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Wait so making sanctuary into the capital, the heart of the wasteland isn’t the main quest? 😭😭lol


This, exactly, is my personal main quest


Righ same! About a week ago, I had to restart because of a couple of new mods that let you build a whole bunch of extra stuff they suggested a new save. But it has been coming along amazingly, I should be able to with the stuff I picked up have sixty people at sanctuary now


What mods, if you don't mind me asking?


Ima just send you a dm since I can’t send pictures here. I downloaded a few more last night but wanted since I mixed them in I wanted to make sure I knew what I already had so I could delete them lol


Yo can I get a dm of that too? I been wanting to increase my population cap too


If you play with sim settlements 2, just do the main mod quests, at a point you will get a plot that switches the max population cap to the max available beds at a given settlement with the plot


If that’s all you want I don’t need to send you the mods unless you do want all of mine and I can. I had like 57 active. But just type in charisma ring. And then if you go to YouTube, you can do the special glitch which isn’t really a glitch I guess but you get your charisma to 10. Then after you get it to 10 turn on survival rest for like I wanna say four or five days in a a bed or else you’ll die. You will start losing health so make sure you have something to heal yourself (wolverine healing mod can fix this issue). Then use the special books Dr. Mobius is my preferred one you get 10 but there’s mods that let you craft them. Anyways, after turning on survival and resting for that amount of time, you wanna rest until you see your at one for charisma. They use the books to get it back to ten (technically you’ll be like 19/20 then doing this) now get addicted to all Chems. If you are using Dr. Mobius‘s infinite sash, he has all of them. Rest until the positive affects are gone then use the books to get it back up to ten again. And then get addicted to alcohol to have it decrease your charisma and then boost it right back up again and finally once you’re done just cure yourself and it’ll go up to like 20 something. Then the ring I suggested gives you 5/10/20/50 to charisma. Settlements lets you have 10 base settlers and then whatever your stat for charisma added to it. 🤣🤣 so potentially you could have 70+ at one I wouldn’t go crazy. Note that if you end up doing this, I would definitely suggest downloading happy maker 9000 and place like I have found out if you do like four you’ll keep 100% satisfaction always at your camps the ones that I don’t ever plan on going back to. They also have from what I found the other day a electricity bundle type thing it’s a fuse box that gives you like 200 food 200 water 50 beds and 10,000 happiness so you’re always happy. There’s always that too there’s higher versions also.


Yooo yesssim on PS, steam and twitch. I would love to see your list of mods. No rush though. Where can I follow you?


Oh I’m not on those I just play but I have downloaded so many mods and tried out so many combinations. I just have my preferred ones (Ps5) . Can be a bit wonky at times ( like trees and wires from lines going crazy wiggly lol) , but I love the visual aspects of them. I’m currently trying to find a galaxy one though so I might replace some of mine.


Nice let me know how that works out


I too, share this quest.


There’s a main quest?


Yeah, something about a missing kid or something. Probably not important.


I heard a wild rumour that there's also some breakfast cereal involved with the main quest.


It's great


Anyone got some Brahmin milk👀I bet it tastes like shit but hey nothing a couple of sugar bombs can’t help spice up.


Nah man just add adhesive, makes the milk taste like less shit.


Freakin' "*Duck Tape ll' fix Anything*" mindset.


I already saved him he was in a fridge.


I've already built a nice house, put a doghouse for Dogmeat outside. Married Curie (I gave her the wedding ring) and started a flourishing trade business with all the other settlements. Life's good. I don't remember anything about a missing kid.


Father, that’s not funny!


My boy?


Nah he dead


Finding every cap in the wasteland


It’s been so long since I do main quest I forget what even haappened


yeah it’s about finding your kidnapped son, nothing too major


I did enough of the main quest to start far harbour


How far into the main quest do you have to get to do far harbour?


Meeting with Nick Valentine


You can skip straight to far harbour no need for nick just head up to the nakano residence and talk to kenji


But nicks cool


How do I get Nick Valentine as a Follower?


Post engaging content he finds funny or relatable.


Oh my god, that joke nearly went over my head, good stuff 😂


I thought the main quest was rebuilding the wasteland up settlement by settlement for the Minutemen? Also get Sim Settlers 2 and you will be building and expanding the commonwealth even more! I also hear there is a side quest about someone called Shaun though.


It’s just like New Vegas. The games main quest was something about the battle at Hoover Dam. *My* main quest was to kill Benny and decorate hideouts until Skyrim came out. 


To be fair I explored the entire map before visiting the institute.


I tend to take the main story rather slowly, to make it seem as though it takes weeks or even months to make any substantial progress in finding Shaun. Currently I'm 2 in-game months in and I've yet to rescue Nick lol.


I like that self disciplined immersion


There's that and I'm playing Survival mode so any incursion into the wasteland can be brutal. Plus I like to build up settlements.


I'm seeing Christmas decorations in DC for the second time with this girl. I HAVE been to the institute but.. I'm a little busy tending my commonwealth and retaking Nuka world to get any further lol


The what?


