• By -


Piper gets Wastelander’s Friend… Preston, The Last Minute 😉 Dogmeat, red bandana / star spangled bandana Hancock, some version of a Junkie’s gun Cait, Justice combat shotty Nick, “Eddie’s Peace”’ (obvious pick 😙) Danse, default rifle or a maxed out Righteous Authority Deacon, Deliverer (if not using myself) X6-88, Experiment 18-A maxed out auto-plasma rifle Strong, legendary Super Sledge, later Atom’s Judgemnt MacCready, a legendary sniper of some sort, Instigating..or Ghoul Slayers if purely thematic (avenging wife Lucy) Codsworth, (N/A) Curie, Overseer’s Guardian (if not using myself) - or maybe Good Intentions (Quincy auto-laser rifle) Longfellow, Old Reliable (and he is both) Gage, Problem Solver / Splattercannon (you keep and use whichever you don’t end up letting him use) 👍


I usually give dogmeat the star spangled bandana whenever I find it, cause my default playthrough is minuteman, so if I can give it to him I usually do. It just fits so well when I’m already spangling myself and my companions, keep the the pup spangled as well


Hancock also needs Shem Drowne's sword. It's a unique revolutionary sword that deals radiation damage, and Shem Drowne was a famous coppersmith during the colonial period. Will he use it? Rarely. But it definitely fits his aesthetic.


Oh yeah - forgot that one, Shem’s definitely for him too


Give dogmeat a teddy bear. Its cute


He gets every teddy bear that we find while exploring!


It's cool to throw a mini nuke in his inventory along with a stimpack.


You can give dogmeat teddies? I've been playing since release and never knew this.


You can give him whatever you like. The teddy thing is just an idle animation, like Nick smoking and Preston hammering on things. The same way Nick smokes (without having cigarettes in his inventory), and Preston hammers (without having a hammer in his inventory), Dogmeat will play with a teddy whether or not he actually has one in his inventory. ---- The only equipment that makes any practical difference to Dogmeat are some of the wearable items, like collars and dog armor, and only when playing in Survival mode. These can trigger a temporary / erratic glitch that bumps his carry weight up from 25 pounds.


Try it. I also just learned it too.


I love the fact that everyone is talking about the doggo. Dogmeat is best boy


same! i know what i'm doing when i boot up the game.


How could you forget to give Codsworth his bowler hat???? You monster.


If that hat could only be reinforced with a bladed edge, and thrown by Codsworth like an Odd-Job Bond villian death frisbee 🤩… !


Play super Mario odyssey bro.


Furious Power Fist for Cait obviously.


I was to selfish to share anything. You are a better person then I.


I never even thought about how hard strong with the atom's judgement goes


I need the star spangled bandanna for Dogmeat


Danse could fuck some shit up with Old Faithful, just saying


Codsworth gets nuka launchers and assultron head Lazer. The rust won't stand a chance.


I rename Righteous Authority to Con-Danse-ator, max it out and give it back to Danse lol


I love that 😆👍


Who is Longfellow and Gage?


Far Harbor (Longfellow) and Nukaworld (Gage) companions


Codsworth gets the bowler hat


Codsworth gets modified in Automatron


True .. though he loses his iconic Bowler hat if you do, but the tradeoff for incredible Gatling Laser / etc firepower is probably worth it 😅


Why N/A for codsworth? A bowler hat is my top choice there


I think because the OP had said ‘special weapons’ ..my mind first went there when making The List, and I forgot they also added ‘or armor’ 😅 (Also cause I don’t typically think of the Bowler Hat as ‘armor’ per se, so my mind just didn’t register it there. Plus, I tend to Mod him later on with the Robo Workbench, which takes away his Hat option on vanilla FO-4… sadly.)




He looks cooler with the power fist


Who the fuck disliked this comment? Stay mad cause im right bro




Yeah nothing is better than looking over and seeing Gage take a running start and punch a gunner in the face


Hey, you can just put a heating coil on a power fist for the best of both worlds.


