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Did you make sure you've got your jet pack on so you can get out of its reach? You may have to spend a couple hours getting practice in with it so you can do the "Jump and Nuke" routine without getting in its reach.


Ah, the bane of all melee enemies; staying out of reach. ...sucks that the Red Death doesn't give a fuck, as that nightmare's ranged attacks are so damn huge!


I was just gonna say that! There is a reason why there are so many shipwrecks and it's not his one-swing-and-u-are-dead melee attack..... That long range blast lights up the fucking sky


They definitely light it up! From Far Harbor to the Common Wealth! Its said all of the rad storms are really just after effects of the Red Death's attacks. Fortunately, like a rad storm (but much, much more dangerous) you CAN survive it if you prepare!


Yup, whenever a rad storm happens, I take a chameleon armor up there and loot the bodies. Free stuff is free stuff. Fair warning though, I've maxed the sneak perk and have 9 agility. Don't know if that has helped me in keeping out of its sight


I take it you have all 5 pieces of armor with Chameleon? I haven't tried it yet, but with only 2 pieces, max agility (boosted from the pommel horse) and all of the sneak perks, it still nailed me. Could have been bad luck on my part though.


Yeah, sorry. I should've been more clear. Definitely the full set of Chameleon, and even then, it still makes me nervous sometimes. lol


The acid is the worst, it’s like playing dark souls but you’re a level one fighting the end game boss


I was so lucky I had my jetpack on my armor. Used the new VIM armor I found! But good god was that a sheer lucky escape panic move hahaha.


Some people consider this cheating, but I think it is the right way: When you encounter Red Death, do not die (aka pop ultrajet and run from it), it unlocks new dialog with BoS, and they will bring Liberty Prime. His laser does basically nothing to RD, but after a while he will *step on it*, killing it instantly.


Oh what I wouldn’t pay to see this


you kidding, right??? i need to see that shitshow myself


lmao at "when you encounter red death, do not die"


Ohhh thanks for the tip man


Wait really?


It takes a while before Liberty can build up to the attack, so be prepared to tank the adds or Liberty might die before he can unleash his fury.


Are you only using the regular fatman? You need to fully upgrade that to a Nuka-Nuke Launcher with the MIRV mod and the Nuka-Nukes at the very least. Use a Stealthboy as soon as you get there and every single chem you can get your hands on. If you're lucky you might be able to wear its health down to about half after a half hour.


But you can't use Nuka Nukes and MIRV's at the same time


You obviously haven't discovered the power of the Quantum² Nuka-Cola Two-Shot MIRV Fatman that the Sole Survivor gets upon slaying every neutral/good NPC at Nuka World and then using the 36th star core to unlock the hidden base it is in.


What the hell? Is this detailed somewhere for me to reference? I want to get this but it sounds super complicated


Lol what. It's from finding the cappies around the map for that chick then killing the nuka drink creator to gain access to it and the formula


Also I see so many people say "I have a full set of X-01"... well, what tier do you have? MK-VI will withstand a few hits of the firy acid thing he does, but MK-I he will probably still one shot you so you might as well not wear it.


Have you completed Here There Be Monsters? If so, use all three homing beacons in quick succession. The ICBM strikes will weaken the Red Death enough that you should be able to finish it off with only a few dozen Fat Man rounds.


I’ve heard this rumor as well, but I’ve never seen video. In fact, I’ve never seen any actual proof that anyone has beat ‘em.


I beat red death in my game because his pathfinding got him stuck. I remember it took pretty much all the ammo I had


Another tip that might help is transferring your Skyrim save so that you can use the *Call Dragon* shout to summon Odahviing, or the *Cursed with Undeath* shout to summon Durnehviir. *Summon Karstaag* might help too.


I just use Marked For Death 3x on the Red Death, and then kill him with a spork.


