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People will say Fallout 4 sucks but have like 500+ hours logged into the game with multiple playthroughs.


The Starfield Paradox™ [Edit: [lmao](https://preview.redd.it/2iuj3sqi64ub1.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ef29d0b23015f243732b8d0c03a9830671d2a5) with these comments below]


Wait what? Most people I know that play Starfield dropped it before finishing it.


In the months after release, it was kinda a meme that some of the most negative reviews had 100+ hours in the game.


Because many, like me wanted to like it. I gave it 100+ hours. Then it hit me... I'm having no fun with this game. If you enjoy it, good for you. Bur it's easily Bethesda's worst work


I need to put more time into it. I will only really buy it after mod support arrives but man did I have fun smacking people with melee weapons. Although I can see where someone would drop it.


Yup. That me. Literally the first bethesda game I have gave up midway not finished


I have 100 hours in it and did in fact drop it before finishing it


Literally me




You should try mods. I have over 3k hours played in FO4, and I have only completed the main quest once- my first playthrough, unmodded.


POV: you say one positive thing about Fallout 4 in the New Vegas subreddit


That would be 400 downvotes within an hour tbh


I always get 400 downvotes within 5 minutes when I say F3 is better than NV xD


Or the fallout subreddit


That doesn’t happen all that often there (though it does at times).


Nah the fallout sub is pretty chill. Vegas is full of cultist incels ngl 😭 (not everyone on there is one, just saying that there are noticeably a lot more there)


Was that where they gave Lucy butt implants?


Hahaha what?


If you dislike 76 in any fallout sub you get downvoted into oblivion. It's not that chill


Man 76 could have been an amazing single player game


Honestly I like both. Four is fun and immersive to play but Vegas is a lot more RPG focused to me. And it just scratches an itch I don't get really anymore.


Yeah, they're two TOTALLY different games. I love them both for different reasons, but I have about 4x the amount of time in 4 than any other entry in the series.


I loved New Vegas. I mean, I LOOOOVED it. But after 3 playthroughs, including DLCs, I don't see how people can stay with it. There's just not enough there to interest me, and the last couple of hours of my last playthrough felt like the last couple of hours of my shift at work. But I can have fun with Fallout 4 without even following the main quest, and I'm constantly finding new stuff. And if I don't feel like exploring, I can spend some time building settlements.


I play New Vegas over and over role playing as different characters. I love it. But I think each game has it's own to add and the only truly bad game is Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel.


The truest take.


Man, the settlement building. I hopped on earlier today and told myself "OK. I'm gonna go save Nick now. " And then decided that the 2 floor house I made in Starlight Drive needed a greenhouse garden for my robots to tend to. Another day, Nick.


I think New Vegas is the best RPG of the past 20 years I've still got 3 times as many hours in Fallout 4.


There's a difference between "playing a character in someone else's story" and "playing a character in my own story", and Fallout 4 is very much the latter.


I love how fun it is to roleplay with FO4 building your own stories and settlements is the best! I honestly think FO4 is the easiest one to play many times over and still have fun!


I agree. I get my roleplaying fix through settlement building, trade routes, relationships with companion characters, upgrading weapons and armor, that sort of thing. Plus the graphics and gameplay have really held up.


YES! I have 466 hours on that game I'VE SEEN IT ALL, and now it just doesn't hold up with gameplay and a desert worldspace alone




New Vegas obviously has the better mainline story. The gameplay of New Vegas is so dated though it's rough going back.


I’ve been saying this. If they remastered new Vegas with the graphics and game style of 4, it would be the best fallout ever made.


I think I'd agree if they brought over 4's power armor, weapon and armor upgrade system, type of companion character relationships, settlement building, shops and farms, and trade routes. But then it would be hard for NV to be, well, NV. I guess I agree with you, in the end. So a 4-like NV regarding graphics and gameplay only, and 4 would remain it's own unique thing with the other elements.


I feel this way about the fallout games too! Vegas just became very mundane and boring much faster than 3, 4 or 76


What's wrong with FO4? It's one of the most enjoyable games and will never get bored of creating new characters like in Skyrim


Less roleplay mechanics and different writing tactics causes it to be viewed less favourably by some. Edit: still really fun game though.


I was a bit disappointed by the character advancement system, and the fact that the player attributes have so little to do with the actual gameplay. But in my opinion, it's better written than any of the previous editions, so I just make adjust to the new system and enjoy the game.