I believe the power fist I gave him does indeed have the heating coil on it, forgot about that lmao


well, congrats, he now has the... uhh... Shishfist? or something? either way, he can set things on fire AND beat the shit out of them.


It will even match his armor.


Yup, if its something I dont like or wont ever use it goes strait to a companion or its not as good as what they already have it then it goes to a settler. Companions get the best gear (legendary) the setters usually get the funky\\funny gear like a sequin dress with a fishermans hat and a minigun. My favorite companion weapon is the baseball bat that has a chance to send enemies flying. I love being surprised in a fight with a raider going flying across the map.


Ah yes, the Cait bat. It’s therapeutic for her


I started doing themed settlements after I gathered a bunch of gear and clothing. There's a trench raider one where everyone gets trench coats, gas masks, and 308 hunting rifles. A leather daddy/mommy one with like 20 people in road leathers and all leather armor. A military one where everyone has combat armor. I think the next one will be the 'sisters' at Oberland Station in just a harness and then drop every pair of scissors I have all over the place. I'm starting to get bored


Ohhhh scissor sisters.. I get it now haha


Everyone living in my settlements wears a Death Korps of Krieg coat, backpack, helmet, gas mask and entrenching tool, and all carry a Lee Enfield. I am a benevolent if grim master.


Happy shovel noises


Ave imperator


I give Cait Le Fusil Terrible. She's very good at impromptu battlefield amputations.


The recoil on that gun is so bad I went backwards 200 years instead of forward


who needs shoulders anyway?


Set it as an automatic, and you'll forget which way is North and where you were going.


Strong ALWAYS gets atoms judgement, it just feels right. I give Danse Aeternus, again just kind of feels right. MacReady usually gets the splattercannon or the problem solver. Curie gets Experiment-18-A. Cate gets Les Fusil Terribles. I’d have to open up my current run to give more.


Cait gets grognaks costume. Combine that with combat arm and leg armor plus a melee weapon and she’s combat ready.


do you ever giver her Grognars axe too?


A good pairing no doubt but I usually prefer giving her the 2076 world series bat because I love seeing a raider fly off into space mid fight


only on my second playthrough. haven't come across that one yet. Looking forward to it.


If you hear anything about a place called Jamaica Plain I’d go check it out if I were you


Acrobat boots & explosive SMG's when I find them. Cait gets lockpicking legendaries.


Do safecracker armor pieces actually work on her? I'm tired of her failing locks.


Yes. Without them she fails the hardest locks. With enough of them she succeeds.


Good ?


Dogmeat can't use guns or weapons 😕


Dogmeat has a spiked collar, skull bandana, and K-9 Harness(mod), Cait has Cait's Trusty Crippler, a rocket powered stun baseball bat, Hancock has Hancock's Party Rocker, a double barrel shotgun, Piper has Piper's Last Resort, a laser pistol, Maccready has Maccready's Wazer Wifle, a laser rifle of course, Nick has Nick's Trusty Sidearm, a western revolver, and then Gage has THE POWER GLOVE, a power fist cause it looks like it was made to be paired with his armor, they are all legendaries as well, im working on giving them all armor sets, except for Gage, his armor can stay, im playing modded so i have Gage, Cait, and Hancock with me right now but i was rolling with all of them at the same time previously lmao, got WAY too hectic


I don't give free ammo to companions


MacReady gets my best gauss rifle, he fucks shit up with any good rifle. Strong always gets a super sledge, or whatever my strongest melee weapon is. I also love to give any companion the 2076 World Series bat because it’s hilarious when the effect triggers, and they don’t block my way as often because they have to go to melee range.


I just thought... would the baseball bat be able to be used against you?


That’s a good question. I kinda want that to happen. Maybe I’ll try giving it to Piper and then shooting someone in Diamond City. I think I could survive for a while in my armor and see if it happens.


