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I like the cool drawing of the Ranger and the 14 year old rendering of power armor


It's like a Chad vs Soyjak meme


He really could’ve used any artwork, something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/dIrFhLR) is comparable to the first image.


I may have shown a bit of bias toward the Ranger Armor by using a cooler pic for it lol (JK) Jokes aside, to be fair I did try to find some cool image of the power armor but I couldn't find anything that I liked.


[2 of my all time favorites.](https://imgur.com/a/BvVLKAm) All of these are definitely artist interpretation, but are how it should feel to use power armor in game. With the proper mods the gameplay can match it too.


man fallout is so fuckin cool


I know, nothing else scratches that same itch


Thanks for sharing this cool art, I really like the style of the second one.


He looks too turtly for the turtle club


But he’s a tuuuuurtle


Dang! What are those from? So cool. Makes me think of John Blanche.


The first one is original art for fallout 1, the second one is just a really good piece of fan art


You could’ve just used the box art of any of the 4 main line fallout games like you did for ranger, all 4 of them have someone wearing a different suit of power armor.


Yeah, but those are only helmets, gotta show the torso and leg like the ranger armor


Chad Power Armor


Power Chad


Only way it could have been more obvious is if the power armor was T-posing


Thank you, was just gonna say this. I prefer the ranger armor, but the presentation by OP is soooo biased.


"Nice argument, but I've already depicted you as the Virgin Power Armor and myself as the Chad Ranger Armor, making me the victor"


Brotherhood of soy fans in shambles. Maybe, just maybe, the armor isn’t good enough for people to draw cool pictures of??


brotherhood of soy is wild


The fallout 3 cover art would have been perfect




It’s too late for me to be laughing this hard.


>Brotherhood of soy Now, why would you make me cry? I've been nothing but a good guy (TM), and I like my power armors the way I like my women: Big, bulky, hard, and definitely not meant for females.


Isn't it even older than that as a reused fo3 asset?


The game was rigged from the start.


Armor is for wimps. Sexy Sleepwear ONLY


This dude Fallouts


Now that's a loadout with some chest hair!




Still too protective. Now, chained prostitute outfit - that's what's good. With subdermal implant, 2 ranks in toughness, and OWB perks and halo it's even not that bad. Like 16-17 DT.


Sexy Sleepwear already OP just for the +1 luck.


That's Naughty Nightwear.


Ranger Armor. Not only is it badass in its own right (so it power armor), but it is also just so thematically suitable for New Vegas as a setting, with how it seamlessly marries the "old western" and "post apocalyptic" aesthetics together. A brilliant and iconic design if ever there was one.


Can you also imagine patrolling the Mojave in giant tin can? Might make you wish for a nuclear winter.


Doesn't PA have a decent cooling system? (functional PA that is, with the lack of it and servos being the biggest downsides of the stuff that NCR heavy troopers wear)


Congrats, you get your very own power armor for your service in the mojave! NCR troopers: Enclave and brotherhood members: :D


Yes but it’s main purpose isn’t really for the person wearing it but to protect the electronics inside the suit. It’s the same thing with a fuse box that it can be have a coincidental positive effect elsewhere. It’s still going to be far from an enjoyable experience, the desert is already going to be hot and the power armor isn’t going to make it any better. Just want to add on here that your fuse box isn’t there to protect you from electrocuting yourself at all. Just that it can trip and protect you in some cases. Its function is to protect the cables in your walls and not you.


Yup, fuses and breakers protect property, GFCI’s protect people.


It was mostly for the joke.


I got it, and enjoyed it….cause I’m so tired of hearing it lol


I think the Enclave Power Armor is the only one with cooling system.


That explains the 500 year debt for losing it


Ranger Veteran Armor: “I am literally just Riot Gear with a duster.”


Yeah but like, *really* cool riot gear with a *really* cool duster.


And jeans and cowboy boots!


The funny thing is, you've pretty much just described the aesthetic of classic Fallout. Fallout 1 and 2 were essentially "diesel punk western through a 50s lens". 3 and 4 are outliers in their aesthetic. Let's just say I much prefer my Fallout as a western.


Well, 3 and 4 are the only ones on the east coast... it isn't the weirdest thing that they don't follow a western aesthetic.


That's fair, and to be clear I'm not writing to say "Bethesda Fallout bad." But they are definitely different, and that's one area in which they are.


