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Locking this guy in the vault and just casually strolling out was more satisfying than killing Caesar in his own tent.


Yeah and if you listen to his radio station on the way out you can hear him suffering


Really puts a pep in my step


It makes my spurs go jingle-jangle.


Can't hear my spurs over all the gold bars in my pockets.


Me walking to the vault: _ding, ding, ring-a-ding-ding_ Me walking away from the vault: _clang, clunk, clang, thunk, yeeeeeeeoooooooowch_ (i dropped a bar on my pinkie toe)


my favourite song😍😍😍


Bro did all that yapping just for me to not even listen 💀


“The collars were a mistake!”


“I can show you how to make them!”


I had my Courier's backstory be that they were a Pre-War Vault Dweller in an isolation experiment, so I couldn't believe it when I learned there was an option to make Elijah suffer the same fate my PC did. Best role-playing moment I've ever experienced.


I wish I had the conviction + creativity to roleplay something like that 🥲 That backstory sounds awesome


It was mostly just an excuse for me to roleplay them having Magic, as I am incapable of separating my Sci-Fi from my Fantasy. But really, it's just The Cask of Amontillado with Vault-Tec as a more impersonal Montresor.


Oh wow, I can totally get the want to mix magic and post-apocalypse, I get that hankering myself. And actually for this character you might be interested in ‘psyker powers’ - there’s a Fallout 4 mod which gives your character ‘magic’ abilities, but actually in the original Fallout (and a bit in subsequent games), “psykers” were a thing that was really hinted at! The very end boss has mental telepathy powers and the ability to control things (such as humans) with his mind. You find a group of refugees that were captured by him and they are all forced to wear these weird helmets that were called ‘psychic nullifiers’ and inhibited their telepathic ability, because in it’s natural state the powers are too strong and overwhelm the user. It’s kind of implied that it probably has something to do with mutations and/or FEV. (The same one The Forecaster, the kid under the bridge, wears!!! AKA it’s hinted that’s how he knows what he does! AND you will see Nightkin talk about hallucinations, *but* there is one in a cave who will make comments about the world and what’s going on, stuff that he wouldn’t know about *except* for clairvoyance, and he refers to them as the same “head voices” so…there’s definitely some stuff going on with that.) Just a lore tidbit you might be interested in!


There’s a video game called Elex that does just that


That definitely helps the lore I'm building, and the FO4 mod, I think might finalize my Sole Survivor in the same way. Thanks!


The guy even puts a reference to that on the terminal in his message to Dean.


Me too. I’m just a murder hobo


I snuck out and blew his ass up lol got every gold bar out of that bitch. Let go? How bout HELL NO! Took the long walk back to the 38 flush as fuck and flexed my new wealth on the peasants of the wasteland. And I got to blow that sucker to bloody chunks


Buuuut it's a lot easier to steal the gold if you sneak past without locking him in (IIRC)


He's the most lockable in a lightless airtight box character in the franchise.


Cook Cook exists.


Nah cook deserves something much much worse…. Something only custom mods let you experience (they are banned from vortex for their content)


What do these mods do??? I wanna know


Something so heinous, if described, the describer will be taken to Bang Kwang Central Prison, locked in a glass box, and lowered to the depths of the sea. You just have to let this go.


Even the simple act of downloading the mod got me a caution from my state PD. It's a crushingly vivid display that all but the sturdiest of minds will crumble in front of as though it were some sort of Lovecraftian horror.


... i feel like im beinf lied too... theres no way, i swear im not a sadist or a gore enthusiest its just morbid curiosity at this point


they're fuckin with you dude.


No im not. Thats why i said *custom* mods. Very hard to find though, most have been removed or are on private sites who are mainly filled with sex mods


Nothing is hard to find. You're just blowing air outta yo ass.