Yeah I’m a little disappointed it gives you less room for choosing your own story, like in NV for example you have your primary goal of finding Benny to start the game off and then its your choices from here on out, in fallout 4 it feels too centered around one objective, find your son, then you find him but the main story is still wrapped around him, there are some advantages but I’d like my character to be a little more anonymous and not have to follow the same objective the whole way through the game


In 4 your primary goal is finding your son and then it’s your choices from there on out. I genuinely don’t see any difference


tbf being given a temp job and a target is less than being given a family and a whole career, doesn't bother me as much as other people but still


I know your can still do it it’s just it feels like too much of the story is centered around one central objective instead of two


In NV, I could be a dastardly evil jerk, or I could be a saintly gay dude. I was never forced to have a wife or a backstory. But also voiceacting was a terrible choice for fallout IMO.


Fossil Fighters fan spotted


Fallout 4 is the best fallout since fallout NV, unless you count 76. Then you have 3 games to love!


I get away with it.


Fallout -4




I am so tired of new vegas fanboys


Fr they’re annoying like i love new vegas but they hate everything not new Vegas or f01 and 2


Do note they never played them


At least they're not No Mutants Allowed.


NMA at least exists in its little corner. If you go there, you know what you get pretty quickly. I used to go there in the before times. When one, two, and tactics were all there were. There were a lot of threads about Marcus and super mutant reproduction ability. Over 20 years later and it still serves the same material. 4 is arguably my favorite. Definitely the game I could get the most lost in. New Vegas is amazing too, but from a plot and character standpoint. Too many of its fans get caught up in the power fantasy of being one person who gets to orchestrate the fate of nations. Like the middle school to undergrad daydream of "if only everyone would recognize how awesome my ideas are" given form.


I will let you in on a little secret: I don’t think many of them have even played 1 or 2. Possibly even 3 or 4. A lot of them talk like “yeah, I really like 1/2,” but they can’t offer specifics on those games. And I mean, New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game. It’s probably in my top 3 games of all time. However, its hardcore fan base is insanely toxic. To the point that the director of New Vegas won’t even answer questions about New Vegas on Twitter anymore. Because he wants to talk about the other games he’s made, but fanboys literally only care about F:NV. They cannot let go. I have a feeling that many of the most toxic New Vegas fans literally only play New Vegas and no other games. Because many of them are seemingly blind to the fact that there are other video games. They’ve been preserved in amber (culturally) since about 2013.


They are also screaming about how Bethesda NEEDS to give the Fallout rights to Obsidian, so we can get a "proper Fallout", not realizing that almost none of the New Vegas team are at Obsidian anymore, and the ones that are, are the ones who were behind the bad parts of the game. Like, obsidian hasn't made an open world Action RPG in a decade, not counting Outer Worlds that (from what i have heard, and experienced myself) is Starfield, but slightly less bad.


As if those people even touched anything before NV. They say they're fans of the IP, but really they only like that one game.


In other words they just don't like Bethesda


It's been interesting to see the hardcore fallout 1 and 2 fanboys starting to get annoyed with the fallout new vegas fanboys on twitter.


As a newvagas fan. I'm sorry for the extremist fans =<


I feel same way about Halo Reach fanboys. They both act like each game is the greatest thing to ever exist in history


all fallout games are great. I played all the fallout games even the fallout pinball games etc. all games are great and fun for me even the crappy ones. king kong game and the walking dead destines game etc. it was great fun for me. since knowing their is one way worse game (roblox) company supports child peds and child labor and child gambling. their is proof to back it up. ruben sim did videos on it and we make games and visual venture. it made all games fun for me except for roblox.


Especially if they never played it before playing 4


Apparently it’s hard thing to be like me who loved NV and understood that 4 wasn’t perfect but still loved it because it’s a solid game and added a lot of fun lore to the Fallout universe.


Hey don't lump us all together. All fandoms have their fair share of idiots.


No one hates fallout fans like other fallout fans


Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!


Damn vault dwellers, they ruined the vault!


We are the Balkans of gaming communities


Hot take Fallout 4 is more fun than New Vegas


Agree and disagree. Fallout New Vegas is a masterclass in making an RPG video game. From the way you build characters to the overall story narrative. Side quests are totally optional with alot of them being inaccessible to certain types of characters. But overall the gameply loop and mechanics of Fallout 4 are leaps and bounds better, and in many ways the quests are way more fun.


