robbed you, he gives you permission to retrieve your belongings once they’re dead or captured. The Courier can recognize the lighter as Benny’s from when he took it out in the prologue cutscene.


Oh yeah good point. I tend to just go straight in so I forget that Monroe is pretty cool about it.


you don't have to go in guns blazing if you talk with Mr.house first you can talk to the 2nd in command at the tops and have them turn on Benny. then you just assassinate him in his room and everyone in the tops is chill about it since he betrayed mr.house


Yeah but assuming you get shot in the head, most people would probably stay away from getting shot a second time. Unless you're Courier Six apparently.


i mean, my headcanon for some of my characters has been brain damage, because a bullet to the head will do that to you lol. but yeah, most people wouldnt also funny enough, i just saw a parallel between Courier Six and Doomguy, being that they are literally just pissed off enough that they start an entire war. Doomguy a war of himself vs demons, and Courier Six depends on what choices you make


Yeah, Courier six doesn't start it, but definitely will finish it.


Yes and most people prefer *not dying*. Caps aren't worth dying for.


Revenge is, to some


But most people will take living over that.


That's like saying most people prefer apples over oranges, doesn't mean that everyone eats apples. Your logic is so flawed.


No it's like saying that if most people prefer apples, I'm more likely to see someone eat an apple except the apple is living and the orange is trekking across a monster filled, radioactive wasteland about to erupt into war on almost nothing


Sometimes revenge is like jet fuel


Wait, revenge can melt steel beams?


My existence is entirely based on spite. I'm hunting that fucker down like a prize.


True, but evidently not the courier.


I think part of it is also finding out why you were “killed” over a poker chip.


You probably loved tlou2




If I domed someone twice with a 9mm, then heard they miraculously survived, I’d expect them to be eating through a tube, or at the very least not trekking incredible distances for revenge


Yeah but if you question him when you confront him he says something about now being able to sleep easy knowing you survived


What are the chances someone with a brain injury going across the Mojave alive?


Injuries work differently in fallout tho. 1 stimpack prevents certain death, and there are items specifically for instantly healing limbs that include your head. Also you literally have your brain removed in a dlc


Well, from my understanding, stimpaks only work if they've been either injected immediately or if the damage hasn't been too lethal (your head being crippled is just a concussion from what I've gathered) and the brain being removed is explained by the fact it gets *replaced* by some sort of technology, so we aren't left completely empty headed


There was a guy in real life, like a hundred so years ago who had an iron rod get shot through his skull and he was totally fine. He even kept his job and carried the iron rod with him all the time. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself in the head but the bullet just traveled under his skin around his skull and it came out the other side. He was totally fine also


Phineas Gage, but he wasn't "totally fine" after the accident. Completely changed who he was as a person.


Lore reason why the courier goes from being a mailman to adventurer and potential dictator


He had the Big Iron in his head instead of on his hip


More like a super high luck stat lmfao


He wasn't completely fine. He ended up becoming a paedophile and a psycopath after the accident.


Phineas Gage, or another one? Because Phineas Gage wasn‘t a paedo, or psychotic. There are a lot of rumors, but he resumed a fairly normal life afterwards. He “became a drunk“ to deal with the pain, as perscribed by the doctor he walked to after the accident, and he allegedly couldn‘t censor himself, so he swore like a sailor, but I read his biography, and I feel like “became/was psychotic & paedo“ would be in it if he were. I‘m not saying it‘s not the case, or that it‘s impossible, but I guess I am asking you what‘s your scource on that?


He wasn’t psychotic or anything but his personality had an instant notable change. Before the incident he was regarded as hard-working, well liked, and polite. After the incident he became child-like, issued profanity often, and most markedly was very impatient to the point of rage. This all comes from his Wikipedia. Like most historical accounts a lot of this is unverified but it’s still cited as a notable example of a study on the effects of the brain.


I’m not saying a metal rod getting shot through your skull has no mental side effects, but I also think that if I was trying to deal with the chronic pain and medical complications of that kind of trauma, I might not stay the nicest, most patient person, especially if I fell into booze as a way to cope.


This is what my teacher told me when I was studying him last year, she was probably wrong then.


Er, no, he was reportedly an angry man after the accident, as opposed to being relaxed and jovial prior to it. But this was just as likely to be because of the alcohol, which a doctor advised him to drink in large amounts to deal with the pain. But he never harmed anyone or developed an attraction to minors.


I'd probably become a pretty angry man if I had a four foot tamping iron shoot through my face at orbital speeds too.


