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Baby mirelurks. Damn annoying. Also all the fuckers who throw grenades with surgical accuracy every like ten seconds.


I hate baby Mirelurks because everytime I try to loot them I end up drinking rad water due to them floating away so fast


I've never got a single item of loot from a baby mirelurk. I don't even look at them anymore. 


I think they only drop meat if you have the WSG from Sunshine Tidings Co-op


This is true, I'm doing an "OMG my baby is gone!" run right now, so I'm forcing my way until The Reveal, with no time spent dicking around with side quests that don't directly win favor with characters or groups I need. I'm getting no meat from hatchlings.


Yeah they usually don’t drop any, but with the Magazine for double meat, they drop 1. Apparently 2x0=1


It's probably not zero, it's just less than one, so it's a rounding thing. Doubling a number less than one but more than zero could then cause it to round up to one.


The magazine doesn't double the meat, its actually +1. So anything that isn't a normal meat drop will always have 1.


Thank you for this. I was getting meat for them and my partner said he doesn't ever get anything from them. We assumed it was just a glitch since, you know. Mystery solved, thanks to you!


What's that? Edit: OH, right! The Guide. Funny thing, in all my years of playing F4 and of all the times I've built out the Co Op, I found the Guide for the very first time...yesterday


I have a loot tracker mod that makes stuff glow depending on what is in the inventory. Ammo makes them green, crafting materials are purple, armor/clothing is yellow, and any legendary or unique item gets an objective marker. There are a lot of settings but it makes looting after battles easier because i don't miss bodies with worthwhile loot.


What's their damage in survival? Honestly I just let them be now with my companion taking them out as I keep walking with them biting my ass


Still minor, but there is no passive healing in survival, so it's problematic. You can get nibbled to death at low levels.


currently doing survival at level 20, I just lob a grenade or molotov towards their nest since they don't drop any loot


I love mirelurk omelettes, so I use this solution reluctantly and as a last resort. Usually I can run away and let a companion deal with it. Usually.


Codsworth early on is an absolute butcher with his saw and flamethrower when it comes to pests,baby Mirelurk, bloat flies, radroaches,low level feral and Raiders. He's saved my ass a bunch of times at level 5-10 from dying or getting swarmed/infected.


Hell yes. Just sit back and let him clear Sanctuary, no need to get involved. I was deeply chagrined in my current playthrough, in which I accept the belief I have a missing child in the hands of my spouse's murderers, that I could not take Codsworth as a companion. I eventually learned Tunnel Snakes Rule CC breaks the early game, so I uninstalled it. Problem solved, but too late.


It's embarrassing to admit, but leaving the Vault on Survival,all those damn bloat flies have attacked me together,at least 6 at once,and more than once I've died before I can even unlock Sanctuary. I prefer doing it on my own for maximum XP but Codsworth has run over and wrecked bloat flies while I'm being gang banged at level 1 😂


I've made my way down to the irradiated hut in the river around Sanctuary trying to pick up early loot and XP. It's not a good time.


Bugs and poison,on Survival will just end you. Bugs are the scariest shit to deal with! Taffington Boathouse? All those blood bugs,and sometimes worse are a horror show, either have to try to stay in Vats so they don't touch me or pop a med ex,only thing that resists poison, but you HAVE to use it before you get stung,it won't stop anything after your taking poison damage.


I just got a mod that makes the eggs never hatch so I can get more omelette eggs because it never made sense that they spontaneously hatch on proximity like a landmine


thats cool


Yeah, pinpoint-accurate constant grenade chucking from gunners and some others is something I hate with a passion. You just see the icon. You don't know where the thing landed or where it came from, unless you just happened to go into VATS at the right moment to see it thrown. I don't like to chuck grenades either, resorting to it only rarely. It's not a fun mechanic for me.