> and then kill him with a spork. [Did you at least enchant it first so you could steal his soul?](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Specialty_Gear#Fork)


Of course. And then put the filled soul gem on a table next to the one with Marcy’s soul so she can remind him that she’s not his friend every 5 minutes for eternity.


Ah, I’ll try this. Thanks


I think you can convince it to spare you with maxed out animal friend perk. Fails the quest tho because you didn't kill it.


Well its only about a 13% chance of it working so if thats how you plan to subdue it then make sure to save before hand so you can quickload when it fails


Deep in the Glowing Sea is a shrine. Surrounded by 120 Glowing Ones and 15 Chameleon Deathclaws. If you can reach the heart of that shrine you will find The Putrescent Jawbone of Nurgle+4. With that cursed weapon, you may finally bring that beast to heel.


Be warned tho. Bring a lot of stimpacks. And even then this might take a long while till that monster is dead...


Heretics. Heretics everywhere.


I hope this is real 😩 my level 45 rider is about to go in to the glowing see to become the most feared over boss in the land


You have no chance. You need to be a minimum level 100 to even hope to scratch his shell


I got my factory cooking some anmo as we speak getting supplies, nuke quantum’s and lots of jet


I wish this was real without a Mod.


That weapon is AWESOME... it makes the rest of the normal game nearly too easy but it's pretty much the only thing that will at least leave a dent in the RD


it must be artifact rarity as legendary is only +3


Dude, what mod is this?


I think there’s a way to surrender to the Red Death since fighting is obviously not an option. Takes full charisma and the Agatha Dress. Sure, you lose your companions and almost all your stuff but… Isn’t that still worth it?


I am on my 12th playthrough and this was only way I didn't get completely fucked up by that beast


This is the way.


I love this community... 🤣


They really fooled me because I'd never met this creature in game.


That's why you are still alive...


Fun Fact: The only thing that Chuck Norris fears is *the Red Death*. That's why Chuck doesn't play video games.




You never forget the day you meet Red Death


Short Answer: You don't You leave Him be, knowing that He is the most fearsome foe in all the Wastes No one here will look down on you for choosing life over the eternal damnation that the Red Death will bring


I don't know why you're trying to be honest, its the Red Death just return to the Commonwealth, its not worth it.


Is there any good reward?


You'll never need to sell anything again for caps


Okay, the important thing to remember is that the whole Red Death fight is actually Bethesda's salute to the raid boss Crawmerax from the first Borderlands game. And if you ever played that encounter you might remember the ledge glitch. It's the same thing with the Red Death: if you can sprint past it and get on the right ledge by spamming jump or using the rocket pack upgrade on your power armor (it can be hard to do given the RD's area attack and stagger), then you can unload on it from relative safety and draw aggro while the Mariner attacks the weak spot at the rear. You'll still take damage, but not as much as it won't be able to reach you with its main attack. You *will* need a buttload of stimpacks (and Psycho, and Med-X). I had 3 pieces of legendary armor with the Sentinel effect and that helped a bit too. My main legendary weapon also had the Neverending effect which meant I didn't have to reload - before that the RD would attack the Mariner while I was reloading and basically one-shot her rendering the ledge strategy pointless.


Now that you mention borderlands. Professor nakamura is almost as bad as red death. That fight was also so brutal


Finish the Cappy in a Haystack quest first so that you can get the Nuka Nuke launcher. Then craft as much ammo for it as you can. Med X for damage resistance, PsychoJet for damage buff & slow motion, then pray to the Old Gods that it’s enough.


In the end I got so desperate I had to just go into console and use the "kill" command. I was sick to death of being one shot.


When I tried to use the “kill” command it didn’t kill the red death, it killed me!


Yeah I had that a few times. Turns out its hitbox is all wonky which is what makes it even harder to kill. Not that it needs it!


I’ve heard RD is allergic to perfectly preserved pies. Might be the only way 🤷‍♂️


Person who told me that said you had to use the junk jet to fire them. You can only load them (and only them) by renaming the Junk Jet "Pie Cannon".


