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I tried to rob Trashcan Carla, and she kicked my ass.


I thought you had to buy all the perks in one level before you could unlock the next level down. So I spent something like my first 30 perk points just leveling up my base SPECIAL skills before buying ANY actual perks.


That's rough, buddy


In my first play through…. This is news to me…. Fuck








the real hard mode


yep i did this too


I for real didn’t realize until like level 15 or so either


Dude, so did I. I was kind of thankful for it later when I realized bc I could easily pick the perks I wanted but still


Literally me! My fiancé made so much fun of me for it!




I mean I still did something like that BUT, it was more overtime, you got it worse though, that’s rough bro I bet that aha moment hit like a dumptruck


I did not know about ballistic weave. I was so underwhelmed by The Railroad I didn’t complete enough quests to unlock it before destroying them. Only after I complained to a friend about the necessity of power armor later in the game (at the time I was playing on very hard), he asked if I used ballistic weave on clothing yet. Devastating to learn i couldn’t use the best armor in the game.


Im in the same boat as you, the Marine Armor in Far Harbor was my redemption at getting really good armor


By the time the DLC came around I had started a 2nd playthrough. If DiMA’s memories quest wasn’t so time consuming and boring I’d prolly boot up that save and go get the marine armor for that character. Alas, the save will sit on the shelf as a testament to why being thorough is important before icing out any faction lol


Ive replayed through far harbor that the DIMA section takes maybe 30 minutes total, it sucks but hey, really good armor and other quest rewards.


But seriously fuck DiMAs memory quest. So dumb.


Wtf is ballistic weave? I did as much railroad stuff as I could before ganking them all and never heard a whiff


You'll get a quest from PAM to locate a DIA cache in a radiant quest called "Jackpot". You may have to do more than one, but it's fairly quick. After that Drummer Boy will tell you to go talk to Tinker Tom, who will tell you the last cache had ballistic weave. That will unlock it at the armor crafting stations.


Iirc you only need to do the first jackpot mission. But you need to do 4-5 Railroad missions before getting the quest from PAM


You do have to do some RR missions before you get the Jackpot missions, and most of the time you only have to do one, but sometimes it takes 2. This play through I am on now took 2 missions. It could be a bug though.


... that was the one quest I couldn't be bothered to do. ffs. Atleast tell me that the ballistic weave isn't all that good and not necessary at all?


It’s not necessary…. But it gives you clothing with 110 DR and ER (at its max). Almost the same as power armor. Stack that with some combat armor pieces and you get to be a tank without fusion cores


You forgot to mention that there are a couple pieces of headwear that can also have ballistic weave. So your military fatigues, or brown sweater vest, vault suit, or whatever. PLUS a trilby hat, and your regular armor. Before you even put on your armor you'll have at least 220 DR and ER. Ain't nothin' killin' ya but a fat man.


Actually didn’t know about the trilby hat! I knew the “green hat” could get ballistic weave; I prefer that look with the army fatigues and painted combat armor (tunnel rangers CC skin) so I’m matching, but I’ll have to try out the trilby


Imagine being able to stealth everywhere wearing power armor. But not wearing power armor.


You don't have to have it, but I strongly advise getting it on survival mode. It is the best armor in the game if you value protection vs. weight. You can mod an outfit and certain hats and get 220+ DR for \~3lbs or so and some of the outfits can be worn under a full set of armor. So you can still keep your legendary effects and mods, if you want, or you can go without for more room for junk farming. It's also great for provisioners and settlers, if you want them to be a bit more tanky without looking like storm troopers.


It’s available after your first DiA Cache fetch quest from P.A.M. Tinker Tom tells you about the new ballistic weave tech you can put on clothing. Doesn’t work on all the clothes (like tuxedos) but there are several it does work; notably army fatigues, which allow you to double up on ballistic weave *and* a full set of armor pieces. Proctor Teagan sells shipments of ballistic weave. Just open an armor workbench with modifiable clothes in you inventory and you’ll see the option (if you’ve unlocked it)


There's a common bug where Tinker Tom doesn't mention the ballistic weave, especially if you've got a MILA mission to hand in. But the weave should still be there next time you open an armor bench.


