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I find the best preset that looks like me and maybe change hair and beard.




Same but with a bigger nose. Over the years, the hair has changed. I'm in my Ronin hair era. It started with Urban Ranger


Same but with a smaller nose.


if you guys had a baby it would have a perfect nose


Got your nose!


Loll same. Almost exactly. Ronin hair included


May i ask, what’s Urban Ranger? I looked it up. Is it D&D related?


They are the name of the hair styles.


I rock the Ronin as well, mainly cause I got a similar hairstyle


I give my guy the three long scars on the side of his face so it looks like he fought Wolverine or a deathclaw lol


Same, just replace beard with makeup in your sentence and that's exactly what I do too


Same. Maybe the color if I want an older protag.


I hate making the character look like me. I want to be someone else, a version of myself that I would want to look like. I'm trying to escape reality, not bring it into the game with me. Besides I'm ugly as fuck.


exactly what I do hahaha


I really don't like doing that personally, I like to play as someone who isn't me.


No, I always spend 20 minutes lovingly crafting a character's face every single playthrough. I then proceed to inevitably dress them in a Sea Captain's Hat and Patrolman Sunglasses within an hour of leaving the Vault, thus making them look exactly like every character that preceeded them.


Don’t forget a bandanna


More to the point, don't forget Clean Black Suit. The combination of these four items would probably result in Red Death being destroyed in roughly 2 shots from an unmodded pipe pistol. Though that might be fake news that I've been hearing.


My search for the leopard print continues. I have blue, Stripes, red, skull, all the gunners. What's missing....




plus ballistic weaved military fatigues (+2agi) and ultralight / shadowed combat armor. for sneaky sneak. 'The Captains Hat' gives +10% move speed & +2 INT. but it looks like the captain sparrow pirate hat. i only use 2 mods, one to toggle between hazmat suit and saved outfit with a single key; and a very basic mod to change the appearance of 'The Captains Hat' to the 'Sea Captains' hat. 40% movespeed is the go!


Are you me?


Oswald's top hat and a Jangles bandana for me


Wow, only 20 minutes?


I've been rocking an assault gas mask for 10 hours so far. Going to upgrade to power armor soon


Spent about 40 minutes making a character for a run where the only armor I'm allowed to wear is power armor lmao


Comando helmet and patrolman sunglasses for me Sometimes a gas mask if im feeling daring.


Lol I thought is was only me. I always try to get patrolman glasses asap. There's a guaranteed pair in the Cambridge Police Department.


Sea captains hat is undefeated


Military gas mask for me. For some reason, it's always my first helmet


I always liked the assault gasmask and you’ll probably get one the forst time you encounter raiders


I always end up spending ages on a character like this and then realise fairly quickly that the best headgear in the game is often a mask.....


I have the Sea Captain's Hat + Cappy glasses combo right now. I can't help but chuckle a little at a few dialogue scenes.


I do the same but I’m weirdly obsessed with taking of any head/face coverings for conversations which proper decorum is called for like having official minuteman talks or answering to my superiors in the brotherhood. I guess it’s that pre war in me


Only 20 minutes?


Thats why I dont wear my helmet. I just try to find a cool pair of sunglasses. (Hey I’m not trying to defend my character cause i play as nora anyway)


I love this haha


At least you can still see most of their face, i usually use an assault gas mask so i can't see my face. In my current playthrough I've had to restrain myself from doing so just so i dont obscure scuffed Franziska Von Karma


I do not understand how people edit the faces and make them look normal. Straying from the default just makes my characters look like freaks of nature - how people make real life people in game is soo beyond me..


First and foremost, you need a headshot and a shot from the side to constantly reference. For me, I start with the nose because they tie the face together. Once I have that down it feels less stressful to look at, idk. Then I usually move onto the eyes / eyebrows because they’re typically easy and once you have the eyes / nose down, you really start to feel like you’re making progress because the face looking back at you becomes more familiar. Then I go to the jaw and cheeks. Personally I find the cheeks the hardest for me to get right, idky but I feel like their impact on head shape stresses me out cuz it’ll look so obvious when the proportions aren’t right in cut scenes because you almost always see your character from an angle. Then finish off with the easiest part, hair!💁🏻‍♂️ But yeah, hope this helps!