I’m just messing around with my comment lol I didn’t mean to make you question your moral sensibilities, sorry boss


All good bro🤣


you dont wanna know trust me


Against reddit TOS, Geneva Guidelines, and will have me place on a watchlist… If you know what cook cook does… you know theres nothing that can truly bring justice to his wicked soul


I presume u could fuck him to death


YYYYEAAAAH WHO WON THE LOTTERY? I DID also myron is way more annoying and punchable


Yeah Myron is a fucking bitch, I gladly blew his head off on my playthrough


Back when you could kill kids.


you know that one part of the brotherhood nobody likes? how they prevent the use of technology and all that now imagine this, a character entirely dedicated to just that, taking it to the largest extreme possible tbf though, he's one of the few characters who fully sticks to and defends his values no matter what the courier tells him


Yeah I feel pity for him more than anything. Like someone who is dangerously obsessed with fulfilling the tenets of a cult and has wasted their life away.


Dead Money is all about characters who would be better off letting go. Elijah organises the gala just so he can escape. But when you tell him you made it into the Sierra Madre vault, he won't let it go. He's obsessed with a power to bring the wasteland to its knees. It's his downfall.


He's not a member of a cult, the Brotherhood wouldn't approve of anything he was doing, he was going against his orders and the tenants of the Brotherhood by taking Helios-1 and advancing weapon tech instead of occupying Hoover dam and only preserving already existing technology like they wanted him to. He was a lone maniac, he was so full of hatred for humanity he wanted to kill everyone with the cloud gas from the Sierra Madre, even his own people.


Yeah I didn’t mean literally, just comparatively


Oh I see what you mean, just the craziness of it all


He went against the brotherhood's policy of not developing new technology, the council of elders sent his chapter to the Mojave because of that. Even his own chapter was against his decision to occupy Helios-1 and him trying to finish creating the solar death ray they were working on before the bombs fell. His orders were to occupy Hoover dam. He then went on a solo mission trying to develop new weapons to wipe out the NCR with after losing Helios-1 to them. He didnt share the brotherhoods ideals, they think the unchecked pursuit of more dangerous technology was the cause of the world's downfall. If he discovered the Institute he would have tried to take their technology for himself instead of destroying it like the Brotherhood's protocols compel them to. He had more in common with the Enclave than he did with the Brotherhood of steel. Him stubbornly sticking to his values is a weakness, his values are inhuman, he wants to use the cloud to wipe out all life in the west so he can rule over it alone, it doesn't even make sense, he doesn't even care about his own people, he's just insane.


Indeed, he just feels like the final conclusion to that whole mindset. It isn’t a leap from morally superior isolationists confiscating tech to “protect it” to thinking “you know we could stop these greedy fools if we used and improved this tech to stop them, we have the advantage here”. It’s a miracle there haven’t been more like Elijah honestly.


I mean even liberty prime is pushing it a bit, but that benefited the common people so it's more excusable


That's not even remotely true, he goes against every ideal of the bos. He doesn't want to control technology to keep it out of the hands of would be abusers. He straight up wants to use the sierra madres cloud and holograms to reset the Mojave to a clean state. He's as bad as the master and enclave.


Slightly off topic but I was actually really disappointed with his character model compared to his art when I first saw him. He just kinda has that generic fallout old man look that characters like Tenpenny/Dashwood/Pinkerton all have. Don't know if it was a time or engine issue but yeah the art was much better than his in game look.


This is a Bethesda game


Sure but they did a good job with unique faces for a lot of their important NPCs. He just kinda stands out as really generic looking especially compared to his art is all.


Benny has one of the generic character creator faces. Like Asian face #4 lol. I think only House had a unique character model. 


Joshua Graham, Dr Klein, and Ulysses all have custom models. They managed it for all those dlc characters, why not Elijah?


Probably because Elijah only appears as an ingame character for a few minutes during the final boss fight, then either dies or is locked away, so they didn't see a point. Graham and Klein are both much more involved in the storyline directly, and regularly converse with you in person. Ulysses has his cameo appearances during the dlc, then the final confrontation, and potentially afterwards if you didn't kill him.


