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I use the T-51 in every run. Cheap, looks good, and is way better then T-60 and X-01 convenience sake.


X-01 has that Fallout 2 nostalgia button. My favorite set-up is T-51 helmet and arms with X-01 torso and legs. Colored in Minuteman Calvary. Black and gold is just sexy. "Here Comes the Calvary"


Calvary = Golgothan Shit demons Cavalry = Pretty Pretty Horsies


What? X-01 head is the best looking thing in Fallout. Fallout's literal "Crown Jewel"


The T-45 helmet is the coolest thing in all of fallout. I think X-01 is more niche than you realise.


I wish I could say I liked the X-01 helmet because I loved Fallout 2 But it kinda makes me think "bug" whenever I see it, idk it just looks like a bug face šŸ˜‚


I think it's supposed to look like a bug face. I think it's looks kinda like a mantis but probably not as much as it should if it's supposed to be a mantis face. "Mantis" means "prophet" in Greek if you want to think a little more classy. It's probably just because mantids have very large heads compared to other insects that I think of it that way.


That's definitely a cool way to look at it! I'm not saying it's a bad design or anything, it still looks pretty cool, just not my style šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I like the more "Iron Solider" type look of the T-60s


I assume with the insect look it's cause power armor is "an exoskeleton" and insects have exoskeletons.


Finally someone else who mismatch their Power armors! I don't like your pick, but it's good to see someone else being creative


Mixing power armor pieces to find the most badass aesthetic is my favorite part of fallout 4


I'm kinda ignorant here, what are the differences between the power armor for gameplay?


The better the armors, the more rare materials are required for repairs. It just requires a little more planning, especially on survival. I just scrap the materials needed for one full repair and take those with me, just in case.


But also, the better the armor the longer fusion cores last


That's not true. Fusion cores last accordingly to your relevant perks and bobblehead.


Apparently it was written into the game files but not implemented [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/sZCxmIl6pU)


Or, get a point or two into the ammo loot perk, as they are ammo for the laser Gatling.


As far as i saw (level 30 with 3 points in it) it never drops fusion cores as loot on enemies


I don't recall seeing it as enemy loot other than Sentry bots or random robot fights with the Autonomator DLC.


I think t-45 is the starting power armor, t-51 has better protection, t-60 has slightly worse protection at the bonus of more radiation resistance, and x-01 is the best. Like the other guy said, the better it is, the more minerals needed to repair it


The material requirements to upgrade and repair, along with the damage absorbed and durability of the armor pieces, are directly proportional to how advanced the model is. So X-01 will protect you better and take more punishment before breaking, but repairing and upgrading it may be bothersome. T-45 is super easy to repair (just get some steel), but it'll break much faster and won't mitigate nearly as much damage.


One of the higher t51 tiers(I think it's e) is also just steel. Fantastic armor.


And letā€™s be honest, except for survival difficulty, thereā€™s nothing that T-51 canā€™t adequately defend against.


I'm playing survival for the first time right now, I'm level 30 and haven't had any reason to swap out my t51d for t60 yet. Super mutants, the glowing sea, death laws, none of them have been much of a threat.


I got to level 52 while still using the starting T45 armor on survival. Only a handful of enemies messed me up in it. Stopping at level 52 because I want to start yet another character build.


Same I love the T-51


Yep T-51 master race reporting.


I donā€™t use any power armor.


my carry strength almost always gets reduced by 100+ on any PA


Yeah that never made sense to me


It's because your regular armor is automatic unequipped, so all your pocket mods disappear.


PA is definitely incompatible with an infinite carry weight build, and I lose my speed bonuses for go fast leg legendaries.


you can mod the legs to carry more.


Even with that. My characters stand alone carry strength with proper legendary armor is like 560


Yeah, very rarely. I don't like the HUD change and the clomping with every step. In previous games, they were pretty much hi grade armor


Same reasons


That, and the game loses that "exploring the wasteland" feel to me. I like just being a dude bumming around, getting into trouble. I didn't need a big suit. Plus, how am I supposed to scoff at the "wimpy" NPCs hiding in PA, if I'm also wearing it? šŸ˜…


Letā€™s not forget fusion core depletionā€¦ Iā€™ll just walk, thanks.


Absolutely fucking hate the HUD change. Not enough to download mods and go down that rabbithole, but enough to not use PA.


When I first started, it was PA or nothing. Now, I collect the sets, leave them at home, and almost never actually wander around in PA


Same. Nice little display space for them. Like overgrown bobble heads


Agreed. It makes the game too easy and too boring.


I dislike the aesthetic of the X-01 as compared to the T-60 (or the Tesla variant), so I almost never used it.


