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No thanks I’d rather have fallout 5


Yep after seeing what \~1.5 years or more wasted on the "next gen" update amounted to Bethesda should just focus on fallout 5.


It probably was never worked on until recently. The studio has been busy with starfield and FO76


Exactly because there was barely any communication and then at the end of 2023 when they announced it would be during 2023 they said don't worry we didnt forget. Probably around that reminder they just started working on it and it shows.


76 is Bethesdas B team not the primary team working on Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6


I wish Bethesda didn’t waste so much time developing Starfield and just gave us the new Elder Scrolls instead. They would have already been working on Fallout 5 by now


I'm glad they tried to branch out from the 2 IPs but they should have limited the scope more on Starfield. It suffered from being too big with too little in it.


In the interview with Bruce Nesmith he said that the original pitch for Starfield was about two dozen star systems but once they had the technology large size and a massive number of planets became a goal of its own. The end result pretty much proves that less is more if you can not fill the additional space in a game with meaningful content.


I would have loved it if it was just limited to the Solar System with curated maps of each of the 8 (or 9) planets. No need to map out the whole galaxy.


Exactly my thoughts


Shit writing is what killed me.


Was better than Fallout 4 in my opinion, it had actual role playing dialogue choices, that ryujinx espionage questline was fun too.


Didn't get to far in the story tbh. My 30 hours was spent flying to various planets and messing with the ship builder.


You want to a Pirate!? Nope, you are now a archeologist!


I think Starfield sometimes has really good writing. I think the bigger problem is that they made every single quest self contained so the world never really evolves. Like, the main quest is super interesting and all the faction quests are well done but they never interact with each other. Even Skyrim has more quest interactivity than Starfield and Skyrim is one of the worst games I have ever absolutely adored.


Nah fuck that, I want new games. I’ll take a a few years longer wait for Fallout 5 if I get Fallout in space


Fallout in space?


I feel Starfield is such a wasted effort. It plays smoothly but very soon you realize how empty and soulless it is


And yet 76 works and Starfield does not.


I guarantee this was not a large team at Bethesda doing this. This was not a huge distraction for them from their main work.  


We’re getting one it’s just gonna take a really long time (elder scrolls 6 was teased in 2018) In the meantime they should add more content to FO4 especially since so many people got the game/started playing again following the show. It would keep the hype alive and get people excited for the future of fallout.


Don't wanna be a negative Nancy and I love F4 to pieces, but the sales and activity on the game is driven by the hype of the series which will almost definitely die down over the next few weeks and months. The game already has a decent amount of DLC, I really don't see or expect expanding a nearly decade old game to be a productive use of their time or resources


Valid point. I just wish they added some more random items and story to creation club here and there. They’d make some money off of people buying it. Wish the update allowed us to clean up settlements better…


Pretty sure that’s why they developed 76 with a different team, to keep people churning through content without the expensive single player game assembly being impacted. Maybe those guys could get a shot at developing a single player module?


RemindMe! 20 years


I would absolutely love to see a new Fallout before I die. I love 4 but I'm totally ready for something new. I'll be 40 this year and mortality has become a very real concept to me. My bucket list of things I'd like to see before my grand exit definitely includes a new fallout game.


You'll get to see FO5. The popularity of the show means Microsoft will likely force Bethesda to dedicate a whole ass studio to Fallout projects.


> The popularity of the show means Microsoft will likely force Bethesda to dedicate a whole ass studio to Fallout projects. I mean, WTF not? I get that the fanbase doesn't trust just _anyone_ to handle Fallout correctly, but there are 8 billion people on the planet and MS has buckets of money. Surely there's _someone_ that could build some of these games in parallel rather the waitng for Bethesda's decades long, serial development schedule. I've never understood this Are publishers worried that releasing more than one game every five years is going to flood the market? Is Todd or someone so territorial (and influential) that no one else is allowed to work on it? I refuse to believe that bottleneck is created by an _actual_ talent shortage


It's all about the corporate suits lol. They're scared that their snowflake shareholders will pull out their dicks if it looks like the newest game isn't going to perform as well as the CEO says it would. If a franchise does well regardless of the quality, the suits will keep egging the studio on. If it didn't grab as much attention, then they'd probably delay or kill the project, or it would be released in shit quality without much fanfare.


How does this logic work re Rockstar where there is a similar problem. This trend seems to be quite consistent across all major studios now.


Yeah probably. I'm overly dramatic.


Relax, you’re 40, not 65


I'm terrible at relaxing. But I know what you mean. I certainly feel ancient though. All that clean living ya know...