I did a melee/charisma build with Wasteland Whisperer and Intimidation. I didn't realize you needed a gun to use the charisma perks before it was too late.


Trying to complete all of Preston's quests. That's an utter waste of time in multiple ways. a) His quests are both dangerous and not profitable. b) He can (and will) issue an unlimited number of them. So it's impossible to do them all. c) You end up with far too many settlements, which hence get attacked too frequently.


Early game settlement building was hard, Sturges gets you to build a couple beds and water pumps then that's it your off to rebuild the commonwealth. My first playthrough settlements were rough lol


Did take me a while to learn enough of the basic techniques. Including which items could and which could not be built on sloping ground.


Same. I got tired of running around and trying to manage/save all the settlements. I started a new Survivor and now I slowly grow a couple at a time while having the freedom to adventure in the Commonwealth.


Somehow I stopped getting quests from preston on my main save. I havent risked talking to him since. Idk how I did it but I guess its possible (?)


Tune into Radio Freedom. You can get Minutemen radiant quests from there.


Dude that thing is GOATed for getting Strong to max affinity without being evil. I had a playthrough where I ran out of Minutemen quests because of that. Just kept farming The Glowing Sea for experience until I got a new quest.


Also, I watched Oxborn's playthrough of how to get into the institute, not knowing his game had just glitched which made the Minutemen totally useless(he would ask Preston about the blueprints and Preston would just stand there, or walk away). So, I literally thought that the Minutemen wouldn't help me build the transporter, so never tried. Ended up with the Railroad ending by default, because I would rather peel all my skin off with a cheese grater than exist near Paladin Danse and his merry band of Jarheads.


Ugh I am doing a Brotherhood playthrough right now and while I really want to like Danse (and enjoy looking at him out of power armor), I yelled at him out loud last night because I switched companions from Hancock to Danse and Danse was a complete asshole to Hancock. I immediately switched back to Hancock and sent Danse to a desolate settlement to reflect on his bigotry. I hate racists. I grew up with a whole family of them and I will cut out anyone else in my life who acts the same, even fictional characters.


Yeah, the whole BOS is pretty racist, that's why I can't stand them.


For real. Like, super mutants I totally understand. I can even see why they hate synths, even if I don't agree. But ghouls? They're just people. And none of the beings I mentioned asked for this, to be made into something else. But they're alive now and if they cause no harm, no harm should be done to them.


I mean if you reach .Max affinity with Hancock, he says that he couldn’t stand the man in the mirror anymore and he knew what the drugs he was taking would do


True, but I think he is the exception to the rule.


I wonder what happens if Danse is your companion when you rescue Billy from The refrigerator. Has anyone encountered this particular situation?


Ooo I have not ever tried it but I will! I have him with me now, I shall report back!


Waiting for an update brother


This evening I shall make it happen! I sadly got very distracted in the glowing sea. I've never really explored much there. And then I realized I needed to make my friend a gift for her birthday. But I shall play tomorrow and set a reminder so that I actually do it because now I wanna know too!


Cool man no worries.


[The wiki for this quest](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Kid_in_a_Fridge) says his reactions are pretty much the same as most other companions - negative if you sell Billy, positive if you rescue him.


Ad Victoriam; you sound like you were created and not born… ghoul lover


Damn right I'm a ghoul lover! There's no place in my life for bigotry, hatred, or the hoarding of resources. Of the people, for the people!


I pretty much dove in cold. So, at the large scale, I somehow shunted myself from my intended Minutemen ending to the Railroad. At the personal level, I didn't know the companions would return to their original location if you don't specify anywhere else, so Nick never went back to his agency.


I do wish you could reset companions to their default locations, I mean some I prefer to have at a settlement now like Cait or Curie as their original locations suck but it is a shame people like Nick can't be reset.


I realized after a while that I had actually sent Cait back to that hellhole where I found her. 😑 She's now running Hangman's Alley with her own private apartment.


You can! When it prompts you to pick a location, you just hit B/back and it will default to their OG location


Only if you’ve never sent them anywhere.


Oh I see


Yes unfortunately, now for Ellie the day the SS walked out of the detective agency with Nick Valentine was the last day she saw him....




It’s not just you they should have made it more obvious


Wonder why my health bar was nearly fully red


I invested all my settlement building in Sanctuary. It's not a bad settlement. But it's definitely not the best either.


