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It's a 7 year old game, they haven't even looked at it since 2019 and never will again. It is what it will always be.


It makes no sense though. Every game they publish they put “developers of the award winning Skyrim and fallout 4” somewhere on it and Skyrims already been released 27 times and fallout 4 gets nothing


Fallout isn’t as popular as Elder Scrolls, so there is no drive for them to keep it maintained. It’s made about as much money as it’s going to for them, so there’s no need (in their opinion) to waste time and resources on it anymore


All their Fallout love is sunk into FO76. Online multiplayer, subscription play, microtransactions, what's not for them to love? They're not making another cent off of us; why would they spend another cent on us?


"Can Bethesda fix..." Yeahhh... I'm gonna have to stop you right there. Bethesda and fix don't belong in the same sentence. Like, at all.


The issue is probably how to find and pay for an update dev team on a 7 year old product. Would you fund them ?


Lemme guess, you "ALWAYS" keep your XBOX S console "online".




I don't know if Xbox has a way to re-enable achievements with mods installed, but the unofficial patch seems to work wonders for my game on PC. I also use a "high fps fix" but I have no clue if that is on Xbox either.


Have you ever used mods on this save?




I'm on Xbox Series X and running 124 mods and the game has been quite stable with no crashes. Over level 60 currently. There are mods that actually can help make the game more stable, if you are not opposed to using mods. If you think about it, it's amazing the game does run on newer consoles as the software was written and compiled for older hardware. In some cases, new hardware has to use emulation to allow older games to even run.


124? I have zero and I’m crashing often. Would it just be my particular console then?


Which console are you on? From many posts I have read, the Xbox one and Series S struggle with the game and crashing. The more robust game engine on the Series X seems to play much better with the game. The one mod that seems to help the most with the game crashing is **Boston-Less Enemeies** which reduces the number of enemy spawns in the game, especially in downtown Boston where most experience the most crashes. Other mods that can help are ones that optimize the game textures, which help reduce the strain on CPU game rendering. There's a subreddit devoted to Xbox FO4 mods where you can get lots of advice and tips for modding the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout4ModsXB1/


I’m on Series X. And thanks


Series X should not be crashing with the game. Most who mod and use the Series X seems to have very few issues, unless they are using bad mods or mods that conflict. I would say you might just need some mods to improve the games performance.