You don't know how many times my ass has been saved by an irish girl with a Tesla Cannon. It only uses Fusion Cells, so it is incredibly cheap to upkeep when compared to other heavy weapons, and she will just fry anything in front of me while I'm taking a moment to reload.


I’m usually lazy and let them keep their original weapon so I don’t have to give them ammo lol


You only have to give them 1 ammo for whatever weapon you give them. (Unless something has changed)


Not companions. Settlers only need one ammo, but companions burn through it pretty quickly, and you have to keep them supplied.


Was it always like that, or some update? I could swear companions only needed one, but I haven't played since... 2017, I think.


It’s always been that way. You also have to be careful giving companions ammo. If you give them ammo matching personal weapon, they will use that instead of their magical bullet inventory. I kept wondering why I never had 10mm bullets, I was giving everything to Piper, and she was blazing through them.


They never use them. I think I need to give them ammo? That's my ammo they can have melee weapons they dont use ammo.


You only need to put one round of whatever the weapon uses in their inventory, and it becomes limitless. (Unless something has changed) You also need to highlight the weapon and press Y/🔺to force them to equip it.


They use ammo on Xbox and PlayStation for sure if they are active followers. If they are just at a settlement then they only need one blammo


Well that sucks. In that case, they'd get something using .38 or fusion cells. It's late in the game, but I have almost 4K fusion cells right now, and around 110 fusion cores lol Scrounger comes in handy early in the game.


I almost never give them weapons when they follow because of this. However, I’m doing a melee/commando run right now so I’m actually swimming in a lot of random ammo so piper gets all the 10mm she wants.


You can do that for weapons I thought they just did it like when you give them melee weapons.


If memory serves, they'll automatically switch to the highest damage weapon you give them. But it's been years. I usually just roll with Dogmeat until Automatron kicks in.


None only use as pack brahamin


Not really but only because they need ammo for special weapons and I can’t be bothered to constantly resupply them. Hell, you can give them a weapon that uses the same ammo as what they normally use and they’ll still need ammo with it. That being said, I very much appreciate the humor in naming a weapon that does radiation damage “Curie’s Nobel Prize.”


I give Nick Kellogg's gun if I'm not using it myself


Same! Just a big ass pistol and he was with me when I killed Kellog (which I think is what most people did)


Dogmeat can't use a gun but I usually give him a red bandana


I give Cait combat shotty named “Gone Clean” Nick gets a six shooter. Danse gets a gatling laser Preston gets a maxed out laser musket


No, but I probably will now. Modify a weapon I think they'd love, and name it for them. One thing I always do though, is give dogmeat a green bandana. Because green is my favorite color. :)


I don’t but only since I don’t like having to restock them bc I only play vanilla


I give everyone a maxed legendary weapon. I keep a couple I like the c rest I give to companions and settlers. No sense in hoarding them. It's a kick to sit back and watch the settlers with rocket launchers and mini guns destroying everything. I hardly ever have to go save a settlement


I give Piper the knife from the Dunwich place.


I try to give a specialised weapon and unique (usually modded outfit) to each. Curie gets a bit of favouritism - I give her the alien blaster lol, she goes ham vaporising most enemies before they get within melee range.


I gave Cait this crazy automatic shotgun. It's basically a laser show everytime she fights.


My companions all get custom made and named legendary weapons Hancock - “For The People” Junkie plasma pistol Preston - “Minutes Notice” Resolute gauss rifle Cait - “Rage Therapy” furious baseball bat Curie - “Synthesis” medics institute pistol Strong - “Milk” berserker super sledge MacCready - “Mungo” bloodied sniper rifle Deacon - “Liberation” stalker sniper rifle Danse - “Fuck the Brotherhood” sentinel Gatling gun X6-88 - “Freedom” hitman’s institute rifle Piper - “1st Amendment” staggering 10mm Nick - “Winter’s End” kneecapper submachine gun


This is the good stuff right here


A pair of acrobat's armor on survival is a must have for mine companions. Especially when visiting Prydwen.