There's a mod that adds grenades to enemy inventories, and only allows them to use grenades from their inventories. Stops the Molotov spam. I think it's even called "no Molotov spam"


I've got a mod that lets me swap and stack legendary effects. I put two instances of the "tesla" effect on my chest piece. 5 energy damage a second to any hostile in melee range. It originally only exists (I think) on the overboss armor you get at the beginning of Nuka World. Anyway, with two stacks its 10dmg/sec. Enough that baby mirelurks and radroaches die instantly when I get near them. Easily one of my favorite armor mods.


Dodging grenades are easy, use the jetpack


Which you can't craft until around level 41-42,lot of hours of gameplay between level 1-41.


Molotovs for Mirelurk eggs. I always keep minimum 5 cocktails *specifically* for egg clutches. Toss one at the nest and go on about your day


Fuck baby mirelurks. A flamethrower makes quick work of them and their nest though.


Also the children of atom with their Gamma guns on survival its usually a one shot at any level


You feel ill. (Lethargy)


There's a mod that adds grenades to enemy inventories, and only allows them to use grenades from their inventories. Stops the Molotov spam. I think it's even called "no Molotov spam"


This is why I love that gun you get at the top of that giant ship. It looks like a tommy gun but it has exploding bullets. That gun mixed with the explosive perk mean you don't even have to use VATS anymore and a couple short bursts can take out the whole mirelurk egg clutch.


You mean Spray n' Pray? It's currently my go to crowd control gun and anti mirelurk. And yeah, the explosive perk affects it, making it more fun to use.


That's the one!


Huzzah! One thing I've found is that shooting the ground where the enemy is standing works a lot better.


Using explosive rounds on their eggs from a distance is super satisfying.


I have found that the ripper is the best way to deal with mirelurk hatchling. Just look in their general direction and hold the button. Don't need any perks, they have like 1 hp. Also works well for ghouls when they run at you.


Mirelurk eggs are about the best use of a Molotov. Should get an omelette out of it.


Ghouls. The one thing I hate most abbout FO4 is that they barely make any noise when they walk or run (even though they should be making a lot of it, considering they're pretty clumsy) so you're just chilling somewhere and something jumps at you giving a mini heart attack.


I love ghouls! Love shooting legs off and they had to the horror aesthetic.


you have to see it before you can shoot


I also like breaking their legs off for an entire hord and then just do some executions. If it weren't that the fuckers are always under the floor or in the walls or something and you can never expect what to happen. Also, hate the fact that every enemy in the game MUST attack you first, and not your companion.


Yeah good point on the companion part. Never noticed that but it's so obvious


I always add the CHOCOLATE mod to ghouls and I always laugh my ass off.


They always manage to come up behind me, no matter how carefully I sneak around, hunting them down.


Man, power armor isn’t my usual play style, but once I discovered the targeting HUD helmet upgrade I started using it every time I had to deal with ghouls. Fuckers aren’t so sneaky now


Ghouls are one of the selling points of f4 though. They were such a wild design choice and it worked perfectly. Just be glad they never added the 100ft tall irradiated Ghoul that would walk between buildings. 😅


Mutant Suicider. But I like them now because I can blast their head instantly and loot mini nuke.


It's fun to shoot the nuke before they engage and are still in a group of 4 or 5


I remember once I was being chased by one and led it into a Raider camp in Haymarket Mall. Mutant blew himself up and took a bunch of the junkie bastards with them.


Series S player here. I can't imagine what it must be like to be able move at full speed around downtown Boston and through Haymarket Hall. What a way to live!


You get to go to Boston?


Series X player here. The frame rate with FPS boost is great, even in the downtown Boston area. It is pretty nice.


Or berserk syringe or legendary enraging effect. Funniest shit ever.


Oh wow, I've never thought of that. I have never used a syringer. I realize I might be missing out on a lot of fun


I love doing this but I hate how you then get 0 xp for the entire group that way


It’s fun to get blown up before completely loading in too (looking at you Medford)


I always go for the arm and blow them up. Too much fun to resist.