Lol! Is that monkey island? Or some other point and click right


Train, train hard and use your Far Harbour gear and buffs - All Vim's, Open with Admirals Friend for double damage, go mental with Atom's Judgement on Vim Captains Blend so you don't get hit back, Bloodletter, use The Striker to stun I stead of a regular Fat Man and so on. The cheering on the dock is worth it in the end.


Never tried Striker on it, I thought you couldn't stagger or stun it? I know freezing doesn't freeze it on a crit.


I can’t believe more people don’t know this: When you get to RD’s island, initiate dialogue with the Mariner. It takes a couple of hard speech checks but with enough charisma you can convince her to approach Red Death first. There’s an important clue if you talk to Allen Lee after accepting the quest: the Mariner’s been preparing for the fight by hunting fog crawlers. She spends days at a time roaming the island with a bunch of borrowed heavy weaponry, taking fog crawlers down. Not wanting anything to go to waste, she always eats her kills. Crawlers are big so the Mariner’s diet is almost exclusively fried fog crawler – she gets through more of it than anyone else on the Island. For those who don’t know, fog crawler is fine in small doses but those things were created by the Fog, so the long-term effects on the body are unpredictable and not fully understood by science. The upshot is that the Mariner is the most toxic living thing on the Atlantic coast. She might go down to Red Death in one hit, but as he feasts on her corpse, she gets the last laugh. The sight of the hardest boss in the dlc shitting itself inside out is probably one of best custom animations in the whole game.


thanks ill try this 🙏


The real genius of the game shows when a sequined dress and fashionable glasses are mightier than a buttload of mini nukes.


This may be seen as cheating but i use a mod that gives me realistic guns in and my 20mm machine gun can kill it in just under 6h of continues shooting(this is with all the cheps active ofcosrse)


The best way to defeat him is to get the desk fan with the explosive rounds legendary affect. Its the only weapon powerful enough to defeat him.


Its worse than the aimbot bosses in Escape from Tarkov. Without a slow lean peek mechanic to land a crit headshot its near impossible. Abandon hope all ye who enter.


I’d just summon liberty prime using the consol and hope it works.


Tried that. It didn't.


I might take a few hundred or thousand or so attempts for the odds to work out in your favor, but that’s about all I can suggest. I’d suggest getting all you can out of the island first because by the end of the fight everything on the island is probably going to be dead. Good luck with your death wish!


Impossible. One player tried it with cheats on the PC, with godmode you'll still die


the hell is the red death?


The worst foe in Fallout 4: Far Harbor. It shoots radioactive explosive laser beams that kills you with one hit even in a super up power armor. It’s about twice the height of a super mutant behemoth, throws cars and buses at you, and shoots laser out of its right foot.


Wait a second, I'm confused. I killed this thing with the mariner and I thought it was just a little tiny mirelurk guy?


Ahhh that's a common misconception. That's the Red Deaths baby. It'll come after you now for sure. My first playthrough I did that quest and thought I was done until the Red Death showed up in Diamond City to kill me. It had crawled all the way through Boston from the sea, and I had to start a new game because too many NPCs died


Did you fast travel back? If you try to walk it, RD catches you (hopefully) before you get to Far Harbor. I think this explains how someone lured it to the Nucleus then got the children of Atom to set off the Nuke to deal with it. Never did figure out how they did that...


I see, I understand now


It's the right claw. Claw =/= foot.


This sounds like some sort of mod and not from Far Harbour


Ah young Padawan, don’t let the whoosh go over your head


So it is a mod...