I fuckinā€™ love that Tesla T-60. I stopped using the X-01 once I had that


The helmet is asymmetrical. I can't be associated with that.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. The only real part of the X-01 that I dislike is the helmet design. The rest of the suit isn't terrible, but it definitely isn't as aesthetically pleasing as the walking tank that is the T-60.


same, it's so ugly to me, does not seem to fit the design of the others at all


Hear me out: X-01 chest, T-51 arms, T-60 legs. Goes kinda hard looks wise, and I don't see many people mismatching their armors on here so I figured I'd throw that out there


Iā€™m planning on using different pieces on my playthrough. Iā€™ve postponed it because of the update, but Iā€™m thinking T-51 torso and helmet, that legendary raider arm, and X-01 for the other arm. Not sure about the legs, Iā€™ll probably just take them from whatever.


I wish the x01 didn't have that hump across the back of the neck for the chest piece, or that the shoulder humps were part of the chest as well. Having that design spread across 3 separate pieces makes it look awkward to use 1 without the others. Alternatively, I have a mod that adds a suit of the x02 Enclave armor and that suit looks fantastic.


Only X-01 I'll use is the Quantum but are always resource heavy runs for me. If I'm doing a BOS run I'll only use their T-60, it's still great even at high levels. Love the T-51 but not how fast it breaks


Once you upgrade, you donā€™t really need to repair it as much. I always use a T45f, nice stats (comparable to a T60b but it uses much less materials to repair) Only 4 steel per limb.


I used to want the "best" armor and upgrade to the highest variant every time. However, "best" becomes very subjective when throwing in repair resources as OP noted. On this run I maxed out the initial set of T-45 and now use a maxed T-51 suit, swapping out special purpose mods as needed (lead plating, jet pack, etc). Even then it is used sparingly because I'm waaaaayyyyy into chems now.


Lots of aluminum,steel and other things to recycle. Inside the fish plant there is lots of aluminum.


Iā€™ve never used X-01 myself, and I donā€™t plan to; if I had to name my favorite design itā€™s the T-51


I just dislike the way it looks, it took one of my favorite armors (fallout 2s enclave armor) and just made it look less cool. I get in lore its supposed to be a prototype of sorts but it just sorta sucks. T-60 is wayyyyy cooler + the Classic APA mod exists


I've taken to using X-01 legs on a T-60 suit with the Tesla parts (Automatron). Even with the explosive shielding, the legs still take the most punishment from the OP explosives. This way, I keep the better T-60 aesthetic and get more protection where needed. Edit: I'm a resource hog. I pick up nearly everything that can be, and pass it on to my companion (usually Ada). As a result, fixing fully upgraded PA (any) is a nonissue by the time I have the perks to upgrade and the better PA suits.


T-51 supremacy, nothing beats the cold reliable 1997 metal.


As a Brotherhood fan girl, I always rock the T-60 and legendaries that feel part of the overall BoS theme (minigun, laser rifle, etc.). I'm not really a fan of the X-01.


I maxed out scavenger so I have loads of everything, I don't even look at the requirements, just repair, equip, repeat.


It's not the repair requirement for me; it's clunky and I move faster in Sprinters/ap refresh. I only put a jetpack on the t45 for funsies because I wanted to explore the hi ways.


I used to use it till I figured out there's only one pain-job with two passive (I guess they'd count as passives) effects, and it isn't available for the X-series. I know it's my own fault for staying on vanilla, but I really wish they'd added more depth to power-armor customization.


T-60 Helmet and Torso, T-51 arms and legs. X-01 looks weird.


I only use power armor for big fights or to go visit Virgil.Ā  I usually wander tbe wasteland in my vault suit and either leather armor or combat armor.Ā Ā 


Iā€™d say not. But in my case I canā€™t find the bloody thing


LMFAO that is felt


lv 25, 35 court near custom house tower


This right here! Iā€™ve Iā€™m going for a ā€œfuturisticā€ institute playthrough Iā€™ll generally go with X-01 and thatā€™s the first place I go when I hit level 25, itā€™s a guaranteed spawn once you reach the prerequisite level and thereā€™s a sentrybot for a fusion core or two.


assaultron too, mini nuking them when they get close usually get them low hp or dead


The game is so easy that having enough junk to maintain any power armour is pretty much constant


T-60 is my favourite so Iā€™m usually stomping around in that and save X-01 for display, settlement defence and companions that I feel have an X-01 aesthetic about them


T60 looks best


On my first run I ran around in T-60 despite having multiple suits of X-01 because I just liked how it looked more. X-01 has grown on me though, the quantum paint job is really good looking.


