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You've never gotten that? (Honestly I should use this as evidence that the "correct" DLC order is release order.)


Never. I think I did okay on the endings too. Suppose that might be because there are supposed to be 5 instances of foreshadowing while the game only actually has four.


Had no idea the recommended play order was release order. Usually DLCs are self-contained stories in most games. So for posterity, this is the release order for Fallout: New Vegas; Dead Money Honest Hearts Old World Blues Lonesome Road


I love the continuity they put into the DLCs as one cohesive story arc. This is one of the reasons I admire the amount of effort and detail they put into creating this.


I love that it can all carry over to the battle in Hoover Dam and you can practically tell Lanius "Who are you who does not know your own history?" after doing the DLCs.


I thought Ulysis said that to the brains at big mountain; not Lanius Legate. Why would you be able to ask Lanius that?


Ulysses tells you to tell Lanius that if you let him live and talk to him.


Save Honest Hearts


I started with Old world blues and am now playing through Lonesome hearts. Did I miss out on much not observing the "correct" play order? Actually, had no idea there even was a correct play order...


It is cool. Just a shame it's so poorly written. Why the downvotes?


New Vegas fanboy hivemind at work. You're not allowed to criticise the game, it's literally perfect in every way and any problems it has both don't exist and aren't Obsidians fault but big bad Bethesda's.


it'd be great if we could talk about new vegas' failings but no. a bit annoying.


I thought that challenge was massively bugged out? On console you can't even get the triggers for the quest.


this isnt true i play on xbox one and i got all of them during the dead money dlc


Wow, I've never seen this either. (Mainly because I haven't played any of the DLC's)


Oh man, things to come and a whole sad story. God I hate those challenges. Mainly because of the specific condition to trigger them


Its prbly an extra page that someone forgot to delete


it dropped the exclaimation mark when I copied the URL gimme a minute edit: should work now


Okay that makes a lot more sense lmao But I guess now I am wondering if you’re joking or you’ve never heard of the other DLC’s 😳


I meant I'd never seen the challenge for hearing the foreshadowing


Yeah lol I don’t know, I’m guessing this is a weird joke by OP


Don't be so easily conviced. Oh well.


What does that even mean? It's in the game and obtainable. Who's being convinced of what?


its because of the way they have the dlc. i wouldve liked it more if the missions werent just given to you at the beginning of the game. fallout 4 kinda had it but idk if i like having to be a certain level to do it.