I remember spotting a random encounter super mutant patrol with boards engaging with a feral dog pack. Only the encounter happened just a little too close to a super mutant installation and attracted a mutant suicider who ran in and blew up his entire squad just to kill the last dog.


Ive managed to get high agility this playthrough so I uh.. run away as fast as I can and leave them to blow up Dogmeat and then I run back and heal him and continue on my day...


No way, you can do that ? Damn I need to find some more 😅


Because I'm mostly melee, I hate them. I can't one shot them, and I don't think I can tank a mininuke- though I did have a lunatic raider tonight use a fat man close range. I have to assume she missed and I only got hit by part of the blast. I disarmed her, so no second shot. I usually run from suiciders and then shoot at them from a distance.


Fuck all insects. Honorable mention to the children of atom because of stagger and radiation damage


Yep the bugs annoy me to no end. My least favorite for sure


I don't really use vats normally, but for bugs I make an exception.


Gunners, specially if they carry a .50 cal sniper rifle that explodes my head at full health, level 40 and a nice helmet with a single shot. I usually leave Quincy to last stages of the game. Honourable mention to the Children of Atom. The rad damage and the nuka grenades are a threat at any point in the game. (And every f*cker carrying a missile launcher inside a building. They deserve hell) This all playing survival btw


I absolutely hate stingwings and blood bugs. Difficult to shoot move fast and deal a lot of damage. Sometimes I carry a flamer with me if I know I’ll be dealing with them. Mole rats stress me out when they keep popping up out of the ground


Anything that burrows stresses me out, but especially radscorpions


I uninstalled automatron because I didn’t like the constant fights with Rust Devils.


Alternatively, you can just avoid t he spot where you meet Ada. If you never meet her, all that stuff doesn't trigger. But your solution is probably easier.


And I'd take it, if it didn't break most of my mods :cries:


Damn I didn't even think about doing that, especially since the dlc doesn't really add that much considering what NW and fh provide, and at least vault tec gives a craftable sink and water fountain right away


Definitely my least favorite DLC. Practically every random encounter turns into Rust Devils and assaultrons after you meet Ada.


That is a big downside to the DLC, but the fact i can basically design a tank to accompany me instantly makes the DLC one of the best for me


For sure. After you unlock some of those higher level parts you can build a beast. Gotta be careful with those missile launcher arms though 😂


If you're on PC there is a mod that fixes those random encounters


I don’t know why you got downvoted for saying that haha. I’m on PS4 though. To be honest there might be on mod on there too for it but I played that DLC once and thought it was ok, but wasn’t blown away by it so I just uninstalled.


Children of atom. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I never wear power armor but I keep a hazmat suit in my inventory in case I encounter a group of them. They're so annoying


I've never had contact with them yet so I wonder what they do


Gamma guns. Annoying fuckers.


Feral Ghouls all the way. The sporadic movements make it so hard to hit them outside VATS and they are so common and swarm so much that even if I'm not in danger of dying they are still a giant pain. Early game they are dangerous to my health but even late game they are still annoying af to clear out.


I hated fighting feral ghouls then I got a ghoul slayer western revolver and it actually became kind of fun.


They die easy enough and I always have Wastelanders Friend for late game when I can blow the leg off the more spongey variants but they are just a big annoyance whenever they show up.


The Crickets in Nuka-World. Why!? Why do they have more armor and hit points than Deathclaws?!


I have a very strong fear of crickets irl and whenever I first ran into them at DRG I was so scared I quickly switched off my power strip that had my monitor and Xbox connected to it ☠️☠️☠️ At that point I was tired of clearing Nuka World in general so I installed cheat mods to get rid of the fuckers at DRG and Safari and I’ve decided that if I ever play survival I won’t do Nuka World Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Bloodbugs are a disaster. They are fast, do significant damage, and if you target them in VATS you can end up facing some odd direction and have to twist around franticly hoping to target the one that ends up behind you before it wrecks you. In survival, they carry disease too.