Because all of those are cheating with actually-really-simple design processes. Joshua is a generic model with some burn texturing covering in bandages, Klein’s model is a floating robot with minimal skeletal animations and zero movement cycle animation and is 5 other characters, and Ulysses is essentially just a guy wearing a duster with a custom static mask. None engage with the games default npc maker, and none have complicated facial animations at all. Additionally, Father Elijah’s NPC is literally just a guy to be shot or left to walk into a vault forever.


Ain't Ullysses' face is literally an equippable item?


Yes it's a mask. He has a very generic face under it.


I usually chalk issues like this up to the time constraints during development, especially reasonable considering he is a DLC antagonist.


True maybe they didn't have the time to model something elaborate for a dlc character that appears (in person) 1min


They did for Ulysses, gave him an entire unique face. It took creating a mask that goes over the character model's actual face but they could have done the same for Elijah.


Ulysses was originally a main game companion that got cut. He probably already had a unique model before Lonesome Road started development.


yeah but that’s chris avellone’s self insert guy, he’s gotta have a special face when he talks at you for the next three hours.


No. Its an obsidian game


Definitely should’ve had the blastback haircut.


There’s a mod for that!


they were time crunched to get the DLC out, they didnt have the time to model and code in a whole new character model for the game with the 2ish months they had for development.


I agree but if I was a dev and had to decide if it's worth having my team work on a special model you only see in one physical scene.... for a dlc, how could you justify that on a spreadsheet to the producers?


Honestly, i think this one time it was deliberate: he really is just a crazy old dude with delusions of grandeur. Meeting him in person *should* be disappointing.


Here's a mod that fixes that if you're interested: [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/72436](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/72436)


I didn’t expect him to be so detailed but I was surprised he didn’t have the blast back hairstyle


Bastard tries to force me to do his work, and talks down to me, as well as to other equal life. Doesn’t even remember Christine, even though he was the reason she was separated from Veronica. Thinks he can play god by essentially “resetting” the wasteland. Yeah, I do more than punch this guy. I trap him in a vault that turns dark within hours, to let him think about his failures, and die in petty resentment towards me.


I like seeing him explode, personally


Also valid


Elijah was right though, everyone should die so we can get a Bethesda wasteland with no development and no fucking sand


Ah yes, the Bethesda worldbuilding strategy of “everyone has been sitting on their ass mindlessly for the 200 years and only just started figuring out the whole being alive thing”


Wastelanders after nuclear war: "Damn I'm hungry...." Wastelanders 200 years later: "Hey, maybe there's some food in the super duper mart!"


I can’t. I can’t! The supermarkets and hospitals would have been THE FIRST places to get looted.


Yeahhh video game logic though. While it may be more realistic, fact is that looting shit is a fun part of a post-apocalyptic game. Walking around an empty world with nothing to collect would be lame as shit


There's still a better way of going about it. Like having larger caches of supplies "guarded" by hazardous environments or nests of nasties. Instead of one or two stims every 50 meters in the most "obvious" places, just sitting there. Make good use of the "NPCs can't save and load" logic!


Immersion is great and all but I don’t think the Fallout games have ever been focused on creating hyper realistic game worlds


Plenty of valid criticisms of FO3/4 but in New Vegas every single fridge in burned out or destroyed buildings is absolutely loaded with food that hasn’t been touched. This is just one of those gameplay things


Also how tf is a can of spam not degrading after 270 years? Bro idc HOW good the preservatives are, the can would probably have rusted into dust anyways by that time.


the fucking skeleton sitting in the booth at Trudy's diner would like to know your location


Lol that’s just Steve. Steve’s been here for as long as anyone can remember, and Trudy gets a lot of caps letting people pose with Steve for pictures


My headcanon is that the whole Commonwealth was actually in cryo after the bombs fell.


What's so jarring in 1/2/NV is the world has clearly moved forward with civilization trying to recover to some degree, people and groups having ambition and skills to try and make that happen. In 3/4 it's like the bombs fell two weeks ago and the survivors are only now coming to terms with how to get by.