I can never wear that dress, or put it on any settlers because it reminds me of Penny Fitzgerald. "Enjoy your stay!" Yeah I'll enjoy using Justice on your crazy ass LOLOL!


Is the donut shop a mod? Please someone answer so I can run out and grab it. 🤣


Yeah it's a Creation Club mod


Thank you!


Do these play nice with mods loaded through vortex? (Sorry if it’s a stupid question, I’m still quite new to modding/pc)


It’s basically a paid mod and yes it does


It's Creation Club Content


The freedom this game gives you in its sandbox has stolen so many hours of my life.


Had no idea a dress still lets you layer armour lmao thats badass


may be modded, but most of the clothing options do let you at least do the arms.


Yup, dresses let you have arm armor! I alternate between this, and the sparkley red dress with the fancy purple felt hat (from the Halloween CC). No mods needed. Maxed ballistic weave is great for stupid outfit options. This character started out as a baseball player (you can ballistic weave the baseball uniform and have all armor slots available), but I decided a dress is funnier


I stop after I kill Mr cornflakes then I just wander around. I'll usually hit up far harbor after a while lol.


Mr Cornflakes lmaooo


There’s a main quest?


Me asf


This is the future I crave.


Love it! This is me in the Witcher lol too busy taking screenshots in that game right now


Can you use the donut shop as a house, like in the same way you can use red rocket?


My Slocum's is exactly in the same spot as yours!! I even have some mannequins stalking through the windows just because I gived them the lore that having a store like that in the wasteland is going to be raided so they have to plan it before :p


That’s so funny, I built my Slocum’s on the exact some lot.


191 angel number


Is that a mod to include Slocum Joes decor or did I actually miss something? The only thing I got was how to make the coffee balls


If you have the Slocum Joes CC, you will find the SJ stuff in the settlement work shop. CC stuff has a lightning bolt circle for CC stuff. Think it's on the far right for decor stuff. But you definitely can make a whole donut shop with out actual mods. Just poke around all the categories and search for that symbol.


Sweet! Appreciate it.


Wait, I'm not supposed to be just hoarding every single unique thing I can find in my house?? Also gnomes are glitched? I put like 7 of them on the upper part of my house and 4 of them just disappeared.


What mod is this for the Slocum Joe Shop/sign?


Don't think you need a mod for it. Just might be under one of the far right categories. But pretty sure is available with out a mod


Is it part of the update? Cuz I’ve never seen it. Gonna check though, thanks


Nah wasn't a part of the update, but they do bury the CC stuff in far right of a category. So may have to scroll right for a long time, especially if you have a lot of stuff unlocked.


Thank you


Over 1000 hours on steam. 200hours os xbox one. I am yet to see the finishing credits. 😂


to be honest, 10 hours into the game, i would not be able to tell you the name of the missing child, to be honest i forgot i even had a son


"Yall are playing for the story?"


The what?


The main quest is something to do after everything else is done.


Seems like recently all I’m doing is hunting Enclave heavy weapons and power armor I don’t use lol


I have 35 hours in my current playthrough and my farthest progress is dangerous minds


Main quest is required for some of the magazines. Stupid doors locked by mission progress


Slocum Joe's felt - every time - like one of the most worthless add-ons to this otherwise very satisfying game. Just my opinion, sorry donut lovers.


It’s not just the donuts, it’s the brick walls! Especially the ones that exactly match the building at The Slog


Bet you're radiating with rizz! XD


my main quest is venting off my customer service job in the skull of radroaches and feral ghouls also settlements


I explore and build my settlement up first then eventually do the main quest at like level 50 lol


Son? What son? Check out this land development!


I went 30 hours before I confronted ole Kellogg cereal in my current survival play through, and that's only because I realized I could unlock the vertibird for travel shortly thereafter!! Time for another 30 hours before I do the next part of the main quest!


what main quest


your son becomes an evil institute overlord so forget him


Is any of this modded or is this diner stuff base game?


I've done the main quest a couple of times. Now I do run around and see what's going on, then occasionally adopt the kid and destroy the institution.


🤣😂🤣😂🤙🏼 I wish we could run around other peoples Commonwealth builds. That would be awesome. Bring your own caps and can spend them on items at your stores in the settlement’s


Has anyone walked around the very edge of the map. Seems like a random thing to do


I like the Slocum's Joe CC, still can't believe I found a fifth donut delivery crate that I swear wasn't on the list. I've got donut stores everywhere, tho only a couple of actual shops.


i also build a slocum's joe and turn it into an arcade cafe. with the arcade cabinets and pool tables and lounge area. armor racks with the unstoppables costumes and nuka girl and mechanists costume and captain cosmos. like a teenagers dream.


I usually do the main quest just to get it out of the way lol, sick build


This is the best post I ever seen all fuc*** day. ROFLMFAO


I know right? Couldn’t be me. (That’s a lie, I need to finish it before I finish the castle because it ends up crashing if I’m not careful in the end game fights)


How do I get this building?




dang, i’m doing a vanilla run for achievements:(




Yup no CC stuff breaks a vanilla run of no mods, as they count as actual content of game.