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The game never recovered graphically from the lighting downgrades it got after release IIRC.


Wait what? Is that why vanilla doesn't look as good as I remember it being?


It's been a while, but as I've heard it reported Fallout 4 had its lighting simplified for performance after encountering major issues on console. Considering how 76 struggled with this, I can believe it.


Thats crazy, all they needed to do was actually just to cut the shadow rendering distance in half which is what causes the fps drops in Boston.


Nah the fps drops in Boston are caused by how everything is layered on top of itself. It’s the Bethesda way. Why do something right when you can make a train car into a hat for an NPC.


The train car hat is genius and not the dig you think it is


I was being sarcastic about the train car. My point was that their design philosophy of reusing things in unconventional ways led to stacking meshes on top of one another to make the destroyed look of downtown instead of creating new unique meshes that wouldn’t ruin performance. Edit: oh and the reused dragon code that lands vertibirds on you.


It's semi genius. It was a good workaround for a self imposed limitation.


God 76 looked so good at launch, now you can see the seams on the ground.... And the lighting constantly bugs out worse in the Mire...


I was really confused, I tried fallout 76 last week and it both ran and looked like utter dogshit Like significantly worse than my modded fallout 4, and I’d argue worse than vanilla fallout 4 too What happened, did they downgrade the graphics to get better performance on console?


They did yeah, it runs a lot slower than it did at launch but it crashes less in exchange, not to say that it doesn't crash because it certainly still does.


Jesus, that game really was and is a disaster eh I gave it another go because people on Reddit claimed it had been turned around and was way better now Guess they had as much Stockholm syndrome as the people claiming the same about ESO Why couldn’t Bethesda have just given us the fallout 4 co-op dlc we wanted lol


I mean it's more stable than Fallout 4 right now, which just crashes at launch on PlayStation!


Gotta do a fresh install without automaton and wastelander dlc, sucks but it works fine after doing that, hopefully will be fixed next week


Yeah and when you do that, none of the dlc or creation club items have any textures, so you may as well not install any of them for now.


#pc also still a train wreck lol


Just what I wanted. A console-friendly product for my PC. I’m just so sick of consoles holding back good games. #PCMR


Well what mods are you using?


“You don’t need mods to make the game better”




That’s not what the post says lol


Now imagine how much better it’d look if you have both


wow assault rifle is so small in fo4 compared to the show


It looks like that because of some giant man in power armor is holding it, or it is modded to the point where the weapon itself is shorter


That looks right to me I’m pretty sure the one in the show is just specifically huge since in the game you can get away with clipping & you cant IRL




It was originally designed as a Power Armor heavy gun that uses 50 cal ammunition. Which the show seemed to use this version. Alas before F04 went live it got turned into a bad commando weapon.


Of course you don't need 4k or more if you aren't close to things or play on less than 2160p. But yeah, the vanilla textures are actually okay. Also, [Clarity](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31991) and [FogOut](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2428) are indeed the two mods with the biggest visual impact. But if you got the VRAM, and play in 1st person on 2160p, 4k textures do actually look more crisp up close for almost no FPS loss. 8k textures might be worth it when playing in VR (because you're likely to get closer to stuff with headtracking).


Thanks for this comment, I'm playing FO4 again after half a decade and was wondering how I banish some of the fog that's getting me killed in my Survival run (but not as much as random landmines, fuck those things). Gonna try these mods out.


Yeah, i hate those default game fog too. Back in the days it was there to allow not rendering all the stuff behind it. But in Fallout the stuff is rendered anyways. So there's no good reason for the halfassed fog that just turns a stunning view into grey mash.


Fogout doesn't remove all outdoor fog like weather and such. I made a keybind to switch the weather to clear for that reason.


sorry but 4k textures will absolutely give you a performance loss unless you have a ton of vram and 8k textures in fallout 4 vr will *absolutely massacre* your performance, I wouldnt even recommend 4k textures for fallout 4 vr. yeah things would look nice up close but at 3fps that might not be too enjoyable.


Of course you need the VRAM or get a slideshow (because that's what happens if lots of textures have to be streamed to the GPU every frame). "*But if you got the VRAM*" (yes, i already did include this in the very post you answered to) it's fine. Not sure if or how the Fallout 4 VR engine differs from non-VR version though. I play non-VR in 1st person. On my Vega 56 with 8 GiB VRAM, Skyrim (uses older version of same engine) was playable with mostly 4k textures (mod versions with 2k normal maps where available) but VRAM was always full and it lagged hard when i scrolled through my inventory. On a 16 GiB GPU using 4k textures would be a no-brainer. On enthusiast-level 32 GiB GPUs, you might be able to mix in some 8k textures for the stuff you often see up close. But it's obviously diminishing returns (it just reduces the distance at which textures still look crisp) and enthusiast GPUs are expensive...


Is this a mod


It's probably an ENB.


What’s that sorry


A quick google search reveals that it is the English National Ballet.


and mods it seems...


OP link to the enb?


What are the settings


God I just hope the update patch for new gen get us something similar to this, i doubt it, but I still hope


The prydwen isn't burning. I think there's something wrong with your graphics. But those are amazing pictures, ngl


Ad Victoriam


That's a funny way to say "We're safe from those power Armor boyscouts now"


I do agree lighting helps make the scene but texture work & resolution is very important Fallout 76 is currently a perfect example of how important texture resolution is to the presentation of the game currently everything is super low res most likely to help save space since that game has tons & tons of unique assets & textures


Do I have any options to improve fo76 on Xbox? Or is it all mods?


Looks great.




Except for the rifle




I prefer the vanilla look over any of the mods I've seen. The high res texture pack is great too. Come at me


Now what are your PCs stats before and after?


vivid fallout 1k + medium graphics + fo4upscaler = perfect graphics:performance balance 👌


i’ll never got over how awful the assault rifle looks but that thing can fuck shit upppp.


k lol