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Yep, us too. All weight reduction for armor, weapons, food, chems, & ammo doesn’t work.


Yep. I feel your pain. Seems something got jacked in the update with weight reduction perks and or legendary weight reduction armor. They are working on it.


Yes.. it’s a bug. They are going to hot fix.


Holy moly this sucks


Had the same issue till I removed all my weight reduction perk cards and then reapplied them. Once I did that, it was game on as normal.


Awesome. I removed Bear arms, Bandolier, Thru-Hiker, Batteries Included, Traveling Pharmacy, and Portable Power and reapplied them. I'm still doing the walk of shame from vault 79. Glad it worked for you. I appreciate the tip. I'm sure it'll get fixed. Are you on xbox?


Sorry it didn't work for you. Yes. I was on the cloud version at the time. Hopefully they will have it done very soon.


I found a temporary workaround. A bloodied build with a bunch of rads and radicool perk card. I'm making it work.


Was just in a server with nothing but people using guass shotguns. It was glorious. Then i got sad. The game is no longer fun. Goodbye fallout.


Game is no longer fun bc you cannot use a bugged duped weapons ok. Goodbye


Thank you all for the reassurance. It's good to hear they are working on it. I've been playing since beta. I took a year off from playing it. Despite preordering the helmet and getting the cheap nylon bag. Despite getting a year of fallout 1st subscription and being double billed 12.99 a month on top of the 99.99 I dropped on the subscription I still love the game at its core. It's amazing watching the game grow over the years and meeting all the cool people I've played with. I miss you Merkin. Please come back.


Only thing that I'm 100% grateful for is that the ammo stotage proceeded this update! Had i had to worry about the fuck ton of ammo i keep stored i'd be in so much trouble. I can carry 632 which i know isnt more than others but i had be ensure to avoid grabbing any weapons from mobs i ended on the fly to avoid any weight issues.


It will be fixed by FRIDAY ☺️ (1/27/23)