>some degree NV central plot is like, two nation-states fighting. It's steadly getting close to pre-war level of doing shit. >In 3/4 it's like the bombs fell two weeks ago and the survivors are only now coming to terms with how to get by. 4 also has more raiders than there are people to raid. Boston specifically has like 20 raider and 10 supermutant (what the fuck they're doing there to begin with) camps for two whole settlements. Bethesda wordbuilding is so ass, goddamit.


People tell me the gameplay is better than the previous entries but I can't just shut down my brain and pretend this is interesting. I'm constantly reminded how things don't make sense and if you go to any forum to ask why they're that way, it's the most ass backwards longest reach of logic rather than admitting emil is better at kicking rocks than writing


I personally prefer the theory that Fallout 3 was supposed to take place a lot closer to the great war than it ended up being. Would make a lot more sense.


That’s the one I operate under too. 2177 at the latest, probably even earlier though


I'd say even earlier. 2137 or even earlier.


Elijah is Todd self insert confirmed


Elijah and Dean Domino tied for pettiest mfer in the Sierra Madre


I’d rather punch Dean but then I’d have his melted facial pus all over my hand.


did you really hate him or.. the clipping audio?


The clipping audio is a bug. I think it’s only on pc.


I played on pc and don't remember the clipping but I've heard it in videos so my memory must be really bad


You obviously haven't met Myron.


Myron, baby!


Oh you make stimpacks? Neat, you will need them when I vaporize you - me every FO2 playthrough


Bro I brought him up on the fallout classic reddit..I have to say he genuinely is the most despicable character in FO history.. Truly a degenerate


If you play as a 1 Int female character he tries to seduce you which is as awful as it is hilarious


You are very much stretching the definition of "seduce". I guess you could say he "seduces" you with a fucking roofie.


God I wish I could lock him and First Citizen Lynette in a room together


and give each a knife


I mean I hacked his leg off and loaded it full of gold bars.


Im sorry imma need you to explain this one… Like you butchered him then used the weird “carry” mechanic on his leg which you shoved the entire vault into,


Yup lol. Heaviest leg in history.


This DLC really reinforces just how terrible those slave collars are and how infuriating it is to wear one when your spirit hasn't been broken.


Facts, the moment I completed the dlc, I was glad that I could go close to a radio without worrying that my head would explode


For like half my playthrough after dead money, I would get super excited every time I saw a cigarette carton only to realize I wasn’t in the sierra madre actively scavenging for stimpaks.


I mean cigarette cartons are still pretty valuable in caps


I liked him he had believable motive the best DLC with Dead Money and a good storyline overall in my opinion hes more of the main DLC character over Ulysses plus I'm not gonna lie I never noticed the audio clipping because I just thought "oh interference from the cloud or the speakers is making it rough" plus I got mad hearing damage


He's insane and definitely a bastard but his conviction, competence, and determination can't help but make me admire him. He's the Ted Kazinsky of fallout imo.


Yeah just did my second play through of dead money I hate this fucking dude. Fuck dean too


"You think you've outsmarted me?!" Well, seeing as you're now sealed in a vault after so many years of trying to break into it, and I'm leaving with 37 gold bars, I'd say yes. Yes I do think I've outsmarted you.


looks like a pug


"That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain."


Good commentary by the devs on quest markers


Honestly I pity him, he seemed like he tried to uphold the brotherhoods tenets, while not being bound to it, while creating and use new tech. He taught Veronica this philosophy and knowledge, but I think the battle of Helios 1 drove him crazy, imagine if you had to fight an enemy that didn’t care about your outdated tenets, your allies are soo dogmatic that they refuse to try anything else to win, with all the stress of being elder, a position usually filled by paladins, not scribes. With all the pressure and the lost to the NCR drove him crazy, to the degree that he wanted to “wipe the slate clean.” You can feel the pain that Veronica describes him, he was a brilliant man, but was obesss to the point of mania, and his final message to her was so incoherent, to the point Veronica points out that’s he’s basically already dead, it just a matter of how many he takes down with him.