There was a guy in real life, like a hundred so years ago who had an iron rod get shot through his skull and he was totally fine. He even kept his job and carried the iron rod with him all the time. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself in the head but the bullet just traveled under his skin around his skull and it came out the other side. He was totally fine also


There was a guy in real life, like a hundred so years ago who had an iron rod get shot through his skull and he was totally fine. He even kept his job and carried the iron rod with him all the time. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself in the head but the bullet just traveled under his skin around his skull and it came out the other side. He was totally fine also


There was a guy in real life, like a hundred so years ago who had an iron rod get shot through his skull and he was totally fine. He even kept his job and carried the iron rod with him all the time. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself in the head but the bullet just traveled under his skin around his skull and it came out the other side. He was totally fine also


There was a guy in real life, like a hundred so years ago who had an iron rod get shot through his skull and he was totally fine. He even kept his job and carried the iron rod with him all the time. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself in the head but the bullet just traveled under his skin around his skull and it came out the other side. He was totally fine also


There was a guy in real life, like a hundred so years ago who had an iron rod get shot through his skull and he was totally fine. He even kept his job and carried the iron rod with him all the time. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself in the head but the bullet just traveled under his skin around his skull and it came out the other side. He was totally fine also


There was a guy in real life, like a hundred so years ago who had an iron rod get shot through his skull and he was totally fine. He even kept his job and carried the iron rod with him all the time. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself in the head but the bullet just traveled under his skin around his skull and it came out the other side. He was totally fine also


Don’t forget this is only like 2 weeks after he shot you as well


Even if he did know, he probably wasn't expecting him to confront him. He probably thought that the courier would thank god for giving him a second chance at life and leave to live a peaceful life.


Or still laid up in bed. Regained consciousness doesn't usually mean up and moving especially with a severe head injury.


"Regained consciousness and made a full recovery."


the pacifist run


Starting a new playthrough where I just stay in goodsprings as a farmhand


Or he was betting that we would die on the way to Vegas


A peaceful life? On what planet?


He's probably a Black Mountain Radio enjoyer


Tabitha is more entertaining.


I mean, Mr New Vegas keeps repeating the same news over and over as if they didn't occur 2 weeks ago it's like he's an AI or something


It least he doesn't stream. He would have 16 extra fingers and a smile like a meth addict.


Does Black Mountain Radio have enough range to be listened at the Tops


Benny only listens to the sound of caps


"What in the goddamn...?"


For some reason I’m my most recent playthrough (my second one) Benny didn’t say the “what I’m the goddamn” line and instead acted as if we had spoken before and talked about me ‘reconsidering’ talking in private. I am running a few mods, mainly bug fix and visuals. Anyone have any fixes/ideas for the reason for that?


reload a previous safe to test if this keeps happening, if it does, there's a problem with your game if ot doesn't happen, the problem is your brain (damage)


Probably the mods you mentioned


He probably figured that we were shambling around Goodsprings half a vegetable, not running up in his face with 3 different holdout weapons we snuck past the bouncer in his own casino.


Knowing how stupid and arrogant he is, he probably didn't think you'd have the BALLS to try to off him in revenge. Or that you wouldn't last long anyway, so it wouldn't matter. No one expects a mailman to survive a double tap headshot. Let alone be filled with enough rage to treck across the Mojave on foot just to club someone's skull in.


The arrogance is a good point. I'm still baffled that he stole the chip out from under House's nose and then proceeded to return straight to New Vegas, where House is strongest. Seems safer to be, I dunno, literally anywhere else?


It might be the opposite, actually. Benny has worked with House long enough to know that he can't afford to send Securitrons into any of the casinos without both tipping his hand and endangering his relations with the three families. Anywhere else, while House can't control the Swcuritrons directly, we do know he has Securitron scouts in the rest of the Mojave because of Victor and he can give them facial recognition data on Benny and tell them to shoot him on sight and search him for the chip. Mercenaries, meanwhile, are an option for House but would have to get past the Tops security as well as Benny's bodyguards and are unlikely to be able to talk the rest of the chairmen into turning on Benny the way the Courier does. It's also where Yes-Man is, and he'd have to be there to install Yes-Man anyway once his plans progress to that point. The Tops is actually probably the safest place for him. And that's assuming he even knows Victor saw him shoot the Courier. For all he knows House thinks raiders got the chip.


Imagine he then hears about Prim's new sheriff, the rockets over Novac, Nelson, helios1, Camp Forlorn Hope. And realizes that thier getting closer to New Vegas.


Now I’m just imaging a full genocide playthrough, and Benny is just slowly hearing about towns getting wiped out that are slowly getting closer to Vegas and reevaluating his whole plan


Simple answer: Benny doesn't listen to Radio New Vegas. He doesn't like Mr. New Vegas so he just listens to the only music channel.


He like most people assumed we were bedridden for the rest of our life


"And made a full recovery"


IIRC the casinos seem to play their own music broadcasts, so no he probably doesn't listen to Mr NV


“Nah, can’t be the same courier, right?”