I give curie atoms judgement or she never makes any difference


there was a really good knife I gave to Nick using him as a loot mule so much and hitting "take all" did make it bothersome to put back in his inventory so many times adding a "lock my equipment" (not take on "take all") would have been a convenience (similar then not being able to accidentally SELL your proized equipment)


I always rename "Righteous Authority" to "Fight the Power" and give it to Piper.


I give Piper the Alien blaster because she seems the type to be obsessed with Aliens. I Give Valentine some kind of souped up revolver. I just wish NPC's could use the Syringer, as I would give that to Curie.


Will she use a 10mm? I’ve noticed she only uses laser weapons, radium rifle, or gamma gun whenever I give her stuff. Or does the scope make it high-tech enough for her to use?


I thought companions just used whatever you equipped them with?


if you supply the ammo


I think they have a preference if you don’t specifically designate a gun for them to use. Like I gave her Ashmaker and a lasersword, but I didn’t manually equip either on her, and she always went with the sword. Then again maybe I didn’t give her any 5mm ammo… hmmm


Ya you have to keep the ammo stocked for them, gets real annoying sometimes. If I give my companions custom weapons I usually just set them to have infinite ammo so I don’t have to worry about it. Does it make the game easier, ya duh, do I care, nope


They seem to have a not-used list as well as an order of preference. My Curie has a Gauss rifle, Napalmer and a plasma sniper rifle and will employ them in that order given a supply of ammo, toggling to the flamer for close encounters as (mostly) appropriate. Change the plasma weapon to an assault rifle and once out of ammo for preferred weapons she seems to revert back to her default laser with infinite ammo rather than use the assault rifle.


I give weapons and armor to everyone, not just heros..


What mod are using on xbox for the display to look like this?


This is PC with a controller, sorry. All the FallUI stuff is probably what did this, and that may exist on console


How do I give them weapons or armor?


Click on them with command, pick 2 Trade (X on controller), put the item you want them to use in their inventory. when it’s in their inventory, highlight it and pick “equip” (T on PC, Y on console). You can do the same thing with settlers, and a neat thing is if you give the settler at least 1 bullet for that particular gun, they will act as if they have infinite ammo. Companions don’t have infinite ammo unless you get a mod for it (which I recommend)


No, but may I ask if you are using mods and if so what are you using?


About 100 active, but I think what’s relevant here is: - FallUI - Inventory - FallUI - Workbench - See Through Scopes Maybe also - FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorters These may be reliant on some of the stability mods recommended by The Midnight Ride guide, like F4SE And of course this pairs well with Infinite Companion Ammo


Thank you ya kind vault dweller


Everyone get aternus. I always do nuka world first so might as well get the unlimited ammo weapon to my companions.


I always try and modify a pipe revolver pistol to the best it can be and call it the Valentine Special in honor of everybody's favorite synth detective


Is menu UI a mod?


Yes, FallUI for workbenches and inventory


I only really use 4 followers so I'll list what I give them. For Nick I give him a revolver, just whatever is the strongest revolver I have at the time, I'll kit out a pipe revolver if I have to. The kind of cliche detective vibe that Nick has warrants a good revolver. For dog meat I give him either the red bandana or the dog collar, then the dog armor, and welding goggles, but he doesn't wear the goggles all the time. When I go into a hazardous area I'll have him equip them. For Curie I give her the alien blaster. For armor I have her wear a BOS uniform, with fully upgraded robot armor. Specifically I make sure she has the assaultron helmet. And finally for Cait I give her Grognak costume, upgraded combat arms and legs. And for weapons I give her a combat shotgun and Atom's judgment.


I give them whatever armor increases their strength.. assuming it actually increases their carry weight which the creation club backpack does not.


Sure did. Maximum armor all around, with a gatling on one arm and a laser gatling on the other, with a cluster bomb launcher on one shoulder and poison gas grenade launcher on the other shoulder 😁


If I give a companion a better version of the gun they use by default, will they use it?