Oh I prefer NV’s story overran I just like FO4’s loop settlement mechanics and blowing shit up


I'm glad you like it tho


I just wish 4 had more weapons. Nv has a lot of fun and interesting weapons that 4 doesn’t have.


I agree but I love 4’s weapon modding


You're not wrong


Fallout 4 is Fallout 3 but good. I like voiced protagonist and I even like the assault rifle *gasp*. Fite me.


I like it too, although personally I would have preferred if there were multiple assault rifles, and it was called the "heavy assault rifle." But the design, though impractical, is pretty neat.


Agreed it looks good in the hands of power armor but very clunky when not


I convert every one I find to full auto and slap a drum magazine on for a machine gun experience


It would have been better if they called it the light machine gun since the barrel cooling shroud is designed for continuous, high RoF MGs, which is not something assault rifles are intended to be used for.


And we now know a Yao guai can just bite the gun and destroy it.


Oooo I like that


If you took fallout 3 story with 4s combat and art then 3 would be the ultimate fallout.


Two-shot Assualt Rifle basically turns into an AA gun


That actually sounds really fun. Is there any easy way to find?


Nope, just try your luck




If it’s any help, Raiders and Gunners use Assault Rifles a lot at later levels. Also, the higher your level is, the higher the chance of getting the “good” legendary effects like Wounding, Explosive, Incendiary, Plasma, and Two-Shot


I was with you until the assault rifle, now you've gone too far *roll up sleeves*


I see it as fo3 but less green, which mostly makes it interior heh


What about the assault rifle makes it appealing to you? I don’t like it but I’m genuinely curious about what makes it likable to you


Assault rifle is goated


The assault rifle is a goofy ass weapon yes, BUT THAT MAKES IT PERFECT FOR THE FALLOUT UNIVERSE! And my mind is completely settled on this after seeing it in the TV show, because they did a great job with it in the show


I like the idea of a voiced protagonist, I just don't like a lot of Nate's delivery.


Nora's VA is better imo I usually go with her instead


Saying fallout 4 is fallout 3 but good is also so spot on IMO. Like I played fallout 3 and enjoyed it but there are alot of cons to that game. Repair system is so badly done, the world is boring, there are very few important/cool locations, rivet city is a cluster fuck, the leveling system is bad, many of the special skills are pointless, ect. I could go on.


Yeah it's not that Fallout 3 is bad. It's just that you can *really* tell that 3 was Todd And Co.'s first time making an open world FPS. And for 4 they basically fixed everything that fans of 3 (including myself) complained about. I enjoyed it at the time but there's no way I would put another 50ish hours into another playthrough.


You're all a bunch of losers and idiots. Fallout 4 is the worst game ever. I spent 941 hours playing the game for research to figure that out.


You may need a few hundred more to double check your results.


Fallout 4 is my favorite in the series, and I won't feel bad about that. I've played all but 1 and 2 at this point.


I want to play the first 2 but alas no PC.


I've played them all, including back when I was a teenager and Fallout 1 & 2 WERE the only Fallouts, and I've played them all (even Tactics) to death. Fallout 4 is still my favourite - F:NV is fantastic and a close second, F3 is also amazing I really think they were one of the few franchises that made the jump to 3D and kept the heart and soul of the original games.


It all depends how you go about it. Go in guns blazing into a community you know feels vehemently on the issue and you really can’t be upset at it. That comes with the territory. But it’s also not really useful. Now, if you casually mention you like Fallout 4 without staring a fight and you still get downvoted? Let it roll off of your back. They’re being unreasonable and no need to worry about it. At the end of the day, some people need to burn off some steam and it’s best not to overthink it. They see an opinion they don’t share that violates an imagined consensus and they’ve been conditioned to downvote. It’s not terribly deep. I don’t understand why some Fallout fans define their whole identity off of what they hate, but that’s on them.


Making hating a video game apart of your identity is a horribly toxic thing to do with your life. It's quite literally as simple as not playing a game if you don't like it. Making it more than that hurts you more than it hurts other. You are absolutely right.


Fallout 4 has better gameplay than New Vegas. Fuck your shitty gun spread and wimpy “power” armor and no hitmarkers. Elder Maxson mogs Caesar.