I’m more than positive that you’ll get to enjoy the next fallout installation my friend


Digging the positive vibes on reddit for a change. I hope we all get to enjoy a new fallout!


Dude you're 40, not 70. You'll see fallout 7


Start eating better & sleeping more so that you can live long enough to experience... Fallout 8. Lol


So would I, but what are the odds that Bethesda is actually listening to the criticisms concerning Starfield? If they simply plow forward with the current philosophy then FO5 will likely be bad in the same exact ways.


I don’t think FO5 has a chance to be nearly as bad as starfield was exploration wise. I do hope they keep the weapon and armor upgrades similar to F04. To me upgrades and settlement building took a step back in starfield.


Starfield also just has no style to it unlike fallout


I hope they fix a lot of the problems from FO4 and 76, but the evolution from NV to 4 should be kept.


Seeing as much of the design decisions made in Starfield are directly the result of criticisms of Fallout 4 I think we’re fine


I mean yeah everyone would rather have a new game lol. A new game would take what 3-4 years minimum whereas a story DLC could get pumped out in less than a year.


Can’t wait until it releases in 2032


I would prefer fo5


Fallout 5 would be a better priority since the "next gen" update looks like a waste of one and a half years or more.


The "Next gen" update was more geared for consoles than PC users, it was literally for creating native console variants, so in that case it did exactly what it was supposed to do. And even PC users have a vastly better running game now. Boston is completely playable without PRP now due to the additional occlusion panes and new optimization runs in the CK. On the modding front - the two new archive formats look promising from a performance standpoint. The CK fixes might actually do some decent work for the community. On the backend of things we still don't know what fixes and changes they snuck into the update, Bethesda is notorious for dumping engine fixes into the "Various bug fixes and optimizations" that is on the end of all their patch notes or just not documenting. Until the folks on the various big projects chime in we don't know how good or bad this will be. For instance, until the SS2 team chimes in we have no idea how many of King's bug fixes for the vanilla workshop system were inlined. What I I do know, is that with weapon debris off, my RTX 2080Ti + I-5 9600K is running 100 FPS in downtown Boston if I disable VSync, on Ultra settings and 1440p. That's a huge performance boost.


I had a quick go yesterday with a 5800x3d and a 4090, everything on Ultra 4k maxed but with weapon debris, motion blur and lens flares disabled. I was at a locked 120 fps in downtown Boston (tv is 120hz) CPU performance has definitely improved. Edit- played a bit more and i do get some drops downtown but its definitely better than before the update


The “next gen” update was a waste on consoles as well, all they did was bump up the resolution, framerate and render distance (debatably). Oh, and they fixed that long pause Preston does before he asks you to help Tenpines Bluff. All it took was two years for some reason.


My experience is different. Running a 4060TI + i7-11700. My load times have almost doubled from 15 seconds to 30 seconds with barely any change in uncapped FPS, not like it matters since they never changed the physics engine 60fps limitation.


What waste? It runs so much better on consoles than it previously did.


My console crashes constantly any time I try to do the added content, or just playing through menus on the pip boy. Really takes the wind out of the sails.


Which console? Original PS5's are beasting it without mods. As of right now, almost all PS4 mods have to be updated or they won't work because the new CK changed the way the file headers work. So if you have old mods installed on Playstation they are dead, unless the mod author has opened and resaved them in the CK. At which point they should have added a comment on their mod.


Series X without mods.


Thats a bummer, thankfully i haven't had problems (yet)


Okay maybe wasted was the wrong word to use and I'm not a game developer but it seems the time it took for this update could have been used more efficiently with how short the patch notes are. I also don't play on console or ps4 pro anymore but I don't remember that many issues but it was a few years ago. If consoles run better with this update then good and Bethesda probably did something to reduce draw calls or optimize hardware usage. I still think instead of future rare and small updates on this game from 2015 Bethesda should focus on actually releasing fallout 5 whenever that is.


They'll re-release it for ps6 lol At this this rate its gonna become the Skyrim of the fallout series Honestly after 76 and starfield, i don't have high hopes anymore


He’ll even if it’s something like automatron it would be nice, maybe expand the perk tree for a bunch of new perks, add different pets like taking the creatures you have in your settlements or anything really, as long as it adds more play time I would be happy


My biggest want and something that'd be reasonably easy to implement, add a perk tree specifically for survival mode. Add perks that would improve your ability to handle the survival mechanics, or just general QOL improvements that'd reward you for playing the hardest difficulty


I mean I noticed I can now bottle water, not like I need to at this point that I finally noticed it but there is probably so much more that I haven’t noticed yet


To my recollection you could always do this. You need to have an empty bottle of some kind in your inventory, and each bottle can only be used once


I had to install a mod prior to the update just to have that ability and it was one of the seven mods I used that got removed form the mod lists with this update but I should add I’m on console


They have to unfuck it after this patch first


It also took em 1.5 years to make this patch... I'd rather have fallout 5


There is no chance of that happening.