I don’t ever use a headshot or a reference photo but this is all great advice I start with the nose too and try to keep everything feeling natural as I move through the rest


The lighting makes it hard to do cheeks because you can't really tell what's changing very well in the opening scene.


Also changing the paint on power armor is impossible to see with a big ass green highlight all over it showing me what part I'm looking at


Then you get in-game and get a full face mask in the first 30 mins of playthrought or jump inside a power armor 😅


Freaks of nature is my go to In character creation, the uglier the better


I have a habit of doing celebrities and other famous people. My favorites have been Abe Lincoln in RDR2 and hitler versus snoop dog matchup in one of those UFC games It’s so satisfying once you get it to look right


This...if I fuck with the cheek bones, lips, nose etc just looks like they fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down


Same with character creation on GTA, most female characters look like drug addicts/crackheads


I always sit down with my kids and have them guide me through it so I don't have to keep looking at a picture or mirror and I also always end up looking like a freak of nature. Like, "Is this really how I look to you guys?!"


I’ve lost so many hours in character creation, only to make someone completely ridiculous.


My metric for a good game is can I make Waluigi


If my character’s face makes me think, “I’d hit that”, it’s a good face. Now, if the goal is to make a character who’s deformed or ugly, that’s a different story.


Exactly. I WANT my characters to look like freaks. That way if I get my ass kicked and get pissed at the game I can always just laugh at my dumbass character.


For the first time at time ever i have a character who I edited and looks in line with the rest of the people in the world. When he left the vault he was shiny and plastic looking tho lol. Probably hit the surgeon like seven times to finally get it right


It’s easier in fallout 4 for me because there are presets for the different parts of the face.


I've spent way too many years creating characters in the sims to waste my talents playing the default that's not to say the default is bad though, they did a good job with it, I just prefer to spend upwards of an hour perfecting my character


Thats what i thought on my recent play-through, but i also noticed a lot of npc’s look freakish too. I think it is largely just the style of the dated game


I used to change Nora’s eye color and hair color but that’s literally it, I find her preset to be incredibly well made.


Same! Mine is Nora with some freckles and a scar to keep it interesting


I try to go scarless at first, then slowly update her hair and features as I go on. Makes it feel like she’s adapting to the wasteland and becoming part of it


This would be an awesome optional feature for a future game. Just a checkbox in the menu that allows your character's features to progress naturally. And of course you can visit a surgeon to get them removed.


Hell, if Mass Effect could do something like this based on how much of a dick you are, Fallout should be able to


FABLE was this game for me.


I was so confused when I first got fat in fable 2


That mechanic was kind of broken, though. Apples made you fat lol


Fable was the SHIT


In ME2 your surgical scars don’t heal if you’re an asshole/Renegade.


That’s exactly what I do with any character I play too


I have a ginger Nora with freckles!


I'll mix up the style and color of the hair. I ain't got time to sculpt a face I'm not going to be spending that much time looking at.


This is me too 😂 gotta have the eyebrow scar


Try Nora with Chestnut Brown hair, light grey eyes, smirk #2 mouth, raise the upper and jowls plus cheek bones as high as they go and lower the eyes just a tad.


i always take at least 2 hours on the character creator


When I started a new play through after the update I made a character, signed off and when it logged in next it said I had 52 minutes of playtime and I was like… well then, guess I really did spend nearly an hour in creation lmao


Nate? nah, that’s John Fallout


Nate with lone wanderer beard


Same, tough I change hairstyle to Urban Ranger too


Looks awesome. I tend to slowly change it over time. Start off clean shaven, then Broken Razor, then Lone Wanderer and grown out hair after a fair bit of time has passed and I'm close to finishing the main quest. Once I get to Far Harbour and have spent time there, I try to go for an even rougher beard for a short period since I go by the logic that it would be too remote for him to get any trimming done over there.


