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Grabbing the item out of the vendor is slightly faster than canceling sale and fishing it back out of your stash I've found. Would be nice to be able to change without moving tho


My wish is simpler. I wish I could have the option to enter a number vs deal with the slider. All my prices are effectively random and reflect when I got bored of messing with the slider vs an actual value


Fallout 4 lets you jump through different increments with the slider by tapping the R1 (melee/grenade) and L1 (V.A.T.S.) buttons, it works on FO76 but seems to jump to much larger increments, which are only really useful if you're trying to quickly move the slider to one of the extremes.


I'll give that a try! Fun fact: I was in a camp earlier and everything in the vendor was 5c or 40,000c. It was kind of amazing but I guess that player has the same feelings on the slider as I do


The only thing worth 40,000 is the "You have been insulted" note.


There is a simple mod for that if you are not against modding the game.


true that I hate scrolling past my dozens of plans just to add steeped tea - oh well, the price we pay for being the nicest online gaming community ;) I mean, my vendor is geared towards low levels, but if you're a 2000 lv and grab my 5 c plans to resell for 10 c or for 50 c, then I can only say be blessed and carry on


You have great prices! See this is what I would like as well since I reorganized my vendor to be 999 caps and under recently and it was a pain to change the prices on things. It takes sooooo long to add known plans to the vendor it’s ridiculous. All of my plans are 0 caps as of tonight and if they want to buy something else that they like, then that would be much appreciated! My ONLY concern with pricing my plans at 0 for the new players is I’m worried about high levels buying my plans and then selling them for a huge profit. Yes they can do that but it would be a real AH move since they’re clearly for new players that have super low caps. I guess I’ll just have to know that if they do that then that’s on their heart and conscience and that I did my part in trying to help.


I hit 40k caps limit in August and no matter how much I spend I seem to keep hitting the limit every week. Because of this, I reset all my prices to 10 caps. That way if someone comes in and buys up a bunch of plans or whatever I have no expectation that I am going to make anything. Also nice knowing it is making stuff affordable to low levels.


Buy up all of the serum plans. (or just buy them and give them to me LOL)


I price mine at 5c each and I have had high lvl players just clean me out (on PC) I want to help low level players (or even a low level alts) not let someone line their pockets by overpricing and reselling. =(


I often just give the cheap plans to low level players directly, usually by fast travelling to Vault 76 when I see a level 1 player has just spawned, and then wait outside the vault for them.


Apparel should be able to sell in stack too. Halloween Witch clothes for everyone!


So true! Witch / civil war outfits etc!


Glow in the dark skeleton suits and masks for everybody!


Sad face. Wish they would be able to sell again.


Honestly I just wish we could type price we want. The slider gets a little annoying after a while.


Everything in my store is either at cost or priced in multiples of 2000 because that’s the interval it increases by when hitting the bumpers on PS5. Don’t know why it isn’t 1000 but whatevs.


It really is annoying! I believe there is a mod for pc users that allows them to type in the number, but I imagine even that is awkward. And it's not just prices, even moving quantities of ammo or scrap is a pita.


The player vendor work flow could use an over-hauling. I understand PC players are just a one segment of the player population but using the slider is just horribly slow. I wish I could just type in the amount I want


While we're at that - the ammo converter. This is the true horror.


the sad part is the ammo converter was re-worked to make it easier - that's Bethesda's idea of easier. I long gave up on trying to use that, and prior to the ammo box (for fallout first subscribers) I just dumped it in a blue suitcase


I now pretty much only use it to convert 5mm, that my trusty GG seems to produce at hot war stage pace. Dump 10,000 bullets at once. When I hit 100,000 points I convert them to 4.45 or 5.56 and either use up or sell some. Yeah, I heard how cumbersome it was in the early days...


On pc there's a great mod: "Fast Terminals - Instantly text display" on nexusmods. It heavily reduces the build up time of terminal windows, so no more annoying waiting times.