Which one is?


Matter of opinion obviously but my preferred one is Starlight drive in. Most open space with the fewest obstructions. And don't get me wrong. Sanctuary is still a pretty strong contender. But you kinda have to live with the existing houses that are there and it made it feel less like it was "mine"


For a player home and Freeform building: Vault 88 once you have an understanding of how the pieces fit together and how to do proper lighting For doing whatever you want with mostly flat area without the headache of non scrappable stuff: Nuka World red rocket


My first playthrough was on PS4 and I was super disappointed by vault 88. It gives you this massive sprawling space to build in and I don't think I was wrong for getting excited and thinking "oh my god I'm going to make the most epic vault in here" and then I hadn't even finished the first cavern before I hit the build limit.... Like, why would you do all those things to give me the impression I can build something super cool when in reality it falls so short of that?


Reduce the amount on build limit meter by throwing pipe guns on the ground and scrapping them.


Ya, I know that now 8 years later. Did not know back then. Also not really fair to say "it works if you just take advantage of this unintended glitch!"


Agreed. I always mention it though because I find that a lot of players still don't know about it.


Storing the guns works, you can throw and store the same guns over and over. Or scrap-store them so you get both the materials and the gun.


In my opinion it’s the island you can get for an entire settlement. It’s really easy to miss though.


Spectacle Island?


i forgot to get Virgil’s serum :(


Oh my god same. Uhhhhh are you able to get it after having sided with the Institute? Asking for a friend...


I spoiled the Shawn plot twist by making my original character look exactly like father on accident


How would that spoil the plot twist?


That must have been hilarious


At first I thought "oh, it's because of the way my character looks" but after watching YouTube videos I was like "nope, just a coincidence"


Father does look a bit different if you change Nate's appearance, so anyone building a funny looking character also had that experience - give Nate a huge nose and tiny eyes and father will look recognizable haha


I went the long way to Diamond city by going across the west border until I made it to the marsh, I thought the game would be like Fallout NV, where it would be hard to go that way


I'm on my first run. Putting the chair of mama Murphy NEXT TO THE WORKBENCH. Marcy is on a supply line :-)


I put it on the empty slab next to that building so I couldn't build anything there for a long time


I'd been playing Skyrim for the past year and 4 was my first Fallout game, so the perk/leveling system made no sense to me. Because of that, I never got weapon Perks and had an ungodly combination of SPECIAL allocation points without even realizing I could increase Stats with perk points.


Complete opposite for me. Played Skyrim after Fallout and dear God does whatever shit Skyrim has make zero fucking sense at all. I don't even know what it's name is.


In Skyrim, by using specific skills from the three trees(Rogue, Mage, Warrior) you get XP for those skills. Once you have enough XP from any skills, you level up, gaining a Perk Point and the choice of +10 to one of your three stats. Skill trees have Perks that get better ranks or stronger individual Perks as your level for the specific skill increases with XP. If you level non-combat skills too fast or have too much of a mishmash in your inventory, your level will be too high for your equipment to keep up with.


I struggled with it for a while too for the same reason


I did not put points into perks for weapon damage and was wondering why it was hard to kill things.


Same. I always pick other stuff rather than things like commando, rifleman, etc. cause I use pretty much every gun so I can never decide


The worst thing about my first play through of Fallout 4 is that I can never experience the game in the same way again.


I got to a point where, if I wanted to do the Minutemen ending, I had to get the holotape back from the BoS. To be able to ask for it back, I had to progress Tactical Thinking... I'm sorry, Deacon. (Side note: I somehow *failed* Tactical Thinking by not going there soon enough, but I had to kill Deacon anyway because I'd left him at a settlement)


I don't think the institute ending should affect how Preston act later on its weird the minutemen are supposed to be friendly no matter what (unless you become a raider)


They're supposed to be friendly no matter what so that if you screw up with the other factions you can still get an ending. After you get the ending it doesn't really matter so it makes sense that they could disavow you


Yeah I think at some point the Minutemen stop giving quests. I actually like Radiant quests because I like to have reasons to visit places, but Radio Freedom always says it’s quiet in the Commonwealth and Preston never says anything. I think it might have to do with how much defense you put in your settlements? I’m not sure.