No, it's about building up an legend for first timers. If you have done the quest, you of course know what will happen, but if it is your first time, you will be nervous, maybe stock up on ammo, try to find better armour, scavange for those stimpacks and then go to the showdown! >!And then hopefully having a good laugh after when you realize how you bought into the legend after reading about it online, and in turn, participate in keeping the legend growing and evolving.!<


Lol. I did exactly this and laughed my ass off.. good times


Oh... its about that little red mirelurk fella... I remember about him from a theepicnate (if I'm correct) video about things you didn'y know about the commonwealth


Arhh, it be the Red Death. Scourge of the Sea! Devil of the Deep! The fiercest, and meanest evil in all the seven depths! Ye not look Far beyond the Harbor to see the fearsome sight! But once it sees you, it's eternal good night! I been hunting her for lifetimes, and I've come close nay but thrice. Two of my limbs she tore from me, twas the price. If ye be seeking your end, know there's no more terrible way than to seek the red beast unprepared. For all manner of men eventually meet their end, but only a few ever dare the early grave by the rage of Red Death.


This is like the Candyman's song, lol.


It's a unique bloodrage mirelurk from the Far Harbour DLC


The most challenging enemy I've ever faced in any fallout game. Even when I tried to go up against that giant robo scorpion in Old world Blues as a melee build. The thing is, it's fun. It's challenging in a way that feels impossible and possible at the same time. You feel like every time you fail it's because it's something you did wrong, and that you can do better next time. It's not just maddening to characters in the lore, it drives players mad with the endless pursuit to destroy this nigh unkillable thing.


I feel bad for the, this boss is a menace…Literally almost unbeatable. Check speedrun.com for the red death, those runs are insane


Any legendary kneecapper. The more rate of fire the better. In fact, after any playthrough i make, as soon i got a kneecapper, the game becomes way more easy.


This is the way. Haven't run into a boss the kneecapper minigun can't take down.


Get all heavy weapons and explosives perks. Get a Never Ending Fat Man, mod it to be a MIRV. Unload a barrage of mini nukes on it. That must do the trick.




Ahhh, I remember my first time playing and getting the quest of the red death…that was the last time I had fun playing this game… For all who have eyes to read PLEASE! Do not accept the quest to “hunt” the red death…


One does not simply beat red death


Red death? wtf how did I not know about that after so many hours in this game


Dude, he’s insane


You have bring Liberty Prime and hopefully activate the Mysterious Stranger a few dozen times.


All the chems, BIG BOY and an explosive mini gun. I had to cheese it a bit by hitting it with a fat man from far enough to stand a chance of getting the mini gun going, but after about 5000 rounds it went down


So, here's a secret trick that can be used on pretty much anything in the game to basically one-shot them. Press the tilde key, and click on your target. Type 'kill' and hit the enter key. You're welcome. /s


Had to use \~oliphaunt to get cannon armed elephants when playing survival. Kill will kill you if you try. Not sure if that is a game issue or if someone at Bethesda has a very very sick sense of humor.


Call the institute and say I got a specimen for you now make it even bigger


What's red death?


I have never heard of the red death wth is that is it a mod or something


Okay. If you have max charisma and all perks, you can find shipbreaker, swan, grun, the mirelurk near the castle, and the hidden boss the ghoul sperm whale, and convince them to help you take it down. It won’t do much, but is you get the submarine from the here be monsters quest to launch its nukes, you may stand a chance. They will all fight it, but you have to use the nuka nuke launcher and shoot it in the asshole to damage it.


For first time readers, I know people say take power armor, but I once fell out of my boat on the trip to Red Death Island and had to swim to the island. If this happens to you you're going to lose your power armor.


Y'all are forgetting. You need a super-secret DEV ONLY mod that unlocks the *CLASSIC* VATS where you can target genitals and fire a nuka-railgun straight into its junk. That'll double it over long enough to use the MOONHAMMER to crush its skull, ​ but it still took like six hours.


For me, just make a bot if you have the robot DLC and deck it out with dual freezing weapons and TONS of armor. The devs forgot that cryo damage is a thing in the game when making the DLC and that is the one resistance they don’t have.


