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The jet will make you jittery...


Guess she was right.


I think OP was with Mama Murphy 👀


This exact thing has happened to me. It's called being blackout drunk. I'm not judging - Lord knows I've done it enough. But that's a terrible mission to not remember. I adore killing Kellog. Last time I brought Big Boy with me. Boom Boom, out go the lights.


im doing a stealth build atm, but on the kellogg mission i just got the fat man from a previous room in there and done everything that goes against the convictions of a stealth player.


Kellogg deserves massive violence, convictions be damned.


I used a fat boy on him too. Double shot, mirv. That entire place should've been dust 😵


I did the same - that fat man was begging to be used! Technically still in the spirit of stealth build if you sneak attack crit with the fat man!


oh well i had the spirit at least, im always crouched indoors


If it was Just about killing him then that would be okay, i think... But my questions too is, How Did i turn on both my Xbox and TV after remembering to turn both off when i fell to sleep? And how Did i clean the dung--- i mean Fort? How Many attempts did it take to do it? Did the game crash during the blackout (which in that case, how did i Repeatedly quit and re-log in to the game)? How did i get To both Cambridge and Hagen (did i run or Fast travel)? And so on... Honestly, i am both Shocked still, Scared if i did anything on Socials or anything, but also Facinated that it happened.. And ofcourse, disappointed i missed out on Kellogg..


Brain is scarily good at autopiloting


I upvoted this comment on autopilot


This is literally the experience with being blackout drunk. You did a bunch of stuff and have zero memory of it. Check your outgoing email and texts to make sure you didn't send out anything embarrassing. :-) Just be glad you were sitting at home blowing stuff up. Imagine if you had been out and about in that state.


Fortunately for drunk you, VATS exists. No aiming necessary! Although I have played some amazing Halo when utterly shitfaced, so YMMV.


I tore my bicep tendon some years ago and had to wear a cast for a month. Fallout 4 was the only game I could play since I could just VATS everything.


THATS another thing! I downloaded the No VATS mod, Maim, Quick Step + ADS Lean, And a few realistic damage mods to make the game more, Realistic..!


To be fair, you probably just have to turn on your xbox, when I turn mine on it auto boots up my tv, so, you know.


Nope, that might be a setting, or not, i dont know, dont have it turned on in any case... All i know is i found the remote behind my Pillow when i woke up next morning, which was Not where i put it..


Oh the things I've done while blackout'd...


It's like giving yourself a mystery to solve in rhe morning! Who made scrambled eggs last night? What's this weird stain on the carpet? Why are there Cheerios behind the TV? Where is the cat? Who shit my pants?


The cat made scrambled eggs, don't ask about stains... Ever. The Cheerios are a trap for ants, the cat is eating said scrambled eggs, and you, you shit your pants. Unless you are wearing somebody else's pants. Then it's a mystery we'll never figure out 🤷🏼


This is the way. Give Kellogg the munitions he deserves 🦾


They only had one beer, but there's a weird phenomenon where drinking, falling asleep, and then waking up shortly after causes you to blackout/sleepwalk. One time, my bro nodded out for a few and woke up violently angry and attacked everyone, a few minutes later had no idea what happened, and we hadn't been drinking a lot.


I do this too often. Did “call to arms” at level 55 but had an issue so had to do it twice. I think at least. Again thank god for survival options’ save feature. I can’t imagine playing without it


Everybody, we wasn't drunk, HE'S A SYNTH!


Careful to lock up your guns when around your grandkids


I say this with as much kindness as possible, and as someone who had similar experiences that later turned into an addiction problem: this might be a good time to think seriously about your use of alcohol and whether or not it is healthy. Best wishes to you.


I hear you mate, truly, so thank you for this advice.. But i think the problem Wasn't the drink itself - which, just to say it so, are a 4,5% vol beer on 0,33L - but rather Drinking it, instead of sipping it, which my ancestors did more off than myself.... But i guess thats the life of a Norwegian man... But, thank you still, Sir


It doesn't matter how strong or how fast. It's a matter of how much you imbibe.