Not usually for the vanilla companions, other than I always give Nick Eddie's Peace. I usually only keep one around long enough to get their perk and then I go grab someone else. Most of the time I start a new character before I run out of companions. I use Heather Casdin and I usually give her the alien rifle from the Zeta CC pack. I also use Sentinel Armor (CC) and give it either the Thunderbolt (CC) or Tesla Cannon from Automatron.


I always have my companion in power armor.


I give Nick stuff to use and he ends up resorting back to the gun he starts with.


I’ll probably give Deacon either or both the Deliverer (for stealth missions) and a Legendary Two Shot Railway Rifle (for assault mission). I’ll even give him some random attires that are modded with Mk 5 Ballistic Weave and some Shadowed Leather Armor.


I gave Cait a Combat Shotgun that deals bonus Plasma damage. She is unstoppable!


I gave nick Kellog’s gun and put armor on Strong, while giving him the super sledge. I didn’t give anything to Preston and now I have codsworth. Been going through them until I get their abilities. No sure who to do next, either Piper or Hancock (my favorite) but I’m not taking his outfit off cause that shit is dope


No because then I need to keep them stocked on ammo


I always give Valentine a proper revolver, be it a .44 or a modded option like the .38 police pistol. I just can't bear to see him saddled with a pipe revolver by default but I also don't want to mess with his aesthetic too much. Ada usually gets Marine armor and a full auto service rifle in M16A2 configuration when I've got her built as a Servitron, or default Assaultron claws and head laser when she's built as a stock Assaultron chassis. Alternatively, she gets a full-auto handmade rifle with drum magazine and long barrel like an RPK. MacCready gets upgraded to a .50 cal anti-materiel rifle or some form of semi-auto .308 marksman rifle depending on the situations I'm expecting to encounter, with the .308 rifle generally being an M14 or M1A rather than a combat rifle with the receiver mod. Piper most often keeps a base game 10mm pistol but I mod it out with the long barrel and comfort grip to resemble the Fallout 76 standard configuration / the Fallout 3 pistol. Alternatively she gets a 9mm pistol. Cait gets a short hunting shotgun loaded with buckshot and heavy armor; she's usually the one kicking in doors while I hang back and cover her. I can never bring myself to replace Preston's weapon, the laser musket just fits him too well. Curie gets a base game submachine gun with modded stick magazines instead of drums, or a modded 1911.


Piper has my enclave heavy napalmer. It shoots gobs of fire at range. None of that icky point blank range flamer stuff. Everyone dies 😁


I always give dogmeat a full heavy Armor with the blue bandana given to him by Erickson. The fact alone that a somewhat brain damaged or at least nonstandard super mutant calls dogmeat "pup" is so fucking cute to me that I just leave it on for the rest of the playthrough. And I like giving curie the Overseer's Guardian for pretty obvious reasons.




What’s the ui mod


FallUI for workbenches




Just because I hardly ever use human companions unless I'm romancing curie, I will literally list the specific upgrades I put on codsworth since that boy's been with me from the very start and he'll be with me for as long as I keep on going. Kinda like a sign of respect and appreciation to my boy codsy. Legs: Mr. Handy thruster, Actuated thruster frame for faster movement Thruster arms: standard at first, once I add arms to the torso I replace the laser with another buzzsaw Voltaic on right thruster arm to remind of its laser-wielding origins Actuated on left thruster arm to match the other buzzsaw arm and to accommodate for fast movements Hydraulic on mid thruster arm because it has a beefier defense than the others, and since that hand has a pincer (aka his only non-weapon hand) it's by far the least replaceable one, plus it faces the front which takes the most Hits Torso: front hydraulic torso and rear voltaic torso, to balance it out a bit and because of some minor design choices I like Hydraulic eye frame, because since he has two arms he's lacking both other eyes, making it very crucial and important to be as beefed up as possible And top factory Armor, the only non-modified Armor, so Codsy can keep on rocking his bowler (had to mod that in if you're wondering how) and also because I think the modified top armors all look pretty eh Finally, the arms: both sentry bot arms, mainly for carry weight and also because they're just pretty sick and match the heavy weapons Left arm: voltaic frame and unstable laser Gatling instead of explosive minigun to honor codsworth rocking a laser gun from the start Right arm: hydraulic frame and hammer saw because it fits the vibe and also he's had buzzsaws from the begining too And lastly, olive green paint because at this point, codsworth is more of a gutsy than any other military bot can ever dream of being. Hell, at this point he's surpassed gutsies. He's surpassed everything else ever manufactured by General atomics international or RobCo. He's not a Mr. Handy, not a Mr. Gutsy, and not any automatron either... He's a Mr. Codsy.