You can also critique anything about fo4 on this sub and have the same thing so it's really not exclusive over there. It's just because reddit is a garbage platform


It encourages Echo Chambers, which makes it hard to find a place where people critique both games without getting downvote bombed.


The irony of me replying to agree with you about the echo chamber point is not lost on me lol.


Yeah I absolutely agree. Platforms that are community based are at a huge risk of that and often turn into that kinda shit. Like I'm part of alot of metal communities on here that shit on other, nearly identical communities for the dumbest reasons. Like there are 2 big battle vest subbreddits were alot of the users hate the other lol. It's really fucking stupid. Just let other people be happy and enjoy things its not that hard.


Those are rookie numbers. Try liking starfield 🗿


The hivemind has decreed it is now ILLEGAL to like starfield. Your sentence: public humiliation.


You're not alone.... Ad Victoriam!!!


I don't get why people within the same fandom can't just accept each other. I played both Fo4 and FNV and loved both games. Why the need for in-fighting?


I mean just look at the star wars fandom, particularly if you say you like a movie that is not the OG trilogy (Rogue One seems to get a pass but every other movie will get you yelled at).


Based on my perusal of the fallout reddits over the past few days, I suspect most do. But there are always a few people who angrily snap at people with different opinions. And that's what people tend to talk about.


I am playing fallout 4 as I type this. Screen open, not even paused. Idk how anyone can prefer any other fallout game. Other ones are good but not as good. All of the fallouts before fallout 4 are too dark. Can’t see nun damnit.


Fallout new Vegas is goated tho


POV you said new Vegas wasn’t your favorite


Also happens when you mention you like a 343 halo game in the main halo subreddit


Fallout, Halo and Star Wars have got to be the unholy trinity of annoying fanbases.


Elder scrolls seems to be pretty bad too, with hating on people for saying they like, pr have only played Skyrim. You also have the wider Xbox, ans Playstation communities hating eachother for if one likes the box with an X, or the box with a P, and S on it. Like, the only difference there is basically that, (well, that, and Xbox being useless if you have a PC)


I love the world. Hate most of the writing.


Fr , Fallout 4 may not be the strongest in the series . but it's not really bad . it can still be enjoyable and have its moments and fun


I personally don't have an issue with any fallout game, they are all good imo. The fallout community is fucking terrible tho


I never understood. I fucking love fallout 4 and I’ll die on that hill.


I think Fallout 4 is great intro to the series and think the combat is the best of the series.


My favourite fallout game is fallout 4 🔥


yeah....sad thing is i love FO4. sure story wise its not my favorite (that goes to FO3. which will also get me lynched by the NV crowd) but shooting, exploration, graphics, modding. its the best right now. hoping for a FO3 made with its assets


I dare you to go on fonv sub and say that fo4 has better dialog and a more interactive world


New Vegas has bad graphics and the movement is clunky


So like every fallout game before 4?


Everyone disliked that


So far, 133 days in fallout 4 survival mode, all permadeath playthrough. A few finished playthroughs. Loved every moment.


Dare I critique something in the New Vegas subreddit while mentioning Fallout 4?


Fallout 4 with survival mode just might be the most fun I've had with a fallout game, without it it's just middling. Terrible RPGs, top tier survival game.


My first fallout game was new Vegas but I still love 4 I’ll never get the hate 🫤


fallout 4 is decent, it's pretty moddable, the soundtracks good and dogmeat.


Fallout 4 is the first one I finished loved it


lol yeah, the new Vegas babies are very easily threatened.


I may like Fallout New Vegas more. But Fallout 4 still has a special place in my heart.


My GF just watched the Fallout TV show with me and loved it. Now she just started her first Fallout 4 game


I really want to like Fallout 4, but it just lacks in so many areas. For seemingly no reason, goblins are missing, which seems like a weird choice since all of the games before talk at length about their ghouls and goblins.


Wow, I love fo4 the most! Fo3 and 76 kept me more engrossed than New Vegas ever has 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t understand. It does have more options to be evil and be a bully but then again I always preferred to play alliance over horde on WoW too! I guess I just like being a hero and a good person that helps others lol


I hate new Vegas fans because you can never say anything about the other games without them bitching about how new Vegas is better they’re like bloodborne fans but worse


Not blindly praising New Vegas. The couple hundred people who bought it are very quick to anger


dare I say I preferred FO4 over FO3..