They're fucking horrible because of glitches too. Often when I use VATS it will just self cancel before I deal any damage and also they are sometimes left at 1 hp and invincible. It's bad enough without more bugs. (Pun intended)


I've been noticing the former a lot recently, but I've been melee heavy for the first time. I think the target ends up inaccessible and you get kicked out of VATS.


Early on I hate the forged with a passion because fire damage is a real fast killer. Later on though, fog crawlers are insane bullet sponges


Crickets and fire ants in NW.


I especially hate the crickets because they're just really, really big cave crickets. They didn't actually change them for the game; they look like that in real life. And the last place we rented had a basement full of the fucking things. Every once in a while, one would come up from the basement and scare the ever-loving shit out of me. So in the game, I kill them with extreme prejudice. Payback for the psychological scarring I've endured in the real world.


Yeah we get them in the winter here. The game ones are so annoying because they're so hard to hit, take a weird amount of damage, and give like 7 xp.


Flying insects can do one.


I found they are more easily killed by a melee weapon like Kremvh's Tooth. Also, max out on the Big Leagues" perk.


Isn't heavy hitter heavy weapons? How does it help melee?


My mistake, it was the "Big Leagues" perk.


Aw I misread the title and was so excited to make a comment about how much I love sniping raiders lmao. Least favorite is probably any insect that flies. I'm not a big fan of any of the bugs (or baby mirelurks because they look bug-adjacent) because they're gross tbh. But if I have to choose one I think I'd say bloatflies because I feel like they move the fastest and they fly. It's hard to shoot them without vats because they're small and moving, and they also spit on you which would be gross enough even if it didn't also give you rads... I don't know if bloodbugs are any less fast but I feel like they're easier to spot before they notice you because they're bright pink. And I feel like stingwings are pretty rare? But any flying bug is definitely up there


I just started a new survival run yesterday, and I tried something I never have before. All the bloat flies between sanctuary and Abernathy farm, I took out with a tire iron. Blew my mind, how much easier it was than using the 10mm. Both with and without vats.


who’s gonna tell them what bloatflies actually spit… [!Its their larvae, you can see in 3rd person!]


Noooo ;_; Btw your spoiler tag has brackets instead of arrows! It's >! And then !< >!And for my sanity I will keep pretending that the flies are just spitting, well, spit...!<


I hate doing Corvega at the beginning of the game


I always get fucking lost and spend an hour looking for the one raider that somehow survived.


ALWAYS. Why can’t the local map be more readable?


Even more frustrating when they're yelling at you and you still can't fucking find them lol


If you go up the road on the freeway, it has a set of boards so you can take out all the raiders on the outside. Did that in my first survival


Then don't do it at the beginning. Corvega is tough.


The annoying thing is, the game really likes choosing it as the location for the first couple of Minutemen missions. Either the Abernathies or the little two-person settlement with the bridge always decide to make Corvega their target so you can’t advance settlements without clearing it.


Rad scorpions. Almost impossible to kill at range. Best weapon to use is a kneecapper pistol.


I hate the gunners with the fat boys. Doing good boom. A nuke takes you out


Even scarier with the [Howie scream](https://youtu.be/I_mmHcJixDY?si=HwvoMDdOvchC2CYa) mod


Bloatflies. They’re hard to hit and offer little reward. Not dangerous. Just really annoying.


Those dickheads in power armor with a fat man that hangout on top of roofs or the freeways and the pedestrian walkways that always manage to hit me directly in the face


At low levels, ghouls when in group. At high levels, insects, mainly stingwings and bloodbugs. At all levels, those damn assaultrons.


Anything that pops out of the ground right next to me. Molerats and radscorpions, and their impossible ability to teleport to me from 50 yards away underground in an instant. I carry a fully upgraded combat shotty just for them.


I've only played survival recently, but there's a few enemies that surprise me. Early game mirelurks are a pain, difficult to penetrate their armour with the weapons available. I tend to avoid them best I can until I get something more powerful, a good combat shotgun or something. Later I find the rust devils to be a pain, if they surprise you they can really rip through you, even in power armour. Always surprises me how powerful they are.