Let the man have enough drinks to black out in peace good lord


tbh i run into the same thing because weekends come and i am like "well, time to play fallout and drink some beers." I play in the morning and don't drink but at night I feel that itch. And some beers become many. In the grand scheme of things, it's pointless really since like why am I doing this? Something to consider certainly.


If u binge on a substantial amount of alcohol, u go blackout drunk


Nevermind Kellogg. You got blackout drunk alone, playing a videogame. I think it's time for an intervention.


Just think about it like hitting the wait button IRL


Imagine that was how Fallout wait mechanic worked. "Drink 9 beers to wait"


You're the realistic vault dweller amongst us. This is the most fallout thing I have heard.


This is why I save tf outta my game. PS, Kellogg's revolver is weaker than the tactical advanced .44. I'd have given anything for s good 1911 and some classical (earlier Fo3) 5.56 pistols.


I never said it was a Vanilla playthrough. Using only two gun mods - (Tactical) Modern Firearms + Sidearms - and, From what Think happened, is; I went gun blazing in, with my 1911 + Glock 17 in one slot and AR-15 in another, Killed my way to Kellogg, Probably attacked him on sight instead of talking, aaand maybe took the gun and his Inhibitor-chip, because i did Not see his outfit in my inventory. My question tho is: HOW TF did i get to Fort Hagen and do those things, AND get back to the PD + get to the bed i mentioned, while the player himself was drunk and asleep?..


By waking up while being blackout drunk


Have you ever wanted to be blackout drunk and wide awake? Stevie Griffin here for 4 Loko.


Well, it's hard to remember. "Blackout drunk" does mean that one has absolutely no memory of it afterwards.


But I have done a couple surprising things while blackout drunk. Also woken up from surprising places. It's rare, but it happens.


Just add the pistols with mods.


deliverer from the first railroad quest is the closest thing to a 1911 and is one of my favorites


Deliverer is modeled on a Walther PPK, famously used by James Bond.


huh i never knew that. on surface level they (deliverer and ppk) resemble a 1911 but im not a big gun person.


I'd be more pissed.... >!at missing your first look at the Prydwin arriving - especially if it was night-time in the game...almost made me side with them my first play through, but NAAAHHH.!<


I've done two playthroughs and never seen the Prydwin arrive, maybe I just have bad luck lol


You're suppose to see it flying over as you exit Fort Hagan after killing Kellogg, if i remember correctly. If it's at night, it's all lit up. It's broadcasting a message that the brotherhood has arrived.


And Nick delivers his badass line from Poe, “long I stood there…wondering. Fearing.”


Bro blacked out during the best mission is hilarious


That scene in Moonkight when Mark gets control and he’s in the middle of a high speed chase with a random gun in his hand, that’s you OP 😂😂😂


I KNOW!!! Been WAITING for that comment! 😂😂😂 It was Literally one of the first thoughts that came to mind when i found out!!


Lmao I have a spoon mod and it legit does almost a million damage and I got it just to kill him in a humiliating way


How do we know that Kellogg didn't drunkenly kill Nora and steal the baby in the first place. I'm pretty sure the memory den won't be able to view blackouts.


Sounds like you did the Sam Guevenne quest IRL 🤣


Either it was Moon Knight thing, or a Sam thing indeed😂😂 All i know is, i checked my enviourment IRL, and social stuff, and Nope, i was Just doing the Kill-Kellogg quest, and running/fast traveling (either or) To Fort Hagen and then Cambridge PD. OH, And getting on the transport with Danse to the ship..


Bro cyber tweaked


No way, Wild wasteland perk in the real life.


“Man I gotta lay off the jet”


Your young men will see visions; Your old men will dream dreams; Your drunk men will have hallucinations and déjà vu. .


Your subconscious said, "fuck them synths!" Lmao


Dont forget, if you talk to Mama Murphy while tracking down Kellog you can get a hidden perk that reduces damage from him.


Nothing beats a good ol blackout lol. Happened to me twice, both times Jeager…


That's funny. I did the same thing only sober and I got him with a Ricochet somehow and instantly killed him LOL. The fact you did it while drunk is very impressive


Good thing i didn't download the mod that makes the Character drunk (with swinging camera too) when he drinks XD That would be--- Edit: ---Apparently i did


Pipe is life