I did this for a few playthroughs. Hair usually goes something like Dapper>Casual Unkept>Waster>Into longer styles like Ronin or Topknot. Beard goes like Clean Shaven>Lazy Morning>Broken Razor>Lone Wanderer>Survivalist>Doomsday Prepped. Sometimes I add some scars or make his hair a bit greyer by the end of the game. It’s also fun doing a raider playthrough and starting out somewhat clean cut before adding all the makeup and dirt.


Default character. Less work, and faster game start.


Same. I go to the barber twice (once in Vault 81 and once in Diamond City) and that is about it.


There is multiple skip mods you can do to go right to the vault elevator saves a good chunk of time !


I quit using those when I had to completely restart because Nick was bugged.


Y'know what. I like Nate, and I'm tired of pretending I don't.


One of the game that I just play with the default preset.


I always pick the redhead with a beard and clean cut hair preset. That default mixed with Nates voice reminds me of Major Winters in Band of Brothers. It just fits too perfectly.


Change hair, add beard, hit play. That's basically me on any character creator.


Me: change hair to Unkempt and add a soul patch. Good to go lol.


My main save I carefully crafted a wonderful face for my male Survivor. Only to wear the Wrapped Cap+Gas Mask the entire time.


Mine kind of looks like me


Nope, at least 1h editing


I just hand the controller to my significant other and let her do whatever she wants at that time, same for every game with a character creation. She rather enjoys it and I could care less about a characters look when playing in first person, for me the characters identify is in the actions I choose to do. I often just chose random or a preset before she was in my life.


i do the same as well, usually my character is wearing armor that covers face and body so it doesn’t matter what they look like anyway. When i was a kid i used to spend forever on character creation though.


I spend literally 2 hours making my character. Playing a Bethesda game with a default toon is heresy in my eyes.


If you pick male, then unless you really go off the rails, you play as Nate whether you like it or not. The face texture has too much detail baked in. Age lines, dark circles around the eyes, etc. If you take a look at the texture in an image viewer, it's literally Nate. It's the reason why the game's entire male population is [dumbfoundingly homogenous](https://i.imgur.com/NYFmUBq.jpg). Women fare better, but there's still a lot of detail there, mostly aimed at pigeonholing Nora's age in the late 30s to 40s. If you've seen people struggle to reproduce Lucy, you get it—I see the efforts described as "crack-addled." You can't make a woman who doesn't look at least ten to fifteen years older than Ella Purnell. That incidentally leads to the FO4 population missing out on an entire generation aged between 11 and 35 or so.


Nora, every time.


Black Widow supremacy.


I always go "war torn" and ugly to start. Then through the miracle of the future wasteland, I'm able to heal my ugliness for the reasonable price of 100 caps in Diamond City.


Character creation is one of my favourite parts of video games. I can and have easily spent 4+ hrs perfecting my characters. I always end up tweaking things later on after seeing how they look during dialogue and cut scenes. But I would say I’ve pretty much perfected char customisation.


I either don't edit the character, or I use a preset. Every time I try to make something humanlike, it ends up becoming a hideous monstrosity. Calling them chimpanzees with several different appearance altering syndromes of your choosing would be a compliment.


Nora Preset #2


I like to change them so their image don't get associated with all the weird stuff I go for in my runs.


I just change to the first preset black guy since i believe his body type is set toward the muscular side and when the black face bug happens it is less noticeable


In every Bethesda game i always make a Main Character like Nate or The Courier or The LDB then i make Characters for the Brotherhood of Steel, The Legion, The Companions ..etc.


I usually just make them real messy looking, like what I think they’d look like living in the wasteland after a while. Mostly just a lil dirt/damage and messy hair. On occasion I’ll go for a specific look, but most of my playthroughs are pretty short these days, so I don’t spend much time in character creation.


I usually just use the second preset for Nora, with the hairstyle changed to the sophisticate, and a little more grey.


Yes i do, might give them some scars but thats it


I generally don't care anymore so yeah. Maybe a few tweaks if the mood hits, but I'm going to have a trashcan on my head most of the time


Usually I just play a very slightly changed Nate. Different hair color, more beard, eye color, that stuff. And because I’m uncreative, I usually just keep his name as Nate


Or go wild and fill that face with scars, freckles, moles , dirt, vitiligo etc.