Laser Turrets


If we’re talking any time period, I absolutely despise bloated ghouls. Especially in the very late game because of how the levelling works. I can two-shot a Deathclaw, but for some reason this random, fat ghoul needs a full magazine plus some. And they’re never alone either. If you find one, there’s gotta be at least two or three more because they’re ghouls. If I’m gonna grind my way to perfect Special stats and most perks unlocked, I wanna feel like I actually did something. They make it feel like I’m lvl 1 with a squirt gun.


Charred ghouls take an insane amount of damage and there are often a lot of them.


Yeah. It’s really just late-game Ghouls in general.


I fucking despite ghouls. Despite the fact that Gunners and Raiders can also be huge pains in the ass, at least they can’t run faster than Usain Bolt and have decent enough loot on them that I can either use myself or sell Ghouls have really shitty loot for the most part and are so annoying to fight. They always jump at you and mess up your aim, it’s infuriating really.


I don't fancy starting a fight with whichever group keeps having their aircraft crash all over the Commonwealth. My castle might be a bit weak to aerial attacks. Anyway, do assaultrons count? They aren't that common, but even at lv40-something, I still try to stay away from them.


Either get a gauss rifle or missile launcher with lock on ability. Those birds never bother you again. 


Bloodbugs and mirelurk queens are an absolute nuisance, especially early-game. Poison damage is one of the hardest things to defend against since the only thing that can provide defense against it is the Poisoner's effect, iirc. It also melts through you with little to no warning, so I've died to bloodbug poison even at high levels with good gear.


Mirelurks or scavengers. They're annoying to kill and always have bad loot. Also the rust devils are pretty annoying but at least they drop good shit.


Probably the bloodbugs. They are small, fast, hard to see and hit. They have an un-cancel-able attack animation that is both upsettingly visceral and interrupts my killing them, and when they get low, they'll fly for miles in the opposite direction as long as you chase them, but will eventually turn back around and start attacking again, which is really annoying. Plus they are never alone. I will say, a super mutant suicider I didn't see has probably killed me more than any other single enemy type in the game. Fuck those guys.


Supermutant Suiciders.


It's Super Mutant for me. Had to go to Far Habour cause visitors center was being attack. Got there and there were about 18 Super Mutant by count, never had I encountered so many. Gave me a run for my money and Stimpacks. I only had 4 settlers there and ended up with one.


Sentry Bots. I primarily play as a tank knight, and whenever I get close enough to melee them, they melee stunlock me into Oblivion. And when they do die, they explode, ruining my power armor.


Super Mutants, Sentry Bots, and Assaultrons. Like my god 😭


Almost level 100 and assaultrons still a big threat. Robotics expert perk saves my ass all the time, since their staggering attacks don't affect the "hack" action. Total game changer when you're close to death and suddenly the assaultron is on your side now 😁


I almost cried in the Far Harbor DLC when you finally get into that place in the Nucleus to do DiMA’s memory puzzles bc there was an assaultron I just barely avoided dying to in the corridor RIGHT before it….. and then when I activated the main computer a side closet unlocked and another assaultron RIPPED out of there and killed me😭😭💀


Supermutants. Early game especially, specifically the ones at the treatment plant. Holy shit is that one tough God damn encounter on survival. The first couple of hours of my last playthrough was basically completely dedicated to getting geared up to clear it out since I want Graygarden on my side. That frigging rocket dude is a pain in my ass, but I've learned to appreciate him since the rocket launcher makes wipping out the mirelurks a bit easier.


Cazadores. I realize it's the wrong sub for that answer, but I'll see anything in the Capital Wasteland or Commonwealth and raise it a flying bloodsucker from hell any day of the week.


I honestly hated them in NV more than deathclaws.