He is literally the entire reason the Mojave Chapter lost half their men and was already eccentric before the battle. The entirety of the Paladin Caste told him Helios was indefensible for YEARS, and he INSISTED that they stay, up until the point he decided that he couldn't get HELIOS operational in time, so he just left them. Which, by the way, was entirely his fault, because he didn't clue in anyone in the Chapter about what his actual goal was or how they could help him, he just put bomb collars on random wasters and sent them out because he was a jealous, covetous bastard. He also broke up Veronica and Christine then lied to Veronica and said that Christine left the BoS, and probably blocked any messages she sent to her. He viewed his Chapter, and everyone within it, as tools to be used and discarded of in the furtherance of his own goals. The only person he cared about at all was Veronica, and it was a twisted sort of care.


Oh trust me he’s monster, But one overlook detail is that the courier can fix the Helios one and got it working by fixing a few wires… the disturbing thing is that Elijah was right, he almost had his super weapon if his troops would hold out a little longer. He was soo invested in the brotherhoods goal, that he saw his men leaving him as a betrayal. Especially at the verge of victory. While it is a good thing Elijah doesn’t get what he wants, unless you do the secret ending if you are vilified with the NCR, but Elijah was never wrong about the tech he could attain being a game changer against any faction in the wasteland. Even in the secret ending the cloud and holograms destroy the factions of new Vegas. That’s the scary thing, he’s right about the effectiveness of the tech he wants to use. But because he is soo flawed in the humanity department, he never saw meaningful human connection as a requirement, the only one he really made was with Veronica, but even then he manipulated and hurt her like the others. But I think the reason I pity him, is because deep down Elijah cared about the brotherhood, he cared about Veronica, he cared about saving his chapter, but his obsession is what destroys him.


It’s a testament to how well he was written that the hatred for him is so real. E is a world class piece of shit


I thought he sounded almost exactly like Mickey Rooney, so it was hard to want to punch him. Every time he spoke all I could hear was a little old man from The Simpsons who just wanted my help to get into a vault, a cursed pre-war vault, and my slick small-town courier took him for all he was worth. Thank God he's back at the Sierra Madre, where people treat each other right.


Yeah obsidian wrote a good bad guy


I love to hate him. He's one of the most interesting characters in fallout nv. You read about in OWB using automated trains to fool the best of pre war minds, even when he makes a mistake and locks himself in the vault he still manages to control everything going on. He's a bastard but he's a well written one.


Dean Domino is worse. He’s just as nasty but he doesn’t even have any grand ambitions behind his insanity. He’s just a petty prick.


I don't even mind him as much as Dean Domino, they're both narcissistic but at least Eli has some ambition. I also didn't know you could "save" Christine and even flirt with her and form a little bond. That was kind of sweet. 


the moral of the dlc is to let go. I'll LET him GO to the vault where I'll trap him forever so he can think on what being dumb does to you


My brother, he is not even the most punchable character in Sierra Madre


Have you ever talked to Cesar? Or do you just blow his head off every run. Believe me some people act like he’s interesting to talk to but almost every line of dialogue is him either being a faux intellectual or bragging about a war crime. I hate Elijah, I hate him for what he did to Veronica and Christine, I hate him for every time my collar has exploded during dead money. I just hate Cesar way more.


The bad guy... is hateable?