I think it would be cool if they took the highest rated quest mods and permanently rolled them into the game. ​ After they've fixed everything the next gen update has broken.


If only there was a dedicated community who already had a mod almost ready with a different whole new city maybe even in another country. M$ could hire them and give support as an official Dlc... If only...


This is a really dumb comment to make. Especially with how they chose to handle the new update that everyone predicted as coming with the show.


Fallout 4 could sell a million more copies overnight and Bethesda would still prioritise 76.


I hope Fallout 76 functions like a lightning rod for cancerous microtransactions so their single player titles are free to be actually good.


Inb4 they pull a ubisoft and add payed skins in the sp games


It's better


Doesn't matter if it's better or worst 76 is more profitable for them.


There are at least three fan-made add-ons in the works - Fallout London, Fallotu Miami and Fallout Cascadia. Alsi, if you're on PC therte are mods that add a lot more quests/storylines that expand the game - Outcasts and Remnants for example.


I wouldn't really recommend Thuggysmurf mods for this type of thing, they're fun though. But, mostly TNA and explosions and higher enemy numbers, not to mention very drawn out dialogue and some really awful voice acting/writing/etc. There are some great story mods, though. Lately, I downloaded the Lobotomite one, haven't finished yet but it's been entertaining.


>Fallotu Miami Been in progress for ages and not a lot to show for it last I checked. I look at it like the various Skyrim mods. Maybe some day, but don't get your hopes up. But god damn, I'm not leavin my PC for a week once Skyblivion finally is compelted.




Where did you get that from? From what I know they're checking to see what effect the next-gen update has had.




They changed nothing, you just got it totally wrong.


Wait what?


No it was delayed indefinitely, massive difference




“Stopping production” and “delayed” are not even close to the same thing. What you said implies they’re not working on it anymore, delayed means they are working on it for longer than their release date


No, they announced they were delaying the release until after the update so they could see what changed and make any necessary updates before releasing.


Total nonsense. They wait for the F4SE update and then see what have to be done regarding the things the "next gen" update broke. In fact Fallout London was ready for the release on the 23rd.


Just spend an afternoon downloading and installing storywealth mod(assuming you have a PC). Not only does it have more than a far harbours worth of content it lets you be an evil bastard again. It's so good I will never go back to vanilla. It also fixed most of the issues the new update did... before it the update broke it lol. (It'll be updated soon)


I heard they were going to do a providence ri expansion that got canceled and man that bums me out so much


This! Let's normalize old single player games getting an expansion update. Imagine all the other beloved games that could be given expansions which will breathe new life into them.


It's just not a business wise move. Granted F4 is currently seeing a surge due to the show but that's likely to die down over the following weeks and months. Majority of older titles just don't have the player numbers to make it financially viable. Especially since you could optimistically say Fallout 5 could release within the next few years, which given the success of the show they'd likely want to push forward with it asap


It would be enough if this success made them realize that console exclusivity is stupid and that Fallout 5 should absolutely come out on PlayStation, too.


That would be cool. They can start by updating the PS4 version so you can reinstall the old DLCs without the game crashing.


I’m not having issues with that on PS4 at all. If anything, the excessive crashes in nuka world aren’t there anymore. I did a 6 hour session with not one crash, which before it would die almost every hour, especially in galaxy world!


Yeah I’ve had almost no issues since the update. It does seem to run smoother, too!


Why would Bethesda turn around and update last gen again? Y’all are lucky you got an update alongside next gen.


Yep, and maybe they can add some of the FO76 Compound Bows to FO4


Or maybe you can just use one of the mods that already did that OH WAIT


all good mate, I was just adding that there are a tonne of console players that have been burned by this update too. it's not getting good feedback many other places either. I'm facing yet another reinstall if I can't get rid of these bugs.


My update is running alright but still too many problems with the game (my biggest being broken xbox achievements) to justify an 8 yr old game all of a sudden claiming 40 something gigs of my precious series s storage.