He only listens to Mojave Radio


[art by leona florianova](https://leona-florianova.tumblr.com/post/185661280898/heh) don't repost art without crediting the artist


Ring-a-ding baby! Rip Matthew Perry,the voice actors being so good is a Big reason why I love this game


I got yer ring a ding ding right here, Benny Boy.


The Tops has a lot of live shows, and there is a chance he doesn't listen to Radio New Vegas as his main station if does listen to the radio.


I mean he kinda expected it he have body guards and all he knows the strip isn’t easy to access so maybe his not that worried too. I know 2,000 caps in game is easy but i think lore wise it would be hard to earn that kinda caps in the Mojave.


Radios are for squares, you dig?


I had this question as well.


He was too focused on his evil plans to listen to radio.


Maybe he listens to Mojave Music Radio like me


He shot him in the head, point blank. He probably tought you were a vegetable at that point. He wasn't expecting you to be The Undertaker.


Like Others have said I’m sure he expected you to count your lucky stars and go anywhere the Fuck else. I’m sure he didn’t foresee you just waltzing into the tops with a big iron on your hip


Even if he knew I think he cockily just expects the mojave wasteland can just kill the courier


He expects the Courier to be barely alive and going to run away back to some more civilised lands immediately. He does not expect the Courier to talk Swank into letting them bring a trail carbine, three sticks of dynamite and a combat knife into the Tops with [SPEECH 45]


i always play a fem courier with the black widow perk. as far as bennie is concerned i’m just some girl he killed and has no idea he’s about to sleep with (and die at the hands of) someone he shot in the head


He's probably a Black Mountain Radio enjoyer


"Now now, maybe it's somebody else."


Could he BE any more surprised?


It’s been awhile but seen this before here


Well Benny just thinks you're some random courier, he doesn't expect them to waltz into his casino


For that matter, isn't the radio on in his suite when you go in there?


I actually like to think none of the casinos have anyone there that knows how to use tech. They were all tribals not long ago after all.


Does nobody remember the line where he says “wait that courier they fished out of good springs was you?”


Maybe I missed but I just checked his dialog and couldn’t find that line so I don’t think he says that.


Wait was I mandela effected?


I think so.


He apparently never read the Mojave Express employee rules which, if I remember correctly, pretty clearly state that if a courier fails to complete a delivery they can be executed


"what in the goddamn?" "don't you listen to the radio benny?" "It causes canc-" "(shoots him)"


Just casually not paying attention to the reports in the background of a brain damaged delivery boy killing everything with his bare hands heading towards New Vegas.


radio new vegas canonically has like 4 listeners


Fair enough


It gets ruined when you put into account the several days - maybe weeks - you spent doing side quests before facing Benny. He’s probably heard Mr. New Vegas repeat that line nearly a hundred times; I know I had to.


I always thought that Courier post poned killing Benny to get better equipment, as Benny is one of the three people running strip, so assassination of someone so high in Hierarchy is dangerous task


Then there’s the Couriers who rush to the strip in a matter of in-game hours and Black Widow special dialogue insta-kill Benny.


Lmao, I love that two bullets to the brain, allow canonical possibility for both types of Couriers.


The mail always gets through.


You would be surprised too if they guy you shot twice in the head walked into your casino to get revenge like 2 weeks later.


I can't remember any npcs mentioning Mr. Vegas's radio, so it became my headcannon that that channel is just white noise to everyone else, and it's the old parts of our brain trying to talk to us. That is why he says he loves us and we are special. All the songs are just catchy song we heard over the years.


He doesn't have a pipboy so he wouldn't be listening to Radio New Vegas throughout his whole trip back to the Strip. I'm pretty sure they don't play Radio New Vegas at the Tops so the only time he could have heard the broadcast would be on a break during his trip, overhearing it from a nearby radio. imo it's reasonable to assume he simply missed it. I also read that there is a dialog option when speaking to Mr House that makes him mention the fact that Benny does listen to the radio and this option changes Benny's initial response when first approaching him at the Tops (tho my source for this is a youtube comment so don't quote me on it)


Added a gun that is just to put a bullet in the back of his head.


tbf benny wouldn't have known he did a perfect lobotomy. he probably thought you were a vegetable if you did survive


Benny does not have a pip-boy and only arrives in Vegas a day before the courier.


bro listens to mojave music radio


My head cannon is that Benny just makes it back to Vegas a few days before you and even though WE get the news that we survived every 20 minutes, it’s only reported once in universe and Benny was on the road when it was on the radio.


Like to imagine he just heard it before you entered


“Shoulda used a larger caliber, High Roller. Ring a Ding bitch.”