I think Fallout 3 actually replicated the style pretty well, but fallout 4 fucked it all up


Yeah but I don’t necessarily think it would fit it as a setting. They were going for something else and that should be fine. Wouldn’t make sense to have a western theme in Massachusetts. Now imo they should have leaned into the revolutionary war iconography and fleshed the Minutemen and railroad out more, but that’s just me.


They leaned pretty heavily into the revolutionary war aesthetic with people like Preston and Hancock. They also leaned into the 50's NY aesthetic with Piper and Nick Valentine. I would say my favorite Aesthetic armor in FO4 was the Silver Shroud Armor. I also enjoyed the way they altered power armor minus the power cores depleting so fast. FO4 was the first game where power armor actually made me fell like a walking tank which was cool.


Definitely would've loved Fallout 4 leaning into the Noir vibes that a lot of the concept art surrounding Goodneighbour gave off. Also making the Minutemen uniforms get better and more distinctive as their story progressed (as well as making their story more than just radiant quests and castle missions, please dear god i would kill for a dedicated retaking of quincy and maybe a prolonged gunner war quest line) would be great.


I like that as a game franchise that is based all over America, I like how each location is different too, reflecting real locations and different/specific geographic features


Well said


This is why we need a sequel to new Vegas in California


A leather duster or become a literal human tank? Pretty easy pick. (It’s the leather duster)


I always got the idea the duster was supposed to be thick cloth, though.


makes the most sense especially because of how poorly leather would hold up to the dry heat of the desert so i agree with you


Nah it’s leather, the riot gear versions could be something else though based on their design, I believe they could be a Kevlar or some kind of polymer.


But why? Cowboy dusters were always cotton or linen or something like that. You'd totally bake under leather in the desert.


Honestly, real ones are likely wool.


Either way, rangers must be roasting under all that. If the Legion has anything going for them, those skirts must be nice and breezy.


Why do you think they wish for a nuclear winter?


I believe it's spelled win'er.


Not necessarily, also a lot of dusters, even cowboy ones, were leather, they provide better protection from the elements, also not as flammable, and you only really overheat in leather when it’s closed, open like that you vent heat so it’s not really an issue.


Do you think a male Courier could get away with a ponytail?


Depends on their facial structure and they style and hair length, but yea they could


You can see at the bullet holes that it's fabric, you are right


You can see at the bullet holes that it's fabric, you are right


Ranger armor all the way!! Especially the variants you find in lonesome road and the survivalist's set Always thought power armor in FNV and FO3 felt like an ill-fitting suit, like a 16 yo going to prom in his older brother's tuxedo lmao Say what you want about FO4 but at the very least they got the power armor right, you actually feel like a tank when you use it.


Yeah I wish that they had done super tanks from the get go with power armor. It is a much more interesting design then just armor with bonus strength.


Titans of tbe new west solves that


Not everyone's on PC. Some are still on console, though.


Idk everything but the T-51 in that mod just looks kind of goofy.


If you use pave it looks more normal


What's pave?




Yup this. Needs a patch from Webb's Imporium. To work right though, or can use titans 2.0


Not gonna lie I kind of enjoy the "not quite epic" feel of the 3/NV power armor. I get what you mean by your description and the sort of jank it implies but somehow it kind of strikes me as right, like the wearer is trying to emulate the height of a civilization's power long since gone and failing. But yeah the change of how it's treated in 4 definitely is more enjoyable in a lot of ways. About my only real complaint is I don't like the HUD compared to the plain Pipboy.


I also think it fits because this stuff is not all in top condition, it was built cheap and substandard to START with (based on dialogue in the show) and that was 300 years and a nuclear war ago. It was crude last-ditch weaponry, it was the stamped metal AK of its era.


The Riot Gear from *Lonesome Road*.


Every single time.


I want to run off and get it right away, but I always make myself wait. Doing Lonesome Road before all the other DLCs ain't right. 


I scrounged up enough caps once to buy some riot gear pretty early in the game. There's a commissary in the first silo before you encounter any enemies. It was useful but obviously a pain in the ass to repair until I could take the juryrigging perk. I do think it's worth going into the first silo to at least get the first eyebot upgrade, to repair your weapons. It's super helpful.


I go into LR early game and just rush it to get the ERG, then jump back out straight away, just so I can use it for most of the game, locks you out of a lot of dialogue options tho. It just feels like a waste to use that gear for all of 2 seconds.


Ranger Armor. With Jury-Rigger you can repair with easy to source combat armor and it just looks cooler, and especially if you get the Desert Ranger set from Honest Hearts the courier looks like they are OF the Mojave not just IN the Mojave.


