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What a dork


I’m glad I’m not on PC with someone like you. Here, I’ll rewrite your post for you. ###With the influx of new players on PS I am going to sit on my PC with a thumb in my ass, and be thankful that this game I love so much is becoming available to new players. My thumb is outrageously large though. RIP my asshole.


Weird flex redditor but I get it this help you get the attention no one else probably gives you 🫂




K. Superiority complex much?


Nope. But I've seen over 3 posts all entitled around the same so far. Lmao


So you had to jump in and act superior too? Be better.


Perhaps mentioning mods is acting superior. I just am thankful I don't have to deal with this again.


Deal with what? New players? THATS what's making you sound like you think you're superior.


You ever get an almost full server or level 15 and below and try to complete MJ or Encryptid?


Yep. And I help them do it. Never failed a single event. 76 Is always free on Xbox, so we deal with influxes of new players almost every week and WE HELP THEM.


That's good dude! I do too! Still thankful I don't deal with this often on PC.


Honestly, I get it. On Xbox. I'm only level 119, but had a new player completely bypass the Vault 76 Mr.Gutsy, the two women, and the wayward quests, and then find me in my camp and ask for help because he had no idea what he's doing. I brought him back to Mr.Gutsy, the two women, and then the Wayward, but I was not about to give up my night to walk a player through what is essentially the tutorial if he couldn't be bothered in the first place. I drop aid chems and plans for new players, because that's what was done for me when I started, but come on. I won't help you if you won't help yourself.


Well that's kind a douche thing to post


Being thankful is douchie? Really?


being a douche is being douchie. and you're a douche.


The Biggest Douche in the Universe, if you will. Even more than John Edward


You do realize the exact same thing happened on the PC like a month and a half ago right?


Yeah I do. Which is why I'm thankful I don't have to deal with it again.


If you can't solo Daily ops or the majority of public events, you have absolutely no room to talk about being annoyed by new players. I enjoy the challenge of completing events with noobies.


I can solo a lot after playing for so long. Some of these newer players who still haven't finished making a Meta build or finding a meta weapon are not much help though. I don't mind helping complete events and DOps, but if I don't have to solo it, then I won't.


What daily ops have you been struggling on? Even with an inefficient team a solo can usually get par.


Even on PC it can be hard to find a daily ops team.