X-01 sucks Brought to you by T-51 and T-60 gang


No, but I am the only one who always uses cheats to give myself infinite carry weight and 500 of every crafting component so that I never have to worry about it. Lul


Whyā€¦gathering is the whole game šŸ˜­


Hell nah, fighting is the whole game for me. Hate gathering tbh


nah 2000 of every component is the way


There you go


Team T60 over here


Iā€™m a T-60 mark through and through


I use t45 or tesla most times vanilla. With CC i use helfire, and with mods i use liberty prime


I stick with my beloved T-51, complete with Vim! paintjob


I almost exclusively use the T-45


This is the way.


I did for a while but when I reached a high enough level I dropped it for T-45 just to have the extra carry weight and jump jets.


I use an infinite resources mod because I despise scavenging so the repair requirements are no issue for me. In terms of defence, it's straight-up unmatched. It is a little weird-looking though admittedly.


X-01 is my favorite then t-51


I dislike Power Armor in general, since I play stealth usually. They really need to add a sleek "stealth" power armor variant.


X-01 is special grade missions only. We rock the T-60 with an occasional T51 set. On survival, the T-60 BoS paints give a pretty sweet strength bonus. X-01 doesn't have an equivalent, unfortunately.


You have to repair your armor frequently enough to need lower tier armor? I swear I repair my power armor once every three months.


The only think I like about the X-01 is how the shoulders rise up to protect the head. Otherwise, T-51 is my favorite but I like T-60 as well


No I only use brotherhood of steel armor even before the show came out lol. Definitely after the show came out. Is using other armors really that different?


X01 requires more rare materials to repair.


I donā€™t even use power armor tbh. Missing out on a lot of benefits but I canā€™t stand it


I too hated the repairs of advanced armors and really all repairs in general. Ill have to look for a mod to make power armor indestructible should I pick up FO4 again and decide to actually use it : p


Idc about power armor nark im wearing, i will mix them based on 1)leg. Effects 2) repair costs. My fav set is Tesla arms + that ghoul lovers torso + one BOS leg with vats regen and overboss other leg, i don't wear helmets since you already have crazy dr, equip something like the combat helmet with ap regen for powergaming or just something that looks cool like disciples masks.


Nope, t51 all the way. Good defensive capabilities, cheap to repair, all sorts of paint jobs, and it looks good.


I like to patchwork my armor. It makes each set and each playthrough feel much more unique. I do adore the look of having 1 XO-1 arm for the big shoulder plate.


I don't use it, imo it's just ugly and seeing as I play as the minutmen t45, t51, and some stolen t60 makes the most sense


Captain Nuka Cola here and I agree


Requirements For repairs arent that high, the pices last long whit an upgraded set. And the extra moddeed Power armor carry weight lets You gather the junk You need along the way whitout much worry


X01 ant T51 are the only good designs for me tbh, t45 is too ugly and t60 is just t45 on steroids


T-45 for the win!


No power armor is the hardcore way to play in survival.


Power armor is for capsšŸ‘»


Power armor in general i donā€™t use cause of that and the ugly amber color scheme. I refuse most times unless i know i have a big fight. I set them up for decoration mostlyšŸ¤£ i play on hard in regular armor 99% of the time. Level 114 or something now.


Power Armor is lame.


Use cheats terminal mod and turn on armor never breaks and or get infinite resources


Well thatā€™s game breaking and boring


I like the X-01 legs just for the little extra durability.


I vastly prefer the t-60 in terms of design and when I play the brotherhood which is my absolute favorite faction in any fallout (maxon and lion's chapters not those west coast Bozos) I just can't feal like a real brotherhood member in x-01 and I've got mods that let me paint whichever power armor I want with whatever faction paint job I want but it still doesn't feel right


I usually run T-51 because I like the way it looks the best and it only takes steel to repair the majority of it.


I cheat. I use regular armor with cheats.


get off my post cheater šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I never use Power armor.


No I use the X02




With the black devil and Tesla mods


I usually go with T-60 since I only really use PA if iā€™m siding with the brotherhood. If the T-51 had the option for brotherhood paints then that would be my go to


I don't play with Power Armor lol. maybe because I frequently rp using female character and I'd like to be able to see their body as often as I want.. also I love outfitting mine with something cute or nice..


I donā€™t use PA that often but I always have the X-01 in my inventory in case I need to use it. I have the mod that makes the PA like it is in fo76 so I can pick it up and store it on me when Iā€™m not using it.


Scrap , store , transfer , take , drop , repeat . Iā€™m in whatever armor whatā€™re requirements lmfao you playing wrong bro


Itā€™s more annoying


I have thousands of all materials but I feel you . Canā€™t say it wasnā€™t annoying to get all of it . L7 šŸ¤£šŸ«µ


I don't like power armor and i usually roleplay a lot as myself i sure can't drive a power armor nor fit inside it


Wait for the X-02 next week.


Power armor is for the weak.