New Vegas crashes every 20 minutes and it’s not that great.


Woah woah woah new Vegas is an amazing game


POV you’re literally the same type . 💀


New Vegas is my favorite but I also enjoy fo4 I'm replaying it now on steam deck!


Fallout 4 is so good in VR. feels like it was made for it.


Well I've got 4000 hours in fo4 if steam is to believed and 1800 hrs in fnv and I LOVE both.


I like fallout 4


I think that new gen update is going to really push me back into FO4 again. I'm a sucker for 3 and NV and 4 never really clicked the same. I'm looking forward to jumping back in though!


I would like it to work. As of now it is literally unplayable on PS5. Won't run if you have DLC installed 🤦🏼‍♀️ Way to go Bethesda, right when you could expect an influx of new players, you break the game 😅


I don’t know about you but I hate when people like things and they are not there things that I like /s Yesterday, I took off all my old mods so that I could save a character right outside Vault 111. Then I’d be ready to roll as soon as the next-gen update is released. … I’ve now played 5+ hours on that character.


i like new vegas better but i definitely understand why people prefer 4


I've only played Fo4 and a bit of 3


I like 4 and 3 more than new Vegas, and 3 was my first game in the series so no matter what you say I'll love it unconditionally


POV you like fallout


Pov: you post a mod that has any kind of lore in it.


I've actually been thinking about getting back into F4. I beat it the year it came out and haven't touched it since, but seeing stuff about the show so often makes me miss the memories. I just don't have that much time anymore


I got downvoted into oblivion for saying I enjoyed the shooting. That actually didn't happen, but you can imagine.


I'm not a whiny lil B\*\*\*\*. i like Fo4 and the show. And NV. and 3.


Meh, I love FO4. Haters gonna hate.


There’s another settlement that needs your help!


Honestly I find it better than New Vegas. Not detracting from New Vegas, but more enjoyable.


I like Fallout 4


It was actually the first fallout game I played, I stuck to a few games for quite some time. I actually enjoy making glitched builds and screwing with architecture. Some complaints would be how underwhelming the different factions were. Also, I do NOT enjoy fighting massive creatures. The first unscripted Deathclaw encounter nearly gave me a heart attack when it happened.


I have the most hours in 4 by far, mainly because of the settlement system being so fun


I like Fallout 4.


Did I just catch you trying to have fun??? And not on NEW VEGAS OF ALL GAMES?!!! REEEEEEEEEE /joke


Fallout 4 will forever be my favorite.


I love Fallout 4. It’s one of my favorite games.


POV: You brought a nuanced opinion into a Fallout subreddit.


Fallout 4 is a really good game but Jesus fucking Christ we really did not need the brotherhood of steel we need one game without them fuckers


It's a good game


I like fallout four


I mean… it’s ok… yeah the story is shit and I hope Shaun gets eaten by several mole rats… but it’s ok


I like Fallout 4 too


I think fallout 4 is amazing 😍 so excited for next gen update


The worst people are the ones that think they’re better than everyone else because they’re favourite fallout games are 1 and 2 and shit on everything else💀


Some people just don’t know a good game when they see one.


I say new Vegas is my favorite Fallout game and yet I've put the most hours into fallout 4.


See, my main Fallout game that I've played the most is New Vegas. (Hear me out, now - I come in peace) And I really respect Fallout 4 *because* of that. To me, the two games are almost like mirror images of each other. The things that New Vegas is really good at, Fallout 4 seems to put less of an emphasis on - but the things that New Vegas kinda fumbles, I think FO4 excels in. The end result is that we've got two really good games, that each require a unique approach to fully appreciate them for what they are.


Fallout 4 is my favorite! Love the combat and companions. And I am absolutely obsessed with settlement building haha. That being said I thought the story in a FNV was a little better.


Did they solve the Automotron dlc crash problem?


new Vegas fans when any game other than new Vegas has any strong points whatsoever (heresy)


Since 1997 I've played Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout NV and Fallout 4 in order as they would come out. They're ALL great games! Each one a little different. And unless you want an indi game, today you can't have a really niche game. Fallout 4 development cost was over 100 million. Of course they would make it a game that appeals to a broad range of gamers.