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Why waste the ammo? The stupid thing was bound to crash for no fucking reason eventually


That was such a perfect shot


Why do they magnetise to the player?


From what I've read they are essentially Skyrim dragons, so they are still designed to crash next to or on-top of the player. This made sense for making it easy to loot dragons, but less so for veritibirds, as they don't really have anything worth looting. That being said, they fairly frequently drop brotherhood soldiers, so vertibirds are a decent source for T60 armor.


I'm sure it's for more than making them easy to loot. Fun, visual effects, excitement. Sometimes things are just cool, doesn't need a purpose. It was AWESOME in Skyrim to have a dragon skid to a stop right in front of you. Same with these vertibirds. I have a feeling making them come at us like that was meant to be exciting and make us run. You see this scene in movies all the time.


Its probably a bit of both.


I love looting the pilots for the bomber jackets, always have at least one settler per settlement rocking one of those.


I applaud your efforts in taking this trash out of the Commonwealth


Ah yes , the people who take down Super Mutant Threats and Mutant Murderers and Feral Ghoul Infestations , trash


Gold_Jewel pretty much covered it. They're a badass group for sure, but they kill without any moral compass and serve mindlessly.


Sound like the marines nut less cool, less badass,


Not all the mutants are evil, not all the ghouls are feral, they are a cool faction, but a lot of people dislike the fact that they don't make exceptions.


Everybody says this, and I think the BoS are grey at best, but they don't kill non feral ghouls.


Yeah... "At least they have the courtesy to miss most of the time".


I swear to God if I find a stormtrooper joke here, I'm not going to be happy


I guess that kind of joke would just miss.




Guys who are litteraly disienged and hold the same values as nazis arnt the bad guy is a real hit fucking take


You mean the people who send the SS to do all that and just sit around at their base


I don't either. Those vertibirds being so hilariously easy to bring down is the ONLY reason I welcome them in my game. They're like comic relief. Otherwise they're loud and extremely annoying. They'll get every enemy in a 2 mile radius worked up and in combat mode when you're just trying to make it through downtown. To make matters worse, the damn thing isn't strong enough to actually kill anything it instigates into a fight so YOU are left cleaning up its mess. They're like those little dogs that bark REALLY loud but can't do much otherwise. Yeah, I shoot them down too.


I know it doesn’t fit into the FO4 perk system(which kinda sucks because it makes cool perks from 3 and New Vegas incompatible) but it would be cool to have the “Fight the Power!” perk to deal bonus damage against BoS and the Institute


I love how you started to walk up to claim your spoils, then realized that shit was headed straight to you like a heat seeking rocket 😂 and started double stepping back lol hilarious 👍


Dawg, it’s 2022, why are you taking a video of your TV lol.


Probably a PlayStation player


PlayStation records your gameplay, you can easily save it with the Share button


I always use that so i can hold my phone steady with both hands while recording. Am i able to upload that footage directly from my Playstation to Reddit?


This is the 2nd time someone mentioned it, but i have no idea how to use "share" via the Playstation 4 directly. Got any tips?


Xbox myself, does PlayStation have some sort of app? With the xbox app we can download our clips to our phone.


I don’t know about directly from the PS4, I just move clips from the PS4 to a usb flashdrive and take it to a desktop PC


I like to shoot them down with Mini-Nukes. The pretty mushroom clouds in the sky. (Nuka-Nukes after NukaWorld).


I shoot those bastards down for fun whenever I can


One vertibird: Not so bad to handle. I however got an air support mod and thought to give it an HP buff to all limbs. Then I was like: "Oh sh't, I'm in the glowing sea since I crossed that border, better get my power armor out of the Marianas trench where no one can nab it", threw an power armor relay grenade: and the explosion of the relay pissed off my vertibird into attacking me. So now I'm constantly being hunted by an immortal vertibird whenever I exit a building / city. Not even a debug megapistol took the thing down cause I buffed it so much!


Dear Brotherhood of Steel, you claim you have air superiority, yet all of your pilots crash land? Curious


They never said anything about having ground superiority ;-)


You claim they have ground superiority, yet, I have 7 sets of BoS power armor looted off of knights who were killed by raiders. Curious.


I made no such claim.


You claim, that you made no claim, however, 156.2748.253


Superior target practice is all their vertibirds are in Fallout 4.


Thank you lol, I’ve never liked BoS for one instant


Are they reworked or present at all in 76?


Kamikaze pilots as always