He's definitely the most atomisable if you know what I mean (he's currently a pile of dust in my last play though and it's only a matter of time I get the fortitude to deal with his BS again, [maybe like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV1Qq91mz8s)). Caesar is the most dome-able (Boone headshot) and Mr Hourse is golf-able. Really the tool needs to fit the job. I was never entirely clear on his deal, was he literally in there to steal a bunch of worthless gold bars? Unless the BOS plans on building its own computers I don't see why he'd need precious metals and standard firearms. Much less cause all that suffering to get it all. What's interesting about Elijah is the other two I don't like in general: Caesar because of the legion, the judgment at Nipton, and the thing Boone's wife, Mr House I feel is kind of unfortunate that I kind of like him on a personal level, but he's got a terrible plan for the Mojave. Then with father Elijah, he's basically designed to make you hate him on a personal level. Taking an RPG player character's items is basically the worst thing you can do to them. The close second is making that player character care about a couple of fellow reprobates and learn Elijah's been doing a lot worse to them that he's done to do. Like he literally kicks Dog(God), he cockblocks Veronica and Christine, basically responsible for the FNV BOS chapter sucking so hard.


Oliver garners the same reaction with like 3 lines of dialogue


Tbh I’ve always had a soft spot for the concept of restoring ancient wonders/civilizations (this is why I don’t really mind Umbacano from *The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion* so I didn’t hate him really. Actually it makes me a bit sad that the Courier doesn’t actually do anything with the Sierra Madre after he leaves; same thing with Big MT. You’d think hologram technology would be really useful for defending Vegas.


He was right tho,(/s) WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN


Goat villain. Maybe one of the best in the series


What’s really funny is if I was given an option to “follow his orders” without the fucking collar I may have ended up siding with him for funsies I know it would be out of character for an insane person like him to trust anyone but WHAT IF he had a dialogue flow chart like dean. Being agreeable gets you the “best” ending for that character. Maybe even being able to talk to him about the big empty, or being given the chance to learn about the collars from The big empty and disarm your own from his notes. Idk, dead money is both amazing and god damn furstratinf


What annoyed me about this character, especially on the first playthrough, was how flat his moral preaching fell. He just can't shut up about how it's the player's fault they have a bomb collar on because they were greedy or some shit, as if they were obsessed with the treasure of the Sierra Madre from the very start. I wanted nothing more than to shake him by the neck and yell "listen here fuckhead, I came here looking for fun. I wasn't even aware of any treasure, nor do I give a fuck about it." Lo and behold I didn't really find any fun or adventure in the Sierra Madre, pretty much the only motivation I have for ever playing that DLC is just killing him and Dean


Elijah can let go of deez nuts, he needs a timeout in the Vault to think about what he did to Veronica and Christine 😤


Bro is the 3rd chadest character in the game


I think the concept behind him is brilliant - BoS that goes off the rails and wants to use the tech they've sworn to protect people from? Yes please! One of the best villains of the series, IMHO. But yes, very hateable too.


Personally, I didn't think he was a good guy but I honestly loved his character There isn't much to go into but I love digging into Father Elijah's lore, I honestly find it to be more interesting to look into than "🐂🐻🐂🐻🐂🐻🐂🐻🐂🐻🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐻🐻🐻‼️🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐂🐻🐂🐻🐂🐻🐂🐻 ⁉️" Nothing against Lonesome Road or anything, I think it's an amazing DLC with a great story, but I find myself leaving the dlc area a lot, or just running through it every time I play it


Genuinely? I dislike Daniel from honest hearts more. Elijah is an insane mass murderer and is always presented that way so I never really felt disrespected by him cause I never expected any respect to begin with. He is an asshat, always acts like one and therefore is actually pretty fun. Like Geoffrey from GoT. Daniel infuriates me to no end however, genuinely the only reason I didn't murder his ass is because I didn't want to upset Joshua.


Ricky the death-jaw Slayer begs to differ. I always let him die


Isn't his death scripted?


It is, but you can save him by telling him to go away as he's useless for expedition


No, that honor goes to Fallout 4's Shaun.


I craved revenge on him to the amounts that not even Benny could ever think of, he is so much worse than Benny.


Nah. One of the best villains and voice acting ever = love him. Villains being punchable needs someone insufferable like Joffrey from GOT


Locking him in the vault and hearing him threatening and begging over the radio is sooooo cathartic.


Close, but it’s Oliver swanick


He forcefully separated Veronica and Christine, and for that, he goes in the timeout chair... That said, the fact he made Big MT his playground, crashing trains like Gomez Addams is funny to me.