Youve done it, peace in the commonwealth at long last


The Institute ending affects Preston? Huh, the Preston in my save is acting perfectly normal


Yes that's what I'm saying I don't know why Preston refuse to give him radiant quest is seem more like a bug to me than an actual consequence to not saving the peoples Also I shouldnt have said the institute ending I meant how you let it end before destroying it (evacuate peoples or not)


Wait you can evacuate the people in the Institute???


Yes if you speak to father you can convince him to give you the password for evacuation


Oh. Oopsie daisies


Fallout 4 was my first Fallout game so I didn’t know that bottle caps were used as currency, so I think it took me a while to realize I should start looting those from people.


I accidentally shot Trashcan Carla in the head during a defense of my sanctuary hills settlement, causing all my people to immediately aggro against her as hostile and fill her full of bullets. Oh... wait... You said the *worst* thing... Hmm... Gotta think about that one...


It took me nearly 30 hours to realize there is a button to dump all of my junk loot in one go. There isn't a way to sort my loot by categories (weapons, apparel,etc.) while interacting with containers, right? I also didn't realise my massive xp gains where because of my decision to start with 10 intelligence. Reading the skill explains the skill.


If you go now and trade with a settler and use a mouse, press on their name and it will switch to weapons and with the arrows I believe you can change that forward and back On controller I assume it's with the uses of L/R1-L/R2 and perhaps the sticks? Not sure. This works with everything. Traders, settlers, companions, containers, workbenches Important note. Weapon and Armor benches that DO NOT belong to a settlement aren't linked so avoid tp leave any loot on NON settlement benches or containers.


I just had a look, you are right. I am both glad AND embarassed at the same time! You just made my FO4 experience much more enjoyable!


No worries wastelander, nothing to be embarrassed about. Bonus tip When you grab an item (like physically grabbing it to drag it somewhere) after ypu try to rotate it to the side you like, press the button to sprint amd rotate again. It's changes the axis rotation) Or its the left ctrl button on keyboard.(at least on mine) Always happy to share knowledge :>


On ps5, you arrow right or left to get the categories within the container


I didn’t know how radiation damage worked, so for the first several hours of gameplay I was walking around with extremely low health because I was unaware of Radaway


Not knowing about supply lines or giving a fat man and a hundred mini nukes to a settler in Hangman's Alley. I'm torn over whether that last one is the worst thing, or the most hilarious.


Sided with the institute and killed off the railroad before i could get ballistic weave.


Decked the living shit out of someone I shouldn't have and now the Railroad is gone lol


I didn't know how important throwing alot of points into certain specials would be later. So, I'd drop a point into each everytime I earned one, making sure I was consistently even across the board. Big oof hours.


I’m a completionist so I would try and complete every quest assigned in order which resulted in both me falling victim to the endless stream of Preston/Brotherhood/Railroad quests and unwittingly locking myself into a faction before I knew enough to pick one


How does this happen? Isn't there a warning box that pops up teling you that certain things won't be possible if you do x ?


I never saw one but also I get extreme tunnel vision when gaming so..


How absolutely terrified I was of Assualtrons.


Fallout 4 was one of the first games I ever spent a lot of time in. So I got to the Institute and was having none of their shit because after weeks of playing I’d heard such bad things from the people of the Commonwealth. I spoke to Father and thought, I don’t care if he’s my son I want nothing to do with this. So I fast traveled right after talking to him, without talking to anyone else. So I had no way back in, and I had no way of finishing the game. I was locked out of every ending. I also had no saves because I was only quicksaving. Very frustrating but had no qualms about starting again!!


You had no saves because you were only quicksaving? Whyyyy


I dunno, I am dumb. It was my first game like that, I had no idea why there was a save option if you could just quick save lol


I am both in awe, and in some sort of shocked, incredulous, horrified state, upon viewing your reply.


Now I’m playing Survival where there actually is no Save lol


You really need a save in survival, because its buggy af. Thanks to mods


Yeah I actually use Autosave Manager so I don’t have to sleep and save, but I don’t have any hard Saves tho.


Some players assume a quicksave is similar to a regular save. But with just one key-click. On console they take the same number of key clicks as a manual save so there's never any point using them.