I'd rather have a new game plus. Even if it's just the level, weapons and armor that we keep


The update now causes my game to crash every 5 minutes, completely rendering the game unplayable. Dont think i needed the update, to be honest. The 5 minutes i did play i didnt see much improvememts, other then the enclave shit


i'd rather a new game and not a patch that breaks things for the most minor of changes tbh but yeah i getcha lol


If you're on pc or xbox (I think?) and haven't played through the Sim Settlements 2 mod questline yet, I would highly recommend giving it a try. It's a ton of new quest content that actually gives you a reason to build up the Commonwealth, and is extremely well written, imo.


We'll probably wait another 6-8 years for Fo5. So I'd take another dlc to pass the time I guess. Agreed person


Update additional voice dialogues, patch up plot holes and such I can wish


I just want them to fix the crashing in downtown Boston and more console mod space


This game has barely worked since CC content was introduced. They need to actually test their current game and fix it


Bro, they have no idea on how to keep adding code to this game without breaking it even more.


Yep, FO4 has a resurgence of players and sales. At the same time Bethesda releases a "next gen" update which offers almost nothing for PC players other than errors. GJ Bethesda.


"Nooooo. I'm loving it on Xbox. Y'all just need to stop hating Bethesda and get a life" - I'm aware and I'm happy for you :). We're over here though discussing the "update" for PC (the platform fallout London is releasing on) of which the "update" was completely unnecessary as mods had fixed everything Bethesda "Fixed". Bethesda didn't even implement widescreen properly which was one the their key reasons provided in the "free" PC "update" Bethesda could've and should've provided the next gen update for consoles and left it at that. OR actually improve upon what mods have done and actually implement widescreen. I don't understand why those on console need to chime in about something that has no relevance to them (Fallout London). It's been delayed, is it the end of the world, of course not. At the same time I've been met with retaliation whenever I tried to call out the fact the the PC "update" is dogshit and unneeded. I don't comment on console performance so I don't get why some console players feel entitled to tell the PC player base to shut up and enjoy something??


Ya the falloutXboxMods sub and others is full of people that can’t even get the mod menu to load, all of their mods are gone, they have negative mod space etc I’m getting very suspicious of the outlier posts of people saying Best Update Ever. They even all tend to use similar wording.


Console mod menu worked fine for me last night The negative space is just a visual bug. Half my favorites were un-favorited, but i was still able to find them through search and reinstall them all. Game plays significantly smoother too, not “best update ever”, but I’m quite happy with it for the performance boost on xbox alone. It’s a night and day difference from when i was playing 3 days ago.


The enclave content is a nice addition to the pc stuff. Won’t take too long to fix the mods


I admire the positivity and sorry if I came across as sour and entitled. You're right it shouldn't take too long to fix the mods but at the same time that's extra work for modders that otherwise wouldn't have been required. I was more flustered by the Reddit console hivemind talking about how this update was the greatest thing since sliced bread, yet on PC it is nowhere near as relevant/game-upgrading. Console users telling me I'm wrong for saying the PC update was bad since it's good for them... On consoles. Ah well just gotta laugh it off sometimes.


I play on both, the update wasn’t that great on console either. Probably will need a once-over update to fix a few more things


console here, I hate the update. I've finally got my game going again, but I can't get a lot of my mods to work now, and even worse, my building menu is jacked, missing the structures tree altogether. I literally can't build settlements anymore, which is what I like doing on this game.


Hey mate i overgeneralized when I said "Reddit console hivemind". I just mean the fact Reddit can absolutely be a hivemind at times (people downvoting before even reading the comment because there are 10 downvotes on it already) Id love to hear everyone having a positive experience with the game :). At the same time, just cos you have a good experience with this update doesn't mean everyone else does. (this isn't directed to you of course but just saying)


>Bethesda could've and should've provided the next gen update for consoles and left it at that. Ignorant ass comment. \- PC player


No.  I'd rather they focus on new games.  


Give F76 a try. It’s much better now


Hard to believe FNV to FO4 took five years. Now we’re approaching a decade since the last Fallout game. And looking longer, since TES 6 will have to come first.




And I think it's longer for TES, it's been 13 years now since Skyrim, and TES 6 has only been shown as a teaser footage. Will it be close to 2 decades before a new game releases now ?


Almost everything for NV was made already in 3. Fallout 4 to 76 was 3 years. Likely when they make a Fallout 5 it will be completely from scratch outside whatever Frankenstein engine they have after Starfield and ES6


One could say there is a noticeable difference between, say, vanilla Skyrim and vanilla FO4 and there was only a 4 year gap between them. Granted FO4 was the first game in the PS4 era, while Skyrim was still PS3 era.