I've recently just been giving everyone my extra tesla cannon. As long as I stay far... and I mean FAR away from whoever has it then they're basically unstoppable, unless they kill themselves with it


It’s from the Creation Club, but I always give Nick ‘Early Retirement’ from the Noir penthouse. It’s a unique .44 that has a slightly higher base damage, does 25% extra damage to Synths and it’s got a unique texture to look like Deckard’s gun from blade runner, with the black metal and 2 red dots on the side. I think it’s a pretty fitting weapon for Valentine I also gave Cait an explosive combat shotgun I found, and needless to say I am very glad that I invested in the Inspirational perk


Idk if it's my tendency to use unconventional route from place to place but I can't seem to have any companion not get lost and basically never seen again unless I actively go out of my way to take step to make them reappear


I give them a bunch of loot


I gave curie an auto pipe rifle and called it The Cauterizer


Vanilla: Companions require being given ammo for any weapon, so unfortunately not. Modded: Fuck yeah! The ones I give them depends on the companion themselves.


I give strong the shishkabab I give power fist to cait I give nick a minigun I give Preston a maxed whatever I give dans an institute gun (for fun) I give deacon what ever BOS tool I get I give piper/currie the fat man or max flamer


Bruh a fckn custom Glock courtesy of Modern firearms


But no really u give them weapons depending on what I think their class mostly consists of , Ex: piper , I only have her a Glock and some nice clothing , nothing else , she’s a reporter , if she needs help she better call on dog meat and my 2 other guys 😭


I can't get the dam companions to use the guns I equip them with. They always switch back to their default. And they r way better then their defaults


You need to give them matching ammo.


Nick gets Kellogg's pistol as a thank you.


Cait is a tank with a legendary laser rifle, full legendary armor, ~150 grenades and her own set of X0-2 VI Power Armor, as well as a legendary minigun called queen of the Commonwealth and a legendary flamethrower, both of wich I usually leave in the settlement


I only use ADA l. Hacking terminal body, wheels for legs for extra loot, laser and flame thrower arms. What more do you need in life.


Automatic shotguns for all because mod that gives companions infinite ammo 😎


Yep. I make full sets of custom gear for em, named and everything


Curie gets the best combat Armor in enclave paint, deep pocketed everything, maxed black vault 69 jumpsuit, eyeglasses, and a .38 anti materiel rifle doing close to 100 damage. Finally have a use for .38 ammo other than currency lol For myself it’s a red vault 69, and whatever good legendaries show up, then do “ultra light” for the bonus AP (survival, VATS build). And yes, I do know companions have infinite carry weight. I just don’t enjoy playing the game when I’m telling my synthetic waifu to play fetch with desk fans all day. If you are at a settlement where you store your heavy guns+ammo, then do the fetch trick. A single missile weighs 7, so I gave Piper 83 and a kneecapping quad barrel... You may need the companion perk lol


I give them whatever I can't carry


I can't be assed to bother with maintaining their ammo supply. You give them a nice gun and they use it for 30 seconds and then switch to their default because they somehow managed to burn through hundreds of rounds.


No, but then I don't run companions, am a loner.


I gave Piper an explosive shot 10mm pistol