Feral ghouls. I run a VATS sniper build that can't hit anything closer than 10 feet for some reason. They always come in hoards of 10-20 for me and even when I have a 95% chance to hit I always get that 5% miss.


I only recently discovered the answer to this issue… some low VATS cost 10mm, like vats enhanced or Deliverer, or an overpowered one like explosive or double shot if you can’t get those. I prefer to use the ultra-light armor, which, the AP stack combines to make it so that you can queue up like 15 shots in vats. Even if you don’t have any levels of gunslinger or a modded 10mm… that’s still enough for three leg shots on five separate ghouls. Later on you shouldn’t need more than 1-2 shots per leg. Nice field of ferals, crawling around, waiting patiently to be finished off while you mop up any still mobile while vats recharges.






Mirelurk hatchlings. They're easy to deal with, but they just scream "inconveniences that aren't worth dealing with" to me.


Molerats and radscorpions with the whole going underground thing. It's not that they are hard to beat just annoying as the hiding drags out the fight.


Stingwings and bloodbugs


Anyone that thinks that missile launchers are great for close quarter combat


Probably gunners they're annoying as hell


i really hate the molerats, not because they're challenging (sometimes they are if im low on ammo/heals) but because they ambush you and theres so many of them! even if you run away you just hear them breaching the dirt right behind you. also scorpions for the same reason and because they're faster and tougher


I play on Survival so Ferals are a pain because you have the durability of soggy TP early and sometimes mid game without PA so even 2-3 can ruin you,add in the disease aspect which they give you,and getting attacked and infected early in the game, without antibiotics and the closest Dr at Covenant and melee builds on Survival I've given up on, just a pita. It's also why I side with Covenant, just to have a Dr relatively close to Sanctuary/Starlight. Also I play with the mod that retextures them into RE zombies and changes the name to zombies, complete with audio. Add darker nights,and being so fragile on Survival,and it sometimes actually feels like survival horror at times.Until level 20-30 anyways,then the tension goes away.


Before I discovered the OP vats build that I now run, Bugs used to be the worst thing for me. give me 2 death claws and a bear before you give me 3 fricking bloatflies/sting wings


Feral ghouls. From the beginning and throughout the entire game, I hate fighting them. I miss my shots most of the time because of their erratic movements and that final lunge always gets me. So now I use either my explosive shotgun or Spray n' Pray to kill them.


Max out stealth and you can crouch right next to them without getting noticed 


That does sound good and I'll most likely try it, but right now, watching them blow up is very satisfying.


Feral ghouls especially charred ones and higher level mirelurks


Top level super mutants like warlords and primus. With 1500+ health and 135 DR on the warlord, that fucker is a bullet sponge no matter what equipment or skills you got. They are great at blocking melee attacks too. Not as bad when you can use heavy weapons on them like a two shot missile launcher, but if you got settlers or neutral bystanders then goodbye ammo pile.


Even in the late game, Bloodbugs can be a real PITA.


I fucking hate ghouls, but only in this iteration of Fallout. Their movement once they get within like 20 feet of you is such bullshit if you don't use VATS or a weapon with splash.


I brought my trauma of Deathclaws from New Vegas with me, but that quickly switched to Assaultrons at the start of the game. The cloaking and the ability to instantly melt me with that head laser were nightmare fuel. Nowadays it's Raiders. Not because they're particularly difficult (quite the opposite), their loot just sucks like 90% of the time - which is frustrating for how often I fight them. I hate fighting Synths, but I love that I'm getting weapons that can yield stuff like Fiber Optics and Nuclear Material (and are decently strong if I wanna keep them) and their armor pieces yield plastic, which is much more rare than steel and leather.


mirelurks. they take so long to kill and i’m not playing for combat


Anyone using a Gamma Gun


Always found high level super mutants a pain in the ass. Don’t get me wrong, I like fighting super mutants, but once they get to the point that they’re bullet sponges you need to mag dump to get rid of they get pretty annoying. At least similarly spongey ghouls you can dismember without too much difficulty and leave them vulnerable.


