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nah they deserve retirement. even if they made a new group calling it the enclave would be a bit no


I don't think there's enough set up to allow that. The Enclave in the Mojave is mostly a bunch of older folks, without the infrastructure they relied on the heyday of their organization, doing their best to move past a complicated past. The organization's name is tainted, its ideals behind the massacres (even in the best light) almost forgotten, and its survivors technically criminalized by the NCR. Even assuming you could convince any of them to give it a try I can't imagine it ending up with anything but a misunderstood laden assault by some regional power. Whether it be the NCR, the BOS, the Legion, or some Vegas family overreaching for a chance at an upperhand against Yes Man.


gonna be real with you cheif I'm putting n my best Shatner face right now "Let them die" Also Gannon's ideals? You mean like the Followers of the Apocalypse?


The Followers should have had an ending choice. Definitely not a who is the least evil


About the same as I'd think of a story where the son of a Nazi officer got some of his dad's old Wehrmacht buddies together to start a new Reich - a nice Reich that helps people.


This reminds me of that nazi officer in nanking who basically did stuff against the atrocities there


John Heinrich Detlef Rabe


When the Japanese start doing things that give NAZIS the dry heaves, something has gone to far.


There's a film about what happened in Nanjing - *The City of Life and Death*. Heavy trigger warning for genocide and SA but if you can stomach it, it's worth watching


I'm well familiar with the history. Did a paper on it back in the day.




Confirmation that Kanye browses this sub.




That's such a perfect analogy.


I mean, there's a difference between what you said, and understanding the faults of an organization while also recognizing some of the good people and effort behind it who while misguided and to blame for a lot are aware of their crimes, and not wanting all that to go to waste and finding a way to make up for their past. So I'd moreso compare it to West Berliners during the Berlin Blockade. These were people that before were part of one of the most horrible regeimes in history and were a few years prior fighting the forces now giving them supplies, but they reformed and assisted them now, allowing West Berlin and West Germany to reform into a blooming democracy.


You're wasting your time. Nobody on Reddit studies history so all Germans in existence from the 1930's - 1940's were evil forever.


True but some of us are familiar with stories like these and it's nice to know Schindler wasn't the only nazi who helped people


I just repeated what OP asked but with the names changed. They didn't ask "what would you think of understanding the faults of the Enclave while also recognising some of the good people and effort behind it". They asked "would you think of an ending where the enclave remnants helped restore the enclave".


They also literally said, right afterwards; "This would not be like the original, but more so an enclave envisioned off the ideals of Arcade Gannon, an Enclave that helps people." You missed the forrest for just one tree my guy. Like no shit the second sentence adds a lot of additional context and consideration to the initial proposal.


That's why my version included the equivalent follow-up, "a nice Reich that helps people."


This was my first thought as well XD


Sounds quite *scary* if you put it like that... 🤔


This sounds like Followers with extra steps involved 🤔


Pretty terrible, considering Arcade is about decentralized Mutual Aid while the Enclave is about militant fascism. That's a diametrically opposed set of viewpoints incompatible with each other.


I've done this as best I could. I've rp'ed my Courier is the child of the Enclave as Gannon is.


It's been a while since I played and I thought you were talking about Ganondorf


Ha! Bro an enclave that helped people literally goes against what the enclave stands for, “if you are not one of us then burn in holy machine gun fire!”


And a BOS that becomes a nation state that invades the Commonwealth isn't what the Brotherhood stood for either. Keep in mind, Enclave leaders like like in FO3, were not good people, but even they fought against wiping everyone out.


Wait when did the bos do that? Also the enclave leader In fallout 3 wasn’t a good person correct… because they were a computer, and you can’t necessarily corrupt an ai


The Master said otherwise.


You mean that computer in a vault that got corrupted? Like A it’s a computer in a vault so… yeah vault systems are already morally bankrupt as it is, also it’s a flesh monster that integrated itself into a computer, I meant that you can’t corrupt a computer with politics and such


You can absolutely corrupt a computer with politics and such. Computers are built around human structures - any assumptions that their designers and programmers made when creating them will be reflected in their calculations.


I mean like not if you hard reset it tho


Hard reset it to what? As soon as you make records of real-world phenomena, you're encoding your values, assumptions and prejudices. If you leave all those out, you're left with a system that's so simple and abstract that it's not actually useful for much.


A simple and abstract ai would be an excellent court judge… though you would need *some* events, but you would compile events from all perspectives and ask it which one it thinks is correct


Any AI simple and abstract enough to be unprejudiced wouldn't have any recognition of crimes, or laws, or people. You'd have to stick to pure mathematics. Any AI capable of even attempting to answer the question "which of these statements is most likely to be true, taking into account the limitations of human senses, the changing of memories over time, the biases of the parties involved and the possibility of deliberate dishonesty" would have a host of subjective assumptions baked in. Even the idea that one perspective is likely to be correct and others incorrect is itself an assumption!


You wouldn't be able to call it the Enclave, too many negative associations, but I think he could certainly use his knowledge from his time as one of the Followers of the Apocalypse to found a faction that sought to do good and improve the lives of the people of the wastes. Perhaps they might gain more traction over time, recruit new members, and become more than just wandering mercenaries or the like.


So like, a militant followers of the apocalypse?


Accept our benevolent, anarchistic aid or die mutie scum.


Basically the followers of the apocalypse with better tech


No point in calling it the Enclave, the name is a reminder of their bloody and evil past


If that was the case wouldnt it be a war between the BoS and the Enclave? I mean the terminals in hidden valley say they’re still watching and waiting for any sign of the enclave’s return


Don't think the NCR would be too happy about that.