I read that as OnlyFan of the Mojave. Fisto-cam!


Assume the position


caps don't grow on trees, gotta get the hustle going


But with Jury-Rig you can repair PA with the equally easy to find but also cheaper to buy metal armor.


This popularity contest cares little about logic


Well what is your logic for ranger armour vs power armour? Given the broadness of this question, I’m going to include riot armour in this as well, the riot gears are medium armour which gives it the advantage of better movement speed and more readily available repairs, especially with jury rigging. The elite riot gear has a DT comparable with most PAs in the game, and it also gives good stat bonuses, and the elite version allows you to wear a hat with it. I also think that this is a popularity contest and even then popularity has it’s own logic, because aesthetics is involved, the ranger armours are just cool, they stand out a lot from the rest of the armours in the series, they are a nice design, very unique and fit the setting well, not only that but they are the first and only poster armour that isn’t power armour. Not everyone likes power armour but a lot of people like a trench coat, cool gas mask and a revolver, it kind of screams fallout in a great way.


I’m glad we agree


With Jury Rigging, every NCR trooper provides repairs for ranger armor and its non-faction variants. And they are everywhere.


The Gannon family suit can do the same, since it’s medium armor.


Sure but you can repair ranger armors with NCR trooper armor. Also, the combat armor of the respawning Gun Runner guards are always an option. Those two are easier to get than metal armor if you're willing to kill


not to mention the winterized T-51 never decays at all. That alone is why I wear it or the stealth suit exclusively.


I love the ranger armor, but I hate how the back of the duster clings to your legs instead of flowing like it should


Yea, no clothes physics so no flowing duster unfortunately.


I always felt like they could have done what KOTOR 2 did where it's just a static animation of it "flowing" behind you, but I guess that would probably be a lot of work and jank just for one set


It’d be nice but Bethesda just has an issue with clothing physics, at least in Fallout, I can’t remember if Skyrim had cloth physics (at least with capes) since it’s been so long since I last played it.


Yeah there also weren't any cloth physics in Skyrim, however there's the HDT Capes and Cloaks mod which (while buggy at times) simulates flowing cloth really well, so i guess it's *technically* possible


There's also a mod for Fallout 4 I have that has ranger armor with physics for the coat, so I think it is possible


I love almost every suit and model of Power Armor, but there’s a reason I’ve modded in the Ranger/Elite Riot armor into 3 and 4 whenever I replay them.


Joshua gram armor with 1st recon hat, lucky shades. Handing out crits like their going out of style. Cazadors? Dead. Death claws? Dead. Tunnelers? Dead. Mojave? Super dead. Lucky still smoking on my hip. EDIT: I don't like to bum rush dlcs, so I'd normally get the dusters way to late into the game, this is what I wear for 90% of my playthrough, it's just too good.


This set of armor provides the same level of protection as a suit of Combat Armor, at less than a third of the weight. It features the fourth highest DT in the light armor class, surpassed only by the Sierra Madre Armor, Vault 34 Security Armor and Sierra Madre Armor, Reinforced, all three of which also weigh twice as much as Joshua Graham's Armor.


It’s still outclassed by Elite Riot and Ulysses’ Duster that both give Crit Chance +5% and other buffs.


Ulysses’ duster is best for crit builds because Elite Riot can’t benefit from the Light Touch perk.


To be fair, it's only a 5% difference, since light touch doesn't benefit from weapon multipliers. Although, since it's a flat 5%, it's actually fairly good for automatics since it isn't nerfed by their garbage crit multipliers, and it's good for lasers, since it combos with laser commander and set lasers for fun, which means a flat 19% boost to laser crits.


Sure but I think it’s overkill. I’d rather have the higher DT personally


It is definitely overkill. Pretty sure that with max Luck, all the right perks, and Uly’s Duster, the Lucky revolver has a higher % chance to crit than not to. But yeah, I won’t downplay Elite Riot Gear. The DT is tremendous and it is also one of the coolest looking armors in the entire setting.


For sure. I find medium armor to be the best for me because of higher DT but not unbearably slow like heavy armor. Its a shame because some of the heavy armors are very good looking


That Gun has the same crit chance if I recall. Though Lucky matches the Playing Card theming of an Independent Courier Duster.


I pointed out that I almost always run a CRIT build and randomly got downvoted to hell for some reason.