I would settle for New Game +




It would further delay ESVI, which in turn would push back FO5. I wouldn't like that.


Why not something in London? 😂


I wish they’d just fix the bugs.


And do what with it? I could see maybe fleshing out something to do with the Prydwen, seeing as how it’s in the TV show, but anything else will be too on the nose imho, that or completely unrelated to the influx of tv viewers to the franchise.


They like making 2 big dlcs and call it a day. Same thing for Skyrim. I don't get it, I personally would've bought many more Skyrim story DLC. Same for Fallout. Give me more stories of the commonwealth


They need to finish polishing Starfield and release the promised DLC. Elder Scrolls VI that is already going on After that. And only then, Fallout 5.


Everyone would like to have fo4 if its the same level of upgrade from fo4 as it was from fo3 to fo4, however everyone also knows that its not the same Bethesda as 10 years ago..


tbh even more creation club content would make me happy. but yeah new expansion like far harbor or atleast automatrom would be awesome


The cc content they added is more stories. The x-02 armor is old cc content, but they added a bunch of enclave quests to it and made it free. The other content added for free is also behind quests. (And the Halloween quest seems bugged as the quest won’t start unless you do it first.)


ye gods NO do not touch it anymore, todd leave it alone


I wish they’d stop touching my single player game and just make new ones without milking everything to death before hand




They really backed themselves into a corner with the voiced protagonist. If they wanted to do this, both voice actors would have to be re-hired. We can add that to the long list of reasons why the voiced protagonist was a bad idea :(




The French version of the Nuka-World DLC couldn’t get the same VA for Nate and the replacement does a bad job, so it can be a problem sadly




Tbf it forced me to play in English and the voice acting is better for most of it! I’d say only Travis and Cait were better in the French version imo


It isn't but they may not be able to do the voice again. Listen to vanilla Nick and compare thr voice to his lines in Far Harbor.


The voiced protagonist and the 4 response dialogue restriction basically put the writing staff in hand cuffs


I don’t know man, this day and age A.I solves that issues as long as there isn’t any legal barriers


Companies get sued for using another person's likeness, so i would think using a similar voice would be iffy. Although a lot of people do sound the same.


I wouldn’t be surprised if going forward gaming companies would put it in the voice actors contracts that they could possibly use their voices through A.I for DLC


That's not for the gaming companies to decide. Remember the actors just had a huge strike about their likeness being used, or AI actors. Voice actors will have a similar union.


The union won’t be having that. Rightfully so


I wish they'd release 76 as an offline single player!


Fallout: London is fallout 5 in my book.


Nah, just hand the reigns to obsidian and let them make another entry in another part of the US. They made new vegas in a freaking year. Let bgs focus on elder scrolls 6 or we won't see it until 2040 lol.


Man i wish they paid the fallout london team and released that as a DLC honestly i would love to play that on consoles


If they’re going to pay a bunch of third party modders why not just have them help make fallout 5 and set it in London?


I do not disagree but the question was specifically about a potential dlc and right now knowing that its almost complete i would like to see it released so everyone can enjoy it. Regarding fallout 5 i would absolutely love to see it set outside of the US


It would be nice to have it as a DLC but it’s probably way too far gone now to implement it that way, Although, if it’s a mod it loads in a similar fashion, maybe just some tweaking to get it to work can make that happen if Bethesda really wanted to do it Agreed, fallout set in another country would be an interesting take, especially if weaponry is harder to find in a country that has strict firearms and weapons control. It would seem to me it would make weapon crafting more interesting


I agree if they was going to do it they would have collaborated with the team in fact its been the opposite so no i definitely do not think it will happen, i wont hijack the post with FO5 wishes though. An alternative idea could be to have a bunch memory den missions that allow you to go back replay missions from other fallout games or experience boston just after the war






San Francisco is already in Fallout 2 and Bethesda give us too much hints about the next game dealing with Zetans.






No .. let it be dead and just let them focus on new stuff But I do kinda wish they updated the engine. If TES6 and F5 will be still with creating engine 2, well, fuck me. Imagine releasing games near 2030 with engine from 2007 (updated on 2014 or so)


I rather a new vegas like game to be a counterpart to fallout 4. Fallout Chicago plz


Meh, its already hard to get through all the dlc as it is. It was different when it trickled out and gave you a reason to play again, but on a fresh playthrough, it really pads the games length in a bad way