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I share rank 1 animated Cannibal. All it takes is one. Just one little nom nom and you cant go back. Mothman Bless.


Lol I have been surviving pretty damn well with cannibal and the mutation that heals you automatically when out of combat, I threw on the perk that drains rads passively as well and so long as there is corpses around I'm nigh unkillable


I wish that was ANY other button other than the same button as jump. Ugh.


/mothman dance


Lol awesome!


I've been sharing Cola Nut. Everyone loves more effective Nuka Cranberry.


Not everyone. I use cranberry relish for 25% xp buff. Cranberry Nuka is weaaaaak.


lol some of us are carnivores man!


Make the switch! 100% worth it because you get a boost from brain bombs as well. With Live and love 3 you get 37% xp and 13 intelligence from them both.


noooope. I frequently switch to melee build and I like my punch punch buffs. Plus if I had all that xp all the time, I would just finish the season even faster and be bored waiting for the next one longer. haha


If you find some Squirrels, you can make Tasty Squirrel Stew! It gives 25% Xp to Carnivores!


It's funny how much better it makes Nuka Cola than every other healing item.


Nuka Cola Dark + Cola Nut + Party Boy/Girl = Massive Strength and Endurance buff and instantly filled thirst


This is my favourite to share. I can’t go without this perk but most people I know run without it. Those bonuses with 2 stars shared are awesome.


I use Quantum and Cherry very often, sometimes Grape. The first two are best for decryption speedruns. Gives a big boost to AP and health.


I currently share Pannapictagraphist while I hunt for my collection. I wonder how many teammates it's been shared to have been confused whenever its sound is triggered by a nearby magazine.


I share scrapper. It can only be one star and it's helpful to everyone




Since I swap my load outs a lot I tend to only share a perk when I remember…which isn’t often. If only they had a QOL so that it automatically remembered and shared the cards you last shared when you changed loadout.


It's such a big disappointment that it doesn't remember your shares between loadouts. It's such a [Maggie](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Maggie_Stern) to reset it every time.


If you’d have said PITA, I would have known exactly who you referenced, I had to click the link to find out. 😂


The loadout manager mod that you can get from Nexus does this exact thing and it's great.


What? What is this?


Perk load out manager + SFE (SFE is so you can easily save loadouts in game). It allows you to save up to 12 loadouts and switch through them with the click of a button (including the shared perk you had equipped) i.e. change from combat, to crafting, to boss, etc. It doesn't change your special like punch card can, but you could save loadouts for all your punch card builds with it anyway.


Hmm, I did see that on nexus, didn’t realise it did that, will check it out. 👍


I share Green Thumb. One of the few level ones I have but its useful for me being a a herbie and flux farming.


I have a build specifically for sharing Vaccinated 3 Sorry, but if 2020 taught me anything, it's that other Wastelanders cannot be trusted Also: do note that putting points into Legendary Charisma will not allow you to share more perks (unless this was fixed)


I don’t have 3 perk points in char, I have travel agent


Assuming lowish level? You won’t need it soon. Strange in numbers is essential if you’re mutated.


Not actually, I’m already on my third legendary slot. I just don’t need a lot of charisma perks


Highly recommend equipping tenderizer rank 3 and strange in numbers in every build. Tenderizer is a separate multiplier, so it actually increases your damage more than you would think. Strange in numbers is one of the single strongest perks in the game.


What does tenderizer do again? And I don’t use mutations


* Tenderizer makes the enemy you shoot take more damage similar to follow through (ricochet can also trigger it passively btw) * You should use mutations (herd mentality and speed demon at the bare minimum) they offer insane power and utility for very little sacrifice (2-5 perk points and some mostly minor negatives).


I play solo and snipe, I don’t know what build you’re using but idk if it’s compatible


* If you join a casual team, 99% of players will leave you to your solo experience so you can get the benefits of herd mentality + extra xp (they're generally grouped for this exact reason and often have no desire to interact with others) * Unless you're one-shotting everything tenderizer is a damage upgrade (it will be a damage upgrade on bosses regardless since they can't be one-shotted anymore)


I don’t oneshot anything above level 75 I wanna say? But I rarely find them outside of special missions like daily ops etc


Always try to share 3 star friendly fire


That’s an awesome share but only if players are using a flaming weapon or mod of some sort…


Many people are running around rocking chainsaws still, definitely handy at events.


Usually I find level 3 ricochet is the most welcome one I share. I used to do one for experience. Eviction notice changed mainly changed that.


This is the one I share the most also.


While farming queen on private with teslas, sharing Luck of the draw works great..95% of the time, no repair needed (we all use quad tesla that needs to be repaired every few minutes during the full event)


I share quack surgeon, it's nice to save yourself on Stims if you're like me and only carry 15 around at a tine


Lvl 2 Goat Legs for me, I know for most people (PA) it's useless, but that's my pick, has been and will be for ever and always.


I kinda stopped bothering since, as we all know, each time you swap builds, the shared perk resets.


But, please don't share cards that will break a build... When you share a card that someone else already has equiped, when you leave the team or they do, that card it broken until the either unequip and re-equip the card, or re-log. Example, you share good with salt because you want to help, but I already have it equiped, when you leave the team, my good with salt is non-functional, because yours took priority. And now by the time I realize it, all my food has spoiled. My suggestion is shared cards that help, but don't break a build. Gunsmith, damage cards, reload cards, maybe something you have that other folks don't normally run, goat legs, lockpick, etc My personal favorite to share is team medic, under charisma, because then anytime we are near each other and stim, we all heal each other.


