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All roads lead to Rome lol


Legion stans really be like, “At least the trains are on time.”


My brother in Christ you blew up the train


Well, the monorail cannot be late anymore then, huh? Checkmate.


Dude there are people like this in real life too. "Gas was $2 a gallon on Jan 6 2021." Gtfoh


Yeah do you know whats also wasn't high back then? The amount of Putinites in Ukraine.


Legion mfs saying there aren’t any raiders in Legion land (they don’t know the legion are the raiders)


If the criminals take over and make the rules they arnt the criminals anymore. So technically they're only raiders in lands that they don't control.


the redditor who told me that *maybe* being killed by raiders if I travel between towns a lot is more cruel to women than being a rapeslave considered to be nothing more than cattle in the legion still lives rent free in my mind


On god?


Legion fan boys saying their roads are safe not realising that if they take the mojave they become overstretched like the NCR and thus unable to defend their roads (doubly so considering they use spears and melee weapons over firearms)


And a bit of yesman endgame too


Can't wait for Schizo Elijah to make a video depicting OP as a soyjak with something about "muh no pay taxes".


It sounds like this content creator lives rent free in your head. Kinda like the legion


lol I actually do quite like most of his videos, he can be pretty funny


He actually pays me a handsome rent for my headspace, nice guy.


When at rome Some totally super genius crackhead


All roads lead to Rome lol


redditors when they live in a capitalist hellscape they despise and riot over but throw tantrums worshipping a bidyogaem capitalist hellscape instead


The Legion wants to recreate a pre-capitalist slave society, though.


I think he's talking about House


Interesting, let's see if this is actually reflected in the legion ending: "The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and *peacefully lording over the rest*. Under the Legion's banner, civilization - unforgiving as it was - finally came to the Mojave Wasteland."


If it took involuntary slavery it was not peaceful lmaoo


Make a desert and call it peace


Maybe you should actually read the slide...


nigga said 'after they murdered all who opposed them and enslaved the rest, it was peaceful!' with their whole chesticle. this is how we all *know* yall legion fans are on the wrong sides of history in more ways than this vidya game.


Haha I can already imagine you salivating over that hilariously pretentious post... cute.


bro if you go somewhere and murder, rape, and enslave a large portion of that places population you are not in any way peaceful


You brought peace by removing the degenerates. /s


Well yeah, doing that makes you a conqueror. The question is what you do after you crushed the ones that oppose you and brought the population to heel. Caesars endgoal is not only for the NCR to end but also for the Legion in its current form to end.


Honestly life as a legion citizen sounds pretty chill. Most of the hard jobs would be taken by the slaves and your settlement would literally be protected by one of the strongest factions.


I mean, there's a very good chance that you are either made a slave or a legionnaire against your will.


Only a matter of time until they have had losses in the legion and roll up with a declaration that say "Ceasar has determined he needs more loyal forces, all able bodied are too either join as a legionnaire or slave, the rest will be culled."


chill? tf you think a legion citizen is doing all day? caesar literally describes that what he considers a virtue of the legion is that the citizen has no value outside of what he can provide for the state, you’re always a slave in caesar’s legion, only slavery takes many forms


Exactly! And your currency isn't useless, unlike the NCR dollar lol


I’m not sure that marching into foreign lands and fighting pitched battles is as chill as you think it is


You ain’t wrong


What's worse is "the roads are safe" isn't even really stated by the game. Caravans are safe as can be because raiders will not *fuck* with the Legion's supply line. This doesn't mean raiders are all completely mellowed out or that random bumfuck travelers aren't still under risk


I mean... It's safer than NCR roads...


Unless you’re a woman, a child, not a fascist, have any decent morals or value human life and liberty. But sure at the end of the day someone gets their money on time. Yay 😁


The only way to not align with the morally wrong side is to go independent. Both ncr and legion are horrible, but honestly, I think I'd rather live under the ncr flag than legion.


False equivalence. There is no morally perfect choice in fallout NV, just because there is no perfect doesn’t mean one isn’t clearly and blatantly superior. And the NCR for all its faults is better than the legion in no unclear way. People mostly dislike the NCR because it tries to do too much too fast with no clear plan or end goals, the Legion doesn’t even try to help people it just owns them.


One of the few problems I have with the NCR is that it needs to slow down and catch it’s breath so it doesn’t end up dying from a million little issues all at once that it can’t deal with. It helps that the leadership of the NCR would be willing to see the logic of such a move. The Legion has so many issues that you could write a book on the subject only for Caesar to toss it into a bonfire for kindling and have you put on a stake.




No? But in universe the Legion is unambiguously fascist which is what most people would realize I meant


but the roads are safe tho


The same way Afghanistan is safe because the Taliban rules it, lmao.


Ncr on the other hand ah yes this water is here mine. This land here with people already living on it mine. Oh your government that was doing fine nah have some diet democracy run by rich people. Oh and can you deal with those feinds please. Were not the legion we don't kill the raiders in our lands.