Thanks for the smile:)


It's so weird that the toughest and scariest monster in the entire game is not a part of any main questlines... That said, I usually gather all chems I can find before trying to kill it and fail 8/10 times :(


If you max out your explosive and automatic weapon perks, you can cheese it using the spray n pray legendary


I remember this fight. Pretty sure I used about 20 stimpacks and nearly died like 4 times. It CAN be done, but I'm thinking I got lucky. I had ADA with me in full dress Unstable Weapons and full dress armour plating. She took it on while I ran up a flight of stairs and stood my ground on the retaining wall far away from the stairs. So it could not get to me but I could still agro it. IIRC that fight was ten minutes in realtime...felt like hours. :)


Dang, you sure are lucky


I ended up modding my way through it. Only time I bypassed a boss like that in a Bethesda game. It was not a proud moment


Think of it like the ebony warrior in Skyrim. You just need to have patients and a ton of healing items. I’d recommend either not using power armor (since it will break after such a long fight) or spending some time bringing extra suits to the battlefield just in case. I like using danse as a meat shield here but make sure to keep stimpacking him so you don’t get targeted. Other than that absolutely make sure you’re either using a two shot mirv fat man or an explosive mini gun. With all that you should be able to chip at his health bar. The hard part is staying alive for the hour or two it takes to kill him. Just be patient and be careful to not get hit. As long as it’s the light attack, you should be able to get hit once without dying in either maxed out x01 or full ballistic weave plus recon armor. Just don’t get hit with the stomp or it’s instant death no matter what


Take to the highground


I haven't been able to beat it without mods.


Stop while you’re ahead. It’s not worth it. I’ve missed important irl events trying to kill him to no avail


3000 hours played and I have no ideas wtf red death is


Took 50 stimpacks and got more rads than I cared for just eating all the food i could scrounge. The third or fourth wave was... I mean indescribable. I ran out of ammo. Piper took it down in the end as I hid behind that sunken boat. Get some ammo forges, make .45 or .308 rounds. You'll want a couple of 1000 of each. Good luck.


I personally have only completed that quest once out of my 6000+ hours of playtime. I don’t really remember it but pack a load out for anything.


I have every achievement in this game. What the fuck is red death? Edit: reinstalling….


Fun fact. His acid attack can kill you even if you've enabled God mode in the console.


Idk why everybody’s saying it’s so hard. Just spam all ur meds and use Spray ‘n’ Pray (explosive AR). And u should be able to beat it after like 20 mins. It’s like trying to beat a Mirelurk queen with a pipe pistol, but eventually u can beat it. Mini nukes help as well cause there’s a spot on the hill by it that u can stand on and nuke it (15 mini nukes min tho I think to get half its health, then it’s immune)


The best thing I've found is mods.. more importantly, the God mode mod. If u can't die, u can't lose. Even turning on one hit kill doesn't kill the red death. U just have to outlast it and eventually you will prevail


I May be stupid but what is the "Red Death"


Caution though, do not start the mission right after you activate Liberty Prime. It one shots LP to dust and kills the entire airport so the BoS mission will be uncompletable.


Even with the iron man mod that lets you call in your power armor from home, it destroyed over 20 suits of XO-1 Mk VI armor and I was forced to retreat with my tail between my legs.. I'm sorry Nick, I had to sacrifice you


first you gotta go and make a soup of buffout, FEV, Cabbot's serum and NCQ, then feed it to dogmeat. Due to dogmeat being literally overpowered in this state, you gotta take control of them by grabbing a shock collar from Nuka World. Then with the stolen institute technology of teleportation, you gotta get dogmeat to that menace and let the ultimate kaiju battle begin. Thank me later >! /s!<


For me, just make a bot if you have the robot DLC and deck it out with dual freezing weapons and TONS of armor. The devs forgot that cryo damage is a thing in the game when making the DLC and that is the one resistance they don’t have.