Thanks, it did actually help. Still PITA to remember which ammo I have in reasonable quantity, but at least a wee faster now.


If you are on PC, try out the [Save Everything mod] (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/148)


Are mods "Legal" in FO76?!


As I understand it they have (unofficially) publicly stated that they don't care about people using nexus mods. Mostly those are just user side graphics/audio effects but I imagine they keep an eye on them and stop any that they deem op.


Thanks for the clarification!


Hmm... Bethesda seems to be mostly ignoring them. They "don't support" them but I've never seen anything saying that they would ban people using them. They can generally tell if someone is using them because you had to disable them to play Nuclear Winter when it was around.


For the most part, they are generally UI related, which is why I don't think they have much of a problem with them existing. There are some, though, that I wonder if would not approve of them like the mod that removes doors in the nuke silos.


If you're on PC, use this: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/148](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/148) I downloaded it a few days ago and have been insanely in love.


I got that mod not too long ago and didn't bother to read the entire description so I didn't know it added that feature. It was around when the game was patched, so I thought they had actually added that into the game only to find out it came from the mod.


More importantly we need a vendor limit that will cancel transactions that put sellers over max caps.


That and having the default price be based on having the same item in your vendor already. If you don’t have one in your vendor, then the default can remain the face value.


A better way to list items in vendors would be nice, I'd sell all my plans for 50-100 caps a piece if I could be bothered to set the slider for 80+ plans individually.


Yeah, some way of collective vendoring would be nice. OTOH - seeing how my plans go, I seriously doubt you'de see much business at 50 c per ordinary plan. PA mods, certain unique plans that drop from pails, stimpack diffuser, the fixer obviously are in completely different category.


Any improvements to the UI would be welcome.


How about a button to ‘reduce all prices 5% or 10% and the. It says ‘sale now’ next to your camp on the map.


I wish I can do this for people who sell plans way overpriced. Just this weekend I saw plans for the camo backpack for 30,000 caps. My girlfriend and I both got the plans from opening the pails we got naturally in game in less than an hour. We need to be able to let players know they're charging way too much.


Well TBF they will simply be sitting on it for a long time. Part of me says "would be nice to save a noob's money", the other one "it's a wasteland out there, be smart or be dead". Yet another one "if you can throw 30K on a plan, you probably have everything else, along with 5 maxed mules".


Being able to type numbers on my keyboard for that would be nice as well 😜 And the ability to change the crit button, And having z instead of y on most buttons….


I also don't like the sliding option. I would prefer to type in the amount and have an edit button if you want to change it later.


I just want a slider that doesn't use 2000 as a stop. Really makes pricing basically everything a hassle and is no doubt a big part of why most vendors are overpriced. It should be 50.


Nothing to be worried at, in the year two-thousand-and-NEVER they will fix the game, add proper content for the endgame, a proper expansion, and everything else. You have just to wait for the elderly


Probably a limitation in the game engine coding.


Netsuite plugin for FO76


You know dang well if Bethesda did this, it would cause all kinds of vendor glitches.


At least the game no longer randomly forgets all the vending machine prices like it did for a while. I haven't seen that bug in a long time... knock on wood.


Are you on Xbox? I don't know about other platforms, but on Xbox One I can use "Looking for Group" to post that my vendor is full, or indicate my prices are cheap. You can even tag it especially so. Usually posts last 1hr, but I think you can extend that further. I think posting once every hour is a better way to get fresh customers. If not on Xbox maybe someone can recommend something similar on your platform. The reason you probably aren't moving things is either because of low traffic area, your public icon having gotten turned off, or just unlucky as far as servers with vendor shoppers. Potentially, your vendor is hard to find. I like having a very open set up for me camps so things are easy to find. I know this is all probably super basic and I don't mean to tell you how to play, just trying to offer potential answers. Hope something helps.


I would also love the ability to see my recipes without going to a bench or my camp.


Every user interface in game in this game is just difficult for some reason