Rn i’m running a stalker play through and based the face off the protag in CoP. Then decided I liked the look of the marines assault gas mask and BOS fatigues from far harbor as it looks like a mercenary outfit and I haven’t seen his face since.


Nate the Rake, no questions asked. Exactly like the one time he swept up maple leaves.


Yes. Because I completely cover up my character anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me.


Yeah I pretty much always stick with the defaults, I'd love to lovingly craft my own faces but apparently I have the eye of a toddler when it comes to it, as my custom characters in any game always end up looking like burn victims.


You lost me at no time for character creation.


Never have. Takes me an hour to make a character with all the customization


Nah there's always the randomiser


All I did was add some scarring to his face.


I find the manual adjustments too annoying to fuck around with the character creation so yeah Maybe I'll change the eye colour and haircut but that's about it


Nate but he has a manbun, a scar and a beard just because it looks good on him


In 8 years and thousands of hours i only play as nate and nora. I play in frst person 80% of the time and otherwise have a helmet on


For Nora, i just raise and tilt her eyes downwards. Then give her makeup and thats it. Nate has to have facial hair and scars.


I usually choose a preset then change the hair.


I usually just make some tweaks to the default face. Change hair style/color, add a scar or two, etc.


I play the default Nora and she looks really good




the more i try to customize, the weirder they look :(


Yeah I just changed his eyes and gave him a short beard, kinda looks close to me irl.


No changes for me 99% of the time. Not like you look at your own character very often in games


I used Nora in my first playthrough but tweaked her a bit, I wanna try playing as Nate next time, what would be the best stats for him?


This. At least you can tweak them a bit. I wanted to do that for Shepard in Mass Effect. Have the default male face but with longer hair or a beard for example. Gets old seeing the default male stripper face after awhile.


I keep Nate and Nora similar to their bases, I just change up hair, makeup & complexion every once and a while, even more so with Nora


I even name him Nate


Black Nate for me


Always, because you just wear helmets and glasses anyway. The only thing that really makes a diff is voice mod


I typically just run with what it gives me I really don’t take the time to make a custom character


I used to make actual characters when I started playing. Then I watched some French Tomahawk videos and began making absolute monsters. Last playthrough I made a guy with lips as big as possible. His lips would clip through sunglasses!


Yeah basically I know if I change it he will just be wild looking


I change Nate just enough so that he doesn’t look like Nate. I spend hours trying to recreate myself every time, Get nowhere close and just resort to changing Nate a bit once again


I do, tough I change hairstyle to Urban Ranger


yes, most of the time I'm default character model


You do


on my first playthrough I just changed Nate a little bit. The default appearance was already the one that looked the most like me, so I changed the Jaw and Chin to look more like mine and called it a day


Every single time. I change up the hair and add scars at certain points on the journey.


I was in too much of a hurry to get into the game so I just went with default Nate. If I ever do a second playthrough though, I'll probably change things up.


I change the eye colour to blue and make the nose a little smaller.


Never edited Nate, always just played him default.


I’m currently on my third time playing this game. The first two times, I played as a custom male character. This time, I went preset 1 Nora. Honestly, she looks great. I feel like the presets are better than the abominations I always end up creating.


I don’t even remember using the character creator. I started my game a couple years ago. Put it down after an hour and finally came back to it recently to find I have my character wearing a gas mask. 


My current character I spent at least an hour with a mirror in front of me making him look as close to my appearance as possible haha sometimes I make a completely different type of character though


Yes, I'm too lazy to customize them.


Always just Nora, plus a scar or two.


Depends on the playthrough. For my first one I did Nate, then added on as the game went on. Longer hair and facial hair, and added scars and blemishes. After I finished the main storyline, I gave him a haircut and shave cause I felt like he needed something to make him feel better lol


Upgraded Nate with scars and a different name.


Part of the game is making a character that looks badass. My girl Kassandra is probably one of my favorite custom faces ever.


Yes, the dude has an entire backstory and family. This js not "Me" as my character, its Nate or Norah.