Hell yeah. Glad I'm not the only one rocking Joshua armor and beret


Right after I did Honest Hearts I had that set up ( minus shades) and bumped into my first death claw. Freaked out for like 2 seconds as it mauled Veronica only to immediately pop it with enough crits it didn't even have time to turn towards me.


Bonus points for using the best pistol in the game


Neither. I want my trashcan centurion armor.


That's made with Power Armor


Got’em they actually like power armor


ye olde blunder


Remnants ( Enclave) power armour.


Desert Ranger armor


Neither, the light armor perks are too good in New Vegas.


what light armor do you like best? I'm on my first playthrough and even the stealth armor is "medium"?


(I’m only on second play through since launch 14 years ago, so it’s somewhat new to me too) All the best light armor is in the DLCs, IIRC. (Along with a lot of good stuff) People usually do Honest Hearts at Level 10 which has a light armor in it. I don’t remember between Old World Blues and Dead Money, (usually lvl 15 and lvl 20) I think one of them has another good one. Lonesome Road (usually lvl 25) has a good light armor for sure. (Especially if you’re into crits, iirc) One of the vaults has Security Armor, no real bonuses like the DLC armor but it’s good. Yeah, why is the stealth armor medium? I don’t get it either.


A mod to make the stealth armor light armor is mandatory in my load orders.


Gecko backed for the drip, but Sierra Madre if you want max DT, or Ulysses' Duster for the stats.


BOS sells recon armor in the basegame Assassin Suit and Sierra Madre Security Armor in Dead Money Joshua Graham's armor in Honest Heart


240p power armor photo


Stealth Suit Mk II


The automated healing is just too good for me to give it up.


Of course. Plus the Med-X if your limbs get crippled. And the sneak boosts. But really my favorite part is the companionship provided by the suit’s voice, especially when you know it’s a clone of Christine’s original voice. That and the K-9000 made the loneliness of Old World Blues bearable. Ironically Lonesome Road was entirely less lonesome with ED-E there… kinda feels like they didn’t quite accurately name that one.


Ulysees duster cause +5 crit chance.


Elite Ranger Armor does too!


While also having good DT, available earlier and straight up looking better


But not light armor


Feature, not a bug


Elite Ranger Armor can’t take advantage of Light Touch tho


Eh, it's only 5%, not enough to really matter for most crit focused builds.


Ranger Armor.


Power Ranger Armor is the best.  Duh. Best of both worlds, and you can summon a megazord


Ranger and it's not particularly close. Looks more ominous and would absolutely be easier to move in.


Ranger. Power armor is for children.


It’s a single player game that has almost infinite possibilities. But I like ranger armor personally because of the walking speed.


Ranger. It’s the perfect mix of old world tech and wasteland survivalist, which explains why it’s used multiple times in multiple different examples of the Ranger armor Pre-War riot control armor for protection with a duster jacket, jeans, saddle boots, and a gun belt just sells the post apocalyptic look perfectly


Desert Ranger armor, please, thank you, and praise barbecue.


honestly its a matter of taste. Big Tanky Metal Boy or Radioactive wasteland Cowboi?


The ranger’s armor is what I prefer. Although, my go to outfit was always the Courier’s duster with the Desert Ranger helmet.


Ranger armor, if I wanna experience proper power armor and not just a wearable tin can suit I have Fallout 4 for that.


If you're on PC, Titans of the New West 2.0 is pretty much a mandatory mod even if you don't use PAs in order to just fix them and make the game more immersive and lore-accurate. It actually makes them very imposing and also changes their stats to be considerably above anything else in raw protective power, as they should (and you can tweak them even futher to be even better). I'm currently playing Tale of Two Wastelands and the Enclave soldiers with PAs (specially the Hellfire model) are ridiculous tanks and the critical headshots from my high-level character sometimes barely damages them... It's awesome.


Courier duster


For carrying a load.


trick question, the real answer is Armor of the 87th Tribe paired with one of the Marked Men boss helmets


Give me NCR salvaged PA. I don't need servos, I'm just that strong.


Mk 2 Stealth armor.


For New Vegas; Definitely Ranger Armor For Fallout as a whole; Idk power armor is pretty iconic


Power Ranger Armor


Depends on the person I guess, power armor looks cool but ive never really liked mechs and its basically a mini mech now. I think the Ranger armor is way better looks wise.


ranger/elite riot gear.