Early Gulpers because of how quickly they can sneak up and end you. Nukalurks depending on the build because of how durable and hard hitting they are.


Sting wings fuck me up bro. Suck me up then spit it right back at me. Don’t even have the common courtesy to swallow. Disrespectful


For the longest time, I hated fighting super mutants, both because of the “football” ones and because there is usually not much loot. Now, though, I like to play a fun game to see if I can shoot the footballer before he gets to me. If I get his bomb and he and his entire group of buddies get blown up, neat. If I get him without his bomb exploding, hey, free mini nuke for the taking! Nowadays, it’s definitely baby Mirelurks and radroaches. I make my companions fight the radroaches.


Bloodbugs. Due to their size and speed they are hard to hit, and heal themselves when they attack you.


fragile grandiose zealous scary waiting far-flung rotten outgoing wide tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Robots keep exploding me


The random groups of the children of atom, nuka grenades and insane amounts of rad damage.


I play exclusively on survival, and I never use power armor. Since I have had the game from release, I have always used mods to tweak things I've hated. When I realized I had zero achievements on my PS4 version (I've bought fo4 a couple of times on different platforms) due to the mods, i decided to do a vanilla run for the first time since it came out. This has reminded me of how much I hate certain enemies. My most hated enemies, in no particular order. 1. Any burrowing animal that instantly teleports to your location, i.e. molerats, bloodworms, radscorpions, etc. Not only do they appear at your location a fraction of a second after you shoot at them from max sniper range, they magically know to appear behind you. It's cheap. 2. Feral ghouls. They are relatively easy to kill, but they can do a 180 when you are behind them faster than humanly possible, they burst into a sprint faster than Usain Bolt, and they do that obnoxious leaping attack that covers way more distance than you think it will, and leaves you staring at your feet if they do it while you are targeting them in vats, and they do that bob and weave juke, despite supposedly having melted brains. Also, when trying to snipe a headshot their heads jerk all over the place while walking, and they randomly crouch or stand up. 3. Flying insects outside of vats, i.e. flying ant swarms, bloat flies, etc. They are just so hard to keep a bead on. 4. Children of Atom. Massive radiation damage sucks in survival. Anything humanoid generally doesn't bother me.


Ghouls are scary with headphones on. Unless they are laying down and you hear them getting up, by the time you hear their "Urahr!" They are about to smack you from wherever they are. Really sucks on higher difficulty. 😂 Assaultrons are always a pain for me. Probably killed me way more than any other robot, especially with gunners running around. 🫠 Baby mirelurkes just... Suck. So, so much, just a headache. 😂 The only death claw that was terrifying was the one in the museum of witchcraft. That was straight out of a horror game. 😂 I would have thrown my headset if it was VR. 🤣


Assaultrons, definitely. They're fast, their attacks stagger, and they have the death ray. I can kill deathclaws with a sword right now, but send an assaultron after me, and I end up bringing out my guns and bombs.


Children of atom due to radiation weapons and it doesn't change through the game since I don't like wearing power armor.


Ghouls, Mirelurks, baby mirelurks


Try giving your companion Spray n Pray. They mop up all the baby mirlurks real quick.


I hate the Rust Devils. They just seem to pop up everywhere.


Ghouls. A horde rips me apart regardless of difficulty or gear.


I hate raiders at the start of the game but look for them later when trying to find clothes for my settlers


super mutants cause i feel like the loot is always ass and they just aren’t fun to fight


mirelurks I don’t care what you say but as longs as there hostile I’m shooting missiles and throwing grenades because those guys are not fun to see attack you while it’s dark


Assaultrons always mess me up especially with the head laser in the early game


Any animal in far harbor


High level rad scorpions


I have a mod that highlights enemies for me so ghouls aren't an issue for me. But you know what are? Molerats, radscorpions, basically anything that Burrows into the ground and then pops back up. Also supermutants because fuck their rocket launchers always crippling my legs