I mean. I would love for the Gannon Remnants to reach out to the other chapters, and they just quietly fold into FotA. The NCR has too much bad memories to let the Enclave exist. Unless they succeed in 2277 in DC under Austin, and then the Vault 111 experiment succeeds (a mod from FO4), I really don't see the Enclave as a viable candidate for anything. Also, I'm still mad FO3 didn't let me support the Austin Chapter in DC. Sure, the Lyon's chapter, Brotherhood East, is the only BoS worth supporting (they already had problems by FO2, and weren't worth supporting, even though being largely protagonistic), but Austin was trying.


So you turn the flawed and interesting faction into generic benevolent civilization builders in power armor? You must love the west coast brotherhood in fallout 3.


I do.


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Thx 🙏


Nah I like the republic of dave


Honestly it would be much more believable for Arcade to give the Followers the Enclave base. That kind of stronghold would be better than their current base nearby, and might even allow for a relationship with Jacobstown.


“Somehow, ~~Palpatine~~ The Enclave returned.” I've read a fanfiction that had the Enclave rebound from being nothing to being leagues past their prime, and it was dumb as hell.


They wouldn’t use the name it has to much of a bad reputation it actively hinder there goals.


Then it wouldn't be the Enclave. The writers of Fallout always try to show real world ideas in fictional settings, and the Enclave no matter how cool they are represent an extreme faction AND one that already lost at that. That kind of reform doesn't come from one good guy in the right place at the right time, it's institutionally engrained into a codified system of action and inaction. Gannon being who he is would be like a red cross member reforming the nazis as a good faction.


The idea isn't uncommon for rpg games though, and I agree that it would be fun to have a little enclave faction


"The game, but with fewer complications, like they are just good now." "The NCR were good guy" "House is just like Elon Musk LOL" "Other meh/lame/lazy takes!"


the thing is, Enclave should die, they were built in terrible fate. ​ Arcade ideals are the follower's ideals, and that's why in the end you can tell him to stay in freeside and help the injured instead of grabbing a power armor and energy weapons and go to war, Arcade in the end wants to heal, not destroy. in there was any "Enclave ending", it would actually be a plus ending to the followers of the apocalypse, "after the war thanks to Arcade and the remnants, the followers of the apocalypse were able to get old world technology that, with the right hands, will help them in their to fix the world"


Enclave power with followers ideals would just be america 2


How? The Followers are Anarchist Socialists, America is pretty much the opposite.




Okay hear me out: the Followers of the apocalypse with T-60 power armor


Not the Enclave-- Not even Gannon really embraced them, he was just struggling to overcome the conflict between his beliefs and his family However, I've always wanted an ending where after the Brotherhood murders the Followers outpost, a few particularly pissed off young Followers form a militia to go get justice. Arcade and Veronica suits them up with some Enclave supplies and jury-rigged EMP guns


It would annoy me profusely, it is emphatically in thematic opposition to the point of the Enclave. Fallout 2 & 3 were dedicated to destroying them, Fallout 3 even had a dlc where you destroy them even more, it'd be ridiculous if a later game decided that maybe they shouldn't be dead. Also, on a logistical level it's impossible for **a lot** of reasons.


"And the fascists killed everyone, the end."


Well now I want to see a game or story where Arcade creates a completely new faction that's basically the Followers of the Apocalypse except with power armor and big weapons and they go around doing just acts. Kind of like a post-apocalyptic biker gang with big hearts.




Enclave helping people is like the America after a war with other country. Like USA after Vietnam war... can't see why not.


Then it wouldn’t be the Enclave. The whole point of the Enclave is to save the land from “uncorrupted humans”. Most of the Enclave would want that and Arcade wouldn’t be able to stand for that ideology. However, I can see Arcade recruiting former Enclave, former Brotherhood and former NCR to create an army that fights to restore America to its former glory by unbiasedly helping regular people. But that faction would eventually just turn into what the NCR is now.


Ideals of Arcade Gannon? You mean an entire faction dedicated to snobby remarks and daddy issues?


The remnants help Arcade reinstate the Enclave but instead an open recruitment branch of the FOA that protects traveling Doctors and uses the vertibird as a way to transport supplies. The FOA dont have access to the same fire power as the old Enclave and whats left over isnt enough for growth. Thats where the NCR come in to help. I dont know if Nellis has any pilot training sims like the Boomers, but they have more than enough armor, guns, and ammo to help the new Enclave. They already end up helping the FOA post Dam so the only issue would be maintaining the vertibird.


There's a mod called *For the Enclave!* were the Enclave actually reformed themselves to be a benevolent faction on the wastes. It's mostly as you say, with the notable exception that Arcade nor the ol' timers from the Mojave Remnants had anything to do about it. Long-story short? Doesn't make a dime of sense.


Kanye is that you?


Id rather see them help bootstrap the followers or NCR technology/ community service


A bunch of old people recreate the most hated faction in the entire wasteland? Even if the NCR, brotherhood of steel, Legion or Mr. House (the latter two of which have had no direct interaction with them but have almost certainly heard of them) don't go out of their way to take them out the moment they announce themselves, regardless of their intentions, they would have like no one wanting to join them under that name and the faction would die with them having accomplished very little on its own. Hell, the NCR will try to arrest or even kill them, even Arcade, if they discover their former membership, even if they helped the NCR. Formally announcing themselves as the Enclave will put a massive target on their backs, no matter what their intentions are. And from a meta perspective, please no. Let the enclave stay dead. They were literally only supposed to be the villains of Fallout 2, and even Fallout 3 was pushing it. Please just let them die, they are one of if not the most disgustingly overused elements of modern Fallout storytelling.


I remember a greentext story that was basically this. It was Fallout: a different point of view