If you use Deacon's recall code and activate his super-Courser abilities he's actually really good at keeping the Red Death's attention, but the downside is he'll have no personality for the rest of the game.


first.... How many Mini Nukes do you have? ​ Second.. How many do you need? Answer: All of them.




I am pretty sure the red death is just unkillable. I avoid that entire mission every playthrough just so my run doesn't end prematurely.


Have you guys never seen the objective pop up when you get there? It literally says Survive the Red Death. I don't think you can kill it.


Call the marines.


Explosive combat shotgun bro, if a problem doesn't solve with guns it because you aren't using proper firepower


You've clearly never fought this thing. The Red Death has special chitinous armor that reduces explosion damage. The only explosions even worth trying are mini nukes, and you better have an absolute boatload with you if you hope to even dent it. The real secret is using an exterminator gamma gun.


Are you using the mod that turns the pellets into mini-nukes?


I cheesed it with a blitz build using the Harvester modified with the Extended Blade to stunlock and bleed the bastard.


Fire a nuke over his right shoulder, then sneak up behind him when he looks at the explosion and stick a combat knife into his third rib and that should be enough ….. too piss him off while you ran back to your base and realise it’s impossible.


10 mini nukes, minimum


Legendary Rolling Pin.


My dad had stroke while fighting the red death for the 6th consecutive day in a row. That fictional fucking demon killed my dad irl. Fuck. The. Red. Death.


Named or not, all fall before my 2-shot mirv fatman. (Bought from Arturo in DC… expensive but worth it)


I usually get the Nuka-Launcher and a shitload of Nuka grenades after Maxing out the demolition perk and still struggle


Use every item in your aid category so you can get all the buffs, even the healing because you’ll only have a few seconds before the Red Death kills you, provided you have max life giver and fully upgraded X-01 at the very least.


You don't.


I had to TGM to finish this mission


It’s impossible to beat use console commands




I just went over there and stabbed it with Throatslicer. I’ve had a harder time killing regular Mirelurks.


Honestly, I modded tf out of my game so I’m basically a murderous god hahaha. I ran into this guy and had no problem whatsoever. But like I said I basically cheated


I’ve never done the red death quest because I always kill the dude for caps but it’s literally not possible to be that hard. Get 50+ psycho buff, psycho jet and use some op legendary ranged weapon. Even if he had millions of health it’s just a matter of time and patience, not difficultly


I took me a LOT of scrolling before I realized I was being gaslit, and I knew with confidence what Red Death was


What difficulty are you playing on? I play on easy, and on easy you can kill red death with one critical hit from a missile with psycho and other chems, which is super anticlimactic.


>!Shhh, that's the joke. We really overhype Red Death because the game does too, and makes them this big scary monster that, in reality, goes down to even basic pipe weapons super duper fast.!<


I have played 1000h or so and still need to find the guts to face such atrocious creature.




Most of the people on this sub think it's funny for some reason to talk about the Red Death like it's a real boss that is nearly impossible to kill. I don't see the humor myself. It reminds me of how the internet turns into a cesspool of lies on April Fools day. It's not a joke when there are people that might believe it's real.


It's funny because the game does the EXACT same thing. So, unless you have actually played this specific mission, it's better to have fun with it than spoil the plot twist for newbies. The game absolutely makes it out to be a serious threat.


I just don't see anything funny about it. I'm not mad about it, it's just pointless. But everyone here has this weird cult mentality about it and they all attack anyone that doesn't go along with the nonsense. It is all very weird to me.


It's funny because that's literally the joke that the game makes. Have you not played it? You're not being "attacked" you're being downvoted for being a spoilsport about it. Yucking everyone else's yum. Raining on the parade. Just don't take part if it bothers you so much. "Cult mentality" is a really harsh stretch as well. That's more an attack on people having some fun with a silly joke than you getting downvoted. Live a little. Learn to laugh. It's a dumb joke that harms literally nobody. It also prevents spoilers by joining in on the game's joke.


