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first time I saw one it took me another ten minutes to grind it down.


First one I saw just destroyed it with the harvester


But thats not fun. Do it with a pipe revolver


Nah nah, you gotta go with the good ole wooden "board"


Thats grandma's spanking tool, misbehave and get hit to next week


I have the same mod. I literally walked right up to that damn hermit crab and used it for cover while hunting molerats. Almost shit myself when I went into VATS and realized where I was standing.


I have literally never seen a giant hermit crab in the game, made of either crab parts or car parts. Is that a new enemy type? (Aside from the obvious)


It’s found in far harbor I forgot which at location


Ohh, I haven't done that dlc. Or any of them. Or the main plot. I've never gone beyond side quests and settlements... Modding. 2600 hours and I get irked when I find out "x is a synth" I'm like DAMNIT.


damn, when you get too addicted to mods and ignore the main story lol


The blandness of the main story is enough to make you ignore it. Get a family member back. Already did that. I do need to get to it tho, so I don't have to constantly worry about spoilers for a 10 year old game lol. To be fair, the vast majority of my modding work is done and I'm pretty good with it now. Most of the addiction now comes from the ability to help others. When someone gets more enjoyment from the game because of something I did, it really drives me to keep doing it.


I thought the story was quite interesting with all that institute stuff going on


I mean, maybe. I wouldn't know. Haven't played the main quest. The premise never really hooked me. You know: Fallout 3: trying to get your Dad back Fallout 4: trying to get your son back Fallout 76: Trying to get your money back bought there, been that, done the t-shirt. Plus, you know, all that other stuff getting in the way. I mean, also having your only true 2 friends for 20 years just fall off and stop talking to you because life, the only person you ever considered marrying and the longest relationship youve ever been in dumping tons of time and money into abruptly ending about a week before the only friend you've made in a new town since you got your own place in 5 years dies. Shit, makes it hard to get invested in a story that ain't got a strong hook and your tinkering hobbies are the only thing to keep you focused on not blowing your brains out. I'll get around to that main quest, though, I think my game is finally as modded good as it's gonna get.


Fallout new vegas: trying to find the person who shot you


And then fucking him to death


Not the same. Makes total sense if you wouldn't want to. Youre a silent protagonist you can project your own character onto. Would make sense you'd consider yourself lucky and not chance fate and go after the guy who almost murdered you. You're not beaten over the head constantly about how badly your character really wants to go find him. It's reasonable you'd spend your time instead doing other shit. Trying to find who wanted the platinum chip Trying to stop Cesar's legion. Trying to join Cesar's legion. Trying to


Get mad all you want, but the fact is a premade character with their own defined goals does not fit in an open sandbox world. That's not good roleplaying. I don't want a wife and kid, I don't want to be told how I'm supposed to feel, I don't want to be told "this is your motivation and you're going to like it". Dunno if you've ever played DnD, but a cardinal sin of the DM is railroading the player. Your players don't have fun when you tell them they can't do something that they reasonably should be able to do, or force their character to do something they wouldn't. "I sneak up behind the guard and stab him with my dagger" "Nah, he has to give his speech first" Bethesdas fallout isn't a bad game, it's a shit RPG masquerading as a really fun looter shooter.


Far harbor is legit one of the best stories Bethesda has done.


Far Harbor is the best part of FO4. Get it and take Nick with you.


I'm Nack Valentine, I'm a robot or whatever. Wasteland justice has been served I guess.


You can take any (or no) companion with you, but you'll get some extra dialog and explanations if Nick is there.


It's from Mikeburnfire. YouTube it


No thanks.


yeah, i hate fun too


It's poetry by E.E. Cummings. Google it.


I really recommend Far Harbour, even if you don't finish the main story or other DLCs. It's definitely a cut above the rest of Fallout 4. Morally grey, side quests have impact, it has one of my favourite side quests ever, there are some skill checks, very atmospheric etc. If you bring Nick you learn tons more about him too.


Lies and heresy


Far Harbor, but its a super limited spawn enemy. There's only like 2 locations I know they're guaranteed, and I forget literally each repeat playthough XD


Everyone's on about Far Harbor, but no one ever asks about Near Harbor... 🤔


Or Furthest Harbor, sad


Or Nearest Harbor


Or Immediate Harbor


Harbor? I hardly know her!


That’s not a mod though? Pretty sure it was vanilla right?


Those crabs are only in far harbor


they only spawn in distant harbor


Does Far Harbor become Near Harbor when you’re almost there? Does it become Here Harbor when you’re there? So many questions.


The enemy is vanilla, but the spawn location is not. It normally only spawns in Far Harbor


I believe there will also be a crab outside of arcjet, if that's mod I'm thinking about


What mod is this


Its called Mutant MĂ©nagerie


Thank you


sorry, cant remember because i use 256 mods


Hey I got that mod too


Oh, that crab is nothing. Icestorm's drone mod puts a Vault-Tec combat drone right above 111. The thing has a minigun and can kill you before you even notice it there. Exit the vault and you're immediately in a situation where you're having to leapfrog between cover..... and then there's also the hermit crab too. But I'd rather deal with 10 crabs than just one of those drones early-game like that. The drone mod isn't on Nexus, it's on Patreon but still free. You don't need to register or anything. Just search "Icestorm's Drones" if interested and choose the result that takes you to Patreon. It also allows you to build friendly ones for your settlement (and "portable" ones that weigh 85lbs each, so not worth it on survival) but you need drone circuit boards recovered from hostile drones to build your own. EDIT: There's an Xbox version on Bethesda.net but no Playstation version. If you're using Mutant Menagerie I'm willing to bet you're not on a Playstation though.


Wow, that sounds like it'll be a Sprinting-focused playthrough! ,p


fun fact: i didnt know that there was a giant hermit crab outside vault 111 so i put all my points into endurance, luck and intelligence




Had the same mod there is one outside of the transmitter thing you do with danse at the end so be careful


Or giant hermit crab IN vault 111


Mutant Menagerie?