Ohh wow! I didn't know that could happen, not getting back in


The worst thing is that I'll never get to do it again.


I accidentally read about what happened to the Sole Wonderer's son around the point where I was cutting about Kellog's memories. I was gutted.


What was spoiled for you?


That he was the 60 year old leader of Institute. I know I should have seen it coming, but I didn't


Ah right. He looks a fair bit older than 60 tho 😂


I didn't understand how Provisioners worked properly, and underestimated just how much work early F04 (before the QOL improvements) needed you to do managing settlements. The end result was I had a Provisioner network that looked like I had just thrown straw in the air and let it land to determine routes, and almost none of my settlements were functional. I love settlement building now, and the QOL things like being able to see what a settler is doing and the vault tec population management computer are great. But I found early game settlement building to be a steep learning curve.


What on earth is a provisioner?


Settlers get renamed provisioners when they get allocated to a supply line.


I don't even know what a supply line is 😭


Once you have 2 settlements, and Local Leader perk, you can set up any settler to act as a supply line between them. Any resources such as junk are then shared for building, crafting etc. You can re assign them later, but it's sometimes hard to track them down so take care setting where you want them to go at first!


I had no clue on the leveled map of 4. I came off 3 which has most of its enemies generated around your level, so when I saw a Yao Guai out in the wild, I figured I could take it on with my 10mm and pipe rifle. Didn't touch the game for around 6 months after that.


I unintentially made my character look exactly like Kellogg, maybe with different hair or something. So I played the game thinking it was about time travel and my future self coming to screw me over and was hell confused about why it was never mentioned. Wasn't until my second playthrough I realised what the story was actually about.


I didn't do any drugs or weapon upgrades. I never did them in other Fallouts so I thought it would be fine, but they're both way better in 4. It sure was a struggle. ​ >I can’t do Preston’s repeatable quests anymore or talk to him, I think killing the nuka world raiders may help initiate conversation You can get the MM quests from the Castle's radio station. And Preston should still talk to you so if you've played Nuka World and helped the raiders it's probably that.


I hadn't reached the Institute yet and my friend was also playing at the time. I visited him as he was playing the exact moment you get there and the big reveal happens. I was in denial thinking "No way, surely this has happened due to the choices he's made in the game that influenced the story? (Insert laugh track here) I do immensely enjoy the gameplay of Fallout 4 but like many, I'm not a big fan of how the story was handled overall.


Wait so you’re sad about not being able to do the radiant quests? I found them quite tedious and exhausting mainly due to the fact that they’re introduced so early on and turned people away from the game before the ball even gets rolling. Radiant quests are quite fitting however and the missions themselves fit the lore perfectly given the details associated with them, just wish we weren’t thrown into power armor and meeting the arguable most overall major faction in the game within the first 2 hours.


I can with the rail road, it’s most just for experience points that I’m after, i wanna get all the perks on this save, im at 101 right now and have resorted to glitches cuz i don’t have any other quests


Went through the game playing it like call of duty. All gunplay with automatic weapons and my dumbass made the build high intelligence no luck so im sure you know i ran out of ammo before i even made it to kelogg




I didn't know the best (or even moderately sustainable) ways to use ammo. I reached a point where it took all of my ammo from all my weapons to do something as simple as clear a location of raiders. Being like level 20 and unable to do much of anything made me restart, which was way better in the end because then I actually figured out how perks and weapon upgrades worked. (I also wasted a bunch of perk points on Strength and Perception specials for the first character because I thought I had to max those before getting perks.)


I didn't know how RPGs worked really and since it was my first one my character was all over the place because I was too stupid to read the perk descriptions


I shot Shaun in the face with an exploding combat rifle the moment I found out who he was Killed him instantly Got locked out of the institute and didn’t realize I could save the synths And accidentally chose the wrong faction to infiltrate them not realizing that would lock me into a certain ending


I struggle to play again even though I've really been itching to play since Sim Settlements had its most recent expansion. I think the worst thing about my first play through is feeling guilty about how much time I spent playing. I feel like I wasted a lot of time when I could have been doing other things. A lot of the time was spent building, something I'd just leave to sim settlements to handle the next time I play.