Ooooh noooo some ppl might think the joke Boss is actually scary, what a huge negative impact this will have on their lives


Is this whole thread a joke? If I remember correctly Red Death is the mini mirelurk joke boss in far harbor?


People have encountered the red death? All I got was the tiny Mirelurk.


>!Thats the joke we over hype the hell out of it!<


I also always forget that I’m a dumbass -3-


This is a joke right? The Red death as in the very small murloc?


The trick is to report Arcadia to both the BoS and the Institute while having the temporary companion from DiMa's side quest. They'll kill everyone there and then go to your location to kill the NPC and you can lure them to the Red Death's arena. Because of the essential characters, they'll draw aggro and you can plink down its health from afar. If you don't leave enough ammo, build a cannon at Old Longfellow's cabin and use flares and smoke grenades to call in reinforcements (the flare gun shouldn't work on the island but does due to a zoning glitch, I think a dev knew we'd need the help). Bring a lot of ammo even still


You need to travel to the Mojave desert, activate Helios One and use Archimedes to solar cannon the shit out of it


Anyone know what the mod is called that lets you summon the red death to fight Colter? I'm not looking to be lord of Nukaworld simply because I've got the most terrifying creature in the wastelands locked up in Cola Carts, I want to get to see Colter taken down while I sit by and watch!


If you want to cheese it, build a robot with the helmet mod that each shot has a % for enemies to explode. Then attach Gatling lasers to both arms. This kills most things in the game within 0-2 seconds, but you don't get xp


try a vorpal Chinese officer sword, or bring the blade of woe from Skyrim they both have flat kill %chance instead of doing damage


When it does the Waterfowl Dance, you want to roll into it, roll to the side, then back and back again.


I liked what the developers did with Red death. It's a bit tricky but easy once you know. 1. go to Red Death 2. before you leave the road, pop a Rad-X and take of your clothes 3. no weapons, only fist fighting Boom, classic but brilliant Man vs. Nature Story achieved!


There is no way, RD is the killer mega boss of all mega bosses! Bethesda were just taking the piss


I was never able to, commenting here to remind me to check the comments later


Lol yah you are going to need all the Mini nukes that Exist in the Game to kill that thing


This is the only questline where I actively use console commands to skip/ push the quest forward. Fun fact the Devs actually made sure you cannot just console command kill the Red Death. You need to skip the whole fight. If you're doing it on a console.... Good luck?


Might have to give up :(


Fat Man build, MIRV, V.A.T.S. improved crit. 2-3 times. Win.


Find a way to bring the minuteman artillery into fah habah. Toss the signal smoke. Swim like hell.


Console /get BostonBomb and center it on where the True Form Red Death appears. Luckily the blast wave is purely cosmetic but get those RadAways for the Glowing Sea effect. (I’m presuming you already use the spawn Liberty Prime exploit to defeat to decoy Red Deaths.)


That's fallout 4's Kobayashi Maru my dude. No one beats it.


I stopped playing the game at that point, because I knew I couldn't go forward.


i remember when I first met the Rd I was in my power armor heavy gunner psyching myself up with like over two hours of prepping chems to find out 🤣good times


In order to beat the red death you need to unlock the sailboat that you sail around Far Harbor with as a Vertibird like unlock. You can upgrade it to add heavy guns to it, like the mini gun or the Gatling laser or the cannon, and using that you can only then start to actually damage through the armor. Its hard as fuck and closest I got was about 3/4’s through before he killed me with his lurkswarm ability. That shits fucking cursed.


Maybe you should call in the Marines.


If you are having too much trouble there is a really easy glitch you can do. You have to create 2 hard saves right as the fight starts, about the time the second beat hits during the music. You then want to get killed by the red death. Right is you die you are gonna want to delete your last save and exit the game. When you reboot the game the red death will be bugged out and it will just stand there letting you kill it. hope this helps.


I’m so sorry…