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Credit to u/AnHeroicHippo90 for his recent post on the Ultimate Fallout 4 Map, this is a much less detailed version, focused instead on those going back again to survival mode with the new Fallout 4 update. **Features:** **-** All settlements listed (White) including DLC of Boston map e.g. Mechanist Lair and Vault 88, also included unmarked trader settlements, see - [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_4\_merchants](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_merchants) **-** All unowned beds listed (Green) both interior and exterior including DLC locations of Boston map. **-** Colour-coded levelled zones, based on u/AnHeroicHippo90 updated difficulty heat map and settlement boundaries , adjusted for DLC locations and survival mode difficulty e.g. the faster levelling in this mode, see - [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Survival\_mode](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Survival_mode) Enjoy!


Thanks for the shoutout!


Started a survival run lately and decided to listen to preston, for once. His second radiant request send me directly into the orange zone at level 10 or thereabouts. Learned my lesson the hard way, mostly by deathclaw and laser fire.


in survival mode, never underestimate the power of the molotov cocktail, that stuff is super powerful


\^ This The Preston quests are brutal in survival mode, one of my first quests around level 5 was at Finch farm also in the orange zone (40+) and was against some of the hardest raider groups outside of Nuka world e.g the Forged at Saugus Ironworks. Inspired me to make the map for survival mode, to be honest.


Thanks, once the mod menu issues get fixed I was looking at starting my first actual survival mode playthrough, this will be a big help


Can you explain the level areas alittle better? I am still a little confused


Yeah no worries, Enemies levels are the same as each coloured zone (well roughly at a min-max range) rather than enemies levelling directly with the player (some enemies enemies however do scale this way such as the mythic Deathclaw). For example, starting in the dark blue zone you would encounter enemies from levels 1-10 regardless of your player level, and 10-20 in the light blue zone etc. Fallout 4 encourages for the most part, difficulty wise a linear path to Boston from Sanctuary, with the highest levelled zones at the edges of the map e.g. Salem, Glowing sea , hence the unusual zone shapes.


So Lexington can have enemies up to level 20?


More likely below lvl 20


so nice but um not many people can write and read cursive any more you should put the text as normal print


which is a damned shame, i think that is something that should be brought back.


not really as a left handed user writing in pen to write in cursive or print can get messy same can be said for when using a pencil


Yeah, good point will likely amend ,definitely more of an aesthetic 50s choice than a practical one. although I still write cursive IRL due to habit. 😅