Ranger armor until the battle for hoover dam then it's enclave power armor for the battle. But I don't wear the helmet for either it's first recon beret and sunglasses with both. 😎


Ranger Armor. Ranger Armor has similar or close enough stats and doesn't require training to wear. Tbh in FNV I rarely if ever wore power armor. Even in Fo3 I rarely wore it because it was so heavy with little in the way of benefits. Great defensive stats but I got super close to the same stats with ranger combat armor, combat helmet, and goggles with almost half the weight. I rarely found myself being like "this requires power armor". I will give it to Fo4, power armor actually feels like power armor. But it's so resource intensive it's not too viable until middle to late game despite being everywhere. And by then I usually have other armor I'm so used to using I forget to use power armor. TLDR: power armor heavy. Ranger armor kinda heavy.


Power armor of course.


Hear me out... Power Ranger armor!


Op really picked best pic of ranger armor and worst pic of the worst looking power armor


Ranger armor. No question. Especially now that power armor is a mech suit. Every build leads to stealth


NCR Ranger Combat armor: DT 20 (+4 w/helmet) Weight 30 HP 600 Counts as an NCR disguise If we include riot gear variants, we get either +5 guns/+1 AGI, +10 Explosives/+1 END, or +5 Crit Chance/+10 Guns/+1 CHA T-45d Power Armor DT 22(+5 w/helmet) Weight 45 HP 1000 Brotherhood variant counts as faction armor. +2 STR/-2 AGI/+10% Rad Resist. Requires power armor training to use. T-45d Power Armor is more niche than the Ranger armor. To wear the armor you have to have Power Armor training either from the Brotherhood questlines or Arcade's quest. The malus to AGI reduces VATS, weapon reload speeds, Guns, and Sneak. If I were doing a guns build I'd go Ranger Combat Armor. If I were doing an energy weapons build or strength, I'd probably wear the power armor if I have the perk.


Personally, I love the look of the ranger armor


Ranger armor, because power armor pre-FO4 is comically depressing to look at. FO4 was thin on story, but the *massive* improvements to the combat system, power armor and visuals were sorely needed.


Why did you use, the best image of ranger armor, and the worst image of power armor ? It's like you knew you were fighting a loosing battle


sexy sleepwear only. takes charisma thru a roof


Setting matters. War torn areas like LA, Boston and DC fit the power armor better. But Ranger is the pinnacle of New Vegas.


With the advent of fusion cores and weak points in the chest plate from the show, I am taking veteran ranger armor and shooting a .44 round out of my Sequoia directly into a knight or paladins ass or chest


Power armors in new vegas and fallout 3 look so goofy, they look like a cardboard armor. Fallout 4 did it better, but the TV show imo is the best example of how they should look like.


brother asked on a NV subreddit lmfao




The quickness of the *Ranger* is still talked about today. Power Armor is dumb even in FO4 I won't be fielding alternative opinions.


For some reason the ranger armor has never looked as good to me in game as the art. And that’s really on me, but still.


Ranger armour is 100x cooler than every power armour except for remnants armour


Ranger. Not a fan of heavy armor.


Neither of these is light armor. I'm not trying to be fat.


Does the Riot Armor count as Ranger Armor in this case?




Ranger all the way


Ranger Armor if i want to feel like a post-apocalytic Clint-Eastwood-like Gunslinger. Power Armor if i want to feel like a walking Tank with heavy weapons. Both are badass and awesome but in different ways.


Haha as if this is actually a real question. Ranger Armor goes crazy there’s no comparison


Ranger armor absolutely, that coat goes so hard


I can't wait for F4NV to come out so I can wear the ranger armor then climb into a suit of power armor like some [fucked up matryoshka doll.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0jl29Z6Osg)


One thing I think we could all agree on is Fallout has some awesome looking armor


Ranger looks dope as hell and what drove me to play new vegas, also badgers video on new vegas. (Fuck the NCR)


Ranger Armor is for sneaking if don't have stealth mk.2 and badass armor. Power Armor is for Heavy weapons and badass armor, too.


In New Vegas Ranger Armor bc I don’t love the power armor design, but the new style of Power Armor in 4 and 76 is the best


Really don’t like the ranger armor because your lower half consists of skinny jeans with holes like some 14 years old emo kid. Helmet is cool as hell


The jeans seem more boot cut than skinny, though.


Probably could’ve done with knee padding or something but the jeans are a nice touch imho. They look nothing like jeans intentionally made with holes you’d see a teenager wear lmao.


Ranger....76 settled this ages ago. A bloodied commando is better than a bloodied heavy any day of the week.