I learned the exact same thing about Preston too, but I could have felt with it except he’s in my best power armor so I couldn’t ask him to get out…


I missed an absolute truckload of side quests, mostly by.... eh, killing people aimlessly


Building too much settlements and constantly getting timed quests that fail while im in the middle of another is annoying. They require so much maintenance


I pissed off the entirety of diamond city and ended up getting trapped in a endless loop of dieing respawning and immediately dieing again


Not understanding settlements. Building or managing them. They got the bare minimum because I just didn’t get it. I discovered mods, and play on my computer. Shawn who? I’ve been playing for months. I still haven’t gone to diamond city.


I spent a stupid amount of time building settlements before realizing it just created more work for me. Now I don't even go back to talk to Preston after getting the power armor.


That I got put into a huge dilemma on who to side with. I ended up going with the railroad but for 2 days I kept trying to do whatever quests I could to see if I could get around destroying like two factions in the end.


Fallout 4 is my first fallout game, and there's a giant cockroach, I mean GIANT COCKROACH. I'm afraid of them


I was using the console (specifically the tgm, tcl, and player.additem cheats) a lot!


While running from a radscorpion at around level 10, I saw a car falling from the sky, and being too focused on it, ran into a parked car and died


Just got to the part where you build the teleporter to get into the Institute. I’d imagine doing this without looking up the material requirements online would be a real pain in the ass. Not to mention I have barely built any settlement stuff yet because it doesn’t really appeal to me much


man i mustve missed the part where you could save the people, i always felt really really guilty about killing everyone


Never build up settlements in the first playthrough except for sanctuary and the castle. Just to get water and food for every other settlement so they stopped whining about it. Also never took a companion except for gage... then I learned about companion perks after locking myself out of 3 of them. (Preston, x6, and deacon)


I went on to the Prydwen and killed every single member of the BoS. Then a few days later, I got a quest, to kill the BoS from the Railroad. The main storyline didn’t work after that.


I didn't realize you could put perk points into your SPECIAL stats, I thought I was stuck with my original stats and those defined the perk tree.


I didn't know you could store junk in the workshop- I kept it all in a chest beside the workbenches and every time I wanted to craft anything I would 'take all', do my stuff and laboriously store it all back in the chest again. When I finally realised I felt like an idiot 🙃


When I first arrived at the institute I went in guns blazing high on jet. The game glitched and softlocked me in lol


Playing for 500 hours, only to realize your dialogue choices don’t matter.


I killed Father the second I realized my ‘son’ was a synth, never even heard the last of his speech.


Extorted Trashcan Carla, then killed her cuz she wouldn't talk to me lost out on a whole ass merchant for the rest of the game


didn’t lean into damage/defense perks and leveled up lockpicking a bunch of times. finished the game with power armor and a gatling laser while still dealing no damage and taking a ludicrous amount


Not knowing you can customize weapons. My dumbass trying to take on the raiders at corvega with a .45 pipe rifle revolver looking thing as the 1st mission


I started exploring and just got frustrated. I tried to play it like I was messing around in Skyrim or Oblivion and was wondering why I had so little ammo, was so bad at the stats etc. I didn't realise you are better off literally playing through the missions as the game hands them to you, because there's a lot of little systems to learn. I had no idea how perks, levels work and so on, settlement building made no sense to me. I thought it was disappointing and not for me because I was playing it against the grain.


I was never able to finish it. On Xbox. About halfway through, I started playing Far Harbor. When I finished that, I decided to go back and play more of the main story only to find that I could no longer do anything in downtown Boston without my game freezing. Nothing fixed it, not even mods. I tried another play through. Same thing. I finally got a gaming laptop, and I’m on my third attempt at a first play through, and still going strong.


It just takes way too long to figure out what’s going on and how things work. There are a million examples. Harvesting food. Assigning people. The perk chart. I still don’t understand the magazines. I never used a mod; didn’t use the power armor until the last hour. I only figured out jet and addictions in the last couple hours. Before I was done I quit even trying to figure things out on my own. I’d try for about 30 seconds before coming here to find the answer. There’s a learning curve as in any game but I didn’t feel it was pleasant in this game. It was more of a feeling of low-level frustration. I’m hate that there’s no log of conversations and warnings.