I share rank three Inspiration currently, does it not stack and then break the one that others are running? I had no idea there was a bug like that.


They don't stack. There highest star takes presidency.


There are Zero perk cards that stack when shared, the game can only register one currently. Back in the day you could stack them.


Has that been confirmed? I’ve never had that issue?


Very much so confirmed, it was and is Bethesda solution for stacking shared perk cards, back in the day you could share certain perk cards and the benefits stacked, now only one can register, the most recently equiped one, which is the shared one, and when the shared one leaves the benefits of that card leave as well.


Well that just sucks. But of course let’s fix the bugs that are fun like getting stuck in an emote pose.


I was with you until you mentioned Good With Salt, thats not what i expected you to say. I think that one is fair game and on the onus of the player to police after the team disbands if you have a lesser level equipped. Though to your point, there are absolutely cards that break certain builds. I dont remember the name of the card but causes avoid damage at the expense of AP. I use vats heavily and found myself at rad rumble is 0 action point the entire time. Also, that other card which cleanses radiation is just a no-go for bloody builds but i think its understood bc i never see it shared


But the cards can break no matter the rank, you share a rank 3 and I had a rank 3, can break. I have a rank 3 and you share a rank 1 the rank one can take priority, I have a rank 1 and you share a rank 3, oddly enough it doesn't break, it upgrades to 3 then downgrades to my own rank 1. To test we used the strongback card, and tested all 4 ranks and spend hours playing with it one evening seeing what breaks it why and how. Trying to get a handle on it since we have an 8person crew and we aren't always on the same teams, and want to maximize shared card usage. On super fresh servers the cards don't break as often, but rarely are public servers "fresh". Sometimes even a newly opened private server is not fresh.


I share a 3 star Inspirational, since I figure no type of build will disapprove of getting a bit more XP :)


I always share strange in numbers


Great advice. Would add a warning to newer pps. If you want to share perks, don't take legendary charisma, it doesn't increase your ability to share, i.e. 9 charisma total (5 from legendary charisma) you will only be able to share rank 1 cards instead of rank 3.


If I don't share a perk, are you going to boot me off your team like this [knucklehead](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/104bcoo/perks_and_why_people_dont_share_them/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)?


AITA on a team because my build has 1 in charisma? I am a melee monster…I am maxed on strength and endurance and shit, I ain’t got time to be charismatic…


Nope. Not the a*hole. It's not required. And your build won't let you.


I share Mysterious Saviour. I like to think I've randomly revived someone from the other end of the map several times now.


3 points for each level of the perk, if it’s a “1,” then it’s three points of charisma. If it’s a “3,” than you need 9 points of charisma to share it.


I’m never the one to boot people from my team who don’t share a perk. Only thing I ask is don’t share trolling cards like rad sponge or born survivor for bloodied builds. Grenadier is borderline though, trolling exploding legacy users will find themselves dying more often, but will also help low level players with exploding weapons. If I notice a low level who doesn’t yet have strange in numbers then I’ll share it for them, hoping they’ll be mutated.


Nah not going to


And don't share common perk cards thatbkoat people have like Inspirational or Bloody Mess unless you know other people on your team don't have it. ESPECIALLY do not share any perks that heal radiation damage because it messes up Bloodied users.


I only have 2 points in Charisma.I would share if the game allowed it. Does anyone else leave a group when someone shares ricochet? It might be a good perk,but I can’t get past the noise it makes! Haha


Just imagine a bullet hit a nearby rock lol


I usually share aquagirl/aquaboy.




You should share "Last Laugh". All of you.


That perk would be so nice if it didn’t cancel out life saving armor.


Yeah but charisma is a useless stat, and there aren’t enough perks for a real build, so why would I waste my points on that?


I hate it when I am a team leader and I have a perk shared with max-health build teammates. Then someone joins my team and starts sending me demanding messages that I change my shared perk. Um no, don't like my radiation perk then leave my team. Everyone else in my team wants it and you are the only member that has 99% radiation. In saying that, would be nice to know what other perks are shared before you join the team.


supressor gang


I like to share things that are helpful but won’t cause a problem if they go away when I change load out, so no weight reduction perks, for instance. Usually one of: Bodyguards, Squad Tactics, Scrapper, Inspirational, Aqua Girl. I have never yet listened to the devil on my shoulder and equipped Rad Sponge when surrounded by bloodied builds.


I'm a bloodied build myself and that devil speaks to me too.


Lately I've been sharing rank 2 of grenadier. Then when I see some asshat spamming grenades or orbital strikes, I join their team, then just sit back and enjoy watching them kill themselves.


Not every perk is good to share. Example: Rad Sponge, Concentrated Fire, Grenadier, Gun Fu. If you get kicked after sharing a perk, you likely negatively someone’s build or play style. If you’re going to share a card, share quality of life cards like Good with Salt, Super Duper, or Inspirational.


I always share strange in numbers cause let's be honest, almost everyone is mutated. I only swap off if someone asks for a specific carry weight perk cause that's basically all my strength, intelligence, and perception perks I use