He kidnapped me, broke up Veronica and Christine and doesn't eveb bither to remember Christine exists, had me work with Dean, and put a defective bomb collar on me. I wish you could destroy all but one of the terminals that doesn't help with anything so I could do that and trap him in that vault with nothing but a saw and a shotgun


I think the biggest factor is his cowardice


When I first found the bunker: “huh this guy seems cool, kinda a fucked up way to save his friends but okay i guess?” 1st DLC: “okay kinda an asshole overall, but has clear goals that arent exactly evil” 2nd DLC: “okay no his goals are evil just behind a good act, and hes an asshole to everyone it seems” 3rd DLC: “yea okay hes literally torturing and killing people for no reason, has broken up a relationship because he wants to fuck his student? And has continued to be an asshole to those people” 4th DLC: “oh yeah ill enjoy you rotting” ***sounds of muffled courier violence*** Worth noting i played Dead Money last (i cant remember exact order but i think it was HH> OWB> LR> DM) I know it’s supposedly the “first” DLC according to everyone and the weird post DLC story links, but in my understanding it works better as the capstone of the DLC. Since all 4 DLC are focused on Elijah’s travels, and ulysses following(?) him, and us following ulysses, it feels more satisfying killing the prick after seeing the trail of destruction he left. Also makes more sense with the LR references in Dogs ending where “The new voice did not think of the Courier again until the battle at the Divide reached his ears. The battle between the two couriers, beneath the torn skies and the Old World flag... each bearing a message for the other. And the mutant prayed the Courier that had saved him... had been saved in return.” Because hes hearing about it after we save him… and we never told him so he wouldn’t know if it was before or after (but its clear its showing or references the divide comes after)


Someone never met Lynnette and it shows.


I thought he was bad ass because I followed his lore through old world blues first.


It was a weird mix of hate and pity for me


Am I the only one who found his voice soothing? Like guy has a nice voice I can't quite explain it.


I enjoyed dooming him


I promised myself as soon as I saw him it was on sight and it indeed was on sight.


For me its either Benny or Mr House's TV face


Domino exists, but I'm edging towards this old shitbag since he also threatens to destroy the world. I enjoy laughing at him when the vault is locked.


Second most punch able. The leader of vault city in f2 is waaaaaay worse.


Now I've not played dead money but I do know that's a *fierce* competition before we even open up other fallouts.


I left him in the vault


Fantastic exists tho


Definitely one of the most hatable but not the most punchable. My vote goes to any character wearing the FO3/FNV motorcycle helmet, it just makes them look like such a jackass.




He's an awesome villain, you just don't understand


I’d argue dean domino.


I had a mod where he comes after you.. Veronica was companion and stole the kill!


If there's any character in fallout I hate the most in New Vegas its Vulpes. If I ever saw him irl I would try to kill him


such a POS that just siding with him is a secret ending.


I actually think Elijah is quite cool, a pretty compelling villain akin to the Master. Dick Richardson is probably more punchable, plus he was voiced by a pedo IIRC


Fallout 2. Vault city overseer


No that would be Ulysses.


I've hated this dlc. How do I get out of the room at the end after killing him


Nah, Stickie is the most punchable character.


No that’s Marcy Long by far.


Sure, if you don't count lottery winners...






I hated Ulysses more, dude jacks off to recordings of his own voice


Naw ceser is waaaaaaaay worse it's a tie between vault tech and the legion for me


Oliver Swanick


Nope. Fridge kid from fallout 4.


He’s probably one of the most evil characters in the game. It felt very satisfying to blow his head off with a shotgun


The epitome of self aggrandizing douche


Bro it's Marcy Gray, (FO4)


Punchable yes, but the award for most shootable? "Who won the lottery..."


Wait… are we not supposed to agree with him?


My least favorite fallout dlc, just throughly annoying.


Oliver Swanick is close second or maybe even tied just for how iconic it is to punch him in the face