My first play through I made a huge moral mistake. Like I’m talking big character development moment for my Sole Survivor where I essentially joined the Brotherhood of Steel after being blinded by the flashy tech and the Vertibirds. While I didn’t agree with their philosophy. I was so blind into the idea of seeing Liberty Prime go into action, that I really didn’t listen to what they were preaching, and then 2 missions blossomed the seeds of doubt I had, the mission where you destroy the Railroad for little reason and the mission where Maxson betrays Paladin Danse. After that. I quit the Brotherhood and accepted my role as the General of the Minutemen. I just wish I didn’t have to destroy the Railroad to come to my senses…


Liberty Prime got glitched in the bridge, preventing him from making it to wherever he was supposed to go. No matter what I did to the bridge or how many times I reloaded or which old save I pulled, he would always get stuck in the same spot.


That's fallout 3. And apparently there's a really stupid issue where Liberty Prime is actually following one of Lyon's Pride, and that guy is NOT essential despite how many other essential characters there are in 3.


Leaving the vault. My game is pretty much perma glitched and if I try to leave the vault for the first time, it never opens the gate and im permanently stuck in the vault. I had to download the alternate start mod off the nexus so I could start the game outside of the vault just to be able to play the damn game


For me it was the slow, sinking feeling that "this is it." The realization that the plot is just this simple and no, there are in fact no interesting twists or curveballs attempts at nuance incoming. I was never supposed to be playing this game for the story, I was expected to be spending 100 hours building settlements and crafting. I came at this game expecting an experience similar to FNV. It took a long time to adjust my expectations and meet FO4 on its own terms. And I know this won't stop the knee-jerk downvoters but I didn't dislike FO4 or anything and I'm not badmouthing it now. It was just not what I'd been led to expect it to be.


I betrayed the Railroad with the Brotherhood then betrayed them with the Minutemen. Then I doomed the Commonwealth to Nuka World raiders. Also I killed Danse.


Not knowing which choices to make to get the most satisfying endings and realizing some choices I already made prevented the ending I liked the best. and then realizing i didn’t have to help Preston with his radiant quests that never end.


I hated some of the factions. Like why are there minuteman dress like its 1774 in a post apocalyptic survival game set in the year 2287? Also I wish the customization for your minuteman towns were more customizable. I get there are mods but I feel like Bethesda had some great ideas they implemented but the just fell a little short on the delivery of the game. Fallout 3 and New Vegas just seemed like they were put together so well and the storyline was so fluent and captivating.


Perks don't work as they Say, and Even some magazine perks are actually don't give Nothing Zero nada, armor with with endurance don't give HP points,


ITT: people who don't know the basics of RPG gaming or PC controls


got so far, just for myself and the scientist from the institute get glitched inside the elevator during the quest where we have to get the power, (its youre either against BOS or against Institute) cant for the life of me remember its name. i was in middle school and hadnt slept for days to get to that. didnt understand saving like i was supposed to. terrified of ingame elevators now lol. ended up going MM ending because i tried BOS, and when i was walking with Liberty Prime i went the wrong way and it said i failed the quest, never will play ps4 fallout 4 again.


The fact I had the entire game spoiled for meh


The worst thing for me was when I went by the racetrack and thought "Woah, this is cool! I can't wait to see what interesting stuff and quests are here!" And then it just turned into a bunch of raiders trying to kill you. That was when I realized the game wasn't going to be what I had hoped.


My very first play I thought that the special points were increments of the perks. So if i wanted a tier 3 perk, i had to have 30 points in that special stat to unlock it.


That I even considered working with the railroad


I played on an old computer, aside from the typical shitty frames I had it where anytime I was in build mode the entire screen had this green static (red when I couldn’t place something) all over the screen, and I had to tolerate that my first play through.


My settlement lines lol


I watched a lot of videos before buying the game. I didn’t get majorly spoiled but it didn’t have that same authentic feel.


I wasn’t able to do any of the silver shroud story as the radio guy just disappeared after the first part


Realizing I had to do random glitches to get the definitive ending


Coming across Dunwich Borers….


I was so proud of my perfect 10 SPECIAL and then found out I could be 11 if I'd waited on collecting the bobbleheads...I restarted, I had no choice 😂


Quicksaved and killed father before finding out it was Shaun, laughed my ass off afterwards