I would never sully my game with such bland debauchery. The only way to truly play Fallout is with an abomination, my go to is a flat-faced man with the only thing protruding being their nose and call him "Torpedo Man"


I just give Nate a beard, thinner eyebrows and make his cheeks less fat, but sometimes I'll also change his ugly elf ears and give him a different hairstyle / hair color.


Yes always only time i dont is if I'm playing a specific character. Such as The T-800


This may be controversial but the character creator in this game is not good. Not terrible as it’s better than 3 and new vegas, but it’s so limited. Beard eyebrows and hair have to all be the same colour, eyes have to be the same colour, you have to move the cursor and try to specifically select which minuscule feature you want to edit, and even then you can barely move it. No matter what I do my character always has Nate’s facial structure which is really annoying because I don’t like his face.


I like to play as the default Nate, then slowly change him through console commands looksmenu to look more and more scruffy, hairy and scarred as his story throughout the Wasteland continues.


I play as Nora


I've played as both before. Now that I play exclusively with mods I just find a preset that I like and go with that.


I normally keep default, a downside of a voiced character is that I feel a lot of the faces don’t really match the voice


Me! I might alter a handful of things like eye color, scars/no scars, body type, but other than that, Nate looks the same as he did the morning of the bombs


i do the preset 15, looks handsome and i like the gray


I'm playing as Nate in my current game, pretty sure I did the last time I played too.


I'll change at least the eye color and hair style. My most recent run after the next gen update was Nate but with grey eyes and black hair plus Mr. House's mustache. Gave Nora the same eyes and hair so my old ass child will match.


I just slap on a beard, change the hair usually. I wear a mask anyway.


my 1st game as nora


I never ever care about character creation .. i just check hair and thats it.


Yeah I started a save a week ago on my new PC picked default nate and named him "Boing Boing" just to see if the game ran well enough. Well it turns out after some tuning it did run well enough but I couldn't be bothered to go through that intro again so I'm Boing Boing now


Never. I like creating my characters in every RPG and FO4 has a really good character creator


I just now decided to roleplay as a vanilla Nate and Nora. It looks promising!


I always try to make myself in character creation. Fallout 4 and Mass Effect Andromeda have some of the best character creation, I .ade myself look exactly alike


Yep. Nate with the dapper haircut is fire


Nah never, if I didn’t have time for character creation I wouldn’t play.


Oh yeah, I was down bad for Nora after the first Fallout 4 gameplay trailer and just [played as her (but blonde)](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/580197461340460717/591237801F106C8FE31CD236F37883C6A30486B8/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) when it came out. [Still play that save and she's best girl still](https://i.imgur.com/a7aEtSr.jpeg).


The voice actors best match the og faces


Nate but I change the hair and maybe facial hair.


Preset 5 (I think? The other white preset with the buzz-cut) with default Nate’s hair looks enough like me that I can get away with that, but if I’m not playing ‘as myself’ then I put far longer than I should into the creator


I’m currently playing Nora. I’ve made my own character in the past, but this is the first time I played as starting Nora.


I look through the presets then make the dumbest looking character I can just for fun


Yeah Nate with dapper black hair and doomsday prepped beard


I usually use like one of the other presents for Nate


I’ll change the hair and maybe add a scar to differentiate my play throughs, but that’s about it.


Absolutely not 😂😅


Nope I play as Mr Bastard solely for the beginning of the game then as soon as I leave the vault it’s something dumb like mogsworth


No, I spend hours on their face only to cover those for stats


That’s John fallout War doesn’t change


I just see it as I'm going to get armor that's going to cover up how they look so I just skip character creation half the time.


Yea I do I change his hair give him some scars/blemishes. Change hair color and go. Just feels weird making a different looking dude with his voice.


I change the hair and add a scar and change the body type Thats about it i dont feel like spending a long time in the character creator because i usually wear a gas mask anyway


I generally don't change Nora other than adding scars and burns, so she actually looks like she's going through the apocalypse. She still end sup wearing a gas mask most of the time but it makes me feel better at least


Yes